China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 148 The second live broadcast trip begins

Chapter 148 The second live broadcast trip begins

Sunshine Island is located in the southern part of Dragon Kingdom.

Covering an area of ​​more than 3 square kilometers, the coastline curves into an oval shape.

It is called a natural species gene bank and a natural museum by some biologists.

Because Sunny Island has abundant sunshine all year round, it is called Sunny Island.

Of course, it also has many aliases.

For example, because of its unique geographical environment, mild climate and high negative oxygen ion content, it is also known as the Health Island and Longevity Island.

After the crew wrapped up filming in the snow, Zhao Fei didn't stay long.

Take Mai Mai directly to Haikou, the provincial capital of Sunshine Island.

After getting off the plane, Zhao Fei immediately started the live broadcast.

Although Zhao Fei said before that there would be a second live broadcast trip, he never said where.

So this is also something that many live broadcast viewers have been curious about.

With the start of the broadcast, the number of people in the live broadcast room has also skyrocketed.

10 million people!
20 million!
50 million!
"Where is this?"

"It looks like it's an airport. Did you finish filming in the snow?"

"We're not going to have a second live broadcast trip, are we? I've been waiting for nearly three months, and this day is finally coming?"


"Brothers, hello everyone."

Looking at the numerous barrages, Zhao Fei smiled, walked out of the airport exit with his mobile phone, and continued: "You are right, starting from today, we will have a second live broadcast trip.

As for the goal of this trip, you might as well guess it through the only pictures in the live broadcast room. "

Although Zhao Fei has flown directly to Haikou, he cannot start traveling directly.

This trip is different from the last one. It requires a lot of preparations, especially the coordination of the guests. Moreover, Young Master Song has also flown over, and Zhao Fei also wants to discuss the company's affairs with him.

So Zhao Fei planned to go to the hotel where the director team was staying first.

For this live broadcast, Zhao Fei arranged for three director teams to take turns tracking and filming 24 hours a day.

They will only follow Zhao Fei's RV and will not appear in the live broadcast room.

Moreover, after the RV was returned by Mai Mai's father, it was also rearranged by Mr. Song. There are now cameras on the front, rear, left, right, inside the RV and even in the bedroom.

In this way, we have these pictures of the interior of the RV, plus the tracking shots of the director's team.

The combination of the two will make the second season of live variety shows look more refined.

"Damn, I finally started the second season of live broadcast travel, looking forward to it, looking forward to it."

"Three months, do you know how I spent these three months? What's the point of filming? Get up quickly and go live."

"This bitch, you want us to guess... The moment you walked out just now, I saw the big word 'Haikou' at the exit of the station. Isn't it obvious that you are going to Sunshine Island?

So this travel live broadcast should be in Sanya, right? "


"That's right, the destination of my live broadcast trip is the entire Sunshine Island, including Sanya as mentioned by the brother just now."

Zhao Fei continued with a smile: "As an island in the south of my country, Sunshine Island has a mild climate and high negative oxygen ion content, making it very suitable for vacation.

Our specific route this time is to travel around the island.

The entire Sunshine Island roundabout is divided into three routes, east, west and central.

On the entire west coast of Sunny Island, you can see the most primitive beauty of Sunny Island, and there are many natural scenery.

The middle line that crosses Sunshine Island is because it is far away from the coastline and the economy is relatively backward, but the cultural customs inside are also very rich.

So it's worth a visit.

The most important thing is the eastern front of Sunny Island.

Because the tourist facilities on the east line are relatively complete after the development of our Dragon Kingdom, they can be said to have concentrated the essence of the entire Sunshine Island.

Pregnant with countless cultural monuments. "

The audience in the live broadcast room also burst into joy when they heard what Zhao Fei said.

The barrage is flying all over the sky.

"Let me go, it turns out to be Sanya."

"Okay, okay, I've wanted to go to Sunshine Island a long time ago, but unfortunately I haven't had the time. This time the dog has done some work."

"The vast beach, the rolling ocean, the endless coconut trees, and most importantly, bikinis... Hahaha, brothers, go for it."

Looking at the live broadcast room, Mai Mai was also very excited at the moment.

Because compared to the previous National Highway 318, this trip to Sunshine Island is much less dangerous.

There are quite a lot of things to play.

Swimming, diving and other water sports are available, you can experience the East Asian-style tropical botanical garden, and you can even drive a yacht to explore the surrounding desert islands.

You can also eat lobster, crab, sea urchin... and other delicious seafood.

"Brothers, although we started the live broadcast today, the official live broadcast will start tomorrow, so today is also a preview live broadcast.

I would also like to inform you again that this live broadcast of the trip is not just for me and Zhao Fei.

There is a third person. "

As soon as Mai Mai finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked by this accident.

"Is the third person a boy or a girl?"

"Nonsense, he has a face like this. No matter who he is standing with, it will be awkward. So it is basically impossible for a male star to come, so it must be a female star."

"Please tell me, Mai Mai, keep talking."

Gifts flew up one by one.

Zhao Fei's exclusive wreath gift was taken off the shelves by Douyin.

However, now that the cooperation has deepened, Zhao Fei's live broadcast room is the only one for Douyin, so Li Hai has also produced many exclusive gifts.

One heart and one mind worth 1000 yuan.

The animation shown is the back view of Zhao Fei and Mai Mai kissing in the sunset.

Of course, it didn't happen.Even if you don't look carefully, you can't tell that they are Zhao Fei and Mai Mai.

But of course the old fans in the live broadcast room know that this is Goushi and his Mai Mai, and the original screenshots are still in the photo album.

There is also a gift of 1 yuan, the top of the snow mountain.

The animation this time is much clearer, showing the backs of Zhao Fei and Mai Mai standing on the top of the snow mountain.

Moreover, a gift of 1 yuan is already quite a lot for ordinary people, so it is not an exaggeration to call it the top of the snow mountain.

Of course, this is not the most valuable gift.

The most valuable gift in the live broadcast room is 66, which is called Flying Together.

At this moment, there are also many wealthy people who are flying together.

The animation presented is of countless phoenixes rising into the sky surrounding the golden dragon in the middle, and emitting a long and heart-shaking cry.

Li Hai naturally knew that Liu Yifei was involved in the live broadcast of this trip.

Coupled with Liu Yifei's nonsense in the live broadcast room, this guy also knows a little bit about the inside story.

So when Zhao Fei saw this gift, it was hard not to imagine what this gift was a metaphor for.

"Hehe, everyone, please stop giving random gifts, especially children." Zhao Maimai knew that all the gifts in the live broadcast room would belong to Zhao Fei in the future, but she still advised her to avoid any surprises.

After all, there are a lot of news on the Internet about children secretly using their parents’ bank cards to reward anchors.

It would be bad if their live broadcast room got involved in this.

So I would like to warn everyone in advance that if something like this happens in the future, there will be something to say.

“Our live broadcast room does not advocate buying gifts, and please don’t worry about the third person on this trip.

You guys will know when the live broadcast happens again tomorrow.

Of course, I also want to tell you that our last live broadcast on National Highway 318 has been edited into a variety show and will be broadcast on Penguin Video at [-] o'clock tonight.

Friends who like it can review it. "


"Excellent, my brother."

"I love it, I love it... I saw this shit in the middle of his live broadcast before. He was already in Sunlight City at that time. I didn't see many of his previous live broadcasts, which has always been a pity.

Now you can look back and give Mai Mai a thumbs up. "

"Haha, I want them all. I want to watch the live broadcast and the variety show. After all, this shit will be turned off at night, so don't be in a hurry."

When he was a tour guide in his previous life, Zhao Fei's main route was National Highway 318.

But I also took over several tour groups that traveled around the island.

So I probably know what scenery there is on the road.

Look at the number of people in the live broadcast room now. In less than an hour, there are already more than 200 million people.

Zhao Fei thought for a while and then spoke again: "Everyone, as I said just now, there are three routes for this live broadcast trip, and I decided to take the eastern route first.

Starting from Haikou where we are now, we pass through Yacheng, Dongfang, Haitang... until Sanya.

Then it crosses the central line and passes through Da'an, Panyang, Zhanzhou...

Finally, return to Haikou and head to the western front of Sunshine Island.

Return to Sanya.

So overall our route was probably a zigzag. Although it took a little longer, we saw all the natural landscapes, customs and customs of the entire Sunshine Island.

Of course, it looks like there are many places to go, but in fact it’s not that far.

Because even if you circle the island, the total distance is only more than 900 kilometers. If you drive at full speed, it will be completed in two or three days.

But our trip this time has no time limit.

Until you have visited every inch of Sunny Island.

Not surprisingly, this trip will be quite exciting, because here is the most beautiful coastline, beach and ocean in our Dragon Country.

There are also many active volcanoes, and the Volcano Park is known as the Geological Museum.

As well as the rocket launch base at the southern end, if you are lucky, you can also see the take-off of our Dragon Kingdom.

It can be said that there are mountains, islands, coconut groves, fields, oceans... and so on. "

In fact, Zhao Fei chose Sunshine Island because in addition to the three permanent residents, there will also be other guests coming for this trip.

After all, relatively speaking, Hainan Island has a relatively developed economy and convenient transportation. Once the guests arrive, there is no need to chase them, and they can just wait somewhere.

It’s a lot easier to get back and forth.


"Oh my god, what did I hear... no time limit? Is it true or false?"

"I love it, I love it. This time the bitch finally managed something."

"Haha, I feel great this time. Bikini, bikini... hurry up, you bitch, I want to see those long legs."

Barrages flew up, and gifts flew up.

#NeighborLaowang, reward the anchor to fly together. #
#老樊下注, reward the master X10 on the top of the snow mountain. #
#杨小湖, reward the anchor X20 on the top of the snow mountain. #
The reason why there is no time limit is because Zhao Fei cannot estimate how long this trip will take.

As mentioned earlier, if you drive at full speed, you can visit the entire Sunny Island in a few days.

But when traveling, the most important thing is the scenery along the way.

So if he encounters an interesting place this time, Zhao Fei can stay for two more days and have fun.

If you come across a place you don’t like, there’s no need to linger.

For example, in Sanya, it is impossible to visit all the attractions in one or two days, so extending the time is inevitable.

And with Zhao Fei's route planning this time, you can think of him as a watermelon being cut open with a knife.

One of the origins is Haikou and the other end is Sanya.

Zigzag route.

Therefore, Zhao Fei will pass through Haikou twice, Sanya twice, and finally end the trip in Sanya.

 There will be another chapter in a while. It’s the end of the month and the author will try his best to resume updates!

(End of this chapter)

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