Chapter 122 Gaining an Assistant

"What the hell are you yelling? You scared me."

A reporter standing not far from Liu Zecheng muttered secretly.

With one kick, Liu Zecheng was knocked down.

At the same time, reporters one after another came to their senses, swarmed over him in an instant, picked up the microphone and threw it into Zhao Fei's face.

Questions came out one after another like a barrage of firecrackers.

"Zhao Fei, how did you escape from the avalanche?"

"Zhao Fei, for what reason did you choose to save Galza despite risking your life? Is there something special between you two..."

"Zhao Fei, can you tell me how you feel now?"

"Zhao Fei, along the way..."

"Zhao Fei..."

"Everyone, everyone." Uncle Tenzin saw Zhao Fei's tiredness, and immediately stood in front of Zhao Fei, saying: "Zhao Fei is very tired now, he needs to rest.

There is also Garza, he needs to be sent to the hospital immediately, and everyone is asked to get out of the way. "

Seeing this, a group of Sherpas immediately stepped forward, pushed aside the reporters, and helped Zhao Fei find a way to the RV.

On the way, Zhao Fei held Mai Mai's hand.

The familiar warmth made Zhao Maimai's sorrow disappear, and a flower-like smile appeared on her pretty face.

Zhao Fei and the two got into the RV, and Galza was also carried up. They needed to be sent to the hospital immediately.

Because Garza not only suffered a broken leg, but also suffered varying degrees of frostbite in various parts of his body.

Even though he had given him a bottle of healthy spring water before, Zhao Fei was still a little worried.

So at this moment, they didn't bother to rest and drove directly to the nearby Tashi Zong Town in the RV.

Even so, the reporters at the base camp still didn't want to let Zhao Fei go.

The news of Zhao Fei's death was already big news before, but now Zhao Fei has returned safely, and even Yu Galza has been rescued.

In comparison, this is even more shocking.

How could they not seize this opportunity? It would be best if they could interview Zhao Fei for a few words and get first-hand information.

Publish the first words Zhao Fei said after coming down from Mount Everest.

So reporters one after another immediately drove to follow. At the same time, they also took down the previous news about Zhao Fei's death and instead announced that Zhao Fei had returned safely.

For a time, the entire network was in an uproar.

Who dares to believe that Zhao Fei was caught in a crevasse and avalanche, and finally returned safely.

This is undoubtedly a miracle.

It also made Zhao Fei's name once again resound across the country.

Countless netizens congratulated and celebrated.

"Congratulations, congratulations... Although I don't know this Zhao Fei, his behavior of risking his life to save others is still worthy of recognition. I'm a fan, I'm a fan."

"However, the education is not high. At this moment, I just want to say one thing, Zhao Feiniu B."

"This anchor is so powerful. You can get down from Mount Everest with a person on your back. I am willing to call you the strongest man in the world."

Not just netizens on the Internet, when Zhao Fei appeared in the live broadcast room.

The nearly [-] million people in the live broadcast room were applauding and welcoming as if they were celebrating the New Year.

The gift brush flew up.

One barrage after another flew across the middle of the screen.

"Miracle, the anchor has created another miracle."

"Yes, this is Zhao Fei in our eyes, this is the omnipotent Zhao Fei, he is back, and he is carrying Garza on his back.

Like a hero who has defeated the enemy and returned to camp, returning in triumph. "

"I knew, I knew this bitch was fine, hahaha..."

“I had already shed all my tears just now, but when I saw the familiar face of the anchor, I burst into tears again. Thank you God, thank you to Mount Everest.

Thank you for returning my Zhao Fei. "

Looking at the familiar barrage in the live broadcast room, Zhao Fei was also very happy at this moment.

The level of thrill this time was no less than the last sandstorm.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei took a look at the remaining fan points while taking a shower.

[Remaining fan value: 58002564 (+1, +1, +1)]

[No. 29354836 Bond Card Zhao Maimai Fan Value: 1 (+1, +1, +[-])]

Zhao Fei clearly remembers that after climbing Mount Everest, his remaining fan value was more than 200 million.

Zhao Maimai's is more than 600 million.

At that time, he was still thinking that if he couldn't raise 5000 million after the live broadcast, he would donate all the gift money from this month's live broadcast to the Qinghai-Tibet Tourism Agency.

He even sold two more houses and added [-] million to build a school in Qinghai-Tibet.

Wait... Anyway, it's equivalent to spending money to buy fan points and increase the fan points to 5000 million.

But of course it’s no longer needed now.

In just two days, his fan base increased by 600 million. This growth rate is no worse than when he climbed Mount Everest.

Even more so.

It can be seen that his behavior of risking his life to save others has undoubtedly been recognized by most netizens.

And finally came back safely.

It can be said that everyone is happy.

Of course, the additional 600 million fans also include the 300 million contributed by Mai Mai Fetters.

In this way, all the fan values ​​​​of Zhao Fei at this moment were gathered together.

Fifty-six million.

Haha... Zhao Fei couldn't help laughing.

This time the acting skill book is stable.

Even before purchasing the acting skill book, he can participate in eight advanced draws.

It would be even better if you were lucky enough to get an acting skills book directly.

Of course, 800 million can only be drawn eight times, so Zhao Fei felt that the chances were slim.

After all, when I drew skill books in the past, it was only through hundreds of intermediate draws, hundreds of times.

Even high-level lottery cards have a higher chance of yielding good things.However, the 5000 million acting skill book is already the top skill book in the exchange mall.

But there is no rush now.

Send Garza to the hospital first, since the fan value can't escape even there.

Tashi Zong Town is located not far from the foot of Mount Everest.

It's less than an hour's drive away.

After arriving at the hospital.

The doctor checked Garza's fractured leg and found that it was not serious and was even showing signs of healing, which made him feel amazing.

Even the frostbite on Garza's body only looked miserable on the surface.

But it's actually not very harmful.

You can be discharged from the hospital after a few days of rest.

This is naturally the effect of healthy spring water.

Zhao Fei naturally didn't say much, and only explained that he knew a little bit about Chinese medicine. When he rescued Garza, he gave him a sip of special Chinese medicine soup.

But the doctor obviously still didn't believe it.

However, at this moment Galza spoke: "It's true, I still remember that I was about to fall asleep in a daze, and then I heard Brother Afei's voice.

Then I felt something sweet in my mouth.

Thank you, Brother Afei.

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to come back. "

After hearing this, the doctor couldn't ask any more questions, so he could only give up.

This made Zhao Fei breathe a sigh of relief.

Decide to try not to let others use what you count down in the future.

Otherwise it would be too easy to arouse people's suspicion, and he didn't want to be dragged away to be sliced ​​and studied.

Garza was rescued and his parents were alarmed.

At this moment, when I heard the doctor in the hospital saying that Galzha was fine, I knelt down to thank Zhao Fei on the spot: "Zhao, Mr. Zhao, thank you.

If it weren't for you, this baby of mine would..."

"Uncle, this is what I should do. Please get up quickly. I can't bear it."

Zhao Fei couldn't bear it and helped the two elders up.

But obviously the two elders still feel that they owe Zhao Fei a lot.

In their simple outlook on life, every drop of kindness will be repaid by springs, let alone life-saving grace.

So Galza's father walked to the hospital bed and said seriously with a straight face: "Gaerza, from now on Mr. Zhao will be your benefactor, and you will follow him wherever he goes.

By his side, I will be a porter for the rest of my life.

Although your grandma and I are old, we don’t need your care. "

"Abba, I...I!"

Garza really wanted to follow Zhao Fei, not only because he was grateful for the life-saving grace, but also because he saw the shadow of his former brother in Zhao Fei.

Once upon a time, Garza's brother would often carry him on his back to climb trees in the mountains.

But then his brother was gone.

Therefore, Garza truly regards Zhao Fei as a relative.

And he also wanted to taste the 'Chinese medicine soup' again. It was sweeter and tasted better than any soup he had ever tasted.

But he was a little worried, afraid that Zhao Fei would not agree.

After all, he and Zhao Fei are still people from two different worlds.

At the same time, Zhao Fei was stunned when he heard this. He felt that it was completely unnecessary. He was not someone who wanted to repay a favor.

But before he could refuse, Garza's second uncle's eyes lit up.

I thought no wonder it was his eldest brother.

This is not repaying a favor, this is letting Garza walk out of the mountains and have a great future.

So he nodded solemnly: "That's right, Garza, from now on you can do whatever Mr. Zhao asks you to do, and never go east or west.

Mr. Zhao, don't look at Garza looking so stupid.

In fact, he is also very clever. He graduated from junior high school and he knows more words than me.

So just let him stay with you, help you carry a bag, clean the table and sweep the floor, etc. It's totally fine. "

It's not just these elders.

Uncle Tenzin also nodded frequently.

Even if he wanted to train Garza to be his heir, it was obviously more promising to follow Zhao Fei.

Nestled in the mountains, no matter how good you are, you still have to risk your life.

Even Zhao Maimai on the side tugged on Zhao Fei's sleeve at this moment.

Thinking that Zhao Fei will be involved in the entertainment industry in the future, he will always have an assistant by his side. Looking for someone else is not as reliable as Galza.

Those who know the truth will never betray Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei, who also thought of this, was also a little moved. He hesitated and took a step forward, intending to ask Garza what he thought.

After all, this is mainly Garza's business, and you cannot decide his future life with just one sentence.

"Galza, what do you think? If you really want to follow me, then I will take you away after you are healed.

Of course, if you don’t want to, I won’t blame you…”

"I am willing, Brother Afei, I am willing to follow you."

Garza is naturally willing.

So before Zhao Fei could finish speaking, he nodded frequently, his green cheeks flushed with excitement.

Those who didn’t know thought the frostbite had returned.


Zhao Fei was quite satisfied with this ending.

He also likes Galza, a kind-hearted young man who is as shy as a little girl.

Being his assistant is perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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