Didn’t Chapter 126 just finish?

Summer Palace Villa.

The sun was setting to the west, and the night wind swept into the villa, causing the candlelight inside to dance, but still struggled to sway and emit a faint glow.

Illuminating delicate dishes on the table.

When passing through the wine glass, the red wine in it also looks more mellow and sweet.

Music flows slowly in the ears, making people's hearts calm in an instant.

Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei sat opposite each other.

Under the romantic candlelight, both of them felt the warmth and intimacy of each other.


Zhao Maimai picked up the wine glass, her face slightly red.

Mai Mai had never experienced a candlelight dinner, but whenever she saw the male and female protagonists in the movie having a candlelight dinner, she would feel envious.

Now I have experienced it personally, even if the opposite person is Zhao Fei who knows everything.

I can't help but feel a little nervous.


Clinked glasses with Mai Mai.

Zhao Fei didn't have this method in his previous life, and he didn't know how to arrange a candlelight dinner.

But the original owner is very good at this and has tried it repeatedly. He can often go home directly after dinner.

Therefore, Zhao Fei also wanted to give Zhao Maimai a different experience.

Although they had some romance and happy laughter during the trip, Zhao Fei just wanted to love Mai Mai more.

Let her be the happiest woman in the world.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

In Zhao Fei's eyes, Mai Mai's face turned even redder.

It looks extremely cute.

Zhao Maimai was also a little on top at the moment. The atmosphere was so high that he felt like he would be at a loss if he didn't do something.

So he took the initiative to walk next to Zhao Fei with a red wine glass.

He bent over and sat on Zhao Fei's lap, raised his head and took a sip of red wine, then slowly lowered his head and said, "Does mine taste better, or does yours taste better?"

Zhao Fei's big hand also took advantage of the situation to hold the other party.

After a few minutes, Zhao Fei said softly: "Yours tastes better!"

Looking at each other, Zhao Maimai smiled sweetly and turned to look at the sofa in the living room, indicating something.

Zhao Fei no longer hesitated, picked up Mai Mai and strode towards the living room.


after an hour.

Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei returned to bed.

At this moment, Mai Mai felt much more awake.

He drew circles on Zhao Fei's chest with his fingers and said, "Don't you really need to arrange for a teacher to teach you? Acting is not as simple as you think.

Especially villains are sometimes more difficult to play. "

"No, I can do it alone."

Zhao Fei shook his head, an acting skill book worth 5000 million fans.

The effect is absolutely phenomenal.

It includes not only some acting skills, eyes, facial features, movements, etc., but also how to position yourself in front of the camera and how to portray the characters.

It can be said that Zhao Fei has learned everything related to acting.

Even the current little drama star Zhao Maimai is not as good at acting as Zhao Fei.

It's just that there are too many things in the acting skills book, and Zhao Fei needs time to digest and understand.

Once Zhao Fei has mastered them all and can use them flexibly, not to mention Zhao Maimai, even some veteran actors Zhao Fei will not be afraid.

"OK then."

Seeing that Zhao Fei was so confident, Zhao Maimai didn't say anything more.

But I am still a little worried, fearing that Zhao Fei will be bullied on the set because of his poor performance.

But when she thought about it, she had never seen Zhao Fei suffer any loss since she met him. What's more, Meng Hua Lu is the heroine of the drama. With Liu Yifei taking care of him, no one should dare to bully Zhao Fei.

What's more, Zhao Fei now has more than 3000 million scarf fans.

If the seats are arranged based on this, Zhao Fei's status is equivalent to some middle-to-upper star actors.

So no one dares to look down on him.

And now that she is worried about Zhao Fei, she might as well worry about herself.

Because Zhao Fei's big hands were dishonest again, he wrinkled his nose and said: "Stop making trouble, didn't we just finish it!"

"I know."

Zhao Fei's hands kept moving.

Zhao Maimai looked quite helpless, but when he thought about it, the two of them wouldn't be able to see each other for half a month.

What if Zhao Fei has too much energy and his head hurts again?
So Mai Mai simply took the risk today and temporarily eliminated the future troubles.


Zhao Maimai has taken health spring water many times.

Although she was still soft and tender in her arms, her delicate body was also full of strength.

But soon, Mai Mai was out of breath from exhaustion.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei pushed her somewhat disheveled hair behind her ears with pity, and said softly: "When you go back to school and miss me, call me.

I will also send you text messages every day to report that you are safe. "


Zhao Maimai also felt the sadness that the two were about to separate.

This made her have the urge not to go back to school, but to go directly to the Xiangshan crew with Zhao Fei.

But it would be irrational to do so.

It's not like they won't see each other again in the future, it's just that they are separated for a while.

After Zhao Fei finished filming Menghualu, he came back and started filming with her, so it didn't take long.

"If you don't understand something, call me and I'll teach you."


Zhao Fei nodded and did not refuse Mai Mai's kindness.

Not to mention that my acting skills are actually better than hers.

I plan to give her a surprise when the next filming starts.

Then, until the moon climbed up, the room fell into silence.


The next morning.

When Zhao Fei woke up, he found that Mai Mai had left in the Cayenne.

There is also a note taped to the bedside.

"You have been making breakfast for me for a month, and today I made you one too. Be sure to finish it before leaving - I love you, Mai Mai."

Zhao Fei raised his lips.

Looking at the breakfast that was buckled on the table to prevent it from getting cold.

A portion of millet porridge, three fried eggs, and a portion of cold cucumber slices.

Not very tasty.

But Zhao Fei ate with gusto, not even a grain of millet was left.

Because from it, Zhao Fei felt Zhao Maimai's attentiveness. Even though the taste was bland due to the craftsmanship, it was full of love.


After eating, Zhao Fei simply packed up and went out.

I randomly picked a car from the garage and headed straight to the airport.

Mai Mai had booked the flight ticket for him yesterday.

while on the road.

Zhao Fei's phone rang suddenly and he picked it up to answer the call.


"Holy shit, Zhao Fei... you didn't even tell me that you were back. You're still not a brother. If I hadn't seen so many people scolding you online, I wouldn't have known you had returned to the capital."

"Young Master Song, it's not that I didn't tell you. Even if I told you, we don't have time to get together now. I have a family now, so I can't mess around."

Hearing Young Master Song's familiar voice, Zhao Fei smiled slightly.

Although this is a good friend of the original owner, after having been together for such a long time, Mr. Song is not a bad person even if he has some quirks of the rich second generation.

What's more, they are so rich, why don't they let others play with them?

So why are you working so hard to make money?

"What do you mean, Zhao Maimai is with you?" "No, she has gone back to school. I am rushing to the airport now to prepare for filming at Feixiang Mountain."

"That's okay... No, you don't go online now, haven't you seen that Xu Haiqiao scolding you so hard? If you really can't help it, my brother will help you get rid of it.

Find some people to put a sack on him and give him a severe beating.

Otherwise, we will use formal channels to help you fight against the gangsters. Isn't it just a scolding war? This is all trivial. "

Mr. Song still has some say in the entertainment industry.

A mere Xu Haiqiao is really nothing to mention.

However, Zhao Fei had no intention of asking Young Master Song to help, and said: "No, I'm driving right now, so it's not convenient to look at it. I'll find out more about it later.

But I have something else to talk to you about now.

You have nothing to do now, why don't we come out and work together? "

"What do you mean?"

"I plan to open a personal studio first."

Zhao Fei had this idea after he came back, but he has been busy and has no time to deal with it: "The studio was first established, and it was mainly responsible for some of my personal film appointments and so on.

But soon I plan to create a travel variety show.

It mainly focuses on travel live broadcasts, and then edits the essence and combines them into a variety show.

I can't handle this on my own, so I need someone to help me.

How about it, are you interested? "

"Okay, you are planning to help me make money."

Upon hearing this, Young Master Song on the other side of the phone also became interested.

Although his family is quite well-established in Beijing circles, most of their background is in the theater industry, and his old man is busy, so he is not usually needed.

In terms of sources such as star economy and content creation, it is a blank field.

Even the old man tried to invest in many movies and signed several good young stars, but in the end he lost all his money.

In the end, I just decided to build my own theater chain in a down-to-earth manner.

Ignore the ups and downs outside.

But Mr. Song knew very well that this had always been a worry for the old man in the family.

Just like a plan, the Song family occupies this last and most important piece. Its weight is not light, but it is not as good as Huayi, Guangguang...etc., such big companies.

Having a complete piece of the puzzle.

"Then do you plan to invest in movies? You know...my old man prefers this.

If you have plans to invest in movies, I just need to tell him and I will definitely be able to get some money to start a business.

By then, let alone opening a studio, it would be no problem for us to set up a film and television company. "

"Of course, TV series and movies will all be done."

Zhao Fei nodded. For the sake of fans, he must go big.

But you have to do it step by step, otherwise it's easy to get stuck.

"Okay, then it's settled. I think I can get [-] million from the old man, and I want to start a business... hell, so that I don't have to be punished every day when I go home.

I really thought I knew nothing, I had already thought of the name of the company.

It's called Xiongqi Film and Television Company.

We each share half, I provide the money, you provide the people... Let’s move forward hand in hand, become bigger and stronger, and create greater glory.

Beyond the old man’s Red Carp Cinema.

Look, look, this name was given by the old man...it's also a red carp.

I also have red carp and green carp and fish..."

"Ahem, don't get excited, don't get excited."

Zhao Fei found that he seemed to have touched a certain switch in Young Master Song.

Good guy.

Zhao Maimai also said that he spent money lavishly.

Mr. Song is no exaggerator than him.

There is still nothing, but [-] million will come out.

"Don't worry, we have to do it step by step. You start by opening a studio in my name and start a variety show.

Especially for my live video recording from the previous month, you can find someone to edit it, turn it into a variety show, sell it to a TV station or a video website, and collect a sum of money.

Of course, I will give you Li Hai’s phone number soon, and you can discuss the copyright issues in detail.

Then we will go bigger. "

"Okay, then I'll listen to you first... You can go to the filming without worries. Leave everything at home to me. We will contact you by phone later."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Fei also arrived at the airport.

Thinking about Young Master Song's excitement just now, Zhao Fei couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

Obviously, this guy also had the idea of ​​​​doing something in his heart, but he never put it into practice.

Now that he has gained some prominence, he immediately follows.

Having brotherhood is one thing, but the most important thing is to be optimistic about Zhao Fei's popularity. In today's entertainment industry, isn't it just that popularity means money.

What's more, Zhao Fei also believes that he can make a name for himself in the entertainment industry.

Not to mention Master Song spending [-] million.

Even if you spend one billion, you will never lose money in the future.

If it weren't for the last time Mr. Song was in Shibaguai, he was a man who tried his best and was serious about his work.

Zhao Fei really doesn't necessarily want to get him.

Before getting on the plane, Zhao Fei put on his scarf and took a look. Just as Mr. Song said, Xu Haiqiao's fans were really going too far.

I haven't talked to him for a few days, and it's not over yet.

"Haha, I heard that Zhao Fei has returned to the capital and should be arriving at the Xiangshan Film and Television Base soon. It's embarrassing for a novice to film.

I just want to say: I just like your blind confidence, haha! "

"I heard that Zhao Fei inherited a lot of houses in the school district. I wonder if he often does embarrassing things and gets three bedrooms and one living room with his toes?"

"Although our Haiqiao family has lost the role of Ouyang Xu, there is another bright future, and he has taken on another new drama "The Master".

The starring roles are Jiang Qinqin and Yang Rong, and the lineup is also very strong.

Therefore, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, so it is not a loss.

But this Zhao Fei is really annoying, he is obviously nothing.

In terms of appearance, it can't be compared to our Haiqiao.

In terms of acting skills, they are even different.

If we want to be serious, we should call our Haiqiao senior.

Just like this, he is doing whatever he wants just because he has money, and he doesn't know how to respect his seniors at all.

Curse you for the recurrence of brain cancer, and you may die early and be reborn early. "

"This Zhao Maimai is also blind, why did he fall in love with Zhao Fei?"

"Haha, who makes people rich?"

"I see, I quite liked Zhao Maimai originally, but I didn't expect that she is also a money-worshiping girl."


Look at these comments.

Zhao Fei is looking forward to meeting Xu Haiqiao more and more.

If this kid doesn't regret coming into this world, Zhao Fei's life will be in vain.

He also knows why his fans didn't refute these words.

Because his fans are relatively calm after being taught by him, and none of them are crazy fans. It is obvious that most of them are not optimistic about Zhao Fei's filming.

After all, this is a field that Zhao Fei has never set foot in.

Even Zhao Maimai was worried.

So Zhao Fei doesn't blame them.

As for those who criticize him, let alone those who criticize him.

It can be said that now, except Zhao Fei himself, no one believes that he can make good movies.

This actually aroused Zhao Fei's rebellious psychology.

Well, you don’t even believe it, right?

Just wait.

I really think that 5000 million fans are worth nothing.

If I can create one miracle, I can create another.

Sooner or later, I will make everyone look at me with admiration. I will be wearing a battle armor, stepping on auspicious clouds, falling from the sky... and shocking your eyes, which have never seen the world before.

Let you know.

What a genius!

What the hell is a genius!

(End of this chapter)

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