China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 141 Arriving at the Beginning Crew

Chapter 141 Arriving at the Beginning Crew

After watching the movie.

Only then did Mai Mai understand why Zhang Zilan said that.

The final film of the co-authored film did not say whether it was signed or not, and it had an open ending.

Although such open endings are common.

But Mai Mai always felt that her tears were shed in vain and the movie she watched was in vain.

There was a knot in my heart that was difficult to untie.

So after the two girls met, Zhang Zilan was scolded.

"So, can you tell me now whether you signed or not?"

"To be honest, I don't know either."

Zhang Zilan shook his head, spread his hands and said: "Originally, the script was signed, but at the end of filming, the director seemed to have other ideas.

He said that he wanted to make the character of his sister more fleshed out.

So I made an open ending. "

"Okay, then I'll treat it as your signature."

Mai Mai also knows that some directors’ minds are beyond the comprehension of normal people.

The open ending itself means that there is no ending. The audience can think of an ending that suits them according to their own ideas.

This is a special expression technique, mostly used in sequels.

And this open approach is more relevant to life.

Just like every day of our lives, there is no accurate answer. Only the flow of time can allow you to find the correct answer.

But in the eyes of the audience, it was very disturbing.

"Let me introduce to you, Zhao, my boyfriend."

In front of a good friend, Mai Mai didn't hide anything, but when introduced for the first time, she was still a little shy, looking down at her toes.


Zhang Zilan was also surprised when he met Zhao Fei for the first time.

This otherworldly temperament and exquisite and perfect facial features reminded her of a poem.

The people on Mo are like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

No wonder Zhao Maimai is with him, this is too handsome.


Zhao Fei took the initiative to reach out and touched Zhang Zilan.

Zhao Fei also had a deep impression on Zhang Zilan. Tang Tanyi's killer look, his back during the earthquake...etc. were all characters created by the other party.

However, most of these were taken when Zhang Zilan was a child.

Now that I have grown up, I am also becoming more and more graceful.

The baby fat on the cheeks has been reduced a lot, giving me a blunt, light-faced face that is childish but not sweet, well-behaved but not cute, and the style is colder and harder.

The contradiction is a bit serious.

But the facial features are very good, with a high nose bridge and a calm temperament, especially that little "childish" feeling.

It can arouse a perverted desire in men.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhao Fei finally understands why the two are best friends. In fact, their food storage bags are not big.

Even after such a long period of development.

Mai Mai still has a slight advantage.

As for Zhang Zilan, it can be said that everything is smooth sailing.

"Sit down first and let's chat while we eat."

Zhang Zilan invited the two of them to sit down in the private room.

This is a hot pot restaurant near the Film Academy, with good privacy.

So you don’t have to worry about being secretly photographed.

Zhao Fei sat alone on one side, while the two girls sat opposite. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they chatted endlessly after sitting down.

"Do you have any upcoming film dates? How long can you stay at school?"

Zhang Zilan and Mai Mai are both in school, but one of them is in the drama and the other is Nortel.

"Can't stay long."

Zhang Zilan shook his head and said: "I'm going to film Longing for Five in a while, and I also have to attend various award ceremonies, and film "The Returned Daughter" and "Genius Basics"

It can be said that I have no time to rest this year.

Just tonight, I still squeezed out some time. Didn't you see that I'm tired and thin? "

"Cut, it's cheap to be a good boy."

Zhao Maimai curled her lips and continued: "The full schedule proves that you are popular, and I feel that for this movie, sister, you might win an award."

Speaking of Mai Mai here, she couldn't help but feel a little envious at this moment.

Although both of them are TV series and movies develop in both directions, in contrast, Zhang Zilan has achieved dazzling results on both the big and small screens.

On the contrary, she is very famous in TV series, but in terms of movies, except for The Wandering Earth, she is worth mentioning.

There are really no good results on the table.

Not to mention any awards.

"I don't expect awards or awards. To be honest, I just want to rest now...

There is so much pressure. When I saw you guys traveling, I felt envious.

Fortunately, I will record Yearning for Five in a while.

I can relax a little bit, otherwise I will really collapse. "

Seeing Zhang Zilan's tired look, Mai Mai couldn't help but feel the same.

After all, they are all child stars, so they know what it feels like to have one schedule after another.

"If you like it, you can come over and play with us for two days during our next live broadcast trip."

"Is it true?" Zhang Zilan was slightly surprised: "You are going to have a second season?"


Zhao Fei interjected at this time: "Now the contract with Douyin has been signed, and this travel live broadcast is different from the last time, and some celebrities will be invited.

If you have time then, you can come and play. "

Zhao Fei has indeed thought carefully about how to do a new travel live broadcast. Mai Mai will naturally be there, but if it is still two people, it will be relatively monotonous.

So inviting other guests is essential.

This can also give the audience in the live broadcast room some freshness.

The process is similar to Longing for Life, but the number of people is smaller in comparison, and it is a mobile travel program. Relatively speaking, it is more novel than Longing for Life, but it is also less comfortable.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The most important thing is that there will also be a dedicated team filming during the live broadcast.

And try to choose places that are less dangerous.

"Okay, then you must contact me in advance. I have wanted to go out for a long time, and I just happen to travel with you."

"It's a word."

Zhao Maimai also knew some of Zhao Fei's plans for the travel variety show.

Compared to other celebrities, she hopes to invite some acquaintances over.

Zhang Zilan is quite famous and has a good relationship with her.

It's perfect to be a guest.

After the dishes were served, the atmosphere in the three-person room became even more lively.

The silver bell-like smile kept ringing in the private room.

During the process, Zhao Fei didn't say much except talking about the travel live broadcast, but Zhao Fei didn't feel any embarrassment at all, as long as Mai Mai was happy.

Zhao Fei had promised to integrate into Maimai's life, so naturally Zhao Fei would not have any grudges because of this slight neglect.

What's more, it's hard for Zhao Fei to interrupt in the conversation between the two little girls.

Seeing that it was almost time for the flight to take off, the two girls said goodbye reluctantly.

"If you need publicity after you start shooting, you can come to us."

"Well, if I have time, I will definitely come and play with you."

Zhao Maimai nodded. She couldn't decide this matter for the time being. She needed to communicate with the crew and Xiang Xiang, so she didn't agree hastily: "Okay, we are going to the airport, you should go back early."

"Well, bye, bye Zhao Fei."


Zhao Fei nodded, they had already left each other's phone numbers just now.

So there is nothing to miss.

After getting in the car, Zhao Fei and he drove to the airport.

At this moment, Garza and Mai Mai's assistants were already waiting at the airport.

After the two arrived, two assistants immediately greeted them.

"Sister, Brother Fei...the tickets have been taken out, we can board the plane directly."

When Zhao Fei saw Mai Mai's assistant, he immediately felt familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before, so he asked, "Have we met before?"

"Uh... I've seen it before."

Mai Mai was slightly embarrassed at the moment, and also remembered that she was at the Chengdu Airport. After meeting Zhao Fei, she got in the car and left, leaving her assistant at the airport.

Thinking about it later, she already wanted to live in a world of two with Zhao Fei.

So I didn’t mention it.

Even if you promised the other party before.

"Let me introduce you. This is my assistant named Chen Luyun. She is my aunt's child. She was born three days after me, so she is my sister.

You did meet, and it was also at the airport..."

Zhao Maimai explained the cause and effect.

After listening, Zhao Fei also smiled, glanced at Chen Luyun, and said: "It's okay, I didn't follow you last time, I'll make the decision for you to travel with us next time.

There is also Garza, no one is left behind. "

The next trip will be more complicated than before, so assistants are needed even more. Even if there is no such thing, Zhao Fei will take them with him.

"Thank you, Brother Fei."

Chen Luyun has always regretted not going to Qinghai-Tibet with her last time.

Now that I have received Zhao Fei's promise, I can't help but feel happy at this moment.

However, Garza had no idea about this.

Anyway, wherever Zhao Fei goes, he will follow him.

The four of them got on the plane together.

We didn't land until after eleven o'clock in the evening. Fortunately, Chen Luyun notified the crew in advance, so a car came to pick him up.

Although the crew arranged separate rooms for Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei respectively, seeing that there was no one in the corridor, Zhao Fei took the opportunity to get into Mai Mai's room.

Garza is used to this.

Chen Luyun lowered her head and pretended not to see it.

As Zhao Maimai's assistant and also a relative of Zhao Maimai, Chen Luyun had long known that the two were together.So it's no surprise.

"The filming will officially start tomorrow. Please be more honest tonight."

"Yeah, if I'm not honest, I'm just a puppy."

Zhao Maimai rolled his eyes, knowing Zhao Fei's character: "You are just a puppy, a puppy that can't get enough to eat no matter how you feed it."

"Well, it's whatever you say. Let's take a shower first?"

"I'll wash it first, you can wash it later."

"Okay!" Zhao Fei nodded and said, "You go in first, I'll be right back."

"No, I mean..."

"I understand, I understand, come... let me help you take off your clothes."

"Stinking rogue."

Zhao Maimai wrinkled her nose helplessly and straightened her arms: "I don't know if Xuezhong will choose you to play Xu Fengnian in the end.

However, we still have to make plans early and shoot your scenes first. "

"Let's not talk about work at night. I will tell the director tomorrow. After all, I am also one of the investors. It is a trivial matter. As for the snow...

You don’t have to worry too much, just if it works, forget it if it doesn’t.

Come on, lift your legs. "

"Well, socks, take off your socks for me too."


Zhao Fei served the little girl quickly.

After a while, the two got into the bathroom, and the sound of splashing also sounded in it.


The next morning.

Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei got up and headed to the set.

At the beginning, it mainly tells the story of a 'pressure cooker'.

With the novel setting of time loop, it tells the story of two ordinary people without the halo of the protagonist, who experienced challenges and deaths again and again, and finally realized themselves.

Uncover the truth hidden in the fog and successfully save everyone on the bus.

Xiao Heyun, played by Zhao Fei, is a game architect.

Zhao Maimai plays Li Shiqing, a college student who is repeatedly resurrected from the dead after encountering repeated bus explosions, and tries to escape from this cycle many times.

The story is simple.

But it's very cleverly designed.

There is suspense, a sense of urgency, and the IQ and logic are all online.

Not to mention Zhao Maimai liked this script very much, even Zhao Fei couldn't help but secretly marvel at it after reading it.

As soon as he arrived on the set, Zhao Fei met the original producer, Hou Hongliang.

Regarding this person, even if he has never been in the entertainment industry, Zhao Fei knows that he is a famous director, a famous producer, and one of the bosses of Noon Sunshine.

The familiar Langya List, The Pretender, All Quiet in Peking, etc. are all related to Hou Hongliang.

It can be said that Hou Hongliang and Kong Sheng hold up half of the Chinese drama industry.

An absolute master in the entertainment industry.

"Zhao Fei, hello." Hou Hongliang took the initiative to extend his hand to Zhao Fei, looking quite handsome.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei immediately took a step forward and said with a smile: "Producer Hou, hello, hello."

"I heard someone say that your acting skills are not as bad as the legend says. They are even quite good."

This is the purpose of Hou Hongliang coming here today.

Their Noon Sunshine star Wang Kai also auditioned for the set in the snow yesterday.

Afterwards, Hou Hongliang called Director Song Xiaofei and asked about the results of Wang Kai's audition.

After learning that he was defeated, Hou Hongliang asked the reason.

Unexpectedly, I heard about Zhao Fei from Song Xiaofei's mouth.

Song Xiaofei was full of praise for Zhao Fei and asked if he could delay the start and let Zhao Fei shoot in the snow first.

Hou Hongliang would naturally disagree.

What's more, "In the Snow" is a big drama, and as the most important male protagonist, it's impossible to finish filming in a month or two.

You're wasting money by wasting a day in the snow.

The same goes for the beginning.

In the end, the two broke up on bad terms, but because of this, Zhao Fei attracted Hou Liangping's attention.

Otherwise he wouldn't have come today at all.

"Facts speak louder than words. I will take a closer look later. Maybe we will have opportunities to continue to cooperate in the future."

Zhao Fei smiled modestly. Hou Liangping's words sounded fine, but on the other hand, if he thought about it, could it be because his acting skills were not good enough that he would not cooperate in the future?
Or even, will Zhao Fei be replaced now?

However, Zhao Fei did not put the matter on the table on the spot, pretending not to understand what the other party meant, and said with a smile: "Thank you, I am also very lucky to be able to join the Beginning crew.

and participate in investments.

If there is an opportunity for cooperation in the future, that would be great. "

Zhao Fei knew that Hou Hongliang was a big shot in the entertainment industry, but he was not afraid.

He secretly said that if I have an investment and signed a contract, I will pay liquidated damages if I regret it.

So don’t scare us because we don’t understand.

In fact, if Noon Sunshine had not released many major dramas this year, such as Nirvana in Fire, Sons and Daughters of the Qiao Family, etc., it would not have been Zhao Fei's turn to invest.

And relatively speaking, the beginning was just a short play.

So not enough attention is paid to it.

This gave Zhao Fei the opportunity to bring capital into the group.

"Okay, let's wait and see then."

Hou Hongliang understood Zhao Fei's hint and was not angry.

After all, his main purpose today was to see Zhao Fei's acting skills with his own eyes.

What others say is what others say, so you can’t believe it all.

It would be best if Zhao Fei had superb acting skills.

If it really pulls the crotch, what will happen even if the contract is signed?

The entertainment industry is not that simple.

When the time comes, he has many ways to make Zhao Fei withdraw voluntarily, so he looked at Mai Mai with a smile and said: "Mai Mai, you have to work hard this time too.

It's a drama with a female protagonist in the beginning, and the main problem is still up to you. "

"Well, don't worry, Producer Hou, I will perform well."

At this time, Director Sun Molong also came over.

This director is also not simple. He was the director of photography for the Nirvana in Fire film mentioned before. Last year's film Love of Mountains and Seas was also nominated for Magnolia.

It can be said that from the photographer to the director's position step by step.

The route to success is very similar to Lao Mouzi.

However, this person's impression of Zhao Fei was not very good, because before he wanted Bai Jingting to play the male lead, but Zhao Fei intervened in the middle.

Moreover, they were not far away just now, and he could hear the conversation of several people clearly.

So at this moment, he smiled and said: "Brother Hou, since you are here today, stay for two more days to give us some guidance."

Sun Molong's words seemed quite normal on the surface.

But in fact, they were secretly taking sides, and they were obviously doubting Zhao Fei's ability.

Of course, this is reasonable. After all, the crew is owned by Noon Sunshine. As employees, we don’t follow the boss.

Therefore, Zhao Fei smiled and said nothing more.

Mature people will not express their emotions on their faces, nor will they engage in verbal disputes with others.

What's more, whether it's Hou Hongliang or director Sun Molong, they actually want to make the filming more exciting.

It also requires itself to produce high-quality dramas.

Zhao Fei had just entered the entertainment industry and was suspected of having normal abilities.

If you look at Zhao Fei's popularity and try your best to please Zhao Fei regardless of whether his acting skills are good or bad, it will be even more annoying.

However, Zhao Fei is not angry, which does not mean that Zhao Maimai is indifferent.

For my own men.

I can bully him, but others can't.

What's more, Zhao Fei's acting skills are so good and his lines are so great, he doesn't allow others to make weird remarks.

So Zhao Maimai said with a cold face: "Director...since you said so, let's go change clothes while Producer Hou is here.

Let him guide and guide you well.

You should also give us good instructions! "

Afterwards, Zhao Maimai took Zhao Fei's hand and walked into the fitting room.

Hou Hongliang and Sun Molong looked at each other, slightly surprised.

"This girl wasn't so angry before."

"Maybe she's in love."

Hou Hongliang shook his head, smiled, and continued: "Next, you have to be a good director and don't cause trouble for others.

I just said those words just to stimulate Zhao Fei and make him do his best to act well. Our next few dramas are so lacking in handsome, young and acting actors like Zhao Fei.

So I don't look down on others.

After all, Song Xiaofei in the snow really praised Zhao Fei. Otherwise, what else do you think I would do here today? "

"What do you mean?"

Hearing this, director Sun Molong was a little confused: "Didn't you talk to Zhao Fei about replacing him if his acting skills are not up to par?"

"Have I said that?"

"Then you just..."

Sun Molong slapped his forehead, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Yes, no matter how good Zhao Fei's acting is, now I have offended both the male and female protagonists.

How to do this? "

"That's up to you."

Smiling and patting Sun Molong on the shoulder, Hou Hongliang said with a smile: "What's more, Song Xiaofei said it was him who said it, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes.

Wait and see how Zhao Fei's acting skills are.

Whether it's a dragon or an insect, it comes out and wanders around. "

"Yeah, you really hurt me."

Sun Molong smiled helplessly.

Immediately, he ordered the crew to hurry up and get ready.

When Zhao Fei and the others came out, they immediately started shooting.

He had just seen Mai Mai's confidence and Zhao Fei's calm and unhurried appearance, and he was also very curious as to whether a person who had never filmed before could have good acting skills.

How good can it be?
It can't be compared to the veteran drama, right?
(End of this chapter)

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