Chapter 138 I miss you, sooner or later

The real name of the actor who plays Qiao Yingzi, Zhao Fei, is unknown.

But Zhao Fei recognized this face at a glance.

However, Zhao Fei didn't come forward to talk. He looked away and turned away, boarding the plane to the capital.

Little did they know that once Zhao Fei looked back and didn't take him seriously, a seed was planted in his heart.

Let’s not mention the chats the flight attendants made along the way.

When the plane landed, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

There was a car that Zhao Fei dropped off last time in the capital parking lot, so it was a lot more convenient for the two of them.

However, Zhao Fei did not go home directly, nor did he go to find Zhao Maimai. Instead, he planned to go to the studio to take a look first.

For half a month, Zhao Fei told Young Master Song about the specific plan and then ignored it.

Now Zhao Fei is also curious about what this guy did to the studio.

after an hour.

Intersection of Suzhou Bridge on the North Third Ring Road, Jinzhou Tower.

Zhao Fei and the two got off the car from the parking lot.

Before getting on the elevator, Zhao Fei sent a WeChat message to Mr. Song.

When the two got out of the elevator, Mr. Song was already standing at the elevator entrance to greet them.

"Haha, Zhao Fei."

Mr. Song’s original name was Song Chengshao, so everyone called him Mr. Song.

Although he looks very ordinary, he carries himself in a free and easy manner, and carries a sense of aloof arrogance and confidence in his movements. This is also a temperament that he has developed as a rich second generation since he was a child.

"Song Shao."

Zhao Fei smiled, opened his arms and hugged the other person.

When they met again, Zhao Fei could feel that this guy had matured a lot, and the depression between his eyebrows had dissipated.

Instead, he was full of vitality, obviously planning to have a big fight with Zhao Fei.

"Come on, let me introduce to you. The shelves of our studio have been set up, including the finance department, publicity department, investment department, human resources... everything.

Because of your live broadcast, I also set up a variety show department, which is currently the largest department in our studio.

Your live video from the previous month has now started to be edited.

Douyin and I have also reached an agreement on cooperation.

We will produce it and they will distribute it, which means negotiating the price with major TV stations and video websites, but the final share ratio has not yet been finalized.

Li Hai valued your second travel live broadcast very much, so he never let go. "

"Is Lehi in the capital now?"

Zhao Fei looked at the signboard 'Zhao Fei Studio' at the entrance of the studio, paused, and continued to ask: "There is also a name, didn't you say it's Xiongqi Film and Television Company.

Why did you change it directly to my name? "

"Hey... forget it, it's not easy to recruit people with the name Xiongqi. On the contrary, the signboard with your name is louder, and the speed and quality of recruitment are obviously faster and higher, so I changed it.

Didn't you also say, let's take our time.

Take it one step at a time.

So there is no need to rush, you can change it later.

Li Hai should be in the capital. If you're not busy, I'll invite him out for a chat tonight? "


Zhao Fei nodded, entered the studio and glanced around, a little surprised: "You rented the entire first floor?"

"Yes, although we can only use one-half of this floor now, we will expand sooner or later, so we should be prepared.

And it’s less than [-] square meters, and it doesn’t cost much. "

Zhao Fei's mouth twitched and he took a deep look at Young Master Song.

Within the Third Ring Road, a one-story office building of nearly 40 square meters has a monthly rent of at least [-] million.

Being half short is equivalent to losing 10,000+ a month.

Moreover, if you want to rent an office building, it will take several years to rent, so...

Forget it, for a second-generation rich man, hundreds of thousands is really not much money. Didn't he also treat people to dinner on the set and spend hundreds of thousands on one meal? So Zhao Fei didn't blame Mr. Song.

"Ahem, stop what you are doing, you see... Zhao Fei, I'm not lying to you, he is the real boss of our studio.

Everyone applauds and welcomes. "

The studio has just been established and there is basically no work.

They had long recognized Zhao Fei. As soon as Song Shao opened his mouth, he immediately stood up and looked at Zhao Fei with surprise.

The hands are all red.

"Hello Mr. Zhao."

"Welcome Mr. Zhao."

"Hello everyone." Zhao Fei glanced around and found that there were about thirty people in the entire studio. This number was already quite high. After all, the time was still short.

"Okay, everyone, please sit down first. Mr. Zhao and I have something to discuss." Mr. Song ordered, and then pulled Zhao Fei into a rather large office.

"Look, I have specially arranged it for you, imported sofas, Huanghuali desks, and you can see Sanyi Temple and Renmin University when you look up from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Go further north and cross two streets to Wanshou Temple and Zizhuyuan Park.

So this location is quite good.

If the upstairs and downstairs hadn't already been rented, I would have wanted to take down both floors.

Otherwise, it will be frustrating to stay here.

But it's okay now, let's make do with it. If it doesn't work, we'll change it again. "

Zhao Fei sat on the office chair and felt it, and it was indeed good.

However, he was curious about how much Mr. Song spent on purchasing these things, so he asked: "Tell me, how much did your old man give you?
And our studio, how much have you spent in total from the time it was built to now? "

"Not much."

Mr. Song counted on his fingers, and then started scratching his head: "Absolutely, one thousand to ten million?
It's okay, the old man gave me [-] million.

Where is this? "

"Okay, you are awesome."

Zhao Fei gave a thumbs up and said nothing more.

His main purpose in establishing the studio is to better explore himself in the entertainment industry, increase his popularity, and gain fans.

As long as the studio doesn't lose money, that's fine.

What's more, Zhao Fei doesn't believe that he can't make money with his acting skills and popularity.

"By the way, it just so happens that you are back today. Several agents will come for interviews later. The agents are mainly responsible for you. You can interview by yourself later.

I went to find Li Hai, and the three of us sat down and talked together in the evening. "


Zhao Fei nodded, and after Master Song left, he arranged for Galza to enter the studio.

The monthly salary is [-].

Relatively speaking, it is not low.

After all, he is someone around him, so Zhao Fei will take care of him.

Then Zhao Fei met with the heads of each department alone and found that these people were basically poached from other companies by Mr. Song.

And most of them have experience working in other entertainment companies.

The salary offered by Mr. Song to these people has almost doubled compared to before.

The more than 1000 million yuan, except for rent, was mainly spent on this aspect.

Of course, there are also many recent college graduates.

It can also be seen from this that although Mr. Song spends money lavishly, he does not spend it randomly.

But don’t think that the second generation of rich people are all idiots.

They have been taught by their parents' words and deeds since childhood, and being in this kind of environment, they have certain advantages in comparison.

It's just that some people are the second generation of rich people and have a high starting point. They naturally have a sense of arrogance and look down on others, so they easily fall down.

Besides, it is easy for the rich second generation to fail when starting a business, and it is no exception for ordinary people to start a business, and the chance of failure is even greater.

Of course, Zhao Fei and Song Shao both have this kind of arrogance of not being short of money.

It's just that because of Zhao Fei's time travel and the fusion of his two souls, this arrogance almost disappeared.

Even if Mr. Song is there, Zhao Fei is there in the studio. As the studio grows a little bit in the future, Zhao Fei will be able to take the helm.


In the afternoon, two people who applied for a job as agents came.

Zhao Fei glanced at their resumes and found that both of them were pretty good, so he told Galza to let them come in together.

Don't waste time by coming one by one.

One of the middle-aged men wears glasses, is polite, and is a top student in the Department of Management of the School of Economics. He looks quite confident.

I also worked under Huayi Economic Director Fei Lin for a period of time and has rich experience.

The other one is slightly younger and a bit fat woman.

But her resume is very interesting.

With a high school degree, I washed dishes, worked as an extra, and worked as a reporter. Finally, I got out and finally became a celebrity's agent.

This is the equivalent of walking to the front desk.

However, this star's name was Huang Haibo, so it didn't take long for her to lose her job again.

Moreover, the main reason why Huang Haibo went in was to offend people. These people could send Huang Haibo in, let alone her as an agent.

Although she was not jailed, the entertainment industry also completely closed the door to her agent.

So in the past few years, she picked up her old skills again, picked up a camera, opened a small newspaper, became a gossip reporter, and managed to survive.

"Tell me about your requirements? And what can you bring to me as my agent?"

Zhao Fei sat on the office chair and leaned back slightly.

Garza also acted as a secretary and made two cups of tea and brought them to the two of them.

"Hello Zhao Fei."

The middle-aged man adjusted his glasses and spoke first: "I have ten years of work experience. First of all, I ask that the remuneration share for the roles I recruit should be between 20.00% and [-]%.

And the annual basic annual salary is no less than 1000 million.

Of course, Mr. Zhao, you may think that I am a big talker, but I don’t think so, because the entertainment industry is a circle that relies heavily on connections.I'm worth the price because I have the ability.

No matter how good your acting skills are, Mr. Zhao, I can guarantee that you will always have movies to film and work to do. "

The middle-aged people know that Zhao Fei is very popular, but his acting skills are definitely not good, so he is very needed to get the role.

That's why he dared to say that.

Under normal circumstances, this is actually true.

Zhao Fei also understood.

Nowadays, agents in the entertainment industry basically take a commission from celebrities, and even 20.00% is considered a small amount.

But Zhao Fei felt a little unhappy when he heard it.

What's more, does Zhao Fei need an agent to get him a role?
Zhao Fei is not a newcomer, so money can't help him get any roles, not to mention Zhao Fei's acting skills are not bad, so he really can't invest directly by himself.

But Zhao Fei didn't say this either.

He shifted his gaze to look at the chubby, slightly embarrassed woman.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao, my name is Wang Yanling, I don't ask for any share.

Of course, I don’t have any connections right now, but I want to give it a try now.

Try your luck in the entertainment industry.

I don’t believe that I, Wang Yanling, can’t create a bright future.

If you dare to accept me, I will follow you from now on.

If you don't want me, it's okay to go back and continue to be my gossip reporter. "

"Why do I feel like you are threatening me?"

Zhao Fei saw the ambition in Wang Yanling's small eyes, so he smiled and made a joke: "Isn't it true that you were rejected today.

My name will appear in the tabloids the next day? "

"Cough cough."

Wang Yanling coughed twice, slightly embarrassed, because that's what she thought.

Of course, this is also because modern laws are getting better and better, and tabloid reporters are becoming more and more difficult to deal with. These celebrities often have a complaint mailed to their home.

So her small newspaper is now somewhat unsustainable.

It happened that Zhao Fei Studio was recruiting, so I decided to give it a try.

In fact, they had complained about Zhao Fei's gossip before. After all, Zhao Fei was very popular, and another advantage of Zhao Fei was that he didn't cause much trouble to these newspapers.

Even if what he said was a bit excessive, Zhao Fei had never defended his rights.

"Mr. Zhao, I don't think this is a threat. You have the right to refuse, and I also have the responsibility as a reporter."

Hearing this, Zhao Fei thought for a while.

He stood up directly and extended his hand towards Wang Yanling: "Welcome to my studio."

The reason why he chose Wang Yanling instead of a middle-aged man with more experience was because Zhao Fei felt that his agent needed to be energetic, ambitious and not afraid of power.

Ability is not very important.

If the agent's ability is too strong, it will be a constraint for him.

After all, what Zhao Fei wants is an agent who is obedient and can help him handle things, not an agent who stands above him and tells him what to do.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but I can't meet your request at the moment."

The middle-aged man's face was slightly ugly. He couldn't figure out where he failed, but after so many years, he could control his emotions well.

He smiled and said, "I missed it, I missed it. It seems that Mr. Zhao and I have no fate."

The middle-aged man turned and left.

And Wang Yanling was also caught in the surprise, as if she was hit by a cake falling from the sky.

He asked in disbelief: "Mr. Zhao, do you really want me to be your agent?"

"An annual salary of 100 million is enough?"


Convinced that she was admitted, Wang Yanling choked up in her voice and immediately began to express her loyalty: "Mr. Zhao, since you dare to accept me, I will definitely follow your lead in the future.

If you say go east, I will never go west.

However, I also have a small request, Mr. Zhao, please don’t mind. "

"Say." Zhao Fei waved his hand magnanimously.

“My newspaper company still has a few employees who have been with me for many years and are very trustworthy.

So, Mr. Zhao, do you think I can bring them here to join our studio?

Don't worry, they are very capable.and……"

Before he could finish speaking, Zhao Fei raised his hand to interrupt.

He needs an obedient agent who doesn't have to be too capable, but if you try to push the envelope, something is wrong.

So sometimes, you have to suppress it a little, and adding sweet dates and a big stick is the way to control it.

"What if I say no?"

Zhao Fei looked at the other party with a smile and continued: "I just agree with you now, so I am willing to give you a chance.

But now your own agent's position is not stable.

Just want to control others? "

"Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry."

Wang Yanling was a little excited just now, but now she realized that she was anxious, so she immediately bowed deeply to Zhao Fei: "I won't mention this matter anymore.

Please also rest assured that I will not slack off at work because of this matter. Please look at my next performance. "

Seeing this, Zhao Fei's face did not change, but he was even more satisfied with Wang Yanling in his heart.

After all, Wang Yanling is now considered to be in a high position, but she has not forgotten her former employees.

This alone shows that she has a good character and is a loyal person.

But Zhao Fei still did not directly let these old employees join the studio, but he also gave Wang Yanling a little face and said: "Don't worry.

If these old employees of yours are really capable, you can ask them to be interviewed through formal channels.

Of course I won't stop it, after all, our Propaganda Department is still short of people. "

Hearing this, Wang Yanling took a deep look at Zhao Fei.

I no longer dare to regard Zhao Fei as a somewhat handsome 20-year-old young man.

This control method made her unable to get angry at all, and she was even a little grateful to Zhao Fei.

After all, Zhao Fei gave her old employees a chance in the end.

This made her feel a little respect for Zhao Fei, and she bowed more willingly: "Thank you, Mr. Zhao."

"Don't bend down all the time. It's all work. No one of us is inferior to the other. From now on, everyone will eat from the same pot. You don't need to call me Mr. Zhao. Just call me Zhao Fei."

Although Zhao Fei doesn't value ability, it doesn't matter if you don't have any ability at all.

Immediately, Zhao Fei threw some information directly to her and told Wang Yanling about his recent work schedule so that she could have an idea.

It can also be regarded as a test of her ability.

"Brother Fei, are you still going to audition for the set in the snow?"

Zhao Fei asked her to call her Zhao Fei, but Wang Yanling couldn't be stupid and just call her Zhao Fei.

And after what happened just now, she also gained a good memory, so even though she was much older than Zhao Fei, she still called her Brother Fei.

Especially after seeing the information in my hand, I was a little surprised to learn that Zhao Fei could go to the snow crew to audition.

They are all in the entertainment industry, Wang Yanling knows it very well.

The crew of Snow in the Snow is no worse than Menghualu. The most important thing is that Zhao Fei is not auditioning for a supporting role, but the first male lead.

So Wang Yanling is very doubtful whether Zhao Fei's acting skills are good.

"Yes, you should contact the Xuezhong crew to see what's going on with them, as well as the Menghualu crew. The show is over, but the money hasn't been sent to me yet.

Including the Beginning crew, I still have investment...

As for my acting skills, you don't have to worry. "

Listening to Zhao Fei talk a lot.

Wang Yanling also understood why Zhao Fei chose her.

Co-authoring as a senior assistant is her main job, and being an agent is just a part-time job.

But for the sake of 100 million, Wang Yanling is still happy.

What's more, this is Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei has over 960 million fans in the live broadcast room, and the number of real-time online users in the live broadcast room has exceeded [-] million.

Being a manager for such a person was beyond her wildest dreams.

So after listening to Zhao Fei's instructions, he nodded sharply, turned around and went about his business without asking any more questions.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei reminded me again: "Remember, don't worry about my acting skills. If anyone doubts it, you can just fight back.

From now on, you are no longer a gossip reporter.

He is my agent, Zhao Fei.

You also represent my face outside. "

"Brother Fei, don't worry, I understand."

Wang Yanling nodded, knowing very well what Zhao Fei meant. After all, she had been an agent for several months.

So he knew his position, straightened his back, and strode away.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei smiled and said nothing more. He took out his mobile phone and Young Master Song's WeChat message popped up.

"I have contacted Li Hai. The address will be sent to you shortly. You can come over now."

"Got it, I'll be there right away."

After replying, Zhao Fei dialed Mai Mai's WeChat message.

Zhao Fei was also a little excited when he thought that the two of them were in the same city and would meet soon. Even if domestic flowers were not as fragrant as wild flowers, the word "home" in domestic flowers was better than countless others in the world.

The meaning it represents cannot be compared to any wild flower.

"Hey, I'm in class, why are you calling me at this time?"

“When I miss you, it doesn’t matter whether it’s morning or evening!” was so hot that the author had a headache and seemed to have a bit of heat stroke, but in the end he still managed to endure the amount of writing he needed to write today. It's a little late, so please don't mind.

(End of this chapter)

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