China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 131 I really don’t want to pretend, but my strength doesn’t allow it.

Chapter 131 I really don’t want to pretend, but my strength doesn’t allow it.
The next day.

Zhao Fei still got up very early, even though there was no drama for him in the morning.

But he still came to the set early, changed his clothes and waited.

But he wasn't idle either.

In fact, the number of fans in the past two days has increased too slowly. So far, his remaining number of fans is only over 200 million, which makes Zhao Fei very uncomfortable.

So Zhao Fei found a corner in the crew and started the live broadcast.

Although the travel live broadcast has ended, the number of people quickly increased to nearly one million the moment Zhao Fei started broadcasting.

Fans one after another shouted that Zhao Fei was not particular.

"This bitch finally remembered us. It's been three days. There has been no live broadcast for three days. Do you know how I spent these three days?"

"Is the anchor on the set? He looks a little handsome."

"I was fishing in the company when I suddenly saw the broadcast reminder and subconsciously clicked on it. It's a terrible habit. I put on my headphones quickly to avoid being discovered by my supervisor."


"Brothers, I'm quite busy these days. I'm currently on the crew of Menghua Recording."

Zhao Fei shook off his wide cuffs and explained: "I wanted to say goodbye to everyone on live broadcast before, but I thought about it carefully and didn't say it.

Because it’s not like I’m going to stop live streaming.

The next travel live broadcast is being planned, and during this window period, as long as I have time, I will also live broadcast and chat with you.

So there is no need to say goodbye.

Because I have always been there, and I know you have always been there.

It starts broadcasting today and I will bring you some benefits later. Please wait a moment. "

Zhao Fei has seen Xiao Yun playing the pipa several times on the set.

It just so happened that he once used a Pipa Mastery Skills Book.

I have never played it since I started using it, so I just happened to give it a try today.

When he first participated in this Meng Hua Lu, Zhao Fei had been worried that the growth rate of his fan base would slow down.

Of course, this is not the reason for Menghualu. Even if Zhao Fei is in other crews, it is the same. It is just that the time span for earning fan points is relatively long.

We have to wait until the TV series is broadcast before feedback will be given to Zhao Fei.

In particular, Zhao Fei plays a villain and is not very likable.

Therefore, Zhao Fei can only use other methods to increase his fan base.

Pipa is one of them.

After all, any skill targets different groups of people. As long as Zhao Fei is highly skilled, he will definitely be able to attract people in the corresponding field and gain some fan points.

"Xiao Yun, lend me your pipa props."


Xiao Yun looked at Zhao Fei with some doubts: "Can you still play the pipa?"

"know a little."

Taking the pipa from Xiao Yun's hand, Zhao Fei turned around and returned to the live broadcast place without saying much to Xiao Yun.

But Zhao Fei's actions still attracted the attention of many people in the crew.

Liu Xiaoli glanced at Zhao Fei, feeling inexplicably tired.

When she returned to Liu Yifei's room yesterday, she said nothing and planned to bear everything by herself.

When she came to the set today, Zhao Fei didn't even say hello to her.

His attitude was completely different from before.

This was within her expectations.

But he still felt a little sad for no reason. He sighed softly, purred Hui Hui in his arms, and said softly: "Hui Hui, you are already an adult cat, and you have to take on some responsibilities.

So it’s up to you for a while.

Zhao Fei is your master, you don’t want him to abandon you, right? "

"came back."

Zhao Fei held the pipa in his arms, returned to the live broadcast room, and tried to play it twice: "I learned it when I was a child, and it's a little rusty now, but I still remember the specific techniques.

Next, I will play a song for you, House of Flying Daggers! "

"I'll go, there are so many things that the anchor knows."

"I always thought that the pipa was played by girls, but I didn't expect that the host looked quite handsome wearing ancient costumes and holding the pipa."

"looking forward to."

It’s not just fans who are looking forward to it.

The many vloggers in the live broadcast room were even happier.

Since Zhao Fei's first trip, they had no short video material for a long time.

I have been resting on my laurels these past few days, editing Zhao Fei’s previous live videos.

Today, Zhao Fei appeared in front of the live broadcast room with another appearance, and he also had to play the pipa, which was full of new ideas.

For them, this is the best material.

Immediately, many people in the live broadcast room heard the sound of pipa.

Most people don’t know much about music, nor have they studied it, because appreciating music is a technical matter.

When listening to music, you can completely put aside the fetters of understanding and ignorance, professionalism and non-professionalism, as long as it sounds good and you like it.

The sound of pipa resounded in the live broadcast room at this moment.

Sometimes it sounds like the chirping of a white bird, sometimes like the galloping of thousands of horses, the melodious and refreshing music that fills one's heart.

Especially House of Flying Daggers.

When I heard it, I felt as if I really saw the soldiers of the two armies fighting on the battlefield.

"Oh my God, when I heard this song, I suddenly felt what a woman, what power, what game... Men should shed blood on the battlefield and aim in all directions.

Pick up the beer bottle, mount your own sow, and charge towards the South China Sea. Charge. "

"Ahem, I'm at home... I knew the anchor was going to play the pipa, so I amplified the sound. The moment the sound sounded, my Erha jumped up with a plop.

Is it feeling murderous?
I suspect it may be the reincarnation of a certain general. "

"Why what I first heard was, Guo Degang Guo Degang Guo Degang Guo Degang just..."


Zhao Fei did not watch the barrage.

At this moment, he encountered Pipa for the first time, and his whole mind was devoted to it.

The skill book allowed Zhao Fei to master pipa skills, and it also made him fall in love with this skill.

Therefore, the more Zhao Fei played, the more he felt.

The more I play, the more energetic I get.

The whole body and emotions also follow the melody of Pipa, sometimes high and sometimes low.

The sound of the pipa is like a silver vase being broken and pearls and jade flying in.

The big strings are noisy like the rain, the small strings are like whispers, the strings are noisy, and the big and small beads are falling on the jade plate.

Gradually, there were a lot less jokes in the live broadcast room.

What is transformed is silence and understanding.

"I don't know if you feel it, but I can really hear it. It seems that there are hundreds of thousands of troops around me. Facing such a desperate situation, I am heartbroken. Burying my body in a foreign land has become a foregone conclusion.

But... the luminous cup of Portuguese wine will remind you immediately if you want to drink Pipa. "

“I have to say, the host played really well, but why did I think of a line in the movie.

Child: Uncle, can you teach us to play football?

Xingye: He still plays football... Bang! "

“I also learned the pipa for a while when I was a kid, but I kind of forgot about it when I grew up, but I still remember that House of Flying Daggers is a very difficult piece to play.

The whole song consists of thirteen sections with subtitles.

Playing instruments, calling generals, forming formations... a small battle at Jiming Mountain, a big battle at Jiuli Mountain.

Until Wujiang committed suicide in the end.

All the armies performed victoriously, the generals competed for merit, and returned to camp victorious. "

The movements on Zhao Fei's side gradually attracted the attention of many actors in the crew.

Xiao Yun looked at Zhao Fei's entranced look and walked over quietly, and found that Zhao Fei did not directly enter the camera after the live broadcast.

After all, her relationship with Zhao Fei is not that good yet, so it would be very impolite to rashly enter someone else's live broadcast room.

What's more, she is still an actress, so she needs to pay more attention to the impact.

Hui Hui also thought of the owner who once made fish porridge for him.

It was not as cautious as Xiao Yun. It walked directly to Zhao Fei, lay down at his feet, and swayed its tail to the tune.

Xiao Yun's character in Meng Hua Lu is a famous pipa player.

So in reality, I also learned a lot about Pipa, but it was just to cope with filming.

But now, listening to Zhao Fei's "Ambush from Flying Daggers", she suddenly had the idea to study hard.

Today's popular songs make people feel full of impetuosity at the first time when listening to them, but pure music is made patiently and carefully.

The kind of notes that are either ethereal, melancholy, sad, or passionate.

It brings unlimited space for imagination.

Soothe restless souls.

So Xiao Yun instantly fell silent, staring at Zhao Fei, not daring to speak, and listened carefully.

When I saw Hui Hui in the live broadcast room, I was also very happy.

Especially the scene of Zhao Fei playing the pipa and Hui Hui lying at his feet formed a beautiful picture.

So whether it is a video blogger or a fan of Zhao Fei.

There are countless people who record screenshots now.

After a few minutes, when the song was over, Zhao Fei let out a sigh of relief.

Applause suddenly sounded.

"so amazing."

Xiao Yun's little face flushed with excitement, and she clapped her hands loudly: "If I had known you could play the pipa, why would I have hired a teacher?

Just teach me. "

Zhao Fei was slightly startled when he saw Xiao Yun.

It was discovered that not only Xiao Yun was at this moment, but also Liu Xiaoli, Liu Yan, Chen Xiao and others... all gathered around and looked at Zhao Fei with admiration.

Obviously they didn't expect that Zhao Fei could also play the pipa.

And he plays it so well.

Director Yang Yang rubbed his chin, thinking about whether to add some scenes to Zhao Fei.

Especially the characters are made a little fuller.

After all, Zhao Fei's acting skills are fine. If he adds some artistic skills in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it would be more in line with Ouyang Xu's character as a talented person.

But it can’t be playing the pipa, because it overlaps with Xiao Yun’s character in the play.

"I learned a little bit when I was young, but I wasn't that good." Zhao Fei said modestly and didn't say much.

Although you can't see the strangers talking in the live broadcast room, they can hear you.

So I couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"Why does this voice sound familiar to me? Is it an actor from the anchor crew?"

"Do you dare to turn the camera around so we can take a look?"

"I want to see Liu Yifei, give him a chance."


"No." Zhao Fei shook his head towards the live broadcast room and explained: "Some of the crew's situations are still confidential, so we cannot satisfy everyone's wishes for the time being."

The director who heard this also nodded.

With the contact, she discovered that Zhao Fei was a really good person.

He was well-informed, knew gains and losses, was handsome and had good acting skills, and the desire to add drama to Zhao Fei became stronger and stronger, so he stepped forward and asked: "Zhao Fei, how is your calligraphy?
I'm talking about calligraphy, can you do ink painting? "

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xiao and others, who had many years of experience in the film crew, instantly understood that the director was going to add a scene to Zhao Fei.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have asked this question.

Chen Xiao felt slightly uncomfortable.

Because if Zhao Fei joins the cast, the one who will suffer the most is him, the leading male lead. However, Zhao Fei is too good and he is helpless.

Moreover, Zhao Fei was polite to others and did not offend him at all.

Especially when they were drinking before, the two of them chatted about entertainment industry things, so they could be considered friends.

This resulted in that although he felt uncomfortable, he did not have any ill feelings toward Zhao Fei.

Liu Yifei and others around him also understood the meaning of the director's words.

Wei Wei is a little surprised and looking forward to Zhao Fei's answer.

It can be said that Zhao Fei can cook, sing, act, and do Tai Chi... and now he can even play the pipa.

So he can’t really do calligraphy and painting, right?

This would be the case.

That’s too versatile!
For a moment, everyone felt very complicated. They wanted to say that Zhao Fei couldn't do it, but also wanted to say that Zhao Fei did.

Zhao Fei was also stunned at this moment.

But he didn't think much about it, smiled and nodded, saying: "I know a little bit."

As soon as he said this, Xiao Yun's beautiful big eyes widened: "You know a little bit again. When you borrowed the pipa just now, you said you knew a little bit, but now it seems that you know more than a little bit.

I feel like you are better than the teacher I hired.

Now you say you are good at calligraphy. Why don't you let others live if you are so good? "

Others were also slightly stunned at this moment.

Modesty is a virtue.

But your excessive modesty is a bit irritating.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and shook his head, feeling slightly heartbroken: "Brother, I suddenly want to hit you now, but I know I can't beat you.

I feel bad now.

So I decided, how about... I will become your teacher? "


"Oh my god, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard."

"Chen Xiao, you are obviously older than Zhao Fei, but you still take him as your teacher?"

"What does this mean? A master is a teacher." Chen Xiao was not embarrassed at all by the ridicule around him. He followed the example of the ancients, clasping his fists with both hands and bowing slightly to give Zhao Fei a salute.

Zhao Fei looked a little embarrassed and quickly stepped forward to support him.

"No, no, no, stop joking."


"This voice sounds like Chen Xiao, right?"

"Not only that, I seemed to also hear the voices of Liu Yifei and Xiao Yun."

"Come on, come on, the anchor will turn the camera around and give me a chance."

Listening to the chatter in the live broadcast room, fans were very interested.

However, this is a film crew, and some things are really difficult to broadcast live.

At this moment, the director was slightly surprised when she heard Zhao Fei's response. She just asked tentatively, but she didn't expect that Zhao Fei would actually know it.

Is this a coincidence?

"Okay, let's give it a try. It happens that the crew needs a lot of calligraphy and painting props, and I'm thinking of inviting a master to come over. Since you're here, I'll write two paintings for you on the spot.

Come on, come on, hurry up... serve me with pen and ink.

There is also no need to close the live broadcast room, and many things do not need to be kept secret.

Just expose the stills. "

The director said this because he valued the popularity of Zhao Fei's live broadcast room and regarded it as promoting Menghualu.

She even wished that Zhao Fei would broadcast live every day.

Therefore, some rules can be bowed down in the face of traffic.

It's okay for Zhao Fei to have some privileges.

And after hearing these words, many leading actors understood that the director didn't mind them appearing in the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei smiled slightly.

Hasn't his purpose been achieved?

Do you really think that he just plays the pipa for nothing and just wants to increase his fan base in the pipa field?

These leading actors are the big ones.

Xiao Yun, Liu Yan, Chen Xiao...etc., these all have their own fans. As long as they appear in the live broadcast room, Zhao Fei can naturally take the opportunity to gain some fan points.

This is Zhao Fei's true purpose.

However, it is difficult to explain this kind of thing to the director, and it is also difficult to express it directly. You can only take your time and let the director take the initiative to speak.Otherwise, Zhao Fei would be a little shorter than the director.

After all, this is a matter of mutual benefit, and there is no telling who will take advantage and who will suffer.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei also felt that the director wanted to add a scene to him, and he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

It was a foregone conclusion that he would play the villain. Although Zhao Fei wanted to change, he could only think of ways from the outside.

The core of the villain has no moves at all.

But it will be different if there are additional scenes. Even the villain can be outstanding, so Zhao Fei doesn't have to worry about being scolded after the TV series is aired.

As long as his performance as Ouyang Xu shines, he is a talented man.

Some character flaws can still be forgiven.

Who doesn’t know that famous poets like Li Bai, Du Mu, Liu Yong, etc. were all frequent visitors to brothels, and it was normal for them to stay up all night.

He even directly regarded the Brothel Giwon as his home.

You see, there are a few people in modern times who say they are wrong, and they are not all compliments.

Didn't Ouyang Xu just fail to keep his promise to Zhao Pan'er? In front of these people, he was completely insignificant and could not be considered a big deal.

"Thank you, director." Zhao Fei nodded to Director Yang Yang, thanking him from the bottom of his heart for the opportunity he gave him.

At the same time, other actors were also curious and walked to the live broadcast room and waved their hands.

"Hello everyone, my name is Xiao Yun, and I play the role of Song Yinzhang in Menghualu."

"Hello everyone, I'm Liu Yan, wow... there are already 200 million people in the live broadcast room."

"Hello everyone, I am Chen Xiao..."


"I'll go, Xiao Yun is so beautiful, Liu Yan is so big!"

"Haha, ok, ok, I knew there would be unexpected gains in this shitty live broadcast room, a few people look good in period costumes."

"Sister Tianxian, here is my Tianxian."

Relatively speaking, Liu Yifei can be said to know Zhao Fei's live broadcast room best.

So she didn't move forward.

Instead, he picked up Hui Hui and followed everyone towards the pen, ink, paper and inkstone that had just been arranged.

For some reason, she felt very happy when she saw Zhao Fei surrounded by everyone, and she was secretly proud, as if she was the one playing the pipa just now.

Menghua Lu was filming a drama from the Song Dynasty, so there was no shortage of pen, ink, paper and inkstones.

Under the director's instructions, the arrangements were quickly made.

Zhao Fei walked to the table, raised his hand to swing up his wide sleeves, and handed the live broadcast room to Xiao Yun next to him: "Director, what are you writing?"

Yang Yang thought for a while and then said: "Su Shi's Jiangchengzi, go hunting in Mizhou...can you?"

"Small idea."

Zhao Fei nodded, picked up the brush, dipped it in some ink, and started writing.

There was no hesitation in the process, and it was so smooth that no one even reacted.

It seems like it has been practiced countless times.

Because the skill book Zhao Fei drew was Cai Xiang's calligraphy. This one was based on Wang, Yan, and Liu, and his handwriting was thick, dignified, and majestic.

Together with Su Shi, he is known as the Four Great Masters.

So I know Su Shi very well. Just for this article, Jiang Chengzi, when using the skill book, Zhao Fei practiced it countless times in his mind.

Soon, in the eyes of everyone, Jiang Chengzi came into view.

"I'm talking about being a teenager. I hold a yellow bow on my left, a green one on my right. I wear a brocade hat and a mink fur, and I ride on a thousand horses. I can draw an eagle bow like the full moon. I look northwest and shoot at the wolf."

Zhao Fei stood quietly with his pen in hand.

Seeing that everyone was staring at the words in front of them, he asked slightly with satisfaction: "How is it?"

"This..." Liu Yifei shook his head, honestly not understanding.

But she could feel that Zhao Fei's writing was very smooth.

The other actors around him were also a little embarrassed at the moment.

They followed, also wanting to see if Zhao Fei could write, but now the word Zhao Fei could write it.

But they can't see the good or the bad at all.

It is impossible to evaluate at the moment.

I don’t know if Zhao Fei is really good at it, or if he is just being modest.

As a result, Zhao Fei's face looked a little ugly at this moment, and he was acting with him for the blind man to watch.

Do you think this is nonsense?

But they don’t understand that there are many talented people in the live broadcast room.

They all saw Zhao Fei writing just now.

"I don't know calligraphy, but I can tell that the anchor writes very confidently and doesn't have any exaggerated movements. I think it should be good."

"As a victim who has practiced calligraphy for more than ten years since childhood, I can tell you with certainty that Zhao Fei's calligraphy... without 20 years of skill, he would never be able to write it.

And the level is quite high.

But I don’t dare to comment on what level I’m at, I’m sorry if I drop out midway. "

"Obviously, the anchor uses the Fei Bai method in cursive script, and it has a deep foundation, and its connotation is no less than that of some famous masters, which even makes me a little suspicious.

Zhao Fei is not from a second generation, but from a scholarly family.

In fact, this calligraphy is so generous, elegant, smooth and natural. It is so extraordinary. "


Now the crew is the assistant director, filming some scattered things, so Director Yang Yang is not busy.

She couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at this moment.

She was the one who asked Zhao Fei to write, but now that he has finished writing, she can’t tell whether it’s good or bad.

So I could only put this matter aside and coughed twice: "Ahem, Zhao Fei... How about you draw another ink painting for everyone?

I'll keep this piece of writing until I find someone to ask. "

What the director thinks is that I can't tell whether the characters are good or bad, but I can at least tell a little bit about the paintings.

"Draw what?"

"Just draw Yifei, it's ready-made!" The director looked at Yifei, who was wearing ancient clothes and holding a gray arm, and nodded: "Pair it with a round fan.

Just draw her as she is now. "

Zhao Fei glanced at Liu Yifei and had to say that Liu Yifei was very good-looking and suited the costume very well.

Although this woman fell in love with his own Mai Mai, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But did not refuse.

Even though he inherited Zhang Zeduan's painting skills in his skill book, and this person is best at painting cars and horses, streets, bridges... but he doesn't know how to paint people.

All in all.

Mere ink and wash figure paintings are naturally no problem.

When Liu Yifei saw the director mentioning himself, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Especially now that Zhao Fei was looking at her carefully, he was even more at a loss. Just when she was about to raise her hand to say something, Zhao Fei suddenly interrupted.

"Don't move, that's it."

Afterwards, Zhao Fei quickly started sketching on the new rice paper.

After a while, a human figure came into view.

You must know that ink painting is relatively difficult, and there are no colors, only black and white.

But in Zhao Fei's writing.

Soon everyone saw it.

The slim Liu Yi leaps across the paper.

She was wearing a white shirt and dress, with waterfall-like long hair draped around her waist. She held a round fan in her left hand and hugged Hui Hui in her right hand. Her elegant and elegant face had a beautiful spring-like smile.

It's like a fairy descending from the sky and wandering around the world.

Every frown and smile is beautiful and refined, and there is a hazy beauty in the classics.

Once you take a look at it, you will be haunted by dreams.

In particular, there is an extra gray in the painting, which not only makes people feel less abrupt.

On the contrary, Zhao Fei perfectly integrated the connotation of classical aesthetics with the charm of modern trends, making it irresistible.

Xiao Yun and Liu Yan were stunned.

After looking at the ink paintings on the table and then at Liu Yifei, the first thought that came to my mind was.

I want to paint too.

Zhao Fei must get one.

Chen Xiao and other male actors could not help but be secretly amazed, looking back and forth between Liu Yifei and the painting.

They even felt that Zhao Fei's paintings seemed more beautiful than Liu Yifei's.

If the Liu Yifei standing in front of them has a touch of fireworks, then the Liu Yifei in the painting is like a goddess descending to earth, aloof from above.

Director Yang Yang's eyes were also shining at this moment.

She is relatively old, but as long as she is a woman, it is impossible not to want to be more beautiful.

Although she still couldn't tell the quality of the painting.

But you can tell whether it looks good or not. Liu Yifei's painting is so beautiful that it's so beautiful that it's heart-warming.

The live broadcast room naturally sees everything.

Quickly take screenshots one by one.

Praise Zhao Fei for his skills.

"This, this is too powerful, isn't it?"

"As expected of a fairy, so beautiful."

"It should be said that you are worthy of being an anchor. You can do everything. I would like to call you the almighty little prince."


The stunned look on everyone's face also aroused Liu Yifei's interest.

Although Zhao Fei painted very quickly, there was a time when her legs were sore from standing there, especially while holding Hui Hui.

Seeing Zhao Fei put away his pen at this moment, he walked over.

When she saw herself leaping on the paper, she was more shocked than the others. Her beautiful eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her beautiful hands.

Hui Hui in his arms felt a little uncomfortable because of this, and he was about to fall on the painting while jumping.

Liu Yifei felt anxious and pulled up his gray neck collar.

toss aside.

He hurriedly asked: "Are you done? Can I put it away?"

"Wait a minute."

Zhao Fei naturally noticed the surprised expressions around him.

I have to say that he felt very happy at the moment when he was stared at by all the admiring eyes.

He really didn't want to pretend to be B, but his strength didn't allow it.

Take a look at this.

Careless, careless.

Don't be so high-profile next time.

Picking up Hui Hui and taking the live broadcast room from Xiao Yun's hand, Zhao Fei turned around and left quietly.

Back to the corner where the live broadcast was just now.

"Brothers, how about... today's benefit is not bad. Is there anyone else who wants to listen to Pipa? There is still time, so I will play another song for you."


"I want to see the angels."

"That's right, anchor, go away, I want to see Liu Yan's face."

"A bunch of LSPs, did you forget about Maimai so quickly... Oh, it's the third day of missing Maimai."

"Zhao Fei."

At this moment, Xiao Yun and Liu Yan chased after him. One helped Zhao Fei press his shoulders, and the other helped Zhao Fei squat down and beat his legs.

The voice is waxy and the attitude is pleasing.

"Can you draw one for me? I'll buy ink now, using the best paper and the best ink..."

I have to say, Liu Yan is really talented.

With her little hands pressing her shoulders, the giant body would accidentally rub against his back.

"Yes, I want to too."

Xiaoyun also looked like a maid, helping Zhao Fei beat his legs.

Watching the live broadcast room, I shouted at the anchor Niu B.

"Fuck, this has to be you."

"This kind of treatment is no more than what a landlord can do."

"Damn, why am I a little envious? Is it still too late to learn to paint now?"


"Cough cough."

Zhao Fei coughed twice and pointed to the live broadcast room: "You two, we are still live broadcasting now, there is no need for this."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them felt a little embarrassed.

He quickly took two steps back, a little further away from Zhao Fei.

However, they still asked Zhao Fei to help them draw a picture, and were reluctant to leave.

Just when Zhao Fei was about to agree, Liu Xiaoli came over.

With a smile on his face, it was as if what happened yesterday had never happened: "Zhao Fei, can I talk to you?"

Zhao Fei had a cold face and ignored the other party.

But Xiao Yun and Liu Yan also saw that they had something to say.

At this moment, even if he was unwilling to give in, he still wanted to give Liu Yifei face. He could only talk about painting when he had a chance. He said hello to Liu Xiaoli and turned around to leave.

"What's there to talk about? Did I make it clear last time?"

"Zhao Fei, you misunderstood me."

Liu Xiaoli sat down slowly and did not dare to call Xiao Zhao anymore.

She was there just now and saw everything.

As Zhao Fei became better and better, she became more and more anxious. It was really hard to find such a man.

The most important thing is that her daughter is slightly interested in Zhao Fei, a man, and she also likes Zhao Fei as her son-in-law.

After all, one can cook, is handsome, and has money. The most important thing is that Zhao Fei knows too many things, which proves that Zhao Fei has a high IQ and learns things quickly.

Good genes!
When the time comes, her grandson or granddaughter will completely inherit Zhao Fei's intelligence.

As long as you have half, the other half belongs to your daughter.

She was content.

And she didn't want Xiao Yun, Liu Yan and Zhao Fei to get too close. Having one Mai Mai was the limit of what she could endure, and absolutely no more.

So I took the opportunity and walked over.

He pulled Zhao Fei to a place out of sight in the live broadcast room and said softly: "Zhao Fei, you really misunderstood me. Yifei didn't like Mai Mai, and I didn't mean to compete with you for Mai Mai.

What we were talking about at that time was not the same thing! "

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Fei was very impatient when Liu Xiaoli dragged him over.

But he couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

Could it be that he thought wrongly at that time, that Liu Yifei was not attracted to Mai Mai, but to himself?
This is impossible, absolutely impossible.

He even disliked shaking hands last time, so how could he like him?

What's more, there is no shortage of people around Liu Yifei.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei subconsciously thought of the photo Liu Yifei sent him unintentionally, showing two women, naked.

Tsk tsk... I can't think about it, I can't think about it.

Otherwise the nose will bleed.

Zhao Fei and Liu Xiaoli were seen walking away in the live broadcast room.

Also confused.

"What's going on? What does Liu Xiaoli mean by just dragging Zhao Fei away?"

"What can't you say in person, and you still have to avoid us... Damn it, I'm curious, what are they going to say?"

"Tai Shang Laojun is as urgent as an order, edict...clairvoyance and ears, ah ah ah..."

(End of this chapter)

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