Chapter 130 You are a fool

"Xiao Li, hurry up and get me a new pair of underwear and bring them in."

Liu Yifei in the bathroom sent a WeChat message to Xiao Li.

The reason why the performance just now was so good was that she really put herself into it. It overlapped with the scene in the dream, and she couldn't hold it back for a while.

and so……

"Sister, I'm picking up Aunt Xiaoli at the airport now. What's wrong with you..."

Assistant Xiao Li clutched his cell phone, the thoughts in his mind extending endlessly.

The first person to get out was Zhao Fei.

But they should be on the set now.

Tsk tsk... This is too courageous.

Xiao Li shook his head and sighed secretly.

On the other side, when Liu Yifei saw Liu Yifei on WeChat in the bathroom, his face turned dark at this moment. He looked at the underwear that had been thrown into the trash can and felt embarrassed.

No matter what, you can't pick it up and put it on again.

However, the costumes in the Song Dynasty were relatively long, like skirts, so it was not clear from the outside whether they were wearing them or not.

And it's not easy for her to stay in the bathroom for too long.

So that's the only way to go.

However, she was still not used to it when she walked out of the bathroom. She felt so cold that she was too embarrassed to talk to anyone.

"Sister Yifei, you performed so well just now."

Xiao Yun, who was playing the pipa, saw Liu Yifei coming over and immediately gave a thumbs up: "I almost thought Zhao Fei was the male protagonist just now.

This is a love drama between the two of you! "

"Yes." Liu Yan, who had lifted her skirt up to her waist and was wearing shorts underneath, with her two big white legs raised to dissipate heat, also nodded.

After all, the temperature is relatively high during this season in the south.

And although the costume looks very light, it is also very stuffy when wrapped in layers of gauze and cloth.

"The acting skills you two just performed can definitely be regarded as a classic episode in Menghualu."

"so far so good."

Liu Yifei sat down with a smile. He didn't say much and didn't dare to lift up his skirt to dissipate heat like two people.

After all, conditions do not allow.


On the other side, Xiao Li picked up Liu Xiaoli from the airport.

Ever since she got off the plane, Liu Xiaoli was in a very excited mood.

I just feel that I am getting closer and closer to holding my grandson.

After all, Zhao Fei had promised her that he would help. At that time, Liu Yifei and Mai Mai were drinking outside, and she and Zhao Fei were chatting in the bedroom.

She remembered it very clearly. Even if she expressed it very vaguely at the time, I believe Zhao Fei could understand it.

Of course, Liu Xiaoli also understood that since Mai Mai was present in the RV, it was difficult for Zhao Fei to take action.

But now Mai Mai is not here.

That couldn't be more convenient. It takes half a month to make my daughter's belly grow bigger.

After all, there is nothing wrong with their health.

From now on, I finally have something to look forward to in my retirement career.

"Haha." When she thought of this, Liu Xiaoli couldn't help laughing. She glanced at Xiao Li who was driving and said, "Xiao Li, what happened last time is not over yet. I still need your help this time. "

"I understand, auntie, don't worry."

Xiao Li squeezed the steering wheel hard and glanced at the dust on the passenger seat. Unbearable memories came to his mind.

However, she is the boss’s mother and she is a little assistant. She really doesn’t know how to refuse: “Auntie, just tell me what I should do?”

"very good."

Liu Xiaoli nodded and said: "Don't worry, as long as Yifei can conceive a child, whether it is a fat grandson or a granddaughter for me.

I will remember you all.

I also have a house with three bedrooms and one living room in the suburbs of the capital.

As soon as it's done, you move in! "

what's the situation?
Xiao Li was slightly confused at this moment.

Isn’t it you and Zhao Fei?Why did they become Sister Yifei and Zhao Fei again?
Did you two stay in the bedroom of the RV for more than an hour and did nothing?

Oh oh...I understand.

After all, this matter is disgraceful, one is over 60, and the other is young.

Need to cover up.

But it is too immoral for you to use your own daughter as a cover-up.

But, three bedrooms and one living room.

So...Sister Yifei, don't blame me.

"Thank you, auntie, I will definitely help."

Xiao Li hesitated for less than three seconds before gritting his teeth and choosing to follow his heart.

And in her opinion, Zhao Fei is not bad either.

He is in good health and handsome, and it would be nice to be able to bend sister Yifei.

So she also took a look at the WeChat message Liu Yifei sent her just now and said to Liu Xiaoli: "Auntie, I don't think we need to do anything.

They should have started talking to each other, look at the WeChat message Sister Yifei sent me. "

"Good guys, aren't they on the set?"

Liu Xiaoli covered her mouth and was slightly surprised. She frowned and said, "I don't think it should be possible. Although she has a good impression of Zhao Fei, she won't be so happy with her. On the set...

So, there should be something going on that we don't know about. "

"Maybe, but it doesn't matter. We'll know when we get to the set and take a look. If it doesn't work, we'll just push it from behind."

"That's right, let's do it."


Menghualu crew.

Because Zhao Fei joined the team late, today is all about him.

But he was very efficient, so he finished filming the whole day's scenes at two o'clock in the afternoon.

There was nothing else for him to do in the afternoon, so Zhao Fei told the director and returned to the hotel early.

Lying on the bed, Zhao Fei made a video call to Mai Mai.

"Hey, I'm in class, what's wrong?"

"What else can I do? I miss you."

"Hehe." Zhao Maimai's lips gradually opened into a smile, and her charming eyes were shy: "I miss you too. If you don't call me today, I will call you in the evening after you finish your work.

how about it,
Is life on set a bit tiring? "

"well enough."

Zhao Fei turned over and said, "The people on the crew are very nice to me. How about you... are you still getting used to going back to school?"

The smile on Zhao Maimai's face faltered.

In fact, nothing changed when she returned to school, except that some female classmates always asked her about Zhao Fei.

Isn't Zhao Fei's physical strength very good?
Are you particularly able to spend money in your daily life?
The most common question is about the relationship between the two of them, and Zhao Maimai will naturally not explain it clearly.

Tell them directly: He and Zhao Fei only have a cooperative relationship, and there is no special friendship.

The reason for this is also because of Zhao Maimai's identity, he doesn't want everyone to know about their relationship.

Also ask these female students not to always ask about Zhao Fei from her.

Unexpectedly, it had the opposite effect.

After learning that the two had no special friendship, the students became even more interested in asking about Zhao Fei.

What type of girls does Zhao Fei like?
Can you introduce Zhao Fei to them?

There are even people who directly ask Zhao Fei for WeChat.

It can be said that Sima Zhao's heart is well known to passers-by.

This made Zhao Maimai a little distressed for a while. Her man was really too good and there was nothing she could do about it.

"What's wrong? I see something wrong with your expression. Someone is bullying you?"

Zhao Fei got up from the bed, his face became more serious: "If you are wronged, just tell me, we won't cause trouble, but we are not afraid of it either."


Zhao Maimai shook her shawl hair and said: "In our class, I am the most famous, and no one in school dares to bully me.

What about you...have you had a headache recently? "

"It's okay, I'm used to it, and it hasn't happened again in the past few days."

Now Zhao Fei finally understands.

People say that if you tell a lie, you will lie a second time.

That's what he is now.

However, Zhao Fei really had no choice at that time, so he couldn't tell the countdown directly.

So I can only fabricate the identity of a Taoist master.

Here, Zhao Maimai and Zhao Fei have been together for such a long time, and at first glance, Zhao Fei's expression was a bit unnatural.

My heart sank slightly.

The thoughts that had been hidden deep in my heart resurfaced.

After all, Zhao Fei needs to exert his energy. He practiced Tai Chi when he was a child, and he has more energy as he grows up. Tai Chi is no longer easy to use, so he can only use other methods.She couldn't be satisfied by herself.

Otherwise, just find one among your classmates?
"What do you think?"

Zhao Fei found Mai Mai stunned and thought she was worried about his headache, so he comforted her: "It's okay, don't worry, you won't die.

You don't have to worry about me all the time.

I have been used to it since I was a child. This is not a disease, and I am not sick either. "

"Ok, I know."

The idea that just popped up was once again killed by Mai Mai.

She really didn't want to share Zhao Fei with anyone, let alone a classmate, even if it was her biological sister or something like that, Zhao Maimai felt uncomfortable.

What's more, don't look at these female classmates, none of them have entered the entertainment industry.

In fact, there are not many clean ones.

He is not worthy of her Zhao Fei at all.

However, she was still worried about Zhao Fei and said, "If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me. If it doesn't work, I will fly over and stay with you for two days."

Looking at Zhao Maimai's charming and shy look.

Zhao Fei was also a little itchy for a moment.

But he still restrained himself, shook his head and said, "It's okay, I don't have anything to feel bad about. We will meet in half a month, and there will be plenty of time by then."

"Well, then you must take care of yourself."

"You too."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Fei felt that Mai Mai was a little strange just now.

It seemed like there was something being hidden from him.

He didn't speak clearly.

But before he could think about it, there was a knock on the door.

Boom boom boom!
"Zhao Fei, are you in the room?"


Zhao Fei got up from the bed and opened the door.

Looking at the smiling Liu Xiaoli, she was slightly surprised: "Auntie, it turns out you are here too. Come in quickly."

"Okay." Liu Xiaoli nodded and followed Zhao Fei into the room.

Xiao Li, who was not far behind Liu Yifei, curled his lips when he saw this and said nothing.

When they returned to the crew just now, they knew that Zhao Fei had returned to the hotel.

Neither of them asked about Liu Yifei's underwear.

Liu Xiaoli felt that this was a good opportunity, so she dragged Liu Yifei back.

It happened that Liu Yifei also needed to change clothes, so he didn't refuse.

In this way, the three of them took the car back to the hotel together.

However, at this moment, Liu Yifei felt a little strange when he saw his mother knocking on Zhao Fei's door as soon as she came back, so he asked Xiao Li.

"What's going on? My mother and Zhao Fei are familiar with each other?"

"Uh... they probably have something to discuss." Xiao Li was slightly embarrassed and lowered his head.

"What can they do?"

Liu Yifei shook his head and stopped paying attention.

For her, the most important thing now is to put on underwear quickly, otherwise she will not feel safe at all.

at the same time.

After Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei sat down, Liu Xiaoli was the first to speak: "Xiao Fei, are you and Mai Mai getting along well now?"

What do you mean?
It's not over, right? Didn't we agree on it last time? Why do we still need to pay attention to our own Mai Mai?

Besides, as a mother, is it really appropriate for you, a mother, to stand up for Liu Yifei?

Zhao Fei's face looked a little ugly, and his tone was a lot harsher: "Aunt Xiaoli, don't worry...Maimai is very good, and I will always treat her well."

Why are you still showing off?

You promised well back then, you won't regret it, right?

Liu Xiaoli secretly felt something was wrong.

At the same time, she was also a little angry. After all, her daughter wanted to have good looks and a good figure.

It's just a bit of a character flaw.

She needs to be straightened.

What's more, you won't suffer from such a good thing.

You're still putting yourself out there, you really think I can't find anyone else.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiaoli realized that no one was more suitable than Zhao Fei, so she could only hold back her anger and continued to smile: "I know, just be nice, I don't care.

The most important thing is my Yifei. You also know her character, sometimes she is very stubborn.

No matter who you are, no matter how hard you try, it won't work.

So, I hope you can help me? "

Liu Xiaoli couldn't explain clearly, after all, she was the elder in front of Zhao Fei.

Now that she can sit here, she is already risking her life. If she said this clearly, she would be completely embarrassed.

Her original intention was for Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei to be together without getting married, as long as they could have a child.

As for Mai Mai, she doesn't care.

But it was in Zhao Fei’s ears.

It turned out that Liu Yifei had chosen Mai Mai, and Liu Xiaoli persuaded him to let go as soon as possible so that Mai Mai and Yifei could finally get married.

This is so fucking unreasonable, right?
If you ask me to help you, it would be a good thing if I don't scold you.

"Aunt Xiaoli, don't think about it, it's impossible, Mai Mai and I are together now and will always be together.

Don't think too beautifully.

Now, I'm going to rest.

Please get out. "


Seeing Zhao Fei getting angry, Liu Xiaoli's anger also bubbled out.

She really thought that no one wanted her Yifei.

She even doubted whether Zhao Fei was a man.

Don’t even want the free bargains.

"Okay, Zhao Fei... don't regret it."

As soon as she finished speaking, Liu Xiaoli turned around and left. After leaving the room, she slammed the door.

I could vaguely hear Zhao Fei's cold snort in the room.

"Huh... I still regret it. I will never regret it until I die. Mai Mai will always be mine. She can't like Liu Yifei and she doesn't have that hobby. You can't take it away no matter how hard you try.

So save it.

What's more, you are at least an elder, and you are still pimping here, so shameless! "

Zhao Fei, Zhao Fei.

Bastard, are you stupid?
Is Zhao Maimai that good?
My girl is missing something again. She needs good looks and good status...

Huh, wait.

What did Zhao Fei say?
Angrily, Liu Xiaoli suddenly stopped halfway in the corridor, recalling what Zhao Fei said after going out.

Minutes later, it dawned on me.

A pat on the thigh.

"This big fool doesn't think that Yifei likes Mai Mai and wants to rob him... I, I, I'm really talking about you."

Liu Xiaoli was so angry that she cursed.

He turned around and wanted to knock on the door and speak clearly to Zhao Fei.

At the same time, I also understood why Zhao Fei was so angry.

No one can bear this kind of thing.

Not to mention Zhao Fei.

So her anger towards Zhao Fei gradually subsided.

However, when she reached the door and raised her hand, she paused, thinking that Zhao Fei was angry now, so she might as well let it go for now.

She could also see that Zhao Fei and Mai Mai had a deep relationship, and even if Yifei was excellent, Zhao Fei might not be able to agree to it.

This made Liu Xiaoli a little sad, but also a little happy.

Because this proves that Zhao Fei is a good man,

This made Liu Xiaoli determined to marry Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei.

Even though it had always been her own imagination before, now her hope of having a grandson has returned to zero, but it is not without hope.

As a mother, you always have to think about your daughter.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoli, who was slightly tired, became energetic again.

She didn't believe that any man could stop his daughter.

Zhao Fei is no exception.

As long as he is a man, he cannot escape.

(End of this chapter)

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