Chapter 140 Are you a puppy, woof woof!

After finally finding Mai Mai, how could Zhao Fei just let her go.

In particular, Mai Mai's silvery laughter was filled with deep joy and ridicule, obviously seeing the embarrassing scene just now.

So Zhao Fei was a little angry at the moment.

"Run, run as hard as you can, let me see where you can go today?"


Whenever she recalled how Zhao Fei tried to test her just now and pretended to be calm, Mai Mai wanted to laugh more and more: "Don't chase me if you have the ability. If you lose, you can't lie."

In fact, Zhao Maimai was standing in the dark in a blind spot on the first floor just now. It could be said that he saw every move of Zhao Fei.

Even when Zhao Fei went upstairs, she secretly followed him to take a look.

But Zhao Fei didn't notice her.

Of course, she had been preparing for today's hide-and-seek for a long time. She was dressed in black and barefooted to ensure that she would not make any noise when walking.

In addition, the villa was dark and there were no lights on.

Only then did he escape Zhao Fei's search in the darkness under the lamp.

Zhao Fei was angry: "I think you did it on purpose."

"Giggle!" Zhao Maimai didn't agree with this, and even turned around leisurely, stuck out his tongue and made a face.

"Yes, I did it on purpose, who made you so stupid.

If you still provoke Liu Yifei outside, today is your punishment.

I also paint pictures for others, huh...

You haven't even painted for me. "

Hearing this, Zhao Fei stopped in his steps and looked ashamed.

As soon as Mai Mai said this, he could only admit defeat. After all, he did not handle this matter correctly and made a mistake that all men would make.

Even if Mai Mai agreed before.

So he spread his hands helplessly: "Okay, I was wrong... Then tell me what you want me to do. I will listen to you now."


Mai Mai's beautiful eyes were bright, she didn't know what she thought of, she smiled excitedly, her eyes were curved like crescent moons, full of aura.

Like a little rabbit, he cautiously turned his head and approached Zhao Fei.

He was also afraid that Zhao Fei would regret it, so he could be ready to escape at any time.

So be very cautious.

But she looks so cute like this.

"Really, I'm a puppy if I go back on my word."

"Okay, then turn around." Mai Mai pinched her waist, and in a moment of arrogance, she turned from the little rabbit into a tigress.

She also took off her hat and mask, and threw it aside coolly: "Now I am ordering you, you will imitate whatever I say, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Zhao Fei nodded obediently.

"You said it wrong, you should be beaten..." Zhao Maimai slapped Zhao Fei on the butt, causing the corner of his mouth to twitch: "You haven't said start yet?"

"I said it wrong again, I should be beaten."

Zhao Maimai found a clothes rack and looked eager to try on it. Zhao Fei's tooth ached when he saw it, and he complained that she was indeed Wang Lihua's daughter. This method of teaching men is the same.

Now he can also appreciate Zhao Siyan's treatment.

But that was all, and soon Zhao Fei began to babbling honestly.

Zhao Maimai: "...Say you are wrong."

Zhao Fei: "I was wrong."

Zhao Maimai: "Tone your tone, your tone should be sincere, say Lord Mai Mai is the best, I like Lord Mai Mai the most in my life, I will listen to Lord Mai Mai all my life.

Love her, love her...always listen to her. "

Zhao Fei: "I was wrong, Lord Mai Mai is the best, I..."

Although Zhao Maimai agreed that Zhao Fei should vent his energy to Liu Yifei, she still felt a little uncomfortable, even if the bond was stuck, it would not work.

The main role of bond cards is in fan value.

Although it can also make their emotional connection closer and happier, it will not affect their personal thinking.

Zhao Maimai: "Yes, very obedient. Now let me ask you, how is Liu Yifei?"

Zhao Fei: "Yes, very obedient. Now let me ask you..."

Zhao Maimai: "Don't learn this sentence anymore, you have to answer my questions."

Zhao Fei: "Uh... not bad."

"What do you mean it's not bad?" Zhao Maimai held the clothes rack, gently placed it on her palm, and threatened: "Be specific..."

Zhao Fei: "Well... I'm a little older than you, after all, my age is there.

Of course, the most important thing is.

Your voice is much better than hers, as sweet and sweet as a lark. "

Zhao Fei is not stupid. At this time, some things that are difficult to hide can only be told the truth, but some things that are easy to hide must be concealed.

Try to say nice things to make Mai Mai happy.

"It's your acquaintance."

Zhao Maimai nodded, a flash of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Seeing that Mai Mai's mood improved, Zhao Fei also had an idea and suggested: "How about we change the game... How about rock, paper, scissors?
However, rock-paper-scissors cannot be done by hand, but by...

It is equivalent to opening your mouth to act like cloth, sticking out your tongue to act like scissors, and touching them together becomes a fist.

How about it, do you want to try it? "

"Stinking rogue."

Zhao Maimai curled his lips, how could he not see Zhao Fei's little thoughts, so he set a prerequisite for the game: "Then you can't do anything."

"Absolutely not. If you use your hands or feet, I will be a puppy."

"Come on then." Zhao Maimai stepped forward and nodded gently.



After two rounds normally, Zhao Fei became dishonest.

"Oh oh oh...why do you always produce rocks?"

"I'm willing to give you the stone!"

"Then you can't use rock and scissors... Uh-huh, no more fun, you're cheating."

Zhao Maimai's breathing was slightly cramped.

Although she had some minor objections to Liu Yifei, she didn't take it seriously, otherwise she wouldn't have agreed in the first place.

I just gave Zhao Fei a little lesson.

Tell Zhao Fei not to mess with women outside in the future.

Especially during the half-month separation from Zhao Fei, if she had never experienced it before, she would not have felt anything, but Mai Mai, who had experienced it, also had some taste for food.

So I muttered that Zhao Fei was cheating, and I was also looking forward to it.

"You, didn't you say that if you move your hands or feet, you are a puppy? Why, oh, don't pull my clothes..."

"Wang Wang!"


after an hour.

Zhao Maimai lay on Zhao Fei's chest obediently, with a soft voice: "You said this kind of thing, does it have the effect of improving physical fitness?
I feel like I've become a lot stronger.

I couldn't move at this point before, but now I feel better. "

Zhao Fei knew that this was the effect of the healthy spring water, so naturally he would not say it directly.

So in order not to let the other party think too much, Wei Wei stood up.

In an instant, Mai Mai sensed something was wrong and slapped Zhao Fei on the chest. His eyes were watery and he pouted: "You are doing something strange again!"

"I'm not moving..."


Zhao Maimai snorted coldly, twisted her body to make herself more comfortable, and continued: "That's it, as agreed, no movement is allowed, whoever touches it will be a puppy, and you can't control it.

Now that you're back, it's time for the crew to start filming. "

"Did you tell me where to shoot?"

"The main location is Xiamen." Zhao Maimai wrinkled her nose and twisted her waist, feeling that it was a bit awkward to stay so still.

"Then we'll fly there tomorrow night and join the group the day after tomorrow."

Zhao Fei exerted a little force and thought of the Snow Crew, and said: "Teacher Du Yuming also helped me contact an audition with the Snow Crew before.

Now it seems there is no chance. "

“Didn’t filming already start in the snow?”

Zhao Maimai paused and said in surprise: "So they actually invited you, who will you play?"

Zhao Maimai had to be surprised because she also went to audition in the snow a few days ago.

I want to play Jiang Ni.

However, he didn't win against Li Gengxi in the end. The main reason was that he crashed with Kai Qi.

But now it seems that there is obviously something wrong with the Snow crew.

She was in school during this period and didn't understand it either.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei was not too surprised. He told Zhang Ruojun about being implicated by Xu Haiqiao. After hearing this, Mai Mai frowned and said.

"Then let's go try it?

I'll go to the audition with you tomorrow.

It just so happens that Sister Yifei said that your acting skills are very good, so I want to see what is so good about you.

If you really succeed in the audition, that would be the best. After all, Beginning and Menghualu are dramas with female protagonists, which will not increase your acting career much.

But Xuezhong is a drama with a male protagonist.

If you can really play the male lead, you'll make a lot of money. "

"Wouldn't it delay the start of filming?" Zhao Fei hesitated.

"For this kind of thing, if you are really suitable for Xu Fengnian, it is not a big problem to discuss it. When we go to Xiamen, we will film your scenes first.

Then you go out into the snow.

Of course, we have our investment in the beginning, which is easy to talk about.

The other side in the snow is a little more difficult.

But even if people don’t agree, we won’t lose.

Audition, audition, give it a try...what if it works out? "

Zhao Fei nodded.

He is also very aware of the bonus that a male-led drama will bring to him.

The number of fans gained by then will definitely not be comparable to that of a character like Ouyang Xu.

If possible, Zhao Fei would also like to play the role of Xu Fengnian.

Even if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter, there is a starting guarantee.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei felt happy, hugged the other party, and stood up.



Early the next morning, Zhao Maimai drank healthy spring water many times.

I woke up in good shape in the morning.

But Zhao Fei still got up and made breakfast, adding a bottle of healthy spring water to Mai Mai's portion of chicken soup.

The current price of healthy spring water is just drizzle for Zhao Fei.

And there is a bond. Mai Mai alone provided him with more than 3000 million fan points in the first place, so naturally he will not care about this.

"The breakfast you made is delicious."

Zhao Maimai sipped the chicken soup in small sips. The familiar taste made all the tiredness dissipate after one sip.

The whole person is instantly full of energy.

Zhao Fei smiled nonchalantly and looked at Mai Mai with doting eyes: "If you like it, I will do it for you every day."

"Well, I'll give you a taste too."

Zhao Maimai nodded lightly and fed Zhao Fei a mouthful with a spoon.

When you and I met, the two of us had breakfast together for nearly half an hour.

During this period, Wang Yanling made more than one phone call, but Zhao Fei didn't answer the phone.

After cleaning up, Zhao Fei saw the caller ID.

Replay back.

"Hello, I'm Zhao Fei."

"Brother Fei, please answer my call." Wang Yanling on the other side of the phone breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "The Snow Crew has returned to the capital today.

Many male stars in the industry have been notified that they are going to re-audition the role of Xu Fengnian at noon today.

Brother Fei, if you have time, come over quickly. "

The main scenes shot in the snow are similar to those in Menghualu, both of which are costume dramas.

So it’s also in Xiangshan Film and Television City.

No wonder Zhao Fei saw Li Gengxi at the airport yesterday. Apparently she came back early.

Filming will only start again after the male lead in the snow is chosen again.

"I understand. Send the address to my mobile phone and I'll be there in a moment."


After hanging up the phone, Zhao Maimai asked next to him: "This is your new agent, okay...I found out the inside story of the Snow Crew in one day!"

"Wang Yanling used to be a gossip reporter, so she is naturally well-informed. Come on, let's pack up and go."

Zhao Fei didn’t call Galza.

Since I gave him a day off, let him have some fun.

The garage is not without cars.

The audition took place not far from the Golden State Tower.

When Zhao Fei arrived, he found that there were not many people for interviews, and there were almost no new people. Even Zhao Fei could probably name them.

Huang Xuan, Xiao Zhan, Xu Kai...

Almost all first- and second-tier male stars who have time in the capital and think they are suitable for Xu Fengnian come here.

After all, Snow has been promoted for some time.

Almost all the dramas are veteran actors, with a strong lineup. The producers are Penguin and Xinli TV Culture. The previously popular "Qing Yu Nian" was produced by Xinli Culture.

He has a lot of experience, so anyone can see that the prospects in the snow are good.

If it hadn't been for the Xu Haiqiao incident that implicated Zhang Ruojun, the man who had been celebrating for more than ten years, their turn would never have been possible.

So most of those who can come are well prepared.

And I cherish this opportunity.

That's why Zhao Fei didn't take it seriously. If he succeeded, he would be put down if he didn't.

"Brother Fei, here..." Wang Yanling arrived early. When she saw Zhao Fei and the others arriving, she immediately stood up and said hello.

This also instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Both the agent and the actors in the scene were unfamiliar with Wang Yanling.

But it can also be seen that Wang Yanling is a new agent.

Now that I saw Zhao Fei, I suddenly realized.

There was a hint of superiority in his eyes as he looked at the two of them, not taking them seriously at all.

Because in their opinion, it would be great for Zhao Fei, a host, to have the opportunity to audition.

The acting skills are definitely not as good as theirs.

It poses no threat to them at all.

However, when they saw Mai Mai next to Zhao Fei, they all stood up and smiled kindly at Zhao Fei and said hello.

Zhao Fei also shook hands with him, politely.

"My name is Zhao Fei. This is the first time we meet. Hello, hello."

"Haha, I've heard of you."

"Maimai, hello."

"Hello, I've also watched your TV series."

This is the case in the entertainment industry. You smile on the outside, but you are dissatisfied on the inside.

For a moment, Zhao Fei was really not used to it.

But before they could chat for long, director Song Xiaofei came out and took a look at the list.

When he saw Zhao Fei, his eyes paused slightly.

He had an impression of Zhao Fei as an anchor.

When Teacher Du Yuming introduced it, he was quite surprised.

Even though Du Yuming said that Zhao Fei's acting skills were good, director Song Xiaofei didn't believe it, so he called the director of Meng Hualu, Yang Yang.

I specifically asked about Zhao Fei.

Finally, it was discovered that Director Yang Yang had a higher evaluation of Zhao Fei than Du Yuming.

This instantly aroused his curiosity.

So I agreed to Zhao Fei's audition, and now I saw Zhao Fei's appearance.

Well, not bad, very handsome and very elegant.If his acting skills are good, he would really be suitable to play Xu Fengnian.

"Everyone, since everyone is here, let's change clothes first and see how we look."

Xu Fengnian is the first male lead, so the audition is naturally different from ordinary interviews.

So it’s a lot more complicated to consider from all aspects.

And relatively speaking, Zhao Fei was not as well prepared as others.

However, with the help of Mai Mai and Wang Yanling, there were no mistakes.

Especially Zhao Fei’s costume appearance.

A lot of people on the crew of Meng Hua Lu were shocked at first, but now they are wearing Xu Fengnian's slightly free and easy clothes, which are even more suitable for Zhao Fei than Ouyang Xu's appearance.

After all, Zhao Fei has Tai Chi skills, but he is not a weak scholar.

Zhao Maimai saw this, and even thought about it in her heart, whether she should buy Zhao Fei two ancient costumes of a noble prince, and try them out when he went home at night.

What prince and princess.

The young master and the girl next door.

Wait...the experience must be different.

At the same time, because Zhao Fei was not prepared enough and did not bring a makeup artist, he was the first to change clothes.

Some of the other people who came for the audition couldn't get out if they didn't score [-] or [-] points.

So Zhao Fei was the first to come out of the fitting room.

"Okay." Director Song Xiaofei's eyes lit up when he saw Zhao Fei's appearance, and continued: "Since you have finished changing, you come first."

"Come on." Zhao Maimai clenched her fist and gave Zhao Fei a gesture.

I am more and more sure that no matter whether this audition is successful or not, I must buy two clothes for Zhao Fei online and let him try them on when I go home. The way Zhao Fei looks in ancient clothes is really impressive.

Walk into the audition room.

Zhao Fei saw four people sitting across from him. Except for director Song Xiaofei, he didn't know any of them.

However, Zhao Fei still kept his posture very low and said: "Hello, directors and teachers, I am Zhao Fei, here to interview for the role of Xu Fengnian..."

Several people were obviously surprised when they saw Zhao Fei's appearance.

Everyone looked surprised.

Nod frequently.

No wonder people’s live broadcasts can set records.

This appearance and this temperament are quite outstanding even in the entertainment industry where there are many handsome men and beautiful women.

"Hello Zhao Fei."

Director Song Xiaofei pulled out a piece of paper from under the table and said: "In this way, you first read these lines with emotion, and try to be as domineering as possible.

Of course, these lines also represent different situations. You can analyze it based on the lines and decide on the specific tone.

It would be better if it can be coordinated with the performance. "

Zhao Fei nodded, took the script and took a look at it.

To be honest, he has never read the novel in the snow, nor has he read the script.

So I feel like these lines are too middle-of-the-road.

However, on the way here, Zhao Fei also got a rough idea of ​​the characters in Xu Fengnian's novel.

The reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu is now the crown prince of Northern Liang. He is known to the world as a playboy, but in fact, he has a deep conscience and a good plan. He is a master who values ​​love and righteousness.

So Zhao Fei tried his best to pretend to be such a person.

After roughly memorizing the lines, Zhao Fei went through them in his mind, then rolled the script into a roll and used it as a sword, wearing it on his waist.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand and said domineeringly: "All enemies in the world can be defeated with one sword."

Then, Zhao Fei lost his momentum, stretched out his hand... and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, staring at the woman carrying the camera, half-smiling.

"The women in the world... hook them with one finger."

Then Zhao Fei stretched lazily and said in a pleasant tone: "Heaven, earth and earth, please wait for me, Xu Fengnian, to stretch my legs!"

Immediately, he put his hands behind his back, his body as tall as a pine, and stared at the sky at a 45-degree angle: "I would like to ask the immortals in the sky, who dares to come to this world?"

"Tuoba Bodhisattva, I have a sword. I learned it from Wenhua in the Central Plains. This sword...please leave the city!"

"If my eldest son dies, Xu Xiao will teach you to hang Beiliang Dao all over the city in Guangling. Don't say that you were unpredicted!"

Zhao Fei's momentum changed very quickly, and his tone was sometimes sonorous and powerful, and sometimes angry.

The effect presented to everyone.

As if they had practiced it countless times, their movements and tone were perfect, as if the person standing in front of them was not one person, but countless Xu Fengnian.

Countless fragments.

For a moment, several people, including the director, were stunned.

They had never seen Zhao Fei acting, so they subconsciously thought that Zhao Fei was an anchor, so they didn't take it seriously.

But looking at it now, this level undoubtedly exceeded their expectations.

At the same time, Mai Mai, who could only see Zhao Fei's back through the gap in the door, was also shocked by Zhao Fei's line skills and secretly couldn't believe it.

Could it be that there are really geniuses in the world?
This line skills...are too good, right?

At this moment, Zhao Fei didn't care what others thought and continued to speak the lines in the script.

His momentum subsided slightly, and then he smiled bitterly, shook off his sleeves freely, sat on the ground, and spoke in a sad tone.

"Don't say that I am so poor that I can catch the breeze with my big sleeves. Don't laugh at me that I have nowhere to sleep when I am sleepy, and the heaven and earth are my bed. Don't laugh at me that I have no wine when I am thirsty, and the river is a flagon."

There is no one as lucky as me in the world, no one as lucky as me..."

Then, before everyone could be surprised, Zhao Fei's aura changed again. His eyes were like knives and his aura was like the sea. He stared at the four people opposite him, cupped his fists and bowed.

He shouted: "I, Xu Fengnian, today... I am here to seek death!"

Seeing this, director Song Xiaofei swallowed.

The eyes shine.

Just now, he seemed to have seen Beimang's 40-strong army outside Jubei City attacking the city. Xu Fengnian, dressed in white as snow, rushed towards the army head-on, looking domineering.

A generous plea for death should be rewarded!

Not only him, but the other people next to him also seemed to have seen a sword that was full of romance.

Xu Fengnian traveled six thousand miles in three years and worked hard to practice sword skills. Xu Fengnian was impoverished.

Xu Fengnian, who was full of energy, broke two thousand six pieces of armor with one sword, faced thousands of troops without changing his expression, and left gracefully.

Chic, domineering, lazy, calm... all kinds of complex characters were vividly interpreted by Zhao Fei in just a few minutes.

It was the round paper tube that Zhao Fei pulled out and stuffed back into it to use as a sword. It was really an eyesore.

Let them regret not giving Zhao Fei a sword.

Until Zhao Fei finished his last line.

The director took a deep breath and asked anxiously: "Has everything been recorded?"

"Don't worry, director, it's accurate to every word." The master holding the camera wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Several people nearby also looked at each other, and one of them asked: "Have you read the novel "Swordsman in the Snow"?

"No?" Zhao Fei shook his head.

"Then how did you act..."

"Ahem." Song Xiaofei coughed twice, interrupted him, and said, "If you are asked to play the role of Xu Fengnian, when will you be able to join the cast?"

"It's not certain yet, but it will take at least half a month. Once the filming is over, you can join the group."

Zhao Fei did not hide anything, not to mention that it was useless to hide this kind of thing.

He just comes to give it a try. If it works, it will work. If it doesn’t, he will be kicked out.

Sure enough, when they heard what Zhao Fei said, except for Song Xiaofei, several people beside them frowned and shook their heads secretly.

Obviously they were very anxious. It had been delayed for half a month because of Zhang Ruojun's matter.

Every day you delay is another day spent.

No one can afford this.

What they hope most is that when they find someone suitable, they can directly join the group and start shooting.

But now, no matter how good Zhao Fei's acting is, he doesn't agree with this.


Song Xiaofei had known about this for a long time. His manager Wang Yanling had just told him about it, so it was not surprising. He just wanted to confirm it from Zhao Fei.

"We all saw your acting skills just now. It was wonderful. However, we are not sure yet whether you have passed or not, so you can go directly to the beginning of the shooting.

If there is any news, we will notify you as soon as possible. "

"Thank you Director."

Zhao Fei nodded and didn't say much.

As soon as Zhao Fei disappeared, several people in the room started talking.

"What a pity. I feel that Zhao Fei is more suitable to play Xu Fengnian than Zhang Ruojun. The sentence 'I beg to die here' just now really shocked me."

"Who says it's not the case? If he can join the group now, even if he is a newcomer in the entertainment industry, it won't be a problem."

"Even though he is a newcomer, his popularity is quite high. I didn't expect that Zhao Fei is still a genius, so he shouldn't be a host.

Instead, he entered the entertainment industry directly.

The scene just now proved that this boy was just eating this bowl of rice.

It's a pity to miss it like this.

How about we discuss with the crew and shoot our scene in the snow first? "

There was no surprise at all, everyone praised Zhao Fei unanimously.

But listening to what they meant, it was obvious that they mostly meant it as a pity, which meant that no matter how good Zhao Fei's acting skills were, as long as he couldn't join the group immediately, they wouldn't use him.

"Everyone, you don't know, right? This guy is still a rich second generation, whether it was the previous Menghualu or the beginning now.

Everyone has investments, so they bring capital into the group.

It can be seen that people are not short of acting, nor are they short of money.

So don’t think about letting him shoot us in the snow first.

But this is the first interview today, so don’t worry, let’s look at the rest. "

"That's the only way to go first."

"Call the next one."

After seeing Zhao Fei's acting skills, several people were a little shocked and secretly felt it was a pity.

But the people behind are not bad either. They are basically well-known male stars in the industry and have certain acting skills.

So they quickly calmed down and cheered up again.

And subconsciously, he compared the people behind him with Zhao Fei.

This comparison is problematic.

Gradually, they discovered that no matter who they were, they were actually acting alright, in an ordinary and normal way.

But whether it's good or bad is often the biggest problem.

And it's even less interesting than Zhao Fei.

This is equivalent to me having just finished a big meal, and now a bowl of pig's trotter rice is served to me. The pig's trotter rice is edible and can fill my stomach, but I just have no appetite.

The most important thing is that the people behind don't have that kind of feeling that makes people shine.

So until the last person was auditioned, the director and the others looked at each other and said, "Let's do this for now. There will be a few actors tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Because they are out of town, they didn't catch up today.

We'll see when the time comes. "

"Yes, let's take a look."

"That's all it takes."


At this time, Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei did not go home.

They had been together for so long, but they had never watched a movie together, so Mai Mai suggested that they go out for an afternoon and then take a plane to Xiamen after dinner in the evening.

Zhao Fei naturally would not refuse this.

"Zhao Fei, tell me the truth, have you secretly practiced acting and lines? Otherwise, how could you have performed so well just now." Although Zhao Fei's acting skills were fine, Mai Mai was relieved.

At least there was no problem at all in the beginning.

But Mai Mai is still a bit off-putting, especially when I think of myself as a child star who has been filming since she was a child.

After so many years, he is not as good as Zhao Fei, a newcomer.

This frustration is too strong.

"How can I have time to practice this? You have to admit... there are many people in this world who are geniuses, and the excellent ones are beyond your reach."

"You're so shameless. Why do you still want to go to heaven after complimenting you a few times?"

Zhao Maimai wrinkled her nose and pouted unhappily: "I'm not happy anymore. You go to the movies with me."

"Okay, let's go to the movies."

Zhao Fei rubbed her little head and smiled fondly: "Whatever you say is what I want. No matter how good I am, I will still listen to you."

"It's your acquaintance."

The corners of Zhao Maimai's small mouth were slightly raised, and the gloom on her cheeks was driven away by the flower-like smile; "Then go quickly, we can still have a meal after watching the movie.

Then it’s still time to go to the airport. "

The two drove away.

Zhao Maimai in the car chose two movie tickets without asking Zhao Fei for his opinion.

This year there are still several movies with high box office, such as "Hello, Li Huanying" and "Tang Detective".

But Tang Tansan's evaluation was not very good.

Li Huanying is pretty good.

But Zhao Maimai chose neither of these two movies, but chose "My Sister".

The starring role is Zhang Zilan.

"You didn't choose her just because she was the leading role, right?"


Mai Mai nodded and continued: "We have collaborated many times, such as "Little Farewell" and "Take My Brother Away Quickly".

The relationship is very strong.

When "Sister" was released a few days ago, Zhang Zilan let me watch it.

But I never got around to it.

It just so happens that you come with me to see her and learn her acting skills by the way. "

Seeing this, Zhao Fei naturally would not refuse.

After arriving at the place, the two put on hats, sunglasses, and masks, and wrapped them tightly to ensure that they would not be recognized, and then walked into the cinema holding hands.

Soon, the movie begins.

As time passed, Zhao Fei also understood.

This is a story about a family that values ​​boys over girls. After the unexpected death of their parents, the older sister, who is independent and has a weak relationship with her parents, is forced to raise her younger brother.

To be honest, Zhao Fei wasn't very impressed by what he saw.

From the beginning, you can basically guess the ending.

The plot is mediocre. Except for Zhang Zilan's good looks, Zhao Fei doesn't have any feelings.

On the other hand, Zhao Maimai felt the same way because she was a woman.

Weeping sputteringly.

I was so excited that I quickly started chatting with Zhang Zilan.

"I said why do you insist on letting me come to see you? You just want me to cry, right?"

"Haha, are you watching a movie? How was my performance? Is it a big improvement compared to before?"

"I don't know!" Zhao Maimai pouted, a little unhappy.

"Don't be angry. I just came back from a promotional run and I'm exhausted. How about I treat you to dinner later?"

"No, I have to fly to Xiamen to film in the evening."

What Zhao Maimai was thinking was that Zhao Fei was here, which was a little inconvenient.

"No, we are all in the capital after a long time, let's get together... By the way, the man who did the travel live broadcast with you is next to you, is it inconvenient for you?

What's his name?

Oops, I've been so busy during this period that my brain is a bit confused. "

"No, don't talk nonsense."

"Hey, I didn't know you yet, but I guessed it.

If he's here, let's come together. We just happen to know each other.

I also want to see what the legendary person who broke the real-time online live broadcast record looks like? "

Seeing this, Zhao Maimai hesitated for a moment, then put the phone screen in front of Zhao Fei.

Seeing the chat history, Zhao Fei smiled nonchalantly: "Since I've been kindly invited, let's go, and judging from this attitude, you two do have a good relationship.

It's not easy to have a good friend in the entertainment industry.

Especially those like you, who are of the same type and have competition, are worth maintaining. "

"Well, then I'll tell her."

Zhao Maimai nodded lightly and cherished his relationship with Zhang Zilan. He typed a reply: "Then you can make a reservation and we will go there after watching the movie."

"Great, then it's settled. See you there or not. But in the end, I still want to ask, do you two have... that one? The one between men and women?"

"Don't tell me I won't go again!"

"Okay, okay, no more talking, I'm going to book a location now."

"Hurry up, the movie is about to end. You have to sign based on your posture. I want to concentrate on watching the movie."

"Yes, I'll see you later... But don't be angry after watching the ending later, and don't blame me. The director arranged it and it has nothing to do with me."

(End of this chapter)

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