Chapter 127 You are Xu Haiqiao

One p.m.

Zhao Fei got off the plane from Ningbo Airport.

Xiao Li, who was waiting at the exit, saw Zhao Fei carrying his luggage and immediately came up to him.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao, I am Sister Yifei's assistant. She asked me to pick you up." Xiao Li stepped forward and took the luggage from Zhao Fei's hand.

She had a very deep impression of Zhao Fei, having met him last time at Ranwu Lake.

He is handsome, has a good temperament, and the most important thing is that he cooks delicious food.

So Zhao Fei was recognized by Xiao Li as soon as he appeared.

Just thinking about the last time, Zhao Fei and Liu Xiaoli stayed in the bedroom for more than an hour, Xiao Li couldn't help but feel a little awkward.

Especially this time.

Before coming, Liu Xiaoli learned that Zhao Fei was coming to Xiangshan Film and Television City soon. She had not planned to join the group, so she immediately booked a flight and planned to fly over. are over 60!

What are you doing?

Forget it, it has nothing to do with her, it's a matter between mother and daughter.

Can't control it, can't control it.

"What are you doing, let's go."

Looking at Xiao Li's appearance, Zhao Fei was confused: "What's wrong, you want to pick up someone else?"

"No, no, Mr. Zhao, follow me. The car is in front."

"Don't be so polite to me, just call me Zhao Fei."

Zhao Fei shook his head and quickly followed the opponent without thinking too much.

But just when the two were about to get in the car, a group of fans and reporters suddenly rushed in, screaming and making people's scalp numb.

Zhao Fei secretly felt something was wrong.

Xiao Li, with his experience, pulled Zhao Fei into the car quickly, closed the door, and planned to leave quickly.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that those fans were not running toward Zhao Fei at all, but a rather large group of people behind Zhao Fei who was surrounded by a group of bodyguards.

In particular, the bodyguard wearing a suit and sunglasses had a very cold attitude and not only pushed the fans.

Even travelers passing by were not spared.

Being overbearing makes people dislike it.

"Who is this?" Zhao Fei breathed a sigh of relief and was slightly curious.

"I don't know." Xiao Li shook his head and immediately started to start the car and prepared to drive away.

But at this moment, Zhao Fei heard the shouts of fans and reporters.

"Xu Haiqiao, Xu Haiqiao, I chased you all the way from Shanghai. Please tell me a few words. The host Zhao Fei stole your role as Ouyang Xu.

Are you particularly angry?

Is there any relationship between Liu Yifei and Liu Yifei?
Also, your fans have frequently attacked Zhao Fei on the Internet recently. Is this your plan? "

"Qiao Bao, Qiao Bao, sign your name for me."

"Reporters, get out of the way and don't block the way of my Qiaobao."

"My Brother Qiao has never been robbed of his role by anyone, let alone an unknown anchor. This was all given up by my Brother Qiao."


"Wait, you wait for me in the car first, I will come later."

Without waiting for Xiao Li to ask more questions, Zhao Fei opened the door and got out of the car.

Go straight towards Xuhai Bridge.

Seeing Zhao Fei's menacing look, Xiao Li felt something bad and shouted: "Master Zhao, don't be impulsive, there are reporters here..."

The impact of beating people is huge. "

Hit someone?

Beating someone is considered light.

This Xu Haiqiao can be hacked by anyone, but Zhao Maimai is also hacked.

Zhao Fei absolutely couldn't bear this.

At the same time, Xu Haiqiao also took off his sunglasses and said to reporters with a hint of arrogance: "First of all, you are wrong about one thing, my fans are all my treasures.

I won't force them to do anything.

He will not take the initiative to provoke others. As for Zhao Fei you mentioned...

Sorry, I don't know you. "

"However, all the signs on the Internet indicate that it was you because of the role of Ouyang Xu..."

"You also said that there are various signs, so there is no evidence, so please don't talk nonsense."

Xu Haiqiao is also an old actor who has been around for many years. He has rich experience and answers reporters' questions well-founded.

By the way, he also praised his fans.

But at this moment, Zhao Fei from the outside crushed a halo of bad luck, which directly affected Xu Haiqiao.

In an instant, Zhao Fei saw Xu Haiqiao's seal turned black.

A look of decline.

At first glance, disaster is imminent.

"Fart." A female fan of Xu Haiqiao suddenly shouted for some reason.

Because she just heard Xu Haiqiao say that he had never forced anything on them.

The more I listened, the more uncomfortable I became, and I stood up as soon as my brain got hot.

"Why didn't you force me? Have you forgotten? My relatives came that night, but you still didn't care..."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Even the female fan herself was stunned and quickly covered her mouth, unable to believe that these were her words.

A dull look on his face.

Didn’t you promise that the bridge treasure would not be told?
Now that I have said it, how will Qiao Bao love himself in the future?

It's over, it's over.


Not only this female fan, but other fans and reporters were also stunned at this moment.

He looked at Xu Haiqiao with strange eyes.

It was like meeting each other for the first time.

"You're talking nonsense, I've never done it." Xu Haiqiao was also a little panicked at this moment and quickly explained.

However, this fan just finished speaking.

There was another cute, skinny girl who raised her hand. Although her voice was soft, everyone in the room could hear her clearly.

"I, I also have something to say, he did force his fans.

Of course, I am no longer a fan of his. I came here today just to ask him, what does he want to do with the child in his belly? "As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was stunned.

what's the situation?
There just appeared a man who was suspected of causing trouble during someone's menstrual period, and now even a child appeared.

For a time, the reporters reacted the fastest and turned their cameras one after another.

Put Mike in front of these two girls.

"Hello, could you please tell me in detail, at that time..."

Seeing this scene, Xu Haiqiao was completely confused and his face was as pale as paper.

I wanted to let the bodyguards stop me, but when I thought this was an airport, I didn’t dare to be too presumptuous.

But if the situation continues like this, he will be finished.

Especially when I saw a figure turning away with a plug in his hands and a sunhat on, I felt inexplicably familiar.

And this person is Zhao Fei, who has hidden merit and fame.

He didn't expect that the effect of the bad luck halo would be so powerful this time.

A big thunder exploded directly.

If this was not painful, Zhao Fei was going to step forward and deal with this kid severely.

There was no need for him to take action now, Xu Haiqiao had too much to take care of himself.

Zhao Fei let out a fierce breath.

Naturally, he didn't want to stay here any longer, so he said hello to Xiao Li who caught up with him, and then drove away.


"Come on, come on, stop for a moment."

When Yang Yang, the director of Menghualu, saw Xiao Li's car parked in front of the set, he hurriedly asked everyone to stop what they were doing and applauded: "I guess everyone knows it without my introduction.

The person in charge of popularity of our crew is here, everyone welcomes him. "

Zhao Fei got out of the car and was slightly surprised when he looked at the many familiar faces surrounding him.

I didn't expect that the director would give him such face and even hold a welcome ceremony.

"Thank you, thank you everyone. My name is Zhao Fei. This is our first meeting. Please take care of me."

Needless to say, Liu Yifei has already seen the private photos of Zhao Fei.

But the way she looks in ancient costume at this moment is also eye-catching.

The white dress has light yellow peonies embroidered on the cuffs, and a few auspicious clouds are outlined with silver thread.

The chest is wrapped in a wide piece of light yellow brocade, and her movements are like willows blowing in the wind.


Especially next to her, there were two acquaintances in ancient costumes.

A curvy Liu Yan with perky breasts and pert buttocks.

Small and exquisite, Xiao Yun reminds you of a mermaid when you see her.

Of course, Zhao Fei doesn’t only have eyes for women.

There are also well-known actors Chen Xiao, Dai Xu... The most worth mentioning is the evil representative Du Yuming.

For this guy, maybe his name sounds strange.

But as long as you mention the roles he has played, whether you are born in the [-]s or [-]s, you have definitely seen them.

The Xiaoyao King in Young Zhang Sanfeng.

Hong Sichi in Qing Yu Nian, etc., the other party has created too many villains, and all of them are classics.

"Welcome Zhao Fei."

Liu Yifei was a little embarrassed to face Zhao Fei again.

After all, she no longer had any secrets in front of Zhao Fei, and she still had many entanglements, but at this moment she still gave him a round of applause.

Although Liu Yan and Xiao Yun didn't see Zhao Fei's live broadcast, they knew such a person.

Now when I see myself, my eyes can't help but light up.

It is true that Zhao Fei is a bit handsome, and his temperament is particularly outstanding. He is like a handsome young man, and it is difficult to look away when people look at him.

"Welcome, you're here. Now you are the only actor left on the crew."

Chen Xiao took a step forward and extended his hand to Zhao Fei rather politely.


Zhao Fei also nodded and met and shook hands with the leading actors and directors one by one.

It was a face-to-face meeting.

When it was Du Yuming's turn, Zhao Fei's smile obviously faded a lot, and the other person was stunned: "What do you mean, I feel like you are a little scared when you see me."

"You can't blame me. Teacher, your former villain was so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I also have some shadows from my childhood. I will also play the villain this time. Please give me your advice."

What Zhao Fei said was true.

And this person is indeed worthy of being called a teacher by Zhao Fei.

After all, I have been in the entertainment industry for most of my life. I have rich experience and I have seen everything.

You can’t go wrong with having a good relationship with such an old artist.

"Stop boasting. You can tear apart a pack of wolves with your own hands, and you are still afraid of me."

Du Yuming tapped Zhao Fei with his finger and joked at everyone.

For a time, the atmosphere in the venue was obviously more harmonious.

When everyone saw that Zhao Fei had no airs, even though he was a rich second generation and was so popular now, he still kept his attitude very low.

This also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

I feel that Zhao Fei is a good person and is easy to get along with.

"Okay, let's get to know each other, Zhao Fei, hurry up and try on the makeup. I'm waiting for you now, so you should hurry up."

Director Yang Yang, as a female director and a national-level director, looks quite kind, but his skills as a director are not low.

With a polite word, he straightened his face slightly: "Zhao Fei, don't blame me for not reminding you. You will be late in joining the team if you can't make it when the time comes.

Don't blame me for getting angry. "

"Don't worry, director, I will work hard to meet your requirements as much as possible. I have memorized the script and can start at any time."

Zhao Fei is really not bragging about this.

Although he does not have the skill of photographic memory, his memory did increase a lot after eating the spiritual fruit.

Coupled with the acting skill book, Zhao Fei really doesn't scare anyone.

 I planned to make up the missing chapter today, but the editor suddenly informed me that there would be a recommendation next week, so the author decided to postpone it a little.

  Don't worry, everyone. In fact, the author's chapters are all big chapters, and the number of words per day is not many.

  Although the author's coding speed is not slow, he still has to worry about the quality, otherwise you will be scolded even more.


(End of this chapter)

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