China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 149 Hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions, you can’t spend them all in one lifetime!

Chapter 149 One billion, one billion, you can't spend it all in one lifetime!

"Hey, I seemed to see a familiar name just now."

"Yang Xiaohu, Yang Xiaohu actually appeared in the live broadcast room again?"

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room, but also Zhao Fei noticed Yang Xiaohu’s gift.

But he didn't say anything.

When he was on the set of Snow in the Snow, Yang Xiaohu called him and sent him WeChat messages many times, asking when Zhao Fei's second travel live broadcast would start.

Or ask him out for dinner and communicate with each other.

In this regard, Zhao Fei has always said that he is busy and has no time, and he is not sure about the live broadcast trip.

He even doesn’t reply to WeChat messages at all.

Because Zhao Fei knew very well that the relationship between Yang Xiaohu and Liu Yifei was not good. Yang Xiaohu and him had some misunderstandings before, even though Mai Mai solved them.

But Zhao Fei still had knots in his heart.

It's not that he's being mean.

The main reason is that Zhao Fei has no feelings for Yang Xiaohu and doesn't want to provoke other female celebrities.

With Mai Mai and Liu Yifei, he was already content.

So Zhao Fei ignored it this time.

It's as if I didn't see the gift.

When I arrived at the hotel, I handed over the live broadcast room to Mai Mai.

He went to talk to Mr. Song about some plans for the trip.

"Brother, you are here."

Mr. Song opened his arms, gave Zhao Fei a manly hug, and pointed to the person behind him: "Let me introduce to you, this is the chief director I hired this time, Yan Min.

I have done what you asked of me back then. "

"Teacher Yan Min, Hello, hello."

Zhao Fei is quite familiar with Yan Min and understands him very well.

This is mainly because in his previous life, Zhao Fei particularly liked extreme challenges, of course the challenges in the early stages, that is, those periods under the guidance of Yan Min.

As for the current extreme challenge... let’s not mention it.

So when Zhao Fei was thinking about who could be the general director and responsible person for the variety show "Journey," the first person he thought of was Yan Min.

So I told Young Master Song that no matter what the cost, we must poach people.

After all, they are not short of money.

And in the end, not only Yan Min was hired, but the other party also brought in three experienced filming directors, including some professional teams.

After Mr. Song’s later recruitment, it can be said that the post-stage team of the travel live broadcast has been very complete.

"Hello Zhao Fei, just call me Yan Min. This is our first meeting. I want to ask... is there no script for our trip this time?"

Yan Min has rich experience in producing variety shows and likes not to follow routines.

He is unique and has a very different style from the variety show directors currently on the market.

He really didn't want to cooperate with the two rich second generation Zhao Fei before.

However, he is indeed the second generation of rich people.

It’s really not bad for the money.

So in the end, Yan Min secretly said, "It smells so good" and came.

However, he was also a little worried that Zhao Fei was using the name of live broadcast travel to enrich his harem and do mischief.

They even forced him to edit some variety shows that he didn't like.

That's why I asked this question.


Zhao Fei laughed and said: "Don't worry, director, there is no script for our trip. After all, it is a live broadcast, and there is no time to write a script.

This is also my original intention for you to be the chief director.

If you have watched my previous live broadcasts, you will find that accidents always happen unexpectedly.

No one can predict.

It’s the same now with our live tours.

Resident guests Mai Mai and I don’t have to worry. Sometimes you can also put forward your opinions. If appropriate, we will follow them without hesitation.

As for another resident guest Liu Yifei, you don’t have to worry either.

She is one of our own. "

Good guy.

Hearing Zhao Fei's words, Yan Min's face froze.

He just wanted to say good boy.

What does one's own mean?
Could it be that Liu Yifei was forced to straighten up by this handsome guy in front of him?
He even brought the two girls together.

Aren't you afraid of them fighting?
"Mr. Zhao, what do you mean?" Thinking of this, Yan Min also changed his name for Zhao Fei.

In fact, if he guessed correctly.

Then Zhao Fei was a role model in the hearts of their men, and their admiration was like a torrential river, out of control.

"As you can imagine, Mai Mai and Liu Yifei will get along very happily."

Zhao Fei didn't say it explicitly, but anyone who wasn't stupid could understand the underlying meaning.

Not to mention Yan Min.

"Okay, then I understand."

Yan Min took a deep look at Zhao Fei, secretly gave a thumbs up in his heart, and explained with a smile: "I don't like to be bound by frames, and I like unexpected surprises.

This is what I do best.

Mr. Zhao, I believe our cooperation this time will be very pleasant. "

"I believe it too, but director, please don't call me Mr. Zhao. Just call me Zhao Fei. I will need your help for future live broadcasts.

Especially the post-production aspect is all left to you. "

Yan Min's character has many similarities with Zhao Fei.

So the more the two of them chatted, the happier they became, and the more Yan Min chatted, the more she felt that she had come to the right place this time.

Although the previous extreme challenges allowed him to gain a firm foothold in the variety show circle and gradually became a leader in the industry, he had to leave lonely in the end.

Now directing a new variety show has also activated his passion.

Get ready to go big.

Zhao Fei is also very satisfied with Yan Min. The annual salary of 2000 million yuan is not unfair at all.

After that, Yan Min left, leaving only Zhao Fei and Song Shao in the room.

Mr. Song smiled brightly and took out a document, which was the recent studio income statement: "Let's take a look. It can be said that our studio's income has doubled recently."

Seeing this, Zhao Fei was also looking forward to it.

Although he is not short of money, it does not mean that he does not like money.

The most eye-catching one is the one at the top.

"Journey Season 2.5" was sold to Penguin Video for a package price of [-] million, on the condition that the final film will be completed in no less than twelve episodes.

Each session lasts no less than one hour.

The price is not low, but in Zhao Fei's opinion, Penguin Video is still very profitable.

Because for Zhao Fei, this trip will definitely take longer than before, and the final variety show produced will definitely be no less than twelve episodes.

After all, the previous trip to Qinghai-Tibet National Highway 318 was completed and ten issues were produced.

Of course, the quality of these ten episodes of the variety show will definitely be worse than the current ones without Yan Min's participation.

However, the exclusive broadcast rights were packaged and sold to Penguin Video for 1.6 million.

Looking further down, there are sponsorship fees from a number of advertisers.

Needless to say, Douyin has the highest exclusive sponsorship, but the lowest price is only one yuan.

This was what Zhao Fei and Douyin had discussed at the beginning.

Nowadays, the RV has been labeled with a big "Douyin" character and some advertising slogans.

Forever Bikes: 2500 million.

When mentioning this brand, I’m afraid most people think of Erba Dabong.

In fact, there are permanent mountain bikes now, but those who don’t know how to do them just don’t understand them.

As an old domestic brand, after the sponsorship, the previous bicycles on the RV were replaced.

Rhubarb cookware: 6000 million.

Because during the trip, Zhao Fei cooked a lot, and cooking utensils appeared a lot.

So the corresponding price will be higher.

Now all the cooking utensils on the RV have been replaced by the Chuidahuang brand.

Yingfa Swimwear: 2500 million.

San Dior women's clothing: 5000 million.

The two sponsors overlap slightly, but Yingfa mainly provides some water equipment, while Sundio provides various swimsuits and women's clothing.

And because they were worn by Liu Yifei and Zhao Maimai, the price was correspondingly higher.

Mu Jiushi Eyes: 3000 million.

This sponsor mainly provides some sunglasses during travel.

There are many, many sponsors such as sunscreen below.

Most of them can be used during travel, and the total number is about more than [-] million.

Not too much, but not too little either.

After all, Douyin occupies the largest position, and even if Zhao Fei really wants to go out of his way to ask for sponsorship, it is not a problem to double it.

But this is inconsistent with Zhao Fei's original intention.

He doesn't want to have to read a slogan for a certain brand every time he wakes up in the morning.

Most of these current sponsors can be used during travel.

There is no need to introduce it every day.

Live footage will naturally present these brands.

Zhao Fei is relaxed and will not cause any resistance from the audience.

But just for the above, the studio has received more than [-] million.

In addition, when Mr. Song contacted Sunshine Island Travel Agency, the local travel agency was also stunned by the surprise.

When Zhao Fei traveled in Qinghai-Tibet, they all saw the impact he had.

It is impossible to say that I am not envious.

Now that Zhao Fei has chosen Sunshine Island, the local travel agency strongly supports him.

Not only did it directly provide 5000 million yuan in sponsorship fees, but it also provided more human support.

No matter where Zhao Fei and the others go, there will be a security team of about a hundred people following them.

He was afraid that Zhao Fei's popularity would be too high and affect his schedule.

It was also for the safety of Zhao Fei and others.

After all, playing in the water and entering the forest have certain hidden dangers.

At the same time, Sunshine Island's top travel agency also issued documents to subordinates in various places, ordering them to cooperate.

Sunshine Island's tourism industry itself is prosperous, and now that Zhao Fei is here, it will definitely bring the tourism industry to a higher level. This is something that everyone is happy about.

As long as it is a staff member of the travel agency, no one will refuse.

After all, for them, political achievements are achievements.

As long as the tourism industry below is booming, they will be promoted to the next level.

So seeing so much money at this moment, Zhao Fei was also very excited.

However, Zhao Fei still controlled it.

Turn the page and continue reading.

Liu Yifei’s remuneration is [-]% of the profits from the travel live broadcast.

Zhao Maimai is 5.00%.

Yan Min also has 2000%. This is in addition to the annual salary. Otherwise, do you really think that you can invite people here with an annual salary of [-] million.

Of course, the current income is not the total income of this live broadcast.

As the live broadcast continues, there will definitely be subsequent sponsors joining, and the addition of flying guests will also require money to be paid to the program team.

There are also gifts in the live broadcast room, etc., these are the subsequent income.

The more popular the live broadcast is, the more Zhao Fei will earn.

"I went home a while ago and showed this statement to the old man, so another [-] million has been injected into the company's finances."

Young Master Song spoke at the side, and Zhao Fei frowned slightly.

But before he could speak, Mr. Song said: "This variety show and the previous income are almost all because of your popularity, and I haven't been able to help. So you are at a huge disadvantage if we split the studio [-]-[-]." .

Now I have injected another [-] million in funds.

Studio shares restructured.

You account for [-]% and I account for [-]%. I am responsible for the daily routine and you are responsible for the major planning. I have also drafted the contract.

Don't even think about rejecting it. Even if I invest a total of [-] million, it will already be a big advantage. After all, I believe that we will earn more than this [-] billion in the future.

But 20 billion, tens of billions...

Whether I can surpass the old man in the future, brother, depends on you. "

Hearing this, Zhao Fei opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But in the end he swallowed it.

Because what Mr. Song said is absolutely right, with his current popularity, it is easy to make money.

In the future, the scale of the studio will become larger and larger, and Mr. Song's current investment will also usher in higher returns.

However, Zhao Fei is a little troubled now.

He said: "Then tell me now, how much money is there in the studio's account?"

"Well, it's about [-] billion. I need to ask about the finances. I don't know the specific amount."

Zhao Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Yeah, I don't seem to know how to spend so much money."

"Yeah, how about... expand the investment department and let us invest?"

Mr. Song tentatively spoke.

But after saying that, he felt unreliable. After all, he was just a second-generation rich man who knew a little about economics, but was not good at it.

An investment of one billion yuan will probably only make a few splashes.

"Don't worry now, I'll think about it later."

Zhao Fei shook his head and did not mention the matter. He picked up a pen and signed the share distribution contract.

He continued: "When you return to the capital, also ask if there are any good projects in the entertainment industry in terms of movies and TV series.

We will discuss it then. "


Seeing Zhao Fei sign the contract, Mr. Song also smiled.

At this point, he and Zhao Fei were completely bound together. They both prospered and suffered.

"Also, let's adjust Liu Yifei and Mai Mai's variety show remuneration share to [-]%. Their fame may be high or low, but it's the same for me."


Mr. Song nodded and didn't take it seriously, even if it would reduce his year-end dividend: "Brother, I have to admire you for this, Ehuang Nüying...

Gee, it’s exciting just thinking about it. "

"Pull them down, you didn't miss the twins back then." Zhao Fei glanced at them and curled his lips.

I am also looking forward to traveling with my second daughter.

After all, it’s not that one plus one equals two, but double happiness, triple happiness.

"Can it be the same? What kind of status does Liu Yifei have? He is a fairy, and Mai Mai is also a popular little girl. These are all well-known figures.

It cannot be done directly by spending money.

But you have to be careful, there are a lot of female flying guests on this trip.

Watch your belt and don't create any scandals, otherwise you're screwed.

I will also be unlucky. "

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fei also became interested.

He hurriedly asked: "Who is there?"

"Too much."

Mr. Song turned around, took out a report form from his wallet, and said: "There are both first- and second-tier people, although most of them are small stars and not very well-known.

But the money they paid was not low, 300 million for two days and 500 million for three days.

As a second-generation rich man, I was almost moved by the money they threw at me. "

Zhao Fei took the report.

As soon as I looked around, I saw that there were quite a lot of them.

But the only one who is certain is Zhang Zilan.

This is what Zhao Maimai promised, so he didn't take a penny.

The rest are interested and can afford to pay.

Zhao Fei took a quick glance and saw a few familiar names.

Yang Xiaohu.


Li Gengxi and Li Chun.

And Chen Xiao, etc...

Except for Yang Xiaohu, Li Gengxi and others are all acquaintances because they have filmed movies with Zhao Fei.

So the crew contacted me, hoping to take part in Zhao Fei's trip when the TV series is aired.

Use this as a publicity.

As for whether they have other ideas, that's a matter of opinion.

Anyway, Zhao Fei knew very well that Yang Xiaohu had an ulterior motive for spending 100 million to participate in the trip.

So Zhao Fei didn't make a decision and said, "You should discuss this with Yan Min and see what he thinks. From now on, all matters regarding flying guests will be left to him.

After all, he has experience, but he still has to say it in advance.

For the entire travel variety show, the number of people per day must not exceed five.

Otherwise, the RV won’t fit. "

"Okay, since Yan Min is appointed as the chief director, the person in charge should also give him some rights, otherwise his job as a director will be too easy."

Young Master Song felt that what Zhao Fei said made sense.

Moreover, Yan Min also gets a [-]% share of the variety shows produced after production.

So he must be very selective.

In addition, the other party also has experience in this area, so let the professionals do it.

Of course, Zhao Fei still had to take a look at the list in the end.

He also didn't want people he didn't like to travel with them.

Even if Zhao Fei doesn't mention this, I believe Yan Min can understand it. After all, although he is also a guest, he is still Yan Min's boss in the final analysis.

Having been in the variety show industry for so many years.

Even though Yan Min has a maverick personality, he is not ignorant of the ways of the world.


On the other side, Yang Xiaohu was very distressed at the moment.

Since she negotiated terms with Mai Mai two months ago, she has been quiet for a while.

But since she was approached by advertisers, she also discovered the benefits of being close to Zhao Fei and made a lot of money.

Now that Zhao Fei's new travel live broadcast has started, advertisers are ignoring her again, so she doesn't care about Mai Mai's conditions and wants to be a flying guest.

Don't worry about one or two days, as long as she can get in, it's not easy for Zhao Fei to chase her away in front of the live broadcast room.

So it's not up to her to decide how long she will stay.

However, she had called Zhao Fei frequently before, but Zhao Fei always ignored her.

Now she contacted the travel program team and they just said she would consider it as a guest on her flight.

This is obviously a polite refusal.

So Yang Xiaohu was anxious.

Zhao Fei smelled so good that she wanted to take Reba to rub it.

But now Zhao Fei doesn't even give him this chance.

Could it be that Yang Xiaohu's status in the entertainment industry is already so insignificant?
Yang Xiaohu became angrier as he thought about it.

Then he dialed Zhao Fei's phone and wanted to ask Zhao Fei: You said... what's wrong with me, Yang Xiaohu?

What do you mean?
You don’t even want to pretend now, and you don’t even plan to answer the phone?
Keep hitting.

I don't believe it can't be gotten through.

Still don't pick up.


"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."

Hearing the polite voice of the young lady on the phone, Yang Xiaohu's face suddenly turned pale.

He threw the phone on the bed angrily.

"You don't let me go, but I insist on going."

Afterwards, Yang Xiaohu ordered the assistant to continue contacting the travel crew.

Just one sentence: "Mom, add more money!"


Zhao Fei put down his phone.

Now he was driving the car and had just picked up Liu Yifei from the airport and walked back.

It happened that Yang Xiaohu called, so he naturally didn't answer the call. Unexpectedly, the other party wasn't finished yet, so he simply turned off the phone.

"Whose phone number?"

"Yang Xiaohu."

Zhao Fei had no intention of hiding it, and there was nothing he couldn't say about it anyway: "She wants to travel and be a guest on the flight. I have no feelings for her, but I don't want to refuse her face to face.

It was best to let her give up on her own, so she turned off the phone. "

"Thank you."

After thinking for a moment, Liu Yifei understood that Zhao Fei refused because of her.

I was moved.

In fact, many years ago, she and Yang Xiaohu had a very good relationship. However, as time went by, people with good intentions fell out of favor, coupled with the fierce competition in the entertainment industry.

Then gradually went further and further away.

Now that we meet, we can hardly speak.

Thinking about it makes me very emotional.

However, Liu Yifei doesn't care about these things now. Her main focus now is on her belly.

I never thought about children before, but now I think about how old she is.

As Liu Xiaoli said, if she doesn't give birth, she really won't be able to give birth.

However, she had worked so hard before, but now there was no movement in her stomach, so she was also a little worried whether there was something wrong with her body.

"Zhao Fei, do you think I should go to the hospital for a check-up? It's been a long time, just in case..."

"Not in case."

Zhao Fei had checked Liu Yifei's pulse before. After being nourished by the healthy spring water, Liu Yifei was very healthy and able to give birth, including himself.

The reason why Liu Yifei's stomach still didn't move for so long.

Zhao Fei suspected that his physical fitness may be too strong, while Liu Yifei is still a little weak. The two are not in a balanced value, so it is difficult to win the bid.

Of course, Zhao Fei couldn't say this directly.

We can only take advantage of this trip to slowly nurse Liu Yifei back to health.

He comforted me and said: "Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with your body, and there is nothing wrong with mine. Don't worry about this. You have to believe in my level of Chinese medicine."

Sooner or later there will be children.

Moreover, during this trip, we are together every day, working hard, and I will make you some nourishing Chinese medicine soup to replenish your health if you have nothing to do.

Guaranteed we will get it. "

"Well, let's work hard then."

Liu Yifei's eyes were lowered and his pretty face was slightly red. He naturally knew what Zhao Fei's efforts represented.

But luckily, Mai Mai is here this time.

If she really couldn't hold on, she could still call in outside help.

At this moment, Zhao Fei also thought of the beauty of it.

The double happiness bonus made him want to try it tonight.

Press the accelerator slightly harder.

The four-seater Continental sports car made a deafening roar, passing cars one after another and speeding towards the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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