China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 139 Come on, come on, I’m really coming

Chapter 139 Come on, come on, I’m really coming

Seeing the call from Zhao Fei, Zhao Maimai ran out to answer the call immediately even though he was in class.

Especially these love words spoke to her heart.

Standing in the corridor of the classroom, looking around and finding no one else, he lowered his head, looked at his toes, and said shyly: "I miss you too..."

"Then do you want to see me?"


Zhao Maimai's shy little face looked like a red leaf.

But gradually she also discovered that something was wrong. After carefully watching the scene in the video, she said in surprise: "You are not on the set. Have you returned to the capital?"

"Haha, silly girl... I'm in the studio right now." Zhao Fei nodded and said with a smile, "But I have to go see Li Hai first, and then I'll go find you."

Hearing this, the corners of Zhao Maimai's mouth slowly raised, as happy as a child, with an aura of joy all over his body: "No, I'd better go back to the villa after class.

I'll wait for you to come back tonight. "

At the end of the sentence, Mai Mai's cheeks were slightly red.

Zhao Fei also showed a happy smile, expecting in his heart: "Okay, then I will definitely go back early."


After hanging up the phone, Zhao Fei and the two drove to Hot No. [-] Private Room.

It was here that Zhao Fei met Mai Mai for the first time.

Unexpectedly, Young Master Song would arrange this meeting with Li Hai here.

However, when he saw Zhao Maimai, he was surprised, and when he saw Li Hai, he was frightened.

That round belly looks like a Milai Buddha.

Even if you don’t have millions, you will definitely not be able to eat it.

I don’t know why, but today he seemed to be competing with the fat man. This was the case with Wang Yanling, and the same was true with Li Hai.

"Zhao Fei."

Seeing Zhao Fei, Li Hai was also excited and immediately stood up from his chair. The cutlery, bowls and chopsticks on the table in front of him fell to the ground with a clatter.

The overburdened chairs also creaked.

However, Li Hai ignored this at all and did not let go of Zhao Fei's hand.

Li Hai had thought about the scene of meeting Zhao Fei countless times.

As one of Zhao Fei's fans, I will not talk about the loud gongs and drums, but also the blast of firecrackers.

But it is also a moment worthy of historical witness.

Moreover, Li Hai had been telling himself in his heart that he was no longer the director of the operations department he once was. Because of Zhao Fei's achievements, he had become the director of the Douyin live broadcast section.

So be calm when you meet.

But when this moment happened, Li Hai couldn't calm down at all.

In the eyes of others, they may have a mutually fulfilling relationship.

But in Li Hai's eyes, Zhao Fei is not a thousand-mile horse, he is the thousand-mile horse, and Zhao Fei is the real Bole.

Without Zhao Fei, he would not be where he is today.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited."

Zhao Fei took his hand out, fearing that Li Hai would accidentally pull it away: "Sit down first. Sit down and talk if you have anything to say."

"Sorry, I'm a little too excited."

Li Hai smiled slightly apologetically, and after seeing Zhao Fei with his own eyes, he understood why Liu Yifei was willing to help give birth to the child.

This appearance, this temperament... let alone a woman.

Even when he looked at it, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of himself.

After a while, Li Hai also regained his composure and started talking about business.

"I have talked with Mr. Song before, because the copyright of your Douyin live broadcast belongs to our company, so it cannot be made into a variety show and re-sold.

But because you have such a huge impact, our company has done special research on it.

If you want to edit it and make it into a variety show for resale, then we can give you the copyright for free, and it’s not just this live broadcast.

Including next time, next time... As long as you live broadcast on Douyin, the copyright belongs to you.

There are also gifts received in the live broadcast room, etc. We Douyin do not take a penny. "

"Hey, hey, that's not what you told me last time." Mr. Song slapped the table. He had talked with Li Hai several times before, but he had never finalized the specific details.

The only result was that Li Hai agreed that the studio could edit, re-produce and sell the film.

But the specific division was not mentioned.

Now when Zhao Fei came, before they even started talking, this guy just poured beans out of a bamboo tube and told the bottom line.

You really think Mr. Song is not the leader, right?

Not only Young Master Song, but also Zhao Fei was a little surprised when he heard these words, but Zhao Fei knew that pie in the sky would not fall from the sky, and free things were not worthless.

On the contrary, the more free something is, the more expensive it is.

So there was no joy on Zhao Fei's face, but he asked seriously, "Then what are your requirements?"

"We only have one request, which is that Douyin...becomes the title sponsor of your variety show, and it is permanent."

In front of Zhao Fei, Li Hai did not hide anything and directly said the most important thing: "And the fee for this title sponsor is one yuan."

Hearing this, Zhao Fei probably understood.

In other words, he obtained the rights to the live broadcast room for free, and also paid for the title sponsor of the variety show.

From now on, no matter how many advertisements there are in variety shows or how much money others spend, Douyin will always be at the top.

This was also obtained by Douyin for a dollar, which is equivalent to free of charge.

As a result, it will inevitably affect the income of subsequent sponsors of the variety show.

After all, the bulk of it is occupied by Douyin.

But relatively speaking, Zhao Fei has a greater advantage. After all, advertising is part of the income of variety shows, and it still accounts for a large part.

However, the prices for selling variety shows to TV stations and video websites are also not low.

Moreover, according to Zhao Fei's previous idea, he would cooperate with Douyin to jointly develop variety shows, and the profits would be split half and half.

Now it is clear that Douyin does not want to go to such trouble, nor does it want to be involved in the production of variety shows. They only want the naming rights of variety shows.

In fact, Zhao Fei still underestimated the popularity of his live broadcast room.

The real-time online number of nearly 2000 million people shows that Zhao Fei's fan base is quite large.

Douyin is not short of money, nor is it short of money. What they need is influence, so what Douyin needs to do most is to keep Zhao Fei, which is the biggest gain for them.

After all, Douyin is not the only live streaming platform.

If Zhao Fei leaves to live broadcast on other platforms, it will be equivalent to taking tens of millions of people to change jobs, which is definitely not something Douyin can allow.

Douyin is now number one in the industry, and it will remain so unless something unexpected happens in the future.

But now Zhao Fei is probably the accident.

That's why Douyin doesn't care about profits and just wants a title sponsor.

It seemed that the harvest was not great, but it firmly tied Zhao Fei to Douyin.

After all, now Douyin is giving Zhao Fei face and giving up most of his benefits. With their understanding of Zhao Fei's character, it is basically impossible for Zhao Fei to leave Douyin in the future.


Zhao Fei, who had been silent for a long time, smiled and thought about the benefits and losses involved. He glanced at Li Hai, who was slightly nervous, and asked.

"If I don't agree, you should have a backup plan, right?"


The identity that Li Hai now represents is not only the director of Douyin, but also a fan of Zhao Fei, so he does not hide it at all.

"If you don't mind that one dollar is less, you can add more money."


Mr. Song laughed loudly and patted Li Hai on the shoulder: "Brother, I feel that your company made the biggest mistake by sending you to talk to us."

Seeing this, Zhao Fei did not agree.

After all, what Mr. Song can think of is that in such a big company, no one is a fool, how could he not think of this.

Therefore, sending Li Hai here also conveyed a kind of goodwill.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei no longer hesitated and made a decision directly: "Okay, just do as you just said, one dollar is one dollar, we will produce the variety show ourselves and sell it ourselves."

After all, Zhao Fei never thought about leaving Douyin, and what he values ​​most is fan value.

Douyin has a large platform and wide coverage.

Most suitable for Zhao Fei.

Seeing this, Li Hai also breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, what they are most worried about is that Zhao Fei will set up a live broadcast platform by himself.

After all, Zhao Fei has the financial resources and the ability.

Now that Zhao Fei agrees, it means that Zhao Fei and Douyin are completely connected, and he, Li Hai, is that thread, and his importance is self-evident.

Li Hai was naturally happy.

After the matter was settled, the atmosphere in the venue became much more relaxed.

Zhao Fei drank a few drinks with Li Hai, took many photos and signed autographs, and then handed him over to Mr. Song.There are still people waiting at home.

What's the point of drinking with two stinky men?

Isn’t the soft and tender wheat wheat delicious?

And with Master Song's familiarity with the capital, he can definitely make arrangements for Li Hai clearly.

Therefore, Zhao Fei's presence or absence has little impact.

"Galza, drive slowly when you go back by yourself later. I'll give you a day off tomorrow. You can go shopping by yourself. If you need to buy anything, just buy it."

Sitting in the car, Zhao Fei thought about it and then gave Galza 2 yuan.

When Galza was training in Kyoto, Zhao Maimai had already rented a house for him, not far from Assistant Zhao Maimai's residence.

So you don’t have to worry about having nowhere to stay in Galzha at night.

"If you are short of money in the future, just tell me."

"I know, Brother Afei."

Garza noticed the text message on her phone and said nothing more.

Because in his opinion, the relationship between the two can no longer be measured by money.

On the contrary, I am looking forward to tomorrow’s holiday.

It was his first time coming to the capital, and he hadn't had a good time shopping yet, so he happened to go to see Tiananmen Square.

So after sending Zhao Fei to the door of the villa, Galza stepped on the accelerator and ran away.

"This kid."

Zhao Fei shook his head and smiled, then turned towards the villa.

Logically speaking, Mai Mai should have arrived by now, after all, it is already dark.

But the villa was pitch dark, with no lights at all.

It looked like there was no one inside.

So Zhao Fei took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Mai Mai: "Are you home?"

"Here it is!"

Zhao Maimai replied quickly, but it made Zhao Fei even more confused. He opened the door and entered the room, scanning around: "Then why didn't I see you?"

"Hehe, I'm in the villa. I've already heard you opening the door. I pulled the switch, so don't turn on the light."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Fei tried to press the light switch in the living room and found that it did not light up.

"I'm hiding. You have 10 minutes to find me, otherwise... you will sleep alone tonight."

Hearing this, Zhao Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head.

I didn’t expect that at such an old age, I would have to play hide and seek with Mai Mai.

However, Zhao Fei also became interested at this moment and asked: "What if I find you within 10 minutes?"

"Well... it's up to you. But all interpretation rights belong to me. You can't refuse. There are still 9 minutes left."

"Okay, then I'll come."

Zhao Fei put away his cell phone and deliberately shouted loudly in the villa: "Come on, come on, I'm really coming."

At this moment, Zhao Maimai was also hiding in a dark corner. Hearing Zhao Fei's voice, he quickly dimmed the light on his mobile phone, otherwise he would be easily discovered.

At the same time, he typed a reply: "Don't even think about shouting to attract my attention. I can't speak."

Feeling the vibration of the phone, Zhao Fei took a look.

The villa has three floors, and there are too many places to hide people. If he searches every corner, Zhao Fei may not be able to find Zhao Maimai within 10 minutes.

So it must be outsmarted.

Since his voice can be heard, it means that Mai Mai is indeed in the villa.

Rather than somewhere like an underground garage.

"Can you give me some tips? You shouldn't be hiding on the first floor, right?"

Zhao Fei's voice was loud, constantly putting pressure on Mai Mai: "After all, according to the conventional search method, most people start from the nearest place, and then search for the second floor after searching the first floor, and so on.

So it is easiest to find if it is hidden on the first floor. "

"Don't tell you."

Looking at the message sent again by Mai Mai, Zhao Fei shouted again: "If it's not on the first floor, then you are hiding on the second floor?"

"Didn't I tell you? I won't tell you."

Mai Mai's second reply contained five more words than the first.

Zhao Fei was not a psychological expert and could not tell what was wrong, but based on his intuition, he felt that Mai Mai was not on the first floor.

So Zhao Fei glanced at it and ran directly towards the second floor.

At the same time, he shouted: "I know, you are hiding on the second floor."

"Nonsense, don't test me, I won't say anything."

Mai Mai, who was hiding in the corner, looked at Zhao Fei's back, covered his mouth and smiled softly.

I decided not to reply next, otherwise it would be easy for Zhao Fei to guess.

"Anyway, it's either the second or third floor. At worst, I'll search them all." Zhao Fei's tone was very confident. However, the house was a bit big, so if he continued searching like this, he might not be able to find it.

"Maimai, you won't hide in the attic, right?"

"Maimai, why don't you speak?"

"Maimai, you can't lock the door."

Seeing that no matter what he said on WeChat, Mai Mai would not reply.

Zhao Fei was also a little confused now.

He had searched every room on the second floor just now, but he didn't find any clues.

So I walked helplessly towards the third floor.

But his words were still tough: "Okay, come out... I know you are on the third floor, otherwise I will find you out later, don't blame me for spanking you."

In the darkness, Mai Mai curled her lips and showed a proud look.

He carefully took out his cell phone and typed a reply: "You have 4 minutes left."

As soon as Zhao Fei heard the vibration, he immediately took out his phone. He thought he would get some notification, but he didn't expect it to be a time notification.

At this time, Zhao Fei also knew that Mai Mai would not give him any hints.

So I didn't care about my clothes, and started looking for places to hide people one by one.

Zhao Fei searched all over the cabinets, behind the doors, behind the the bathroom, bathtub, and even under the bed.

Finally came to a conclusion.

Mai Mai is not on the third floor.

Then Zhao Fei also had doubts about himself.

Could it be that Mai Mai is actually on the first floor?
"You have 3 minutes."

Seeing the latest WeChat news, Zhao Fei ran back to the first floor without thinking too much.

I searched carefully again.

Kitchen cabinets, under the sofa... Zhao Fei looked at all the places where people could be hidden.

In the end there were no hairs.

Zhao Fei was even more confused now, wondering if he hadn't looked carefully on the second floor, or should he try it all over again?
"You have 2 minutes."

Looking at Mai Mai's WeChat message, Zhao Fei couldn't help but feel anxious.

However, he did not rush to the second floor impulsively. Instead, he calmed himself down and wondered if he had overlooked something.

"You have one minute...just admit defeat. Next, you will sleep alone and listen to me no matter what you do."

See information.

Zhao Fei frowned and turned on the flash of his phone.

Instead of looking through some nooks and crannies, I walked specifically towards some blind spots that were not covered by the moonlight outside the window.

"You can't turn on the flash."

Saw this WeChat message.

Zhao Fei was shocked. Not only could he hear his voice, but he could also see him.

So, Mai Mai is hidden on the first floor.

And there are some obvious blind spots that are easy to ignore.

In addition, since Mai Mai wouldn't let him turn on the flash, it meant that she was afraid of lights and would see her when the lights were on.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei kept moving his phone to dispel the darkness.

Soon, Zhao Fei saw a figure wearing black clothes and a black mask running out of the darkness with his waist bent.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Zhao Maimai?

"Haha, found it."

"'s time." Seeing that he couldn't hide anymore, Zhao Maimai didn't care about hiding anymore, turned around and ran upstairs, saying as he ran.

"You lost... Oh, don't chase me. Now you have to listen to me... Stand at attention."

(End of this chapter)

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