Chapter 134 Mai Mai knows it

The crew is done.

Everyone returned to the hotel one after another.

Liu Yifei's mood was not high all the way, even though Hui Hui in his arms was very attractive.

Liu Xiaoli next to her naturally noticed it.

But didn't say much.

After all, she had just scolded Zhao Fei, so it was not easy for him to speak for Zhao Fei at the moment.

However, her silence does not prevent her from guiding things in the direction she wants.

So I gave Xiao Li, who had just walked in with a takeaway, a look.

Mouth shape: three rooms and one living room.

Xiao Li understood instantly, opened the takeout, put it on the dining table, and said: "Auntie, Sister's time to eat!"

"I have no appetite, you can eat first."

Liu Yifei looked at the profile picture representing Zhao Maimai in WeChat with mixed feelings.

She had to admit that she was a little attracted to Zhao Fei.

This kind of heartbeat had never happened before, and it even made her feel sick.

But she didn't know why. Maybe it was because of the photo incident, or maybe because of the extremely clear dream. Zhao Fei's figure seemed to be engraved in her mind.

No matter how hard you rush, you can't drive away.

This was completely different from her original intention of asking Zhao Fei to film Menghualu.

And ran uncontrollably towards another track.

Zhao Fei didn't need her to teach her acting skills at all, let alone cause trouble for her. It would be nice if Zhao Fei didn't cause trouble for her.

So Liu Yifei felt very sorry for Mai Mai.

After all, they are the real couple.

She doesn't allow herself to do that.

"If you don't have an appetite, you should eat something to cope with the two bites, otherwise you will be hungry at night."

Liu Xiaoli took a glass of water, put it on the dining table, and continued: "Seeing these dishes, I kind of miss Zhao Fei's craftsmanship.

Under such simple conditions, Zhao Fei was able to make a table of delicious food.

If now...

Yifei, do you think we can let Zhao Fei show off his skills again? "

"Put it down. You just told me today that you would let me cook the next day. You really think Zhao Fei has no temper." Liu Yifei curled his lips.

I really don’t know what to say to my mother.

If you worry about small things, you will always be confused about big things.

What stands out is that one has long hair but short knowledge.

"Sister Yifei, don't you and Zhao Fei have a good relationship? I also want to eat the food cooked by Zhao Fei." Xiao Li was also assisting.

Actually don't talk about them.

Liu Yifei also missed Zhao Fei's cooking.

But she was a little embarrassed to say it, and she didn't dare to get close to Zhao Fei anymore.

They were afraid that if they were not careful, the two of them would fall into the abyss.

Then she would really feel sorry for Mai Mai.

She simply couldn't imagine that in the future, when Zhao Maimai asked her: I regard you as a friend, but you want to sleep with my man, what should she do?
"I won't tell you, you guys can go yourselves." Liu Yifei put his phone on the table and picked up his chopsticks.

Liu Xiaoli's sharp eyes saw the still dark Zhao Maimai's profile picture on the screen of her mobile phone.

It was instantly clear in my heart.

I finally understood why my daughter was in a low mood.

It turned out to be because of Zhao Maimai.

This made her frown.

Originally, he planned to hide it from Zhao Maimai, but now it seems that even if he hides it from Zhao Maimai, he might not dare to be with Zhao Fei if his daughter likes Zhao Fei.

After all, being a third party is neither easy to hear nor easy to do.

Moreover, Liu Yifei is still a person who is very capable of controlling his own desires. If he delays any longer, I am afraid that this little flame that has just risen will be extinguished by Liu Yifei on his own initiative.

This will not work.

We must find a way,

Discuss it with Zhao Fei?
No, Zhao Fei is in the middle of the two women, his status is inconvenient, and he won't help.

Then she can only take action herself.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoli had eaten.

When he returned to the room, he took out his cell phone and sent a message to Zhao Maimai.

"Maimai, how are you doing lately?"

At this moment, Zhao Maimai was in the dormitory, also chatting with Zhao Fei.

When I saw Liu Xiaoli's WeChat message, I couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Hello, Auntie, I'm doing well recently. I heard Zhao Fei say that you are also on the crew of Menghua Recording?"


Although she was speaking on WeChat, Liu Xiaoli was quite embarrassed at the moment, but for the sake of her retirement career, she was shameless and simply spoke frankly and explained the matter clearly.

So she directly told all the causes and consequences, including Hui Hui... and her request to have her grandson in order to win over Liu Yifei.

All said.

"Maimai, Auntie knows this, and I'm sorry for you, but Yifei is getting older and there will be no chance if she doesn't give birth.

And it’s not a problem if it continues like this.

Zhao Fei is the only person she is interested in, so Auntie made this move.

Whether we can let her live a normal life depends on this.

I hope you don't blame me.

But the aunt has failed now. Although Yifei has a good impression of Zhao Fei, he is restraining himself and does not dare to approach Zhao Fei.

The same goes for Zhao Fei. When I told him, he refused on the spot.

And began to distance himself from Yifei.

It can be seen that Zhao Fei is really a good man. "

Although Liu Xiaoli planned to tell Zhao Maimai all this, she also had her own little thoughts mixed in with it.

The main purpose is to bring Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei together.

And he said a good word for Zhao Fei and a good word for Yifei.

"Auntie didn't want you to leave Zhao Fei, and she didn't dare to have that idea. Auntie sincerely hopes that you and Zhao Fei can be well. Auntie just wants to hold a grandson.

What's more, you and Zhao Fei are a real couple.

I just hope that you, Mai Mai, can fulfill this little wish of your aunt.

Even if it's a little too much.

But now Auntie really has no other choice. "

Zhao Maimai was also quite surprised to learn such a thing.

Then came the annoyance.

How could Liu Xiaoli do this? This is too immoral.

But as I saw the follow-up words.

Especially Liu Yifei was restraining himself, and Zhao Fei didn't agree.

Her anger also gradually dropped.

I understand Liu Xiaoli, as a mother, she cares for her daughter.

The most important thing was that Zhao Fei was still the same Zhao Fei. Even though he was ill, he didn't mess around outside, which made her very happy.

Moreover, as a fairy, it goes without saying that Liu Yifei is well-known in the entertainment industry.

The most important thing is that she keeps herself clean.

As for how many girlfriends they have... let alone how many, even if they come together, what can they do?

Those who have never experienced Zhao Fei will never understand what a real man is.

Thinking of this, Zhao Maimai's heart was shaken.

After all, Zhao Fei needs to exert his energy, but sometimes she can't satisfy it alone. Liu Yifei is not a vixen like her classmates.

So he is still worthy of Zhao Fei.

But she was still a little unwilling.

After all, no woman wants to share her man with others.

However, Zhao Fei was ill.

The role of the bond card was also brought into full play at this moment.

It also made Mai Mai torn between loving herself and loving Zhao Fei, but in the end she chose to love Zhao Fei more.

She hopes Zhao Fei is better.

Even if I feel a little wronged, I won't hesitate.

What's more, she had already had the idea of ​​helping Zhao Fei find another one before, but she never took action and couldn't get over that hurdle.Now Liu Yifei bumped into him.

Just right.

However, she did not directly agree to Liu Xiaoli's request, so as not to cause trouble for the other party.

After all, Liu Xiaoli has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, so she can't believe everything she says, so she has to find out for herself.

"Auntie, I understand, please let me think about it."

"Maimai, just don't be angry. I'm telling you this. Except for Zhao Fei, Liu Yifei doesn't know about it. You must not tell her.

Otherwise, as a mother, I will be doomed. "


Then, Zhao Maimai looked at Zhao Fei's WeChat message.

Zhao Fei: "What are you doing? You haven't replied to me for so long?"

"I washed my face." Zhao Maimai explained briefly and then continued: "I heard that you and Liu Yifei filmed a kissing scene. How was it? How did you feel?"

As soon as he said this, Zhao Fei, who was lying on the bed, frowned slightly.

I felt slightly guilty.

But he didn't intend to hide it: "Yes, what we filmed today was a new scene added by the director. Do you think... do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"


"The truth is that it feels good, the lie is just average... But I have decided now to discuss it with the director tomorrow and seize the time to go back after filming Menghualu.

If I stay any longer, I'm afraid something will happen and you don't even know... Liu Xiaoli, forget it.

Don't be angry, I will always be by your side and I will always love you.

You have to believe me. "

Zhao Fei really has this plan.

Although he is a man, sometimes he cannot control himself, and he yearns to be a scumbag.

But he still has a conscience.

I also really like Maimai.

It is impossible to hurt Mai Mai because of others.

Mai Mai was willing to be wronged for him, and Zhao Fei was equally willing to be wronged for Mai Mai.

This may be the function of the bond card.

But what's more important is the relationship between the two. Zhao Fei didn't want to hide it from the other party, so he told the truth to avoid the bloody drama in the TV series.

Because even if Mai Mai was angry at this time, Zhao Fei was sure to control it.

After all, Zhao Fei has not done anything to feel sorry for Mai Mai.

If this happens without telling Mai Mai, there will be a thunderstorm in the future, which will be even more difficult to solve, so it is better to be straightforward.

"I believe you."

Zhao Maimai smiled happily.

Although she had already made her decision, she felt a lot less aggrieved when she saw that Zhao Fei was not hiding anything from her.

Then he expressed his thoughts.

"I'm not angry. Actually...Liu Yifei is not bad either. If you really like him, I don't mind too much, but only when I'm not around you.

That is to say, it is only limited to when you are on the crew of Menghua Recording. As long as I am by your side, you cannot do it at other times. "

Although she had made up her mind, Mai Mai did not want Liu Yifei to follow Zhao Fei directly. She just wanted to find a tool for Zhao Fei to vent his energy when she was not with Zhao Fei.

Although it is unfair to Liu Yifei to say this, in Mai Mai's eyes, Zhao Fei is supreme.

Everything must be centered on Zhao Fei.

Even she herself is no exception, let alone Liu Yifei.

Saw the words on WeChat.

Zhao Fei sat up directly from the bed.

What does not mind mean? This means she pushed Liu Yifei.

Now, Mai Mai won't have a high fever, right?
"You are Zhao Maimai." Zhao Fei called over with a video.

Zhao Maimai lowered her voice to the minimum, got under the quilt, and whispered: "I'm Zhao Maimai, don't doubt me, I'm in the dormitory now, video chat is not convenient.

Hang up first. "

When I saw Mai Mai without makeup on her phone, I was sure that her account had not been hacked and she was in good condition.

But Zhao Fei was still a little unbelievable.

Because this is not something a normal woman can do.

Could it be the function of the bond card?

Or is it that Mai Mai loves him so much that she doesn't care if he finds another woman?

This, something is wrong, something is wrong.

Totally unreasonable.

Zhao Fei did not expect that the reason why Zhao Maimai was like this was that he completely misunderstood the brain disease he said at the beginning, and he needed to exert energy to control the attack.

Since Tai Chi didn't work, Mai Mai regarded doing things between men and women as a way to exert energy.

After all, at that time, Mai Mai simply couldn't satisfy Zhao Fei.

There is some truth in thinking this way.

But Zhao Fei didn't think about it at all. After all, all of this was something he made up in order to conceal the countdown.

He himself was not sick at all.

This was a misunderstanding and a coincidence, so Mai Mai's mood changed.

"What I just said was not an angry word, it was my sincere words, and I am not angry with you. If you can really break Liu Yifei, I will feel quite accomplished."

After Zhao Maimai finished speaking, he closed Zhao Fei's WeChat message.

Then he found Liu Yifei’s WeChat message.

Typing: "Sister Yifei, are you asleep?"


Liu Yifei, who was watching short videos, got up from the bed, feeling slightly nervous.

I don’t know why it’s so late, but Mai Mai wants to contact her.

Could it be that he came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime?
"Sister Yifei, let me tell you something. Don't tell anyone else."

"What's the matter?" Liu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that Mai Mai didn't seem to be here to ask questions. There must be something else, and he was also a little curious.

It's so late, what on earth is Mai Mai doing?

"Before I talk about it, I want to ask you, do you like Zhao Fei?
I want to hear the truth.

Because I know everything about you. "

In an instant, Liu Yifei felt a loud bang in his head.

Even her delicate body was trembling.

There were mixed feelings in her heart, what did she know?

Photo, it’s still today’s kiss scene…

After being stunned for a long time, Liu Yifei sighed and said, "I'm sorry, don't worry, we didn't do anything. I will stay away from him in the future."

"No, you don't have to apologize."

Seeing that Liu Yifei was not hiding anything from her, Zhao Maimai smiled slightly and continued: "Then let me tell you a secret about Zhao Fei.

When it was broadcast live, didn't it say that Zhao Fei was sick?

That's right, he..."

Zhao Maimai told Zhao Fei how much energy he needed to control his brain disease.

Including the physical intensity, she couldn't bear it alone.

Wait, nothing was hidden from Liu Yifei.

After hearing this, Liu Yifei was also surprised and his eyes widened.

Asked: "What do you mean?"

"That's right, if you really like Zhao Fei, then work hard to pursue him. I won't stop you, and I won't mind... After all, I'm a little tired by myself.

And this is also for Zhao Fei's good. "

At this moment, Liu Yifei's heart became more complicated. He was filled with sighs and joy at Zhao Maimai's generosity.

There is also pity for Zhao Fei.

I don’t know what to do next.

So she couldn't sleep tonight.

Zhao Fei's sleep was also restless.

On the contrary, Mai Mai felt that a hidden danger had been eliminated. Although she was a little aggrieved, for Zhao Fei, it was nothing for her to suffer a little grievance, not to mention that she was only on the crew.

Zhao Fei will always be hers and no one can take it away.

 One more chapter

(End of this chapter)

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