Chapter 146 How about we form a group?

There are many ways to eat sweet potatoes.

Roasted sweet potatoes are crispy on the outside and soft, glutinous and sweet on the inside.

The French fries are also crisper and more delicious.

Even sometimes, it is not impossible to slice it and eat it raw.

If something like this happens for the first time, it will naturally happen a second time. Thus, two will be born, two will beget three, and three will beget all things.

This is how small sweet potatoes come out.

In the dream, Zhao Fei was the prince of Northern Liang. After tasting the sweet potato, he began to think about how to stew the blue bird, dip the cucumber in the garlic paste, and preferably add some ginger slices for seasoning.

So every night in Wutong Garden, it never stops.

Moreover, mashed garlic and ginger slices are one of the two most important seasonings. Even if you accidentally add too much and it will make you spicy, they are still essential.

Especially when stewing bluebird, you need to add a little seasoning.

However, Xu Fengnian is weak and sometimes cannot help but be unable to do what she wants.

So as time went by, Xu Xiao gradually came up with the idea of ​​letting Xu Fengnian travel.

The first is to show it to the world.

The second is to get Xu Fengnian away, otherwise Xu Xiao is afraid that one day, his son will die on the bed.

That would really make the world a laughing stock.

And when Zhao Fei began his three-year tour in the dream world.

Most of the actresses in the Snowy crew also had complicated feelings.

After all, Zhao Fei's travel, except for the blue bird, meant he was separated from them.

Especially the five people who played the role of Xu Fengnian's maid. Zhao Fei has been on the set for a week. Except for filming, they have not said a word to Zhao Fei.

Because gradually as time passed, rumors began to spread among the crew that many actors were dreaming at night.

So many people suggested changing hotels.

It is said that good fortune comes from the east, which is bad and brings evil nature.

Although it was understandable to change hotels, director Song Xiaofei found that the acting skills of both veteran actors and new actors were much better than before.

This unexpected surprise made the director a little suspicious.

Is there an evil spirit in the crew?

However, considering the improvement of the actor's acting skills, the ultimate benefits will be shown in the TV series, especially as a director, he can be said to be the one who benefits the most.

So the director pretended not to hear these rumors.

It's not a nightmare anyway, and no one's life is in danger, so it's not a big deal.

The most important thing is that he has never heard of any actress dreaming at night.

When asked, they denied it.

For the director, this is even less of a problem.

Simply ignore it and shoot as planned.

You know, as long as the actresses in the snow come into contact with Zhao Fei, they will basically be attracted to the protagonist and become one of their confidante.

So one can imagine their dreams.

How dare they admit such a thing? If they admit it, others will ask: What were you dreaming about?
What did they say?
Isn't this asking for trouble for yourself?

Most of the remaining actresses have never had contact with Zhao Fei.

I’ve never even had a dream, so I naturally don’t know the mystery behind it.

Therefore, the secret between Zhao Fei and the maids was reached by coincidence without the actresses communicating with each other.

But they are not stupid, and they can also think that since they can have this dream, they guess that others should also have it.

Especially Li Gengxi who plays Jiang Ni and Ding Xiaoying who plays Blue Bird.

They've all been stewed in one spoonful.

So in reality, it would be awkward for the two of them to meet.

But in order to confirm their suspicions, the two often tested each other.

Especially when I accidentally saw a mole on Li Gengxi's back, my suspicion was confirmed.

Ding Xiaoying only felt her brain buzzing.

My heart was completely numb.

"You, you really have a mole!"


Li Gengxi, who had not yet understood the situation in the fitting room, opened his mouth slightly confused.

But she reacted quickly and quickly put on her costume.

He explained in a stumbling tone: "No, no, you got it"


After taking two deep breaths, Ding Xiaoying looked complicated and took a deep look at Li Gengxi: "I understand, just... forget it, it's okay.

Get changed and let's go out. "

"it is good."

Li Gengxi also understood what the other party meant.

He looked complicated and didn't say much.

But after the two of them left the fitting room, they naturally glanced at Zhao Fei not far away.

But after just one glance, they quickly turned their heads away, not daring to look further.

They admitted that Zhao Feiren was handsome and very elegant.

The character is also very good.

So I have a good impression of Zhao Fei.

However, this good impression will not make them pay everything.

Not to mention three people together.

This was something they had never dared to imagine before, but it actually happened in their dreams.

So their impression of Zhao Fei is quite complicated. After all, most actors dream at night. What about Zhao Fei, who is the protagonist?

Of course, they had heard others ask Zhao Fei before.

Zhao Fei's answer was no.

But just like if someone asked them, they would deny it, so Zhao Fei's answer was not credible at all.

When they thought of this, they felt like they had knocked over a five-flavor bottle. They felt very uncomfortable and a little uncomfortable, but they were also looking forward to the arrival of the night.

After all, this was just a dream and did not happen in reality.

Moreover, Zhao Fei is so handsome and badass... except that his time is a bit short, there are no shortcomings.This is something you can enjoy without having to think about the consequences.

They resist with their mouths, but they are a little addicted in their hearts.

After all, no one is a saint.

And as long as they don't say anything about this, no one will know about it, and they have no responsibility at all.
Just indulge.

"What do you think, let's start a group?"

The window paper was pierced, and Li Gengxi walked to the corner. They knew very well what the other was thinking, so there was no need to say something explicitly.

"Why do you want to form a group?" Li Gengxi's pretty face turned red.

"Don't they men often say that they have carried guns together, shared the same window, and so on... it is called the relationship of the four irons.

It stands to reason that we have carried the gun together.

It's okay to form a group and we can communicate. "

"Isn't this not good?" Li Gengxi hesitated, looking very embarrassed.

"What's wrong with this, they're all adults."

Ding Xiaoying, who played the role of Blue Bird, smiled nonchalantly and said, "Besides, no one would believe this kind of thing even if I told it.

But I also want to make statistics to see who is qualified to join the group.

Leave this matter to me, you don't have to worry about it.

I'll pull you in first. "

Hearing the vibrating sound of his phone, Li Gengxi clicked to agree.

But when I looked at the group's name, I couldn't help but feel a little confused: "The name is Carrying the Gun Together. Is this...appropriate?"

"It's appropriate. If you think about it, think deeply."

Minutes later, Li Gengxi suddenly realized.

He covered his face and ran to the side, feeling instantly that he was unclean.

"Haha, this little girl." Ding Xiaoying smiled and didn't take it seriously.

Immediately, I set my sights on Meng Ziyi who plays Hongshu, Zhang Tianai who plays Nangong Pushe, Li Shun who plays Xuanyuan Qingfeng...

Wait, other actresses.

Although she is not the heroine, Blue Bird plays a large role in the play.

So in order to win this role, Ding Xiaoying had made a lot of efforts before. She even read the novel version of Xuezhong, and she knew very well how many confidante Xu Fengnian had.

Of course, there is no rush now, because some things in the dream world have not happened yet.

It is easy to cause problems if you rashly bring these people into the group. It is not too late to bring them in again after everything has happened.


Zhao Fei didn't know about this.

At this moment, his mentality is the same as that of these girls. If you don't say it, I won't say it, and everyone won't say it.

As if it never happened.

And it has indeed never happened in reality. As long as you think about it openly, it will not affect your life.

What's more, in the final analysis, he still had the big advantage.

But he didn't think about that now. He held his phone and looked at the WeChat message sent by Liu Yifei.

"Meng Hualu is leaving Xiangshan for a transition. Do you have time tonight?"

This week, Zhao Fei has been dreaming every day. Although the experience is good, dreams are just dreams, and they are still a bit less interesting than real guns and live ammunition.

What's more, these actresses in the snow are not bad in appearance.

But compared to the immortals, in Zhao Fei's heart he was still slightly inferior.

After all, immortals have status and character bonuses.

So Zhao Fei typed a reply: "Well, I'll go there tonight."

"Okay, then I'll leave the door open for you."

turn off the phone.

Zhao Fei dusted himself off and continued filming.

Because the acting skills of all the actors in the snow crew improved collectively, the filming progressed very quickly.

No matter which one, it is rare to take multiple photos.

Moreover, the novel is a novel and the TV series is a TV series. Zhao Fei's emotional lines in the play are not emphasized, most of them are metaphors, so it is easier to shoot.

After all, some plots cannot be broadcast at all.

After returning to the hotel from get off work in the evening, Zhao Fei took the elevator directly to the floor where Meng Hualu was located.

Because the crew of Menghualu was about to change scenes, many people left early, so there were not many people in the hotel corridor, and Zhao Fei was not discovered.

Zhao Fei opened the familiar door and walked to the living room. Zhao Fei heard the conversation in the bedroom.

"Yifei, just listen to your mother this time. You said that you and Zhao Fei are already like this, and having a child is just a matter of course.

And you're not young anymore. If you don't have a baby... you won't be able to have one even if you want to.

So just listen to your mother.

After all these years, Mom has no requirements for you. Just think about this request.

Zhao Fei will come after a while, you can discuss it with him.

Seize the time and get one quickly. "

"I know, Mom, stop talking, it's so embarrassing."

"So you agree?"

"I... have no objection. I'll ask Zhao Fei when he comes later."

"haha okay."

Liu Xiaoli laughed happily. After such a long time, her efforts were finally coming to fruition.

It's not in vain for her painstaking efforts to match him.

For a time, she looked at her daughter with increasingly happy eyes.

"Okay, it's settled then. I'm going to make some soup for you now. You can drink it when you wake up tomorrow morning to replenish yourself."

Liu Xiaoli turned around and walked out of the room, and happened to run into Zhao Fei.

He was slightly startled and looked back.

Realizing that Liu Yifei wasn't paying attention, he took Zhao Fei's hand and walked to the corner of the living room: "Xiao Fei, since you heard everything, I won't hide anything from you.

Look, what do you think? "

 There is another chapter in the afternoon. I feel that none of you like watching filming very much, so the author will end it as soon as possible and return to the normal path of travel.

(End of this chapter)

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