Chapter 145: No, are you dreaming too?
A person is unconscious while asleep.

Unless dreaming.

But even if it was a dream, I would only vaguely remember a few fragments after waking up.

Where does the specific situation in the dream come from?

Nobody knows.

But now Zhao Fei's dream after using the dream experience card is extremely clear.

It starts from birth.

I deeply experienced the real life of Xu Fengnian.

This gave Zhao Fei a very strange feeling. He was conscious and knew that he was Zhao Fei, but he could not control his body.

And no matter what he wanted to say, all that came out was a loud cry.

Just like that, time flies.

In the blink of an eye, 15 years have passed.

Over the years, Zhao Fei has been like a passer-by in Xu Fengnian's body, with touch and awareness, but unable to control him.

And when Xu Fengnian grew up, her facial features were exactly the same as his.

Even the people she came into contact with looked just like the actors in the Snow Crew, with no difference at all.

But they looked a little dull.

It seems that he is just a tool man.

This also made Zhao Fei realize that this dream was mainly constructed based on his consciousness. The Jiang Ni in his impression was Li Gengxi, so Li Gengxi was Jiang Ni.

The Xu Xiao's face in his impression is Hu Jun, so the Hu Jun in reality is Xu Xiao in the snow in the dream.

This is also the same for Zhao Fei.

Since he plays Xu Fengnian, Xu Fengnian should look like him.

In the past 15 years, Zhao Fei, as the prince of Northern Liang, has lived in fine clothes and fine food.

Someone feeds the food into the mouth, and someone warms the bed when sleeping.

The luxurious life of ancient royal families is vividly reflected in dreams.

Especially at night, five maids take turns serving every day.

However, when I was young before, I could not see or do anything.

And because Xu Feng lost her mother at a young age, she basically spent time with a few maids every night, and today was no exception.

As the eldest maid of Wutong Garden, Hongshu is the closest to Xu Fengnian.

Especially the smell of her body has always been deeply loved by Xu Fengnian. No matter what he does, he likes to hold her the most.

At this moment, the Wutong Garden of Beiliang Prince's Mansion.

In the sweet potato room.

"Young master, it's time to wake up."

"Sleep a little longer." Xu Fengnian stretched out her hand out of habit and buried her face in it.

Hongshu was wearing obscene clothes, huddled under the quilt, and subconsciously patted the back of Zhao Fei's head.

When Xu Fengnian was young, her feelings were not obvious, but now that she has grown up and being treated like this again, she can't help but have other thoughts.

"Sir, half an hour has passed, it's time to get up."

Xu Fengnian did not respond.

Now he is 15 years old. Although some things are still very unclear, the impulse of his body makes him subconsciously want to do something.

"Sir, what are you...doing?"

As a maid, Hongshu knows her fate and knows that this day will come sooner or later.

But I didn't expect that this day would come so quickly and suddenly.

So she couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the moment.

Gradually, her whole body started to feel hot, and her pretty face turned red like a ripe persimmon.

But soon she felt that her son was in a hurry and didn't know what to do.

Then he gently stretched out his hand...


Zhao Fei opened his eyes.

I found that it was already getting light.

The scenes in the dream were as clear as if they had just happened.

Especially the plump and fair-skinned sweet potato looks exactly like Meng Ziyi.

However, Xu Fengnian's physical condition was so poor that she died in less than 5 minutes.

The most important thing is that although Zhao Fei cannot control Xu Fengnian's body.

But when Xu Fengnian is injured, Zhao Fei will also feel pain. When Xu Fengnian is hungry, Zhao Fei will also feel hungry.

So Zhao Fei also experienced what a normal man feels like.

Of course, in his sleep, Zhao Fei also understood Xu Fengnian's character, behavior, and tone of voice more closely. It can be said that no one can find fault in the interpretation.

Zhao Fei is Xu Fengnian.

However, if the dream experience card only has this effect, it does not seem to be worth 3000 million fans.

Zhao Fei got up and washed up, recalling the scenes in his dream.

Found nothing noteworthy.

He has not gained any special abilities, and his remaining fan base has not changed much.

So, this experience card is simply to experience life?
Thinking of this, Zhao Fei frowned and shook his head, although he had always felt that the experience card would not be so simple, even if the dreaming skill seemed to be quite powerful.

But now it seems like that.

In addition to allowing him to enter the scene at any time when playing Xu Fengnian, his acting skills have been improved to another level.

"Okay." Zhao Fei felt that he might have thought too much before.

Although he will not increase his fan base in the short term, in the long run, the role of Xu Fengnian will be well shaped.

When the TV series is aired, the number of fans will definitely increase dramatically.

So in the final analysis, this dream experience card still has a certain effect, but the effect is not that abnormal.

However, what Zhao Fei didn't know was.

He was not the only one who had a dream in the snow tonight.

As long as they are actors, men and women will not stop sleeping tonight, but the clarity of their dreams varies from deep to shallow.

The depth is far less than that of Zhao Fei.

Some people even wake up and don't remember they had a dream.

Or just a little impression.

However, the clarity of each person's dream depends entirely on who has more contact with Zhao Fei, especially physical contact with Zhao Fei.

The more and more often...the clearer the fragments in sleep become.

So Meng Ziyi, who plays Sweet Potato, hurried to the shower room and took off her wet clothes before the blush on her face faded in the morning.

I was thinking about it while washing.

Meeting Zhao Fei for the first time yesterday really made her eyes light up, but it didn't mean that she would dream about him the next day, and besides...

Could it be that I am missing a boyfriend?

Not just her, but the other four maids of Wutong Garden.

I had the same dream at night.

Although the last step didn't happen, over the years, I still coaxed the young master to sleep.

Almost all the advantages were taken advantage of by Xu Fengnian.

The most important thing is that the Xu Fengnian in their dreams is Zhao Fei.

Li Gengxi, who plays Jiang Ni, became distracted while eating breakfast, with a smile on his lips from time to time, clearly looking like he was in love with spring.

There is also Ding Xiaoying who plays the role of Blue Bird...and so on.

After coming to the crew, I didn't dare to look at Zhao Fei at all, even if it was a dream.

However, this dream was too clear.

It was clear that they didn't know how to get along with Zhao Fei.

Even Wen Yongshan, who played Xu Weixiong, looked at Zhao Fei with something wrong.

Even though Xu Weixiong is Xu Fengnian's sister in the snow, she always coaxed Xu Fengnian when she was a child. She loves Xu Fengnian the most at home, so she doesn't care about Xu Fengnian's sometimes excessive behavior, but tolerates everything.

On the contrary, Zhang Tianai and Li Shun didn't feel much because Zhao Fei's dream hadn't come to their stage yet.

There are other male actors, except Hu Jun, because they had little contact with Zhao Fei in the dream.The impact is not big.


"Scene No. 18, one shot at a time, 3, 2, 1...start."

Today's first scene is Zhao Fei's.

The main role is that of Zhao Fei who returns from three years of experience and beats Xu Xiao violently.

Xu Xiao was wearing a python robe, smiling and humbly opening the door of Xu Fengnian's room, and said: "Son, how do you feel when you wake up?"

"Three years!"

Zhao Fei held a stick and smashed it directly: "Do you know what I have suffered in the past three years?"

"Yes, yes, dad is sorry for you!"

"Let you drive me to travel." Zhao Fei said without stopping, picking up the shoes under the bed and throwing them at Xu Xiao.

"No, no, no, stop making trouble... Why bother? Just talk about you. You should rest first before talking."

"You should rest, take a rest and rest."

Seeing Xu Xiao hiding here and there, Zhao Fei simply got out of bed, picked up a Jin Ruyi next to him and chased Xu Xiao to beat him.

Xu Xiao also cooperated with King Qin to walk around the pillar.

"Look at you, what are you doing? This is... put on your shoes first, don't hurt yourself, don't, don't, don't... don't touch this thing, it's expensive."

"You mean, I want to apologize to you as a father?"

Saying that, Zhao Fei caught up with Xu Xiao in three or two steps.

Raising Jin Ruyi, he spanked Xu Xiao on the buttocks, causing him to dodge in pain: "No, there's no need to apologize, and there's no need to call me daddy. It's better to call me Xu Xiao.

It seems that we, father and son, are close. "

"Hey, you're pretty flexible."

"Okay, okay's easy for you to catch the wind and cold with your bare feet. Besides, you can't catch up with me. Go back to the house quickly."

"Okay, just go back to the house."

Xu Fengnian had been in poor health since childhood, so after running these two steps, Zhao Fei also looked out of breath and threw away the gold Ruyi in his hand.

Just hear a click.

Jin Ruyi was broken into two pieces. Xu Xiao was heartbroken when he saw it, and he patted his thigh: "It's over, it's over, the three houses are gone."

But in front of so many people outside, Xu Xiao couldn't say anything.

He followed Zhao Fei into the house with a smile: "Close the door and do whatever you want in the house, so that you can save some face for me.

Yeah, you're still's not over.

Wait a minute, wait a minute..."

Zhao Fei chased around, bending over and gasping for air.

Pointing at the other person: "Okay, I'm tired today, but I'm telling you this isn't over yet. Just wait."

"Wait, wait, dad is waiting." Xu Xiao clasped his hands together and breathed a sigh of relief.



Director Song Xiaofei stood up and applauded with admiration: "One shot to the end, you two... I didn't expect that it was your first time working together, and you worked so well together."

Not only the director, but also the surrounding staff looked at Zhao Fei with a change at this moment.

Hu Jun is a seasoned actor, so it's understandable why he performed so well.

But Zhao Fei was an anchor before, and his acting was so smooth and silky.

It has to be surprising.

"Haha, Zhao Fei performed well."

Hu Jun patted Zhao Fei on the shoulder and said: "I seemed to have read too many scripts last night, and I really dreamed of having a son like Xu Fengnian.

He looks exactly like Zhao Fei.

So there is no need to prepare at all for the performance, which is quite strange! "

"You have been thinking about it all day and dreaming about it at night. Go to bed early from now on." Song Xiaofei didn't take it seriously.

But Zhao Fei took Hu Jun's words to heart.

Secretly guess.

Could it be that the dream experience card not only put him in the dream, but also put the other actors in the snow crew into it?
Thinking of this, Zhao Fei glanced at Hongshu subconsciously.

This girl noticed Zhao Fei's gaze, her pretty face turned red instantly, her eyes were lowered and she stared at her toes.

Didn't dare to look at him at all.

This made Zhao Fei's heart move, and he looked at his second sister Xu Weixiong.

In the dream, when Xu Fengnian was a child, she often played little games with this second sister.

However, Wen Yongshan, who plays Xu Weixiong, is no sweet potato. She is also an old actor. She noticed Zhao Fei's probing gaze and did not avoid it at all.

He smiled and nodded, as if he didn't know what Zhao Fei meant.

In fact, at this moment, her palms hidden under her sleeves were already sweating, and an idea came to her mind.

He had a dream last night, and Hu Jun actually said that he had a dream.

Did Zhao Fei, who plays Xu Fengnian, also have a dream?
And it’s still a dream?

Oh my god, are the crew in the snow possessed by a collective evil spirit?

Seeing Wen Yongshan's calm look, Zhao Fei frowned and gave up his thoughts.

But he still asked Hu Jun: "Brother Jun, do you often dream?"

"No way. I rarely dream, but I remember the dream last night very clearly. You are my son, and you have grown up little by little.

My weak body is either huddled in your eldest sister's arms or on your second sister's back every day.

Make it look like it really happened.

But I found that this dream is quite interesting. Now I don’t need to prepare for Xu Xiao, I can do it directly. "

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Director Song Xiaofei laughed and said: "However, you should also pay attention to rest next. Don't read the script at night and go to bed early."

"That's right, I should be thinking about it every day and dreaming about it at night. I'll be fine in two days."

Hu Jun didn't take it seriously.

Zhao Fei took it to heart, and judging from his posture, Hu Jun must have really fallen asleep.

And the dream with him is still a dream.

So why didn't anyone else?
Thinking about it, Zhao Fei took another deep look at Wen Yongshan.

Still like that.

Then Zhao Fei looked at Li Gengxi who played Jiang Ni not far away. You must know that in Zhao Fei's dream, this little girl would assassinate him when nothing happened, so he often dealt with him.

And it's still like being hung up.

In addition, the two grew up together, and Zhao Fei, who was in love with each other, often took advantage of each other compulsively.

So if Li Gengxi is also dreaming, it should be able to be seen.


Li Gengxi noticed Zhao Fei's gaze, but did not dare to expose himself.

So he pretended to be nothing and gave a thumbs up, approving of Zhao Fei's acting skills.

It looks normal.

In fact, there were a lot of thoughts in his mind. Just like Wen Yongshan just now, her nervous heart was beating wildly, for fear that Zhao Fei would discover something.

No way, no way...Did Zhao Fei have the same dream as me?
so shy!
Seeing so.

Although Zhao Fei still had some doubts in his heart, he still smiled and nodded, pretending that nothing happened.

After all, it's not easy for him to ask about this kind of thing.

I can only try it slowly in the rest of my career as a crew.

If, as he suspected, everyone on the crew fell into a dream, then the effect of this dream experience card would be really abnormal.

After all, I have experienced the character and life of the character I played.

Then the actor's performance will be particularly natural and will be particularly suitable for the characters in the play.

This is equivalent to all the actors in the entire crew being seasoned actors.

The effect of the final filming of the TV series was absolutely explosive.

(End of this chapter)

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