China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 133: It’s filming, please pay attention to the impact.

Chapter 133: It’s filming, please pay attention to the impact.
Get up in the morning and take a look at the countdown.

Zhao Fei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

The spread of these three skills through short videos has a relatively large impact.

Zhao Fei's fan base also experienced a small increase.

[Remaining fan value: 4698420 (+1, +1, +1)]

In just one day, his fan base increased by nearly 300 million, and most of this was provided by himself and had little to do with Mai Mai's bond card.

And this is only the first day. Zhao Fei believes that in the next two days, there will be a small explosion in fan base.

After all, any heat needs time to ferment.

So Zhao Fei plans to save more.

Wait two days before drawing.

Get up and wash up.

Zhao Fei is still the one who came earlier among the crew.

When passing by some crew members, whether they recognized them or not, they would say hello to Zhao Fei and call out: "Brother Fei, hello."

Zhao Fei is still very satisfied with this title.

It can be seen that the meal was not in vain.

Because there were extra scenes, most of the scenes today were his, so he didn't dare to delay.

Busy changing clothes and getting ready.

With Zhao Fei's level, no big mistakes were made in the morning.

No matter who he plays with, Zhao Fei is always stable.

This also made the last trace of the director's worries disappear, indicating that Zhao Fei is not only good at a certain type of emotional expression, but is good at various situations and plays.

Especially in terms of lines, the cadence is no worse than that of some veteran actors.

And the acting style is very stable.

Every time something goes wrong, it's basically the person who plays with Zhao Fei, not Zhao Fei.

Such actors are the director's favorite.

Therefore, the director plans to speed up the progress and put additional responsibilities on Zhao Fei.

This resulted in the entire crew surrounding Zhao Fei throughout the day, causing him to never rest at all.

Of course, other actors didn't have it easy either.

Because every time they play with Zhao Fei, they have to prepare for a long time to avoid being scolded by the director and delaying Zhao Fei's time.

Until the last play of the afternoon.

Zhao Fei's mood, which had always been stable, could not help but fluctuate.

Because what follows is an intimate scene between him and Liu Yifei.

The main story is that Ouyang Xu is going to Beijing to take the exam, and Zhao Paner comes to see him off. The two are reluctant to pull each other, and finally kiss each other.

Originally this scene didn't exist.

After all, Zhao Paner will eventually be with Gu Qianfan. If this paragraph is added, it will have a certain impact on Zhao Paner's perfect character.

Overall, this is still a drama with a big female lead.

But without it, Zhao Fei’s character would be too thin.

After all, before going to Beijing to take the exam, Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei lived in the tea house for three years. It would be unreasonable if they had never even kissed each other.

Therefore, the director finally decided to add this scene: "Ahem, you two, do you want to practice it first?"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei raised his head and glanced at Zhao Fei.

He quickly lowered his head, not daring to look further.

Although the next photo shoot was a borrowed position and the two of them would not actually kiss, she was still a little shy at the moment.

He bit his lower lip gently.

"No need, director, just come on." Zhao Fei shook his head, feeling that it would be even more embarrassing to try a section.

Might as well come directly.

And the reason why he was a little nervous.

It's not entirely because of Liu Yifei, but mainly because of what Liu Xiaoli said yesterday.

It's like a seed.

Although yesterday's incident had passed, it was still planted in Zhao Fei's heart.

So whenever he faced Liu Yifei, he would always feel a little complicated, and this seed had a tendency to take root and sprout.

Seeing this, the director nodded and said hello: "Okay, let's get ready, the scene notes... just go ahead."

From the director's point of view, there is no problem with Zhao Fei's appointment, and the main one is Liu Yifei. After all, everyone in the industry knows Liu Yifei's character.

But since Liu Yifei didn't speak, she didn't bother to think too much.

"3, 2, 1...start."

The moment the camera focused on the two of them, they both took a step forward.

Hold each other's hands.

"Xu Lang..."

Liu Yifei had acted with Zhao Fei several times before, and she was used to it after being called Xu Lang and Xu Lang too many times.

Far less shy than in the beginning.


Zhao Fei looked at the other party affectionately, and slowly took out a hairpin from under his sleeve: "It will take you one year to return to Beijing this time. Will you let me bring you a hairpin now?"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei lowered his eyes slightly, moved his lips slightly, and quickly closed them again.

His eyes were evasive, and his whole body exuded an aura of shyness.

I don’t know if it was an act or if I really took it in.

So at this moment, Zhao Fei had to sigh that Liu Yifei still had acting skills.

"We have been together for many years. I know your heart and understand my intentions... No matter whether I am successful or not in Beijing this time, I am willing to marry you. If I am in high school, I will take you to Beijing.

If you fail, I will come back and spend the rest of my life with you.

Hold your hand and grow old with you. "

As soon as he said this, Liu Yifei became even more shy.

Embarrassed, Zhao Fei put down his hand, turned around, lowered his head, but didn't know where to look.

But with slightly trembling lips, he still murmured: "Yeah!"

Although this is a line.

But Liu Yifei felt that Zhao Fei's gaze put too much pressure on her. There was warmth in the affectionate look, as if he had really fallen in love with her.

This made her a little bit unbearable.

His heart was beating wildly, and two blushes appeared on his cheeks.

Then he turned around embarrassedly.

Then, Liu Yifei felt Zhao Fei's hands pass under her armpits and hold her in his arms.

This made her shyly lower her eyes and lower her head slowly, trying to hide her blushing pretty face.

The delicate body is also slightly stiff.

The voice was waxy: "Xu Lang!"


Zhao Fei picked up the hairpin and carefully inserted it into the high bun on Liu Yifei's head.

At this time, it was time for Liu Yifei to stand on tiptoes and give him a kiss.

But she leaned on Zhao Fei's chest, feeling extremely solid and warm in her heart, and because her head was so messed up, she couldn't react for a moment.

Until the director's "click" sounded in my ears.

Liu Yifei was instantly awakened.

"Yifei, what's the matter with you? You're fine in front. You've been holding me for almost five seconds and you can't even move?"

"Sorry, director, let's do it again." Liu Yifei lowered his eyes in embarrassment.

"There's no need to start over. The previous part was pretty good. You two should continue to maintain this posture. After Zhao Fei helps you put on the hairpin, you can turn around..."

"Understood, director."

Liu Yifei took a long breath and adjusted his mentality.

He kept telling himself in his heart that he was Ouyang Xu, not Zhao Fei.

That's right, he is not Zhao Fei.

I did everything in the dream, but a kiss was nothing.

Yes, yes, that's it...

"Okay, get ready... 3, 2, 1, start."


"Pan'er, I will help you put on the hairpin now."

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Liu Yifei, who was in a much calmer mood, immediately turned around and mistook Zhao Fei for Ouyang Xu and Ouyang Xu for Zhao Fei.

No matter what, at this moment, her mind echoed the original dream scene again.

Holding Zhao Fei's neck with both hands.

Standing on tiptoe slightly.

The slender neck, as white as a swan, was also slightly blushing.

The next second, she aimed at the location and stamped it.

And slowly closed his eyes.


It's a bit cool, very soft, and different from women's.

So I didn't take it seriously.

However, she suddenly realized at this moment that the two of them should be misplaced.

Now I encountered it directly.

Without thinking too much, Liu Yifei immediately opened his eyes and took two steps back in panic.

Covering her mouth with her hands, her heart was in turmoil.Especially when he saw the surprised and weird look in Zhao Fei's eyes, he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

The director who had been paying attention at this moment was also surprised.

what's the situation?
Kiss, was Liu Yifei who took the initiative.

In addition to the director, Liu Xiaoli also saw it.

On the contrary, the other actors were all taking off their makeup and changing clothes before getting off work, so they were not present.

"I knew it." Liu Xiaoli raised the corners of her mouth slightly, feeling happy in her heart.

He had already noticed that his daughter seemed to have a crush on Zhao Fei.

Although it's not obvious, it's still a big improvement based on her original character.

Of course, she had never been sure before.

Now seeing Liu Yifei's initiative, the last trace of worry in her heart disappeared.

After all, she had been keeping Liu Yifei secret and setting them up.

Even in Liu Xiaoli's view, this was for Liu Yifei's good, but she was worried that Liu Yifei would be angry when he found out the truth later.

In anger, he severed the mother-daughter relationship with her.

Old and dead do not communicate with each other.

That would be embarrassing.

Now there is no need to worry at all. It is obvious that my daughter also has this idea, otherwise she would not be able to take the initiative.

"Ahem, Yifei...are you okay? Can you do it again?" Looking at the situation on the scene, the director didn't understand what was going on, so he tentatively spoke.

Zhao Fei was also slightly embarrassed. He glanced at Liu Yifei and explained to her: "Everyone is quite tired after the day. How about we shoot again tomorrow?"

"No, I can."

After hearing what the director said, Liu Yifei really wanted to put it down temporarily and start filming again tomorrow.

But looking around, I found that most of the leading actors were not there.

It’s better to keep shooting.

Otherwise, I don’t know how many people will be watching tomorrow.

It will be even more embarrassing then.

"Okay, then, you can do whatever you want, photographer... and you can act accordingly."

What the director meant by this.

It was obvious that the two of them were allowed to do whatever they wanted, whether it was borrowing a seat or being a real relative.

Just express the effect she wants.

"When you come closer, be a little slower. After all, the misalignment distance is very close, and you will bump into it accidentally." Zhao Fei reminded.

He meant well and didn't want to take advantage of anyone.

Even if it tastes good.

But he also wanted to finish the filming quickly. After all, he hadn't rested all day. Even if he was in good health, he couldn't use people as cattle.

However, to Liu Yifei's ears, these words didn't sound the same.

What do you mean?
Was it me who was wrong just now?
Thinking of this, Liu Yifei felt slightly aggrieved.

I have been acting for so many years, how could I not know the mismatch?

Isn't it because I was too nervous just now and thought you were Ouyang Xu in the dream, so I couldn't control myself for a while and forgot about acting.

I didn't mean to.

It seems like I'm taking advantage of you.

The more Liu Yifei thought about it, the angrier he became. He glared at Zhao Fei with his beautiful eyes and said in his heart: "Okay, since you said I was taking advantage, then I will take advantage of you today.

You want to finish it quickly, but I won’t let you finish filming. "

So, 3 minutes later…

This is out on the road in the wild, not at your home! "

In the blink of an eye, another 3 minutes passed.

The director collapsed a little and said: "Yifei is fine this time, but... Zhao Fei, you are a man, at least you should respond a little stronger.

Don't be like a piece of wood.

Yifei is not afraid, so what are you afraid of? "

5 minutes passed.

The director spoke again: "Ahem, Zhao Fei... I want your response to be a little stronger, but you can't do anything, this... can't be broadcast.

Take it in, take it in. "

In fact, this is no wonder Zhao Fei.

It was Liu Yifei's provocation that made him feel a little uncomfortable.

One bite on the left, one on the right.

I don’t know which of the two it belongs to.

"Sorry director, let's do it again."

Zhao Fei took a deep breath, forced himself not to think too much, and calmed down his chaotic mind. At the same time, he said to Liu Yifei: "For the last time, don't let anything happen."


Liu Yifei snorted coldly and said nothing more.

But she didn't want to continue, otherwise she was afraid that Zhao Fei would be rude again.

"Okay, let's do it again, the makeup artist... put some makeup on Yifei, and Zhao Fei wipe the corners of your mouth too."

"Ha ha."

Liu Xiaoli, who had been watching not far away with her arms folded, smiled.

I just feel that I am getting closer and closer to my granddaughter.

Of course, she also has to collect it.

Don't make your attitude too obvious, lest Liu Yifei notices it and becomes wary.

Can't laugh either.

It would be best to scold Zhao Fei again. This is the attitude she has always shown in front of outsiders.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoli walked over with a dark face.

"Xiao Fei, I'm not telling you, you're filming now, so you have to pay attention to the impact."

"Forget it, Mom, she didn't mean it."

Liu Yifei stepped forward, took Liu Xiaoli's hand, and signaled her to go back first, they were about to film.

She was a little angry at first.

However, all of this was provoked by her accidentally. Zhao Fei is a man after all, so it is reasonable for him to react.

So she thought about it carefully and didn't blame Zhao Fei.

Moreover, this different experience also gave Liu Yifei some taste and knowledge, and he looked into Zhao Fei's beautiful eyes, even though he was still angry.

In my heart, I got closer to Zhao Fei.

Hearing what her daughter said, Liu Xiaoli didn't care much. After all, she was just showing it to Liu Yifei.

He snorted coldly and glared at Zhao Fei as he turned to leave.

But Zhao Fei could clearly see that the moment she turned around, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise, and there was encouragement flowing in her wide eyes.

As if to say: Come on, I support you.

This made Zhao Fei feel a little pity for Liu Yifei.

I don’t know whether it’s good or bad to have such a biological mother on the stall.

Forget it, I don't want to.

After taking the photo, I quickly changed my clothes and went back to the hotel to take a shower.

Otherwise, Zhao Fei was really afraid that he could not bear it.

Finished makeup.

Zhao Fei and Zhao adjusted their status and did not encounter each other this time.

But when they felt it carefully, the feeling of their breaths hitting their faces made them feel itchy in their hearts.

After all, it has been done several times before.

Liu Yifei wanted to move forward.

Zhao Fei also swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Okay, that's it. Call it a day and get off work."

The director stood up and interrupted the two of them.

For a moment, Liu Yifei felt a little regretful and lowered his head without saying anything more.

Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked to the locker room.

He now understands.

Why is the relationship between men and women in the entertainment industry a bit chaotic?

It's really a crew that stays together for several months. In the scenes, there are lovers or couples, and they rub each other's hands every day.

They will naturally become closer to each other.

In addition, the entertainment industry is full of handsome men and beautiful women.

It's a normal thing if you see the right person.

After all, no one is a saint.

All have feelings and needs.

We are all adults, so we can't say who is right or wrong.

Moreover, the scene is over as soon as the filming is over, so there is no impact on each other.

Even Zhao Fei couldn't avoid this, otherwise he wouldn't have reached out just now.

In the past, Zhao Fei had sneered at these scumbags.

Now that I think about's actually a bit exciting.

No, no.

Go back to the hotel and take a shower.

(End of this chapter)

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