China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 143 Is there still king law, is there still law?

Chapter 143 Is there still king law, is there still law?
"Brothers, long time no see."

When the crew had nothing to do, Zhao Fei opened the live broadcast room.

Mai Mai, who was beside him, waved her hand and looked at the people pouring into the live broadcast room instantly. A smile appeared on her lips: "We haven't seen each other for many days. Did you miss me?"

"This shit is finally on the air again. My Mai Mai is getting more and more beautiful."

"Think, why don't you want to."

"Are you guys filming?"


Zhao Fei nodded and said: "The new drama "The Beginning" that Mai Mai and I collaborated on

She plays the female lead and I play the male lead. Let’s wait and see.

The plot is very interesting. "

Live broadcasting from time to time can increase Zhao Fei's popularity.

Otherwise, if time passes, Zhao Fei is afraid that people in the live broadcast room will forget about him.

"I would like to inform you that today's broadcast will begin. Our previous live broadcast recordings have begun to be edited and re-produced. They will be turned into period-by-period variety shows and re-displayed in front of everyone.

At that time, everyone can go and review it.

Similarly, our second travel live broadcast is also being prepared, and we will meet everyone again in the summer. "


"looking forward to."

"You bitch, are you going to start making money now?"

"It's okay to make some money, but it's not the same thing to always be on the bottom line. What's more, Zhao Fei also has to raise Mai Mai."

Looking at the many comments in the live broadcast room.

Mai Mai smiled and didn't explain.

At this time, Song Jiateng saw the situation on Zhao Fei's side and took the opportunity to come over.

In The Beginning, he plays an Internet celebrity who does live broadcasts and doesn't even have a standard name.

However, he is very popular among the crew and his acting skills are not bad either.

"Brother, why don't you call me when the broadcast starts? I often watch your live broadcast room."

Song Jiateng waved his hand towards the live broadcast room and said: "Dear Douyin friends, my name is Song Jiateng, I am an actor, and I filmed with Zhao Fei.

If you have time, go to my Douyin account.

Click to follow. "

After saying that, Song Jiateng gave Zhao Fei's live broadcast room a lot of gifts, pushing his Douyin account to the No. 1 number of people online.

"He is the No. 1 in the live broadcast room right now. Brothers, we are in trouble."

"You're welcome."

Zhao Fei glanced at Song Jiateng, shook his head and said with a smile: "Old Song is also starting the crew, I think this face will look familiar to you.

old actor.

Everyone was buying gifts, and the brothers expressed their gratitude.

Let me take a look. He currently has more than 200 million followers on Douyin. Now there are 300 million people in our live broadcast room, so there is no need for one person to click.

Just let Lao Song's attention increase to 300 million. "

"Haha, thank you Brother Fei, Brother Fei is so generous."

Seeing Zhao Fei's support, Song Jiateng was also very happy, regardless of his age.

Just call Zhao Fei Brother Fei.

You must know that although his face looks familiar to the audience, it is because there are too many supporting roles.

But its own popularity is really not that high.

In today's entertainment industry, popularity and remuneration are closely related.

Therefore, Zhao Fei's move was a big help to him.

"a piece of cake!"

"Brothers, rush to the duck!"

"For the sake of this shit starting to air today, this is my focus."

The audience in Zhao Fei's live broadcast room was very impressive. In less than an hour, Song Jiateng's Douyinhao fans increased to 280 million.

And there is still no stopping trend.

The most important thing is that as time goes by, the number of people in Zhao Fei's live broadcast room is also increasing.

With Song Jiateng's attention, there was also a surge.

So soon the interaction between the two became a hot topic on scarf searches, making countless people envious.

The crew of #赵飞's "The Beginning" started a live broadcast and added more than 100 million fans to Song Jiateng within an hour#
#If Zhao Fei sells goods live, daily sales are expected to exceed one billion#
Although Zhao Fei was surprised by this hot search, he didn't take it seriously.

After all, I used to live broadcast my travels every day.

But this is different for Song Jiateng. After so many years in the industry, he has only been on trending searches a handful of times.

"Brother Fei, you are so awesome!"

Song Jiateng's eyes widened as he kept refreshing the search rankings, not bothering him at all.

Even though I've seen it many times, I still can't believe it.

Especially the search volume after his name has been increasing little by little.

Song Jiateng laughed so hard that his mouth almost reached the back of his head.

But then, something even more surprising happened.

Galza suddenly ran over at this time and handed the phone to Zhao Fei: "Brother A Fei, Wang Yanling called. I just heard her say something, and she cut Xuezhong with a knife.

You quickly ask, what is going on? "

"Cut the person?" Zhao Fei frowned and answered the phone. After understanding clearly, he couldn't help but glare at Galza.

"Don't spread nonsense next time, it's a swordsmanship in the snow."

"Oh, I got it, Brother Afei." Galza scratched his head in embarrassment, took the phone and walked away.

However, Song Jiateng in the live broadcast room and next to him didn't care about Galza at all at the moment.

The boss opened his mouth and said in disbelief: "If I heard you correctly just now, you want to play Xu Fengnian?"

"Yes, you heard it right, but the matter has not been decided yet. They have flown over and we will talk about it then." Zhao Fei's tone was calm, but what he said was shocking.

"Oh my God." Song Jiateng jumped up from his stool. He knew that Zhao Fei was very popular and that Zhao Fei was good at acting, but he didn't expect that Zhao Fei would leave so fast now.

The male protagonist at the beginning is already surprising.

But it started out as a drama with a female protagonist. With Zhao Fei’s popularity and acting skills, it was reasonable to win.

However, Xuezhong is a drama with a male protagonist. Xinli TV has invested hundreds of millions in this costume drama.

Many first- and second-tier male stars basically auditioned, but in the end they were picked up by Zhao Fei.

How could this not shock him?

So at this moment, Song Jiateng was like a piece of wood, frozen in place, completely unable to believe that this was true.

Not only him, but also the audience in the live broadcast room were obviously stunned by this surprise.

Zhao Fei has never read the novel.

But most of these people have seen it.

Especially the female characters left a deep impression on them.

The eldest maid Qingniao has a withdrawn personality and a cold face and a cold heart.

Wang Chudong is so precious that he has a love for Xu Fengnian.

There are also fish xuanji, sweet potato, Nangong Pushe...etc.
Xu Fengnian has too many confidantes. Not only is the novel Xuezhong popular, but there are also many fan fictions.

Therefore, there are countless fans of the novel, and they are also looking forward to the filming of the TV series.

Naturally, there is also a live broadcast room for Zhao Fei.

Now that they know that anchor Zhao Fei is going to play Xu Fengnian, it can be said to be a double blessing.

The live broadcast room felt like a Chinese New Year for a while, with gifts flying everywhere.

Countless barrages.

"Haha, I just want to know if the TV series will film sex scenes."

"Yes, I also really want to see Xu Fengnian visiting a brothel and meeting Xuanyuan Qingfeng, and the scene when he comes out of Feinanwei's room and walks with his hands on his waist."

"Damn, this bitch is really lucky. Xu Fengnian's confidante is no less than Wei Xiaobao's, and she's going to film this and that.

This is such an aboveboard way of taking advantage. "

Zhao Maimai was also very happy when he heard the news.

But as she watched the barrage in the live broadcast room, she gradually realized something was wrong.

She has never read the novel "Xue Zhong", so she naturally doesn't know how many confidants Xu Fengnian, the male protagonist in it, has.

So at this moment, I can’t help but ask: “Does the male protagonist have many girlfriends?”

"It's not just a lot, even two tables of mahjong can make enough money."

"Absolutely, I remember there were more than ten."

"No, there seem to be only five or six people who are sure of the relationship."

Seeing these barrages, Zhao Maimai felt even more depressed.

Although I know this is a filming, Xu Fengnian's setting is too fancy.

Especially the female stars who also participated in Snow, she knew several of them, each of them had a variety of styles, and their appearance was not bad.

If this is...

Have it.

Snow was also shot in Xiangshan, as was Menghualu.

The filming of Meng Hua Lu has not yet been completed. When Zhao Fei is filming in the snow, he can ask Liu Yifei to visit him whenever he has nothing to do and watch Zhao Fei.

By the way, it can also help Zhao Fei release the pressure.

It's the best of both worlds.

Okay, okay, just do it like this.

Thinking of this, Zhao Maimai's depressed expression eased a little. Now that she had one more Liu Yifei, she didn't want Zhao Fei to have more confidante.

Otherwise, it would be endless.

Of course, when the time comes, he must also warn Zhao Fei to control his lower body.

It would be best to drain Zhao Fei dry before he leaves... Forget it, let Liu Yifei go.

She was going to have a baby anyway, and she was old, so it would be fine if she struggled with it.

I can't do it myself.

She couldn't bear it these days, let alone squeeze Zhao Fei dry.

"We just have this intention now, the details have not yet been determined."

Zhao Fei interrupted the lively live broadcast room: "Don't spread it randomly, otherwise it will get worse and it will not be good.

It was as if we were forcing the Snow Crew to choose me. "

Just now from Wang Yanling’s mouth.

Zhao Fei has determined that director Song Xiaofei is interested in him and has offered him a salary of 500 million yuan.

Zhao Fei wanted to agree directly to this.

After all, 500 million is not a low salary for him.

However, Wang Yanling said that we could still talk about it, especially after they flew over and raised the price appropriately.

Since Wang Yanling has this intention, Zhao Fei will naturally not refuse.

No one will despise more money.

So to be precise, it is indeed not confirmed that he will play Xu Fengnian. Zhao Fei is right to say this to the live broadcast room now.

"Yes, yes, please don't spread rumors. The accurate information cannot be confirmed until it is officially released by the crew in Snow."

Zhao Maimai also said something helpful.

If some things are mixed up by fans, it will really affect the situation if it becomes a big issue.

However, even most fans listen to Zhao Fei's words.

But the mouth is the hardest thing to control.

So the news spread, and the popularity grew, and it soon occupied the top of the scarf rankings.

A first- and second-tier actor who once auditioned in the snow.

After learning the news, I was completely stunned.

what's the situation?
Is there still the law of the king, is there still the law?
How the hell did I lose to a host in the end?
Is Song Xiaofei blind, or is he blinded by money? Isn't this too outrageous?
I stayed up three nights to read the novel just for Xue Zhong, and the result... is this!
(End of this chapter)

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