China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 128 You dare to hit people at the airport, are you brave?

Chapter 128 You dare to hit people at the airport, are you brave?
Meng Hua Lu is a costume drama, so putting on makeup is a little time-consuming.

When Zhao Fei appeared in front of everyone again, it was already an hour later.

Zhao Fei was seen wearing a white double-breasted gown with large cuffs, gold edges on the collar and corners of the shirt, and small leather shoes with flower and bird patterns tattooed on them.

Don’t be surprised, leather shoes were really popular in the Song Dynasty.

But at that time, they were not called leather shoes, but leather shoes. In fact, they were not much different from modern leather shoes.

It’s just that the uppers are slightly higher and the toes are slightly raised, making them look a bit like boots.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei's headdress, with his short, lean hair, has completely disappeared.

This turned into a bun with hair tied on the top of the head.

Pair it with a fan.

When Zhao Fei walked out of the locker room, everyone in the field was stunned.

If that face hadn't been that of Zhao Fei, they would have really thought they had seen the handsome young master who traveled through time from ancient times.

It is true that Zhao Fei's scholarly aura is too strong.

Moreover, it also exuded a touch of nobility. Liu Yan and Xiao Yun's eyes almost went straight, and even Liu Yifei couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

The scene in the dream couldn't help but come to mind.

Pretty face flushed slightly.

"Brother, with your appearance, why do I feel that I should play Ouyang Xu and you should play Gu Qianfan?"

Chen Xiao tilted his head and circled around Zhao Fei, marveling.

The rest of the male actors also nodded frequently.

It's not that they want to have a good relationship with Zhao Fei and deliberately praise him, but Zhao Fei's appearance at the moment is indeed very eye-catching.

Even Director Yang Yang nodded and stepped forward: "Not bad, not just looks a bit too noble and needs to be a little ugly.

Otherwise, others would think you were born as a prince.

He doesn't look like a down-and-out scholar at all. "

Hearing this, Zhao Fei smiled bitterly.

It's his fault that he is handsome and has a good temperament.

However, he didn't refute it. The director was the biggest among the crew. What's more, he was just a newcomer and had no right to speak when he didn't show his ability.

Just do what the director says.

"Okay, then I'll change my clothes again."

"Don't worry about it now. It's almost four o'clock and it's almost over. We'll talk about it tomorrow. There's still a little time left. You can put on this outfit first and try your hand first."

The director said this.

Everyone in the crew became more interested.

Liu Yan even took a handful of melon seeds and distributed them to everyone.

Just wait and see the fun.

After all, Zhao Fei has never filmed before, but Zhao Fei is very popular, and Liu Yifei is also the reason, so he got such a role by coincidence.

There are almost no newcomers to the cast.

It can be said that they are all Zhao Fei's seniors. Although they temporarily accepted Zhao Fei, it did not stop them from watching the fun.

Especially a rich second generation who lacks neither money nor fame.

The newcomers who came to film were very lively.

This is human nature.

Even Liu Yifei was no exception. The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, ready to laugh.

"Okay, director, which part do you want to do?"

Zhao Fei also noticed that Director Yang Yang seemed to be smiling on the surface, but in fact he was also a very strict person. Now he obviously didn't believe in his acting skills.

Going to give it a try.

If it doesn't work, just replace it.

If it works, of course there will be nothing to say.

"What do you mean, you really memorized the script?"

Yang Yang met Zhao Fei's somewhat provocative gaze, slightly surprised: "Then let's go to the part where Ouyang Xu turns black, where you knock Liu Yifei down, pinch his neck, and talk to himself."

"no problem."

Zhao Fei nodded and remembered it instantly.

On the contrary, Liu Yifei was a little unhappy, but after the director spoke, he had no choice but to walk out with a pout to play with Zhao Fei.

However, this part has little to do with Liu Yifei, he is just a tool man, and all the lines are Zhao Fei's.

Moreover, this period is a watershed for Ouyang Xu. Before, he was still worried about Zhao Paner's face, but now the matter is irreversible, and the showdown has simply turned dark.The emotional tension is high.

If you come directly, it will be a big challenge for a new actor.

But with the acting skills book, these are not problems for Zhao Fei.

"Ahem, get ready, we're about to start."

As soon as the director gave the order, the entire crew started running quickly.

The actors surrounding him also fell silent.

Look at Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei carefully.

"Countdown, three, two, one...start."

At this moment, Zhao Fei's back was turned to Liu Yifei, when the start sound sounded.

His calm expression changed instantly, and his ferocious face was filled with murderous intent.

He quickly turned around and grabbed Liu Yifei's neck and threw her to the ground.

Even though there was a thick sponge cushion underneath, everyone still heard a muffled sound.

"Why, why do you have to force me?"

Zhao Fei's voice trembled slightly, as if he was suppressing something.

But at the end of the sentence, he seemed to have made up his mind. Veins popped up on his forehead and his eyes were bloodshot.

There was a chill in the voice.

"Zhao Pan'er, I used to love you so much, do you know?"

Zhao Fei's heartbroken voice was filled with regret.

But it soon became decisive.

At this moment, Liu Yifei was struggling uncontrollably. Even if Zhao Fei didn't exert any force, she wouldn't be out of breath.

But Zhao Fei's eyes at this moment were too scary.

As if he was really going to kill her.

But no matter how hard she struggled, Zhao Fei's arm holding her neck was like an iron pliers, unable to move an inch.

"Why do you have to go find that Gu Qianfan? Why do you have to force me to be a palace observer?
It took me ten years of hard work to get to Qingyun Road.

Lost in one day. "

When the last four words "lost in one day" were spoken, a tear welled up in the corner of Zhao Fei's eyes.

But before it fell, his eyes widened.

The killing intent in it, let alone Liu Yifei, could be clearly felt by everyone around him.

"It's all you, it's all you who caused me..."

at the same time.

Many actors who were watching were also shocked.

The melon seed rind beside Liu Yan's mouth fell to her chest, but there was no reaction at all.

Xiao Yun tilted her little head, and her mind was full of questions: Why do I feel that he is a better actor than me?
The corner of Chen Xiao's mouth twitched, with a look of astonishment on his face, thinking to himself: Is this a newcomer?

The surrounding crew members were like pieces of wood at this moment, dumbfounded and at a loss.

They are waiting to see the joke.

But I couldn't laugh at all at this moment.

I can't believe it at all. That was performed by Zhao Fei just now.

Not only the onlookers, but also the director forgot to shout 'click' at this time.

The whole person was dumbfounded.

The look in Zhao Fei's eyes was full of disbelief.

Are you kidding me?
Are you telling me that you have never acted before?

These layers of superimposed emotions, this smooth transition, and that drop of tear are simply the finishing touch.

The most important thing is that the tears did not fall.

Because bad people don’t need tears.

Zhao Fei grasped this very well.

Even if someone told him now that Zhao Fei had ten years of acting experience, she would believe him.

 Add another chapter. If you are still not satisfied with this arrangement, just say so...

(End of this chapter)

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