China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 142 Director, why are you apologizing?

Chapter 142 Director, why are you apologizing?

Hou Hongliang laughed and clapped, the admiration in his eyes undisguised.

In fact, the cooperation between Zhao Fei and Mai Mai just now was impeccable.

Even compared to veteran actors, his acting skills are comparable.

"Sun Molong... In the next half month, no matter what Xuezhong says, you should try your best to move forward Zhao Fei's scenes and finish filming Zhao Fei's scenes as soon as possible.

If something goes wrong, I'll ask you. "


Sun Molong had a sad face.

As a director, you have to cooperate with the actors.

I really feel bad.

But I have to say that he was also shocked by Zhao Fei's acting skills just now.

Lines, movements, eyes, expressions... every detail was performed so vividly by Zhao Fei that he couldn't find any faults at all.

Not to mention perfect, but also breathtaking.

It seems like it has been practiced countless times.

Originally, as a director, it is the happiest thing to have such actors filming under my hands.

However, I accidentally offended someone just now.

So at this moment, Sun Molong felt a bitter feeling that he wanted to laugh but couldn't.

But he is also a flexible person.

Geniuses always get preferential treatment.

So in front of everyone on the crew, Sun Molong smiled and stepped forward to wipe the blood on Zhao Fei's hands, and said slightly to please: "Zhao Fei, before... don't mind.

I also want to make the quality of the start higher, so..."

"Director, why are you apologizing?"

Zhao Fei naturally understood what the director meant, but in front of so many people, it would not be good for Zhao Fei to accept this apology or not.

The most appropriate way to respond is to pretend not to know.

Just put aside what happened before.

This not only saves face for the director, but also gets more respect from Zhao Fei.

After all, the director didn't say anything before.

There is no deep hatred between Zhao Fei and the other party. It is better not to offend others as much as possible.

As the old saying goes, it's easy to hide from an open gun, but hard to guard against a hidden one.

However, Zhao Fei looked at the confused Sun Molong and lamented that this guy's brain was not working well, so he could only say again: "Director, I am a newcomer.

If there is anything I did wrong, you must tell me in time.

Just like when I stabbed Aunt Liu Dan with a knife, I was actually very nervous, otherwise I wouldn't have been covered in blood and blamed me.

I'm going to change my clothes now and do it all over again. "

After hearing this, Sun Molong understood what Zhao Fei meant.

Zhao Fei didn't take the matter before co-authoring it seriously at all.

I didn’t take it seriously and just turned the page.

This made Sun Molong even more shocked by Zhao Fei's atmosphere and laughed heartily: "Yes, yes, you go change clothes quickly. Don't worry, I will try my best to move your part of the scene forward.

I promise not to delay your next drama. "

Although the crew members did not understand the specific details.

But it can also be seen that the relationship between the director and the lead actor is much better than they imagined, even if they just met.

Especially Zhao Fei's acting just now.

Not only the director, but all of them saw it.

Now Liu Tao and Liu Yijun have not joined the cast yet, but Liu Dan, Song Jiateng and Huang Jue, who played the bus driver, have just played with Zhao Fei.

But they are all there.

Regarding the acting skills of a newcomer like Zhao Fei, they are actors who have been in the entertainment industry for many years.

I have to sigh that talented people come out from generation to generation.

Zhao Fei is not only suitable for being an actor. With his looks and acting skills, God is feeding Zhao Fei food into his mouth.

"Maimai, I really didn't expect that you are not only a little drama star, but you also have good vision."

Hou Hongliang also walked to Mai Mai at this moment, as if what just happened had never happened.

Mai Mai smiled and lowered his eyes: "I didn't know he could act before, maybe he was born with it."

"Sure enough, there are still geniuses in the world."

Hou Hongliang nodded with a smile and continued: "I have something to do tomorrow and will be leaving soon. Please talk to Zhao Fei later and we will definitely have opportunities to cooperate in the future.

You guys are filming well on the set. If you have any trouble, you can call me directly. "

"Thank you, Producer Hou."

Mai Mai knew Hou Hongliang's energy better than Zhao Fei.

It seemed that the person in charge of the crew at the beginning was director Sun Molong, but in fact Hou Hongliang was the real master in front of him.

As soon as this promise comes out, the director will give him three cents of face.

All of this was earned by Zhao Fei, and it also made Mai Mai feel happy, so she was naturally happy.


In this way, Zhao Fei successfully integrated into the crew of Beginning.

No matter what he shoots from now on, Zhao Fei will always be very accurate.

Three days later, two actors, Liu Tao and Liu Yijun, joined the set, and Zhao Fei also came up to say hello, making him look familiar.

However, these two don't have much role in the drama, and the filming was completed in less than four days.

So the relationship with Zhao Fei is not deep.

On the contrary, Zhao Fei has a good relationship with Song Jiateng, especially since he and Mai Mai are both from the Northeast, and they talk very funny in their free time.

Just like that, time flew away from my fingertips like grains of sand.

A week passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Fei's play progressed very quickly.

At the same time, the Xuezhong crew far away in the capital also interviewed most of the first- and second-tier actors in the entertainment industry.

Select a few suitable people.

However, as soon as Song Xiaofei and others took out the videotape of Zhao Fei's audition, they started scratching their heads.

My heart is tangled.

"Everyone, tell me."

Song Xiaofei sat at one end of the conference room, smoking one cigarette after another in his hand: "We must choose one of these people today. We can't delay any longer." "Yes."

Wang Juan, the screenwriter in Xue Zhong, also nodded. He also worked as a screenwriter for Qing Yunian and was affiliated with Xinli TV: "Keep on delaying it like this.

The investment in Xue Zhong will be expanded again. "

The person in charge of Xinli TV asked: "Before this, I would like to know how Zhao Fei is doing now? Is filming still starting?"

Hearing this, Song Xiaofei gestured to the assistant next to him.

Because for this kind of thing, his assistant helped to contact him.

So the assistant did not hesitate at this moment and immediately spoke: "Zhao Fei has been on the crew for a week, and I have contacted his agent Wang Yanling before.

I also contacted the director of Beginning.

They told me that it would take Zhao Fei a week at the earliest to finish filming. "

"A week?" Wang Juan frowned: "It's not too long, it's not too short... What do you think?"

"is acceptable."

The person in charge of Xinli TV lit up a cigarette again: "However, Xiao Zhan can actually do it. This kid has been very popular recently and is famous.

It's just that in terms of's just a little bit behind. "

"Is it close?"

Wang Juan took a sip of water without giving any face to his boss. As a screenwriter, he must be responsible for the script and Xu Fengnian in his heart.

When he saw Zhao Fei auditioning, he thought Zhao Fei was the most suitable for Xu Fengnian.

It is also the Xu Fengnian he wrote.

Unfortunately, the timing was unfortunate, so he could only bear the pain and consider others.

But now a week has passed, and they still haven't found a more suitable one, so Zhao Fei stood out again.

"If you say so, Zhao Fei is even more popular. He has more than [-] million fans in the live broadcast industry, which is not something ordinary people can achieve, and Zhao Fei's acting skills are also great.

You have also seen it, so I won’t say more.

The most important thing now is, director... you take charge of the overall situation and tell us about it.

If we start filming now, is it possible to move Zhao Fei's scene to a week later?
Will it be troublesome? "

Song Xiaofei actually liked Zhao Fei in his heart.

At first, what he thought was to audition a few first- and second-tier actors, and then go directly to the set for filming.

But now a week has passed and the male lead is still not confirmed.

This made him a little distressed.

So Song Xiaofei doesn't know now whether he is lucky or unlucky.

After a long circle, we returned to the source.

"It's not too troublesome, of course... The premise is that Zhao Fei must join the cast in a week, and adapt to the role in a short period of time, and he can act after being brought over."

"Then I choose Zhao Fei."

Wang Juan breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and continued: "During the audition, Zhao Fei said that he had never seen Snow in the Snow, but I didn't believe it at the time.

After all, people who have never read the novel cannot interpret Xu Fengnian so well.

But later I thought about it, there is no need for people to lie about such a trivial matter.

Therefore, Zhao Fei has most likely never read the novel. At that time, he only relied on one line to perform an effect that surprised us.

This shows his adaptability.

I think what the director said is not a big problem. "

"Zhao Fei is indeed suitable, and he is better than others. If the director also chooses Zhao Fei, I have no objection."

At this time, the person in charge of Xinli TV also spoke.

The reason why he mentioned Xiao Zhan just now was because he was trying to sell a certain female boss in the entertainment industry.

But he still values ​​his performance in the snow more.

After all, it was invested by my own company.

As the person in charge of a company, he doesn't know much about filming.

So most of the time I just take money and don't say anything.

I also understand that professional matters should be left to professionals. If the screenwriter and director both like Zhao Fei, then they should choose Zhao Fei.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone in the conference room turned their attention to Song Xiaofei in the center.


Song Xiaofei put out the cigarette butt in his hand.

He made a decision: "Then let's take Zhao Fei. Send an assistant director and fly to Xiamen immediately to discuss the signing with Zhao Fei. By the way... we should also inform his agent."


Upon hearing this, the assistant immediately opened the door and walked out.

Call Wang Yanling.

Several people in the conference room did not move.

Just listen to Song Xiaofei continue: "We previously offered Zhang Ruojun a salary of 4000 million, which also took into account his worth and status.

Especially he is more suitable for cool costume dramas.

Now that everyone is here, let’s talk about the salary for Zhao Fei. "

"I won't comment on this. Let's talk." Screenwriter Wang Juan looked at the person in charge of Xinli TV and leaned back tactically.

When Song Xiaofei said this, he was mainly asking the person in charge of Xinli TV.

So he didn't take Wang Juan seriously.

"2000 million?" The person in charge of Xinli TV said tentatively, thinking he had offered a good price.

After all, Zhao Fei has just entered the entertainment industry, and even though he is very popular, the price is already not low.

"A little less."

Song Xiaofei shook his head. As a director, although he had to save budget and consider the overall situation, the entire drama in Xue Zhong was almost all about the male protagonist.

Xu Fengnian takes up almost two-thirds of the scene.

So the price is a bit deceptive.

"Then within 3000 million, as long as it is within this range, I have no problem." The person in charge spoke again.

After all, even if it is 3000 million, it still saves 1000 million compared to Wang Ruojun's salary.

But in exchange for Wang Ruojun, who is not weak at all, and even more suitable in comparison, Zhao Fei.

In any case, it was a profit.

"Okay, let them negotiate the price. We will fly directly to Xiangshan at night. We will also inform the other actors and get ready for filming immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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