China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 147 Thumb thump, are you surprised or surprised?

Chapter 147 Thumb thump, are you surprised or surprised?
Zhao Fei was over 30 in his previous life, although he had had many girlfriends.

But in the end he was still alone.

He has never been married and naturally has no children.

Now that he heard Liu Xiaoli's question, he couldn't help but hesitate.

But soon, Zhao Fei's expression became firm and he nodded solemnly: "Auntie, since Yifei has followed me, I will be responsible for her.

If she wants to be a mother, I will do my best to accommodate that. "

Zhao Fei is not a qualified scumbag.

If he is a scumbag, he should turn around and leave now and never have any contact with him till death.

In other words, you can pretend to agree and keep it secret for as long as you can to take advantage first.

But Zhao Fei couldn't do such a thing.

His feelings for Liu Yifei were like but not love. It was more about the desire to conquer hidden deep in his heart as a man.

The two of them reached this point by mistake.

In fact, when he came today, Zhao Fei was not only thinking about his lower body, he also wanted to have a good talk with Liu Yifei.

Do you want to travel and live broadcast with him next?

How should the next three people get along?
Zhao Fei wanted to show off his cards, explain things clearly, and find out all the other questions.

If you don't understand clearly, you will get the wrong idea or accidentally misunderstand, and you will have to face many twists and turns if you want to recover it in the future.

"Xiao Fei, thank you, thank you."

Seeing what Zhao Fei said, Liu Xiaoli grabbed Zhao Fei's hand and said gratefully: "Don't worry, when Yifei has a child, we will go abroad to raise the baby and give birth to it.

You don't need to get married. If you want to escape, come and take a look.

We won't pester you. "

"Auntie, I don't agree with you doing this."

Zhao Fei shook his head and corrected: "If Yifei really has a baby, then she is the legal mother of my child, and I am also the legal father of the child.

I will also work hard to fulfill my responsibilities as a father.

It is not allowed in China, but we can get the certificate abroad.

Since Yifei has followed me, I will never let him down. "

"Ok, ok... that's great."

In fact, Liu Xiaoli has always been worried about Zhao Maimai.

Now that Zhao Fei could say this, she was very satisfied. She cried with joy and looked at Zhao Fei with an increasingly appreciative look.

At this moment, he truly regarded Zhao Fei as his son-in-law.

Rather than a fertility machine.

Not only Liu Xiaoli, but also Liu Yifei, who noticed the voices outside and stood at the door to eavesdrop.

At this moment, he also covered his mouth in emotion.

The crystal tears flowed down like a string of pearls.

"Don't worry, Auntie, I'll take care of Mai Mai's side, so you don't have to worry. You can just wait to have your grandson in the future."

Travel to this world.

Zhao Fei had always been cautious, fearing that he would suddenly die one day.

Or maybe the countdown was discovered and sliced ​​into pieces for study.

Therefore, Zhao Fei behaves very humbly no matter who he is dealing with, and will not cause trouble if he can.

But now the countdown problem is no longer a problem. With the help of the exchange mall, he can take a slightly bigger step.

So what if I hug you from left to right?

What if others find out?
Let him gossip, let him insult and accuse, and say whatever he likes.

It's just a group of people who envy him.

If it doesn't work, he will sell all his assets, find a small island to live in seclusion, and live his own world of three people.

Never mind the flood outside.

Just be happy and be happy.

"Thank you, Zhao Fei... you are a good boy. In the end, this matter is still Auntie's fault. Auntie will also apologize to Mai Mai. This is Auntie's sincerity.

Auntie also hopes that you are all well.

If you have any problems, tell us and we can work out a solution together. "

"Don't worry, auntie, I can handle it."


Liu Xiaoli wiped the tears from her eyes, fearing that Liu Yifei would hear, so she said no more.

Leave the room with a relaxed pace.

Zhao Fei also walked to the bedroom.

At this moment, Liu Yifei couldn't restrain his feelings. He opened the door and rushed over to hug Zhao Fei, whispering in her ear: "Hurry up, love me..."

an hour later.

Liu Yifei lay on the bed obediently.

She has always felt a little humble in front of Zhao Fei, but after hearing what Zhao Fei said just now.

This feeling of humility completely disappeared.

Instead, she was filled with happiness. Now she was very happy that Hui Hui sent her photo to Zhao Fei. She was very happy that Mai Mai was so generous.

I am very glad that I got to know Zhao Fei.

So she had already made a decision in her mind. After the filming of Menghualu was completed, she would travel with Zhao Fei and Mai Mai.

I won’t take any more jobs next.

Until she had.

She didn't want to worry so much anymore, she just wanted to give Zhao Fei a child now.

"Tell me, what would be a good name for our child in the future?"


Zhao Fei scratched his head, frowned and thought for a moment: "I really haven't thought about this problem, but if it's a boy, he can call him Zhao Yifei.

For a girl, let’s call her Zhao Yiyi. How do you feel? "

"is acceptable."

Liu Yifei nodded lightly, feeling that both names sounded pretty good, and they both had homophonic sounds for her name, which showed that Zhao Fei had put his heart into it.

However, she still asked with some worry: "If we call it this, wouldn't others know it belongs to us if they think about it for a moment?"

"If you know it, you know it. Say whatever you like. We can just be happy."

Zhao Fei waved his hand indifferently and said: "What's more, your character has blocked many doubters to a large extent.

We will not preach anything every day.

When the children grow up, it has become a fait accompli. What can they do even if they say it? "

Hearing this, Liu Yifei nodded lightly and said, "Then I'll listen to you and call them Yifei and Yiyi."

Feeling the delicate body in her arms, rubbing against her.

Zhao Fei also felt a little itchy in his heart.

He coughed twice and asked: "Didn't you say last time that you had costumes...are you okay now?"

"Stinking rogue."

Liu Yifei glanced at Zhao Fei.

He slowly got up from the bed and walked to the fitting room: "Wait for me for a while, I'll be fine soon."

5 minute later.

Liu Yifei walked out of the fitting room, and Zhao Fei's eyes immediately lit up.

Xu Lang and Pan'er are tragedies in Menghualu, but in reality they are completely opposite.


The next morning.

Zhao Fei drank the nourishing soup that Liu Xiaoli had cooked all night.

Because Liu Yifei hadn't woken up yet, Zhao Fei added a bottle of healthy spring water to her portion and brought it to her later.

After that, Zhao Fei returned to the crew in the snow to continue filming.

At this point, Zhao Fei's crew life has returned to peace.

Filming during the day and dreaming at night.

Experiencing a different life is also a different kind of fun.

Especially as the dream timeline is pushed back, the number of people who have carried the gun group together has increased.

Li Gengxi who plays Jiang Ni.

Zhang Tianai who plays Nangong Pushe.

Li Shun who plays Xuanyuan Qingfeng.

Meng Ziyi who plays Sweet Potato.

Zhang Yishang plays the shy character.

Ding Xiaoying who plays Blue Bird.

Zhao Fengya and Dong Yan who play Princess Sui Zhu.

Jiaze who plays Yu Xuanji.

Jia Jiajia, who plays the role of Miss Hehe.

More than ten people.

During the day, no one spoke in the group, but at night and the next morning, messages came out one after another.

Li Gengxi: "Who was it last night?" Li Shun: "The plot should have gone to Zhang Tianai. It's a pity. From now on, there will be no more nineteen stops."

Ding Xiaoying: "Speaking of which, Zhao Fei has inherited Da Huang Ting. Is he stronger than before in terms of time?"

Meng Ziyi: "I don't know, I haven't had a dream for several days. To be honest... I was a little panicked at the beginning, but now it's gone, I think about it quite a bit."

Ding Xiaoying: "Yeah, I was very scared at the beginning and thought I was possessed by evil spirits. There are no plots about me these days, and I feel a little nostalgic."

Li Gengxi: "You two are not shy either."

Meng Ziyi: "There's nothing to be shy about. We already have sweet potatoes. Isn't this normal for an old couple?"

Ding Xiaoying: "It's seems like we have never stacked up against each other before, and I didn't see you being shy at that time."

Li Gengxi: "It's wrong, it's wrong, don't say it anymore."

As time goes by, the girls in the group become more and more familiar with each other.

The relationship is much closer than before.

After all, everyone is in the same camp and has experienced it, so no one can blame anyone else.

So the topics of conversation became much more lively.

However, no one in the group mentioned Zhao Fei.

This is a taboo in their hearts.

Obviously, they knew in their hearts that Zhao Fei was Xu Fengnian, and Xu Fengnian was Zhao Fei.

If they can fall asleep, Zhao Fei can definitely do it too.

But they enjoy this magical experience but are unwilling to admit it in reality.

Of course, with the passage of time, especially the longer and longer contact with Xu Fengnian, their emotions were greatly affected when they faced Zhao Fei in reality.

This impact can range from mild to severe.

They didn't know if they would refuse if Zhao Fei made a request in reality.

What is certain is that they will never be angry.

However, Zhao Fei did not do anything in reality.

Apart from filming, he rarely gets close to them and barely talks to them, let alone threatens them with dream stories.

This made the girls breathe a sigh of relief, but also felt a little regretful.

After all, Zhao Fei is truly flesh and blood in reality.

To put it bluntly, a dream is still a dream.

Especially as time goes by, the shooting in the snow is gradually coming to an end, and some people have already finished filming.

At the time of separation, an impulse grew in the hearts of the girls.

The first to take action was Meng Ziyi, who already had sweet potatoes.

As a sweet potato that Zhao Fei has eaten many times.

When they parted, she really wanted to experience it.

Taking advantage of Zhao Fei's rest, he took the initiative to come over and said, "Ahem, Zhao Fei... Do you have time to have a meal together in the evening?"

Hearing this, Zhao Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party deeply.

He smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, I didn't dream."

As soon as these words came out, Meng Ziyi's pretty face froze, and she instantly understood what Zhao Fei meant.

Even if Zhao Fei didn't seem to answer, he should go or not.

But the sentence "I haven't dreamed" blocked all Meng Ziyi's next words.


Meng Ziyi flicked her sleeves, turned and left.

And her behavior was noticed by other actresses in the group.

Wei Wei couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

After all, this was a good thing that came to his door, and Zhao Fei actually refused.

As a result, some people who were ready to make a move could not help but give up their inner impulse.

Even if you are unwilling to do so...but it is a dream, just treat it as a dream.

Gone with the wind, don’t think about it too much.

Zhao Fei's refusal was intentional.

Although he, Zhao Fei, has hugged Mai Mai and Liu Yifei on both sides, not all women can get them.

What's more, every one of the crew in the snow counts.

In the dream life, you can play whatever you want, plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums have also experienced it.

Why bother yourself in reality.

Zhao Fei is already content with Mai Mai and Yifei.

And Zhao Fei's performance during this period also reached Mai Mai's ears.

Especially the actresses Zhao Fei and Xue Zhong, who barely spoke except for acting, made Mai Mai particularly happy, so she decided to fly to Xiangshan to surprise Zhao Fei.

I also wanted Zhao Fei to release his energy, otherwise he would be in trouble if his condition relapsed.

Anyway, the school was on holiday, and now she was waiting to go on a trip with Zhao Fei, so she had nothing to do.

So book your flight tickets now and fly to Ningbo.


On this day, Zhao Fei called it a day and went back to the hotel to sleep as usual.

dream world.

Zhao Fei has succeeded the Northern Liang King. After resisting the Beimang army during the day, he returned home and was waited on to sleep.

This time there were no women around.

But in a hazy moment, Zhao Fei felt as if someone climbed onto his bed and took off his clothes...

Could it be that the sweet potato wants to be sliced ​​again?
Or does Qingniao want to experience his shooting skills?

Zhao Fei slowly opened his eyes, and what came into view was the room in the hotel.

So he didn't fall asleep.

Then who is this person with the bulge in the quilt?

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei was instantly startled, jumped up from the bed, turned on the boat's headlight, took out his cell phone and started recording.

“Miss, do you know that it is illegal to break into someone else’s room?
I don't care how you got in.

I don’t want to know who you are either. To save some face for both parties, you leave now.

I just pretend this never happened. "


Zhao Fei's current agent, Wang Yanling, is Huang Haibo's former agent.

Zhao Fei cannot make this kind of mistake.

At this moment, Mai Mai in the quilt was even more satisfied with Zhao Fei's approach.

After learning about Liu Yifei a while ago, the little depression in my heart disappeared.

Isn't it just a child? Anyway, after she is born, she will be called mother.

She, Zhao Maimai, is the main palace official.


Zhao Maimai opened the quilt, jumped out from it and rushed towards Zhao Fei: "Thump, thump, thump... Are you surprised, are you surprised?"

Seeing this, Zhao Fei put away his phone.

The fist that was clenched and ready to be punched was quickly released and Maimai was hugged into his arms.

"Damn girl, you scared me to death. I remembered I locked the door. How did you get in?"

"Of course it's the key card Guan Galza wants."

Zhao Maimai proudly hugged Zhao Fei's neck and said affectionately: "We haven't seen you for almost two months, and I miss you so much."

"I miss you as well."

Zhao Fei kissed the other party and said: "There are still a few scenes tomorrow, which will be completed in the snow. Then we will fly directly to Sunshine Island and start a new trip."

"Well, before I came here, I made a special call to Mr. Song and said that they were ready.

The team has already arrived at Sunny Island, including our RV.

Now just wait for us to finish the work, and we can start broadcasting directly in the past.

Our previous live broadcast recordings have now been edited and the exclusive broadcast rights have been sold to Penguin Video...

Prepare to be broadcast together on the day of our live broadcast.

As for the exclusive broadcast rights, there are also advertising placements in the new issue...wait, how much does the studio earn, I didn't ask.

But think about it, there should be a few small goals, right? "


Zhao Fei nodded. He had spoken to Mr. Song many times on the phone before. Zhao Fei only knew a rough figure, and he didn't know the exact amount.

And now is not the time to think about it.

Zhao Fei was frightened late at night and was in urgent need of comfort.

So he threw Mai Mai directly on the bed and pounced on him like a tiger descending a mountain.

"Keke, wait a minute... I haven't taken a shower yet."

"It's okay, I'll be washing it after I finish."

"No, I've been on a plane for several hours and my whole body stinks. I..."

"You know you stink, and you attacked me just now. Now you want to run away, but it's too late."

(End of this chapter)

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