Chapter 137 Menghualu is completed

I drank a bottle of health spring water yesterday.

Liu Yifei's body has recovered.

She knew that there was a big age gap between herself and Zhao Fei.

He even felt that he was not worthy of Zhao Fei.

If it's Zhao Fei, it doesn't seem impossible to give him a child.

I was really stupid before, and I was so proud that I went to find women.

There is simply a world of difference between the two, and they cannot be compared at all.

However, as time passed, Liu Yifei became a little troubled.

"Zhao Fei, how about... let's go back to the bedroom."

Turning to look at Zhao Fei.

"Then turn around and I'll hold you."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei turned around.

Zhao Fei also took advantage of the opportunity to support her.


Liu Yifei exclaimed, but before she could say anything more, she was carried by Zhao Fei and walked outside.

The water droplets fell down, and although there were two people, only Zhao Fei's footprints were left on the ground.

Zhao Fei finally understood why everyone said that domestic flowers were not as fragrant as wild flowers.

If Mai Mai is a white lotus developed by Zhao Fei, it is petite and cute, sweet yet loving, making people feel like drinking nectar.

Then Liu Yifei is a rose developed by Zhao Fei. The petals are layered on top of each other, blooming one after another, and the mature ones will be pricked from time to time.


A week later.


Director Yang Yang held a loudspeaker and shouted, "Congratulations to Zhao Fei, it's finished!"

For a moment, the crew burst into applause.

It took half a month for Zhao Fei to complete his part. This was despite the fact that the director added a lot of scenes to him, so the speed was not unsatisfactory.

"Thank you. I would also like to thank you all during this period. Without your full cooperation, I would not have been able to shoot so smoothly. Dong Lai Shun tonight.

I invite everyone to dinner. "

As soon as this was said, everyone's applause became even more enthusiastic.

Some even shouted loudly.

"Thank you, Brother Fei."

"Thank you Mr. Zhao."

Hundreds of thousands, Zhao Fei didn't take it seriously.

What's more, you can spread a good reputation by spending money, so why not do it.

Only when there is a beginning and an end is perfection.

The entire crew, about [-] people in total, once again occupied the Donglaishun Hall.

Although Zhao Fei has finished filming, the crew has not been disbanded because the filming of Meng Hua Lu has not yet been completed.

And this week, Zhao Fei was filming during the day and was also busy at night.

Under Liu Xiaoli's help, Liu Yifei was either dragged over or pushed over.

As a result, after this period of time, although Liu Yifei's complexion seemed to be getting better and better, he was actually a little afraid of Zhao Fei.

Especially yesterday, knowing that Zhao Fei was about to finish filming.

Toss too hard.

Tonight, no matter what I say, she won’t go.

Zhao Fei returned to the hotel and returned to his room honestly.

I stayed with the crew of Menghualu for half a month.

It’s time to reap his fan value.

[Remaining fan value: 8634850 (+1, +1, +1)]

More than 800 million fans.

Most of these fan points are provided by three skills. Zhao Fei also increases them indirectly through Liu Yifei and other actors when he is free to broadcast live on the crew.

Not too much, but not too little.

It was enough for him to draw a wave of prizes.

Later, Zhao Fei purchased eight high-end lottery cards and a lucky bread, spending a total of 810 million fan points.

There are still more than 40 remaining fans.

Zhao Fei didn't plan to move it, he would save it and buy some healthy spring water in the future, just in case of emergencies.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Fei swallowed the lucky bread.

It doesn’t require a skill book this time, just a bond card.

Zhao Fei is looking forward to how much fan value he will get if he uses the bond card on Liu Yifei.

Or [-] million?

Not daring to think, not daring to think, Zhao Fei rubbed his hands and clicked on the draw.

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a spiritual fruit. 】

The spiritual fruit is worth 100 million, no loss or gain.

Okay, keep smoking.

[Congratulations to the host, you have gained ten years of health (automatically added to the life countdown)]

Advanced lottery cards can actually draw this.

Zhao Fei rubbed his chin.

According to the exchange mall price, one year's life value is 30 fan points, and ten years is 300 million, which is equivalent to a threefold increase.

Big profits.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a green charm fruit that has not yet fully grown. 】

I'll go, good stuff.

Zhao Fei got up from the sofa. This mature fruit of charm is worth 5000 million fan points, which is the same as the acting skill book.

It is a top item in the exchange mall.

Even the green attractive fruit has one third of the effect of the mature fruit.

This is different from the trial version skill book.

The green charm fruit can also permanently increase Zhao Fei's charm.

With the addition of this green charm fruit, Zhao Fei is just one short of the mature charm fruit.

It can be said that today's lottery is just this fruit of youthful charm, and Zhao Fei has not lost anything.

So Zhao Fei did not hesitate.

He took out the green fruit and swallowed it directly.

Maybe it's because it's immature. It's not very tasty and a bit astringent.

However, the effect was extraordinary. Zhao Fei's temperament was once again raised to a higher level, with a smooth and fair face, revealing an angular and cold look.

The corners of his mouth are curved like the crescent moon in the night sky,

The whole thing is like a finely carved work of art. Once you take one look at it, you will never be able to look away.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a deep dream experience card. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Go mastery skill book. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the chess proficiency skill book. 】

Look at the two skill books that appeared at the end.

Zhao Fei felt slightly uncomfortable. He knew without checking that these two skill books should be in the 500 million fan value category.

It's useless, but it's somewhat useful.

But it really didn't help Zhao Fei very much.

The most anticipated bond card has not been released either.

But today is okay, the charm fruit is a surprise.

Zhao Fei swallowed the spiritual fruit first, and then slapped the Go and Xiangs skill books on himself.

In an instant, all kinds of ancient records and techniques of the two chess skills were enlightened, and Zhao Fei, who only knew how the horse moved the sun and the elephant moved the field, suddenly understood.

There is also Go, Zhao Fei is a novice.

He could still play backgammon, but he didn't understand Go at all.

But at this moment, each chess record was engraved in his mind, as well as the chess playing methods, layout methods, life and death, duel, middle game, and ending!
All kinds of techniques and routines instantly made Zhao Fei familiar with them.

Not to mention that he can beat the top masters, but it is still easy for Zhao Fei to win.

Take a long breath.

With the spirit fruit present, Zhao Fei didn't feel uncomfortable.

Finally, Zhao Fei set his sights on this deep dream card.

This is another new card.

Literally, Zhao Fei couldn't figure out what this thing was used for, so he went to the exchange mall to check it out.

[Deep Dream Experience Card: Redeem with 3000 million fan points. 】

Good guy, it’s not cheap.

Zhao Fei originally thought that the Green Charm Fruit was a surprise, but it turned out that the biggest surprise was here. [Deep Dream Experience Card: After use, the host can dream into the life of the character he plays every night during the filming of movies and TV series.

Deeply feel the character's past experience, game life, and change your life.

This makes the host more suitable for the role played. 】

After reading this introduction, Zhao Fei frowned.

It feels a little tasteless.

After all, he already has acting skills, he has no shortage of acting skills, and he is fully capable of handling his current role.

So this experience card seems a bit redundant.

But Zhao Fei didn't believe that this dream experience card would only have this effect.

After all, it is worth 3000 million fan points, which is the same price as the bond card.

So there is definitely a hidden effect here.

But this hidden effect can only be known after you try it.

Not understanding it for the moment, Zhao Fei threw the Dream Experience Card into his inventory.

He took a closer look at the countdown.

[Remaining fan value: 392645 (+1, +1, +1)]

[Countdown to life: 20 years and 63 days. 】

[Inventory: Dream experience card, two bad luck haloes, five development fruits, and one trial version of the acting and directing skill books. 】

Now there are not many things in Zhao Fei's inventory.

Most of the stamina potions and health spring water were given to the second woman.

The trial version of the acting card is of little use to Zhao Fei now.

The bad luck halo is okay, it's cheap, practical, and sometimes works wonders.

Zhao Fei still has no intention of eating the development fruit, so he will save it and accumulate it until it reaches the upper limit.


The next morning.

Zhao Fei and Galha got up early.

Without disturbing anyone, he went out to take a taxi and left the set.

Before getting into the car, Zhao Fei felt eyes watching him from behind, so he looked back.

Suddenly he saw Liu Yifei standing in front of the hotel window.

Over the past few days, the relationship between the two has heated up a lot. After all, the passage to the woman's soul has been opened by Zhao Fei and left traces many times.

So even if there is no bond card, the two of them can be regarded as one of you and one of me.

Zhao Fei smiled, took out the phone and put it to his ear to signal.

Liu Yifei nodded upon seeing this, and understood what Zhao Fei meant, and sent a WeChat message: "When the filming of Meng Hua Lu is finished, I will tell the director to take away Zhao Pan'er's costume.

When the time comes, you...

Go quickly and be safe on the road. "

"This..." Zhao Fei took a breath and looked forward to the next meeting: "If you are interested, you can also ask for Ouyang Xu's clothes.

I quite like how you call me 'Xu Lang'. "

"Shameless, I won't shout next time."

"Then what you said doesn't count."

Galza, who was in the passenger seat, looked at the smile on Zhao Fei's lips behind him.

The first thing he thought of was his second sister-in-law.

In the past few days on the set, no one else noticed. As Zhao Fei's personal assistant, he could see clearly.

But Garza didn't take this seriously at all.

He has more than one second uncle, let alone the excellent Zhao Fei.

In particular, he also found that Zhao Fei looked more handsome and elegant today than yesterday.

So in his eyes, let alone two sisters-in-law, he would not be surprised even if there were two more.

And what his second uncle told him before leaving was deeply engraved in his heart.

Don’t say what you shouldn’t say, don’t look at what you shouldn’t see, don’t do what you shouldn’t do…

The main thing is to be a companion and obedient.

Two hours later, Zhao Fei and he arrived at Ningbo Airport.

Now Zhao Fei no longer dares to walk openly in such public places. There is no shortage of necessary sun hats and masks.

However, his charm value has increased again, and even so, he still has a high chance of turning heads.

At the same time, a little girl who was similar in size to Mai Mai, and also similar to Zhao Fei, wrapped herself tightly and walked quickly towards the airport.

Behind her, there was also a little assistant dragging a suitcase.

Zhao Fei did not notice this situation.

But when he took off his mask after passing the security check, exclamations suddenly sounded from the queue: "Oh my God, look, he is Zhao Fei?"

"Wow, it's really Zhao Fei."

"So handsome, so temperamental!"

In fact, it’s no wonder these fans.

After Zhao Fei used the Green Charm Fruit last time, even Zhao Maimai was amazed.

Not to mention these fans who have never seen Zhao Fei in person.

The little girl in the middle of the queue heard the exclamation in front of her, and a flash of surprise flashed through her big eyes.

"It turns out he is Zhao Fei!"

The little girl has never seen Zhao Fei's live broadcast, but she knows such a person. The main reason is because of Zhao Maimai.

Because she is also an actress, and both she and Zhao Maimai are popular young people born in [-].

The year before last, they were evaluated by netizens as one of the four most popular actresses.

Moreover, she and Zhao Maimai have collaborated in several TV series, so they are familiar with each other. The most important thing is that they have the same position in the entertainment industry.

They are all pure and cute, and have certain acting skills.

Therefore, there is inevitably a conflict in terms of resources.

Even if the competition is not fierce, the relationship between the two is relatively good, but deep down they both want to outdo each other.

It just so happened that during this period, Zhao Maimai became very popular because of Zhao Fei’s travel live broadcast.

Among the post-[-]s generation, if we only count fans, Zhao Maimai has already come out on top.

This inevitably made her curious about Zhao Fei.

However, because she was queuing up, she could only see Zhao Fei's back and couldn't see Zhao Fei's face at all, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

It's not that he has any thoughts about Zhao Fei.

Mainly because she also heard that Zhao Fei and Zhao Maimai were most likely together.

This made her curiosity even stronger.

Because according to her understanding, Zhao Maimai looks cute, but is actually quite smart and very rational. She is not a love-minded woman.

What's more, Zhao Maimai is still a student now.

The most important thing to do now is to go to school and concentrate on filming, not falling in love.

So what kind of man could make Zhao Maimai take such a big risk and choose to be with Zhao Fei?
At this moment, Zhao Fei turned around, put his finger to his mouth, and said to the fans who were gradually gathering around him: "Don't shout, I will run away as soon as there are too many people, and you can't see anything.

Go to the queue honestly and don't cause any trouble to the airport staff. "

At this moment, the little girl also saw Zhao Fei's face.

She was stunned for a moment.

Although she has never seen photos of Zhao Fei, there are many handsome men in the entertainment industry these years.

Some of them that fit her aesthetic will really make her admire them for a long time.

However, most of the souls under these handsome skins hide sick and disgusting hearts.

The actress slept with the male director.

The reverse is also true. After all, what the entertainment industry is most indispensable for is young talents and female directors.

So from then on, she told herself that if she wanted a boyfriend in the future, it didn't matter whether he was handsome or not, but he must have an interesting soul.

And it must not be someone from the entertainment industry.

But the moment she saw Zhao Fei, her long-held belief collapsed.

She doesn't believe in love at first sight.

I don’t believe there are people in the world who are so handsome that you can’t bear to look away once you take one look at them.

Sometimes she even feels a little disgusted when her fans say they like her looks.

Whether she likes her or not, to put it bluntly, I don’t want to pick her up.

However, at this moment, she has become one of the many fans who once disgusted her.

She couldn't imagine how there could be such a good-looking and handsome person in the world.
Are you a prince living in the mortal world?

Or is it an angel sent by God to save me?
"Sister, what's wrong with you... It's our turn." The assistant behind the little girl reminded him softly.

She came back to her senses instantly and saw that there was a large space in front of the queue.

Her pretty face couldn't help but blush.

He hurriedly went through the security check and took off his mask, which again caused exclamations from those around him.

Zhao Fei, who had already walked far away, looked back.

When I saw that little girl.

I instantly recalled a funny episode in a TV series played by the other party.

"Yingzi, open the door, Daddy!"

(End of this chapter)

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