China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 129: Take a rest, you’re tired (the contents of the first two chapters have been changed, so

Chapter 129: Take a rest, you are tired (the contents of the first two chapters have been changed, so if you are confused, turn to the back of this chapter)

"Ahem, let me go."

Liu Yifei struggled fiercely and kept slapping Zhao Fei's arm: "I can't breathe."

In fact, Zhao Fei didn't use any force.

After all, it's just filming.

He just put on a stranglehold posture.

However, Zhao Fei's wolf-like eyes were really scary.

Liu Yifei, who had never been treated seriously, was suddenly confused by Zhao Fei, who was full of firepower.

She couldn't care less that she was still filming for a moment, and now she just wanted to run away quickly.

Seeing this scene, the director also thought that Zhao Fei was too deep into the scene and had pinched Liu Yifei. When he came to his senses, he quickly shouted "Ka".

In an instant, continuous applause sounded in the field.

Du Yuming originally looked down upon Zhao Fei, a traffic niche. Even if you show respect, it's just polite on the surface.

In the eyes of these old artists.

Your own ability is the most important. If your acting skills are not good, don't let a rat excrement spoil the pot of soup.

But after seeing Zhao Fei's acting skills just now.

Du Yuming had to admit that there were talented people from generation to generation, and each wave was stronger than the last.

For a moment, I felt desolate in my heart, sighing that I was getting old after all.

Liu Yan and Xiao Yun looked at Zhao Fei's beautiful eyes, which were obviously brighter now.

Who wouldn't like such a man?

Rich, talented, and capable.

The most important thing is that he is so handsome.

Unfortunately, it was missed after all.

If I had known that they would have traveled with Zhao Fei, how could there be anything to do with Zhao Maimai.

"Brother, your acting skills...couldn't you have learned them secretly?"

Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up. He is over 30 this year, and his acting skills have been honed for a long time. Not to mention outstanding, he is not afraid of anyone in his age group.

But just now, he felt the pressure on Zhao Fei.

I wonder if I would be overpowered if I acted opposite Zhao Fei.

Of course, he couldn't say what was in his heart. At this moment, he looked at Liu Yifei who was ashamed and annoyed, and continued: "But acting is acting, and you used too much force.

You couldn't breathe when you saw Liu Yifei pinching her. "

Zhao Fei wanted to say that he really didn't use any force just now.

It just looked like it was very forceful, but in fact it didn't pinch Liu Yifei's neck at all.

But now Liu Yifei got up and hid away. Looking at him angrily, Zhao Fei couldn't say much.

You can't say that Liu Yifei was scared by him just now.

That would be too disrespectful to the first heroine.

He simply smiled bitterly and dismissed the matter: "Inexperienced, inexperienced."

"All right."

The director was becoming more and more satisfied with Zhao Fei now. He didn't look cold at all just now and patted Zhao Fei on the shoulder: "It's really surprising.

Our crew found a treasure, haha. "

Zhao Fei was able to join the cast mostly because of Liu Yifei. Although director Yang Yang agreed, he definitely felt uncomfortable.

Then he thought about giving Zhao Fei a blow.

Now that he saw Zhao Fei's ability, not only was his anger relieved.

I'm even glad I agreed in the first place.

This kind of gap is equivalent to picking up a dirty stone and thinking about throwing it away, so you break it and find that there is gold hidden inside.

How could the director not be happy about this unexpected surprise?

"Thank you to the director for your approval."

Zhao Fei has no ill feelings towards Director Yang Yang.

On the contrary, the other party's serious attitude is like a person who is doing big things.

So Zhao Fei took a step forward and whispered his plan in the director's ear.

After listening, the director shook his head, pointed at Zhao Fei with his finger, and said softly: "I can still take advantage of you, but put away your little tricks, you and the crew will get half the money.

Just think of it as catching the wind for you. "

After finishing speaking, the director didn't wait for Zhao Fei to say more, put the loudspeaker to his mouth and shouted: "Everyone on the crew will go to Donglaishun tonight to help Zhao Fei catch the wind.

Of course, don't thank me, this is the rich second generation of our crew getting paid. "

"Okay, haha."

"Thank you, Brother Fei."

"Thank you Mr. Zhao."

All of a sudden, the more than 200 crew members of the crew cheered.

Donglaishun is a three-star hotel. A meal for so many people would cost at least hundreds of thousands.

With a basic salary, they usually can't afford it.

Now I have the opportunity to be naturally happy.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fei with much kinder eyes.

It can be said that when Zhao Fei came to the crew, in just one afternoon, he clearly arranged the crew from the director to the handyman.

No one resisted Zhao Fei's arrival.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei originally wanted to pay for it and let the director find a place.

The deeper meaning is that the director is the one who takes the lead, so don’t mention him.

Let everyone on the crew remember the director's goodness.

The reason for doing this is that Zhao Fei wanted to have a good relationship with the director.

It was also because he was the last one to come, and the entire crew was waiting for him. Even if the director didn't mind, Zhao Fei couldn't be ignorant.

There still needs to be an apology.

So these hundreds of thousands should be regarded as an apology.

Director Yang Yang naturally understood what Zhao Fei meant, so he directly turned against General Yijun and used Zhao Fei's routine on him.

It is said that it is half the amount of one person, but Zhao Fei has gained fame.

After thinking about it for a moment, Zhao Fei understood.

He wanted to have a good relationship with the director.

After seeing his acting skills, the director might not want to deepen his relationship with him.

This half of the fee should be regarded as compensation for Zhao Fei's inconvenience just now in public.

Unspoken to each other.

good for everyone.

So Zhao Fei naturally would not tell the truth.

I firmly accepted the director's kindness.

Although most of the staff did not hear what Zhao Fei and the two said, the nearby starring actors did.

For a time, Zhao Fei once again made everyone look at him with admiration.

Sigh: How can there be such a perfect person in the world.

Even the sophistication of people is so good.

You are so good, why don't you let others live?

Zhao Fei doesn't care what others think.

We all had dinner together in Donglaishun in the evening and got to know each other a lot.

Because the main actors of the crew lived upstairs, several of the leading actors also drank some wine, and Zhao Fei was no exception.

After settling the bill, Zhao Fei returned to the room arranged for him by the crew at night.

Although his status in the entertainment industry is still lower than that of several leading actors, he is still on the same floor.

Back in the room, Zhao Fei took out his phone and took a look.

It was discovered that the Xu Haiqiao incident had exploded.

Because there were many reporters at the time, the photos and videos were circulated, and he was taken away on the spot without even a chance to quibble.

It is conceivable that many of his fans must have collapsed after hearing the news.

Everyone in the entertainment industry was feeling sad at this time.

Especially the members of the crew of Menghualu, they all know that the role of Ouyang Xu was most likely played by Xu Haiqiao before, but later became Zhao Fei.

At that time, they still had some opinions about Zhao Fei.

But looking at it now, I can only feel happy.

Fortunately, Xu Haiqiao did not participate in Meng Hua Lu, otherwise the entire crew would be implicated, regardless of the director or actors.


The next morning.

Taking Chen Xiao's car, Zhao Fei returned to the crew from the hotel.

This is where Zhao Fei's crew life began.

Changing clothes, putting on makeup, filming...

Because Zhao Fei has fallen behind a lot, most of his drama these days has been his.

With his acting skills, Zhao Fei didn't have any big problems.

But the person who plays opposite him is miserable.Especially Zhang Xiaoquan, who played Ouyang Xu's friend in "Meng Hua Lu" and filmed the most scenes with Zhao Fei.

Originally, as a graduate of a Chinese opera major, his acting skills were not bad.

But everything is afraid of comparison.

As long as you compare it, you can tell that something is wrong without anyone else telling you.

"Brother Fei, can you hold it back a little bit?"

Zhang Xiaoquan held the script in his hand with a look of despair on his face: "Acting with you always gives me the feeling of acting with a school teacher. It's so tiring."

"No, I'm not as big as you. Don't call me brother."

Zhao Fei waved his hands repeatedly.

In fact, he was also very helpless. The skill book only taught him how to act well, but it didn't teach him how to take it back.

Hearing this, the director was a little impatient and shouted: "Zhang Xiaoquan, what grievances do you have? Being able to act with people who are better than you in acting is the best learning opportunity.

If you don't study hard, you are still shouting here.

Get ready quickly and do it again.

Zhao Fei...just play normally. "

An hour later, Zhang Xiaoquan finally passed.

Then it was Liu Yifei's turn to play with him.

It's different from yesterday's plot where the two were hostile and wanted to kill each other.

What we shot today was mainly about Ouyang Xu and Zhao Paner's sweet life at the Qiantang Tea House before he went to Beijing to take the exam.

Liu Yifei took a deep breath and stood up from the side.

She had seen everything just now, and she also knew that Zhao Fei was that kind of talented actor, very powerful.

So don’t dare to be careless and be alert.

The two people under the camera are in an antique teahouse.

The turquoise lake next to it is rippling, and the cruise ship is floating on it, leisurely and contentedly.

The other three sides of the teahouse are covered with bamboo forests. The white mist that rises when the tea is brewed disperses, adding a hazy feeling to the teahouse.

It can be described as picturesque.

Especially the two people dressed in ancient costumes look like a handsome man and beautiful woman under the camera.

One can't help but sigh.

"Ahem, are you ready?"

"Okay, director." Zhao Fei leaned against the window, holding the book in one hand, and nodded.

Liu Yifei, who was making tea next to him, also gave the director a look.

Then the match recorder walked to the middle of the court and shouted: "3, 2, 1...start!"

In an instant, the two of them entered the state.


Carrying a cup of tea, Zhao Pan'er walked up to Ouyang Xu and whispered softly: "Xu Lang, take a rest!"

As soon as the word "Xu Lang" came out, Liu Yifei's face immediately turned red.

The meaning of the plot is for Zhao Fei to put down the book and drink tea.

But in Zhao Pan'er's mind, the original dream scene emerged, the same in the tea house, the same by the window, the same two of them.

And even the words are the same.

It's just that she couldn't bear the challenge at that time, and she was also worried that the other party would hurt her body.

Then he advised Zhao Fei: "Xu Lang, take a rest."

This made Liu Yifei feel weird and ashamed.

Reason told her that she was filming now and should not think too much.

But the original dream was too profound, and the scenes, people, lines... were exactly the same, so she really couldn't blame her for her wild imagination.

Zhao Fei put down the scroll and saw something was wrong with the other party.

But as long as the director doesn't shout 'click' he can't stop.

So let’s continue.

"Thank you for your hard work. I see you are so tired that you are sweating."

Zhao Fei took the teacup, placed it on the table, then stood up, rolled up his sleeves, and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead.

There is nothing wrong with this line.

But when Liu Yifei heard it, he couldn't help but feel even more ashamed.

He couldn't help but glare at Zhao Fei.

However, Liu Yifei was still acting now, so Liu Yifei could only endure it, grabbing Zhao Fei's hand and holding it. The warm feeling made her heart beat faster.

But as a professional actor, she still has certain professional qualities.

He smiled and said, "I'm not tired. I'm willing to do whatever you want, as long as Xu Lang can succeed this time."

That damn line!

Why can't you speak clearly?

A top pick in high school can be reduced to a 'middle', which shows that you are awesome, right?
Liu Yifei secretly cursed in his heart.

But now she couldn't think too much, because Zhao Fei had already held her hand.

He looked at her with eyes full of love.

Liu Yifei couldn't help but be addicted to it for a while, wondering if this was a play or a dream?
"Thank you. As long as I can 'win' this time, I will carry you in a big sedan chair, marry you in, and let you be my wife. We will never be separated for the rest of our lives."


Acting now.

Liu Yifei kept telling himself in his heart.

But this line sounds weird no matter how strange it is. It’s like carrying a big sedan chair. You want to get married to your son, right?

"Then you have to help me bring the hairpin first."

In the Song Dynasty, asking a man to help bring a hairpin was equivalent to promising yourself to the other person.

In modern times it is equivalent to getting engaged.



Zhao Fei looked at the other party affectionately.

Liu Yifei also called out Xu Lang affectionately.

Immediately, the two couldn't help but hug each other.

Feeling Zhao Fei's strong and hot chest, Liu Yifei felt at ease for the first time and couldn't help but slowly close his eyes.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a dream or filming.

And the state she showed at this moment was what the director liked the most.


Director Yang Yang nodded and commented: "Zhao Fei is fine, and Yifei is fine too, but I always feel that you are a little distracted.

It wasn't until you hugged Zhao Fei that you really entered the play.

In this way, you two hold each other for 2 minutes to feel the feelings.

Then do it again. "

"No, director, this..." Liu Yifei's face turned pink, obviously embarrassed.

The director also knew what was going on with her.

I don't want to have contact with boys.

But it was just a hug, that's not what he was doing, so he just pretended not to hear Liu Yifei's words.

"What's wrong with you? You glared at me just now. I almost thought I said the wrong line?"

Zhao Fei also noticed something unusual about the other party. If he hadn't been taking the lead just now, Liu Yifei would have gone somewhere long ago.

"Oh... don't ask."

Liu Yifei lowered his head and said dullly: "Since the director said it, then..."

"Come on." Zhao Fei opened his arms and didn't care.

After all, he is an immortal, so he will not suffer any loss.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei hesitated for a moment, and finally fell into Zhao Fei's arms.

5 minutes later!

"Asahiro, take a rest!"

"Thank you for your hard work. I see you are so tired that you are sweating."

"I'm not tired. As long as you can hit it this time, Xu Lang, I'm willing to do anything you want."

"Thank you, as long as I can 'win' this time, I will definitely lift the sedan chair..."

In this way, it was not until the third time that the two of them satisfied the director.

Especially Liu Yifei, who was highly praised by the director.

I feel like Liu Yifei is in the best shape this time.

Just the right amount of shyness, a soft and waxy tone, and a gesture of refusing to welcome.

It perfectly portrays the mentality of a little daughter who is about to get married and have children with her sweetheart and is looking forward to the future.

However, Liu Yifei did not dare to stay in the court at this moment.

She knew exactly what was going on with her.

After saying hello to everyone, he hurried into the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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