Chapter 135 A Painting with Color
Time passed slowly.

Soon, it had been a week since Zhao Fei came to the Menghualu crew.

During this period, although Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei met every day, they basically had no communication.

He didn't say anything about Mai Mai either.

It seems that the relationship is not as good as before.

Liu Xiaoli saw all this and couldn't help but regret it.

She was still too impulsive.

You shouldn't have told Mai Mai in the first place, but now it's over, everything is irreversible.

Zhao Fei was concerned about Mai Mai's thoughts and would definitely not do anything to Liu Yifei again. Yifei probably gave up on this idea completely because of Mai Mai.

Things are getting worse now.

She can only use unconventional means now.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoli gritted her teeth, called Xiao Li over and whispered a few words.

The expression on Xiao Li's face was extremely surprised.

"Auntie, do you really want to do this?"

Liu Xiaoli originally thought that she could tell Maimai that Maimai could be more generous, but the final result proved that she was overthinking, so now she doesn't want to worry about Zhao Maimai's thoughts.

To cook the rice, she must hold her grandson.

It's useless for anyone to stop him.

Of course, Liu Xiaoli didn't know that Mai Mai was actually helping her match up.

"Go ahead, this is the last way. The opportunity is just right tonight. Zhao Fei has agreed to help Liu Yifei paint."

"Okay, now that you've decided, Auntie, I'm going to buy it now."

Xiao Li gritted his teeth and secretly apologized to Liu Yifei for the three bedrooms and one living room he had, and walked out of the set without hesitation.


Back to hotel at night.

Zhao Fei prepared his drawing board and waited for Liu Yifei's visit.

In the past few days, he had already painted portraits for Liu Yan and others, including Liu Xiaoli.

In the end, it naturally received a lot of praise.

Today it is Liu Yifei's turn.

It was just a new painting with color, so Zhao Fei naturally did not refuse.

But Zhao Fei didn't know that this was not just a colorful painting, but a work of art with heavy colors.

Of course, Liu Yifei would not have agreed before.

However, Liu Xiaoli has been persuading her, and she has been chatting with Mai Mai almost every night these days, and the relationship between the two has become increasingly close.

This made Liu Yifei's psychological defense lower and lower.

Finally, he borrowed the donkey from the slope.

This led to what happened today.

"Sister Yifei, Mr. Zhao, you drink some water first and draw slowly...I'll go back first. If you have anything, please call me."

"Well, Xiao Li, let's go first."

Liu Yifei had no doubt that it was about to begin. She was also a little nervous and took a big sip.

The weather was hot, and so was Zhao Fei.

But just as he was drinking water, he suddenly saw Liu Yifei starting to take off his clothes.

His eyes could not help but widen.

Even before he could ask any more questions, Liu Yifei took off all his clothes, covering his chest with one hand and covering his lower abdomen with the other...

"Should I strike a pose?"

At this moment, Liu Yifei's eyes were drooping. Even though he had made a decision in his heart, he did not dare to look at Zhao Fei.

I felt extremely shy.

At this moment, Zhao Fei also understood that the colorful paintings mentioned by co-author Liu Xiaoli were really colorful.

This made Zhao Fei a little uncomfortable for a while, and he pointed at the sofa: "How about... you can lie on your side on the sofa, and I will turn on the air conditioner."

"Okay." Liu Yifei nodded lightly and followed Zhao Fei's words.

He struck a pose that he thought looked good.

At this moment, Zhao Fei was also drinking water in large gulps to stop his heartbeat from beating so fast.

By the way, turn up the temperature of the air conditioner a little.

Wait until he returns to the living room.Seeing Liu Yifei already lying down, his eyes could not help but light up.

In fact, this scene caused incomparable harm to his heart. The anger in his lower abdomen was rising, and he wanted to pounce on him and transform into a beast.

However, in line with the attitude of doing one's duty as it is now.

Zhao Fei stepped forward, moved Liu Yifei's hand a little, and smoothed his scattered hair, making it look more natural.

"You can use a little more force to get a better effect."


Liu Yifei didn't dare to look at Zhao Fei, his voice was waxy, and he pressed down the hand covering his chest.

This made Zhao Fei's blood boil even more.

I don't dare to be so close to the other party again.

Return to the front of the drawing board and start writing.

But as time passed, Zhao Fei discovered that something was wrong with his body.

The anger in my lower abdomen is getting bigger and bigger.

Including Liu Yifei.

Originally, when she saw that Zhao Fei didn't do anything to her, Liu Yifei's nervous mood had eased a lot.

Also relieved.

But her body became more and more uncomfortable, like a volcano, wanting to erupt uncontrollably. She no longer avoided Zhao Fei's gaze, but looked directly at him bravely.

I even hope that Zhao Fei will do something instead of just painting.

This feeling becomes stronger and stronger as time goes by.

If the two of them couldn't detect anything at this time, they would be fools.

They immediately thought that there was definitely something wrong with Xiao Li's water just now.

"Zhao Fei, this... this has nothing to do with me." Liu Yifei was extremely embarrassed and explained.

Zhao Fei nodded: "I know!"

Naturally, he also knew that this was definitely caused by Liu Xiaoli.

Liu Yifei is not such a person at all.

In the blink of an eye, 10 minutes passed, and Liu Yifei couldn't bear it anymore. His green-white legs began to get entangled together.

The hand covering his chest couldn't help but exert a little force.

Biting her lips lightly, her voice was charming and seductive: "You, have you finished painting?"


Liu Yifei felt uncomfortable, and so did Zhao Fei.

If he hadn't been strong-willed, he would have pounced on him long ago.

And he also wanted to finish the painting.

Because Liu Yifei is so beautiful at this moment, so beautiful that it is so touching that it is also a great sense of accomplishment for Zhao Fei to be able to leave this scene in the painting.

In a blink of an eye, another 10 minutes passed.

Liu Yifei couldn't lie down anymore.

She looked at Zhao Fei with charming eyes; "You haven't finished painting yet, me... me?"

"It'll be over soon."

Zhao Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva and resisted his impulse.

I want to continue to finish the painting.

Don't leave any regrets.

He felt that this work was definitely the most satisfying and most attentive one he had painted recently.

In a blink of an eye, another 10 minutes passed.

Zhao Fei put down the last stroke and threw the brush aside.

Admiring his masterpiece, he felt extremely satisfied.

At this moment, Liu Yifei also discovered the situation on Zhao Fei's side. She felt that she was going to explode if she continued to endure it, so she didn't care so much.

He didn’t shy away from Zhao Fei directly.

He stepped on the carpet with his bare feet and ran towards Zhao.

Open your heart completely to Zhao Fei.

At this point, Zhao Fei would no longer be a man if he could bear it any longer. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, opened his arms to embrace Liu Yifei, and strode towards the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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