China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 132 Xiaofei, help me, my aunt will thank you (please order the full version)

Chapter 132 Xiaofei, help me, my aunt will thank you (please order the full version)

Wait until the ink is dry.

Liu Yifei carefully put the painting away, and finally took a reluctant look at it.

The more I look, the more I like it.

I just feel that Zhao Fei is so awesome, he actually painted her so beautifully.

Thinking of it, I couldn't help but look for Zhao Fei in the scene.

When she saw Zhao Fei standing with her mother in the distance, she ran over without thinking too much: "Zhao Fei, thank you, the painting is very beautiful."

This moment interrupted Liu Xiaoli's continued words.

It made her look a little unnatural.

She felt the fire in her heart rushing out. If this was not her biological child, she would have opened her mouth to curse.

Zhao Fei also dismissed the rustling pictures in his mind and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's easy. If you can color it, it will look better."

"No coloring required, I prefer it to be simple and straightforward."

Liu Yifei smiled and shook his head.

She has never seen herself after coloring, but thinks that the moment Zhao Fei captured just now is the most perfect version of herself.

This made her look at Zhao Fei more complicated.

Because Zhao Fei in the dream is also so talented, proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

But at this moment she also noticed Liu Xiaoli, and when she returned to the hotel yesterday, Liu Xiaoli was mysterious and knocked on Zhao Fei's door immediately.

So I couldn't help but be a little curious at this moment: "What are you talking about here?"

"No, I didn't say anything."

Although she was a little angry, Liu Xiaoli couldn't let Liu Yifei know the truth, otherwise things would be out of control, and it would be relatively more difficult.

See Liu Xiaoli's secretive look.

Zhao Fei almost figured it out.

Whether it was Liu Yifei who fell in love with him or Mai Mai.

Co-author Liu Yifei didn't know anything about it, so everything before was Liu Xiaoli's own decision.

The reason why Liu Xiaoli did this was probably because she wanted his help to straighten Liu Yifei.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei suddenly became enlightened.

It's really difficult for Liu Xiaoli, a mother, to go through such a big circle for her daughter.

This made Zhao Fei less angry with Liu Xiaoli and somewhat sympathized with the mother.

Then he explained to her: "Aunt Xiaoli also wants me to draw a picture for him. We are discussing what clothes to wear."


When Liu Xiaoli heard this, her eyes lit up and she cooperated: "I still have a set of purple cheongsam at home, but I don't know if I can still wear it now.

Or change into a looser Hanfu.

Even now that I am older, I will still be the same no matter how I draw. When the time comes, Xiaofei, please draw me a little younger. "

"no problem."

Zhao Fei nodded and didn't take it seriously.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei no longer had any doubts, and jumped up and down with the painting, planning to put it in the car.

Liu Xiaoli also breathed a sigh of relief and opened her mouth to say something.

But before she could speak, Zhao Fei said: "Auntie, I roughly understand what you mean, but I can't help with this matter, so let's forget it.

I also apologize for my rude remarks last time. "

"No need to apologize, you can help with this."

Seeing that Zhao Fei called her aunt again, Liu Xiaoli felt a lot more comfortable: "According to my current observation, Yifei has a good impression of you.

Not very resistant.

Even if I say a few words, I might be very happy in my heart.

Besides, when the time comes, it won't matter what Yifei thinks.

You don’t need to get married or make an official announcement.

Auntie just wants to hold a grandson or granddaughter, just such a small request.

Xiaofei, please help me. "


Good guy!
Zhao Fei's eyes widened.

There were a lot of questions in my mind.

This Liu Xiaoli's approach is too wild.

Liu Yifei had to be forced into something to have such an idea.

It hasn’t happened yet, but the children have already thought of it.

No, Liu Xiaoli went for this goal.

This made Zhao Fei a little excited for a while.

After all, you are a fairy. You don't have to take responsibility or get married. They help you give birth to children and you don't have to support them.

Where can I find this good thing.

Not to mention Zhao Fei, as long as he is a man, his heart will be moved.

"Auntie, you, you..."

"I'm not kidding." Liu Xiaoli also saw that Zhao Fei was a little moved, and couldn't help but feel a little complacent.

After all, Liu Yifei needs to have good looks and a good figure.

His reputation and status are higher than that of Zhao Fei.

She is quite attractive to men, and Zhao Fei is no exception.

"And Auntie is on your side and will help you when the time comes. Auntie is also sincere. You can rest assured about this.

You don’t even know that some of my relatives and friends have several grandchildren.

Auntie is so old, how can she not be anxious.

When the children are born, the first one will be named Zhao and the second one will be named Liu. It would be better if they are twins.

But you have to work hard.

As for Mai Mai, don't worry, Auntie doesn't care and will help you hide it. "

Oh my God?
Zhao Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The whole person was shocked, but I have to say that Liu Xiaoli's conditions were too tempting.

There are absolutely not many mothers-in-law like this in the world.

You think so much of him.

To be honest, Zhao Fei was a little confused at the moment.It happened that at this time, the director called his name.

Zhao Fei responded and ran away: "Auntie, the director called me. Let's talk about this... next time."

Seeing this, Liu Xiaoli was not in a hurry.

With her decades of life experience, she could tell that Zhao Fei was very moved.

It's just that I can't get over it on the surface. As long as I work harder, sooner or later, it won't even be a problem for Zhao Fei.

The most critical thing now is Liu Yifei's side.

Thinking back to just now, since my daughter liked Zhao Fei's paintings so much, it was not impossible to paint two more.

After all, some paintings do not require wearing clothes.

When the time comes when the two of them are in the same room, alone and alone, it is natural for something to happen.

But Liu Yifei probably wouldn't agree easily.

Don't worry, take your time.

It's already good to be able to take care of Zhao Fei's side today.

From now on, keep playing drums next to Yifei. After all, this is considered art. Sooner or later, she will agree.


"Director, what's the matter?"

"Come on, come on, write more of the Song lyrics just now."

Seeing Zhao Fei coming, Director Yang Yang came over with a smile. Just now she had someone read Zhao Fei's handwriting, and her evaluation was quite high.

In fact, if a signature and seal were added, someone offered [-] yuan for a pair.

At this moment, the director understood that Zhao Fei's calligraphy was definitely at the master level.

Now it's natural to take advantage of it.

So at this moment she also decided that to add more scenes, she must add more scenes to Zhao Fei.

Let his character as a villain and talented person stand up.

Including the intimate scenes with Zhao Fei that were deleted because of Liu Yifei's suggestion, they were also re-added.

Because now Zhao Fei is not only responsible for the flow of Menghualu, but also for the acting skills.

Although the performance is still a villain, the attributes of a talented person should also be highlighted.

The director has already imagined that once the TV series is aired, Zhao Fei's specialness will definitely make people's eyes shine, and they will not be able to hate this villain at all.

Especially since Zhao Fei is still a newcomer and has tens of millions of fans in Douyin, his first appearance will definitely attract the attention of these people.

When they saw Zhao Fei's pretty good acting skills with doubtful eyes.

It is conceivable that the impact it will have at that time will be no less than that of Liu Yifei's return to the small screen.

Of course, Liu Yifei and Chen Xiao will be most affected by such a small change in character design.

But when a director shoots a TV series, for the sake of quality and performance, he will not consider the gains and losses of one or two people, but will consider the problem from an overall perspective.

As long as it can make the TV series perform better and become more popular.

Not to mention actors, even investors have to give way. After all, if the results are good, investors will also make money.

Chen Xiao was only paid for the film, so it wouldn't be a big problem to discuss it.

Although Liu Yifei has investment, he obviously likes Zhao Fei's paintings, so he probably won't object if we talk about it.

"no problem."

Zhao Fei nodded. For him, writing was as simple as eating and drinking.

Of course, he also kept an eye on it.

Each painting is unsigned.

In this way, no matter how much he writes, he will not be afraid.

At that time, whether it was bought or sold, or changed hands for collection, if the value of his calligraphy increased in the future, all he had to say was: This calligraphy is not mine.

No matter how good his writing is, it will become worthless no matter how similar it is.


It was time for Zhao Fei to film in the afternoon, so he closed the live broadcast room.

However, Zhao Fei's performance in the live broadcast room was also recorded by many fans and spread throughout the Internet.

As time goes by, it gradually ferments.

By the time Zhao Fei returned to the hotel in the evening, things had reached a high level.

Countless likes, comments, and retweets...

It can be said that each of Zhao Fei's calligraphy, calligraphy, painting, and pipa skills has spread rapidly, attracting the attention of countless people in the corresponding field.

Of course, there are also some who don’t know how to pretend to understand, and wantonly smear and give bad reviews.

I think it’s okay to fuck me.

And there are many such people.

But soon several heavyweights emerged.

Comment below.

The famous Kun Opera performing artist, Mr. Yu Zhenfei, commented in eight words after listening to Zhao Fei's House of Flying Daggers.

"The song is high-pitched and low-pitched, and it stirs the heart."

Teacher Zhong Mingshan, vice president of Longguo Calligraphers Association, commented on Zhao Fei’s calligraphy.

"Observe his strength without losing it, his posture is stretched but not exaggerated, his handwriting is smooth and flowing, sonorous and powerful, this is the essence of Cai Xiang's nine points.

It's hard to imagine that this was written by a young man.

sharp! "

Master Tao Xiangyun, the president of the Longguo Painters Association and a direct descendant of Qi Baishi, also saw Zhao Fei's paintings and made comments.

"Looking at this painting as a whole, the lines are even, the strokes are sure, and it is very spiritual... I hope that those who are lucky enough to see this painting can pass on more Chinese civilization.

Carry forward traditional arts.

Zhao Fei is a very good young man. If you are willing to join the association, I will be your introducer. "

These three hit it big.

It can be said that it indirectly affirmed Zhao Fei's level.

It helped Zhao Fei a lot.

And these comments were pushed to the highest level by Zhao Fei's fans.

Zhao Fei once again became a little angry.

 The author tries to have two chapters a day, but sometimes the number of words fits into one chapter, so he puts them all together. This is Chapter 2 today.

(End of this chapter)

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