China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 150 The goal of this trip is to fly together?

Chapter 150 The goal of this trip is to fly together?
Back to the hotel.

Liu Yifei had her own room, but after she put down her luggage, she got into Mai Mai's room.

Zhao Fei followed behind and laughed without saying anything.

But he made up his mind not to go back to his room tonight.

It's good for three people to squeeze in.

He just stayed in the living room and didn't plan to leave.


"Sister Yifei."

After the two girls met, they hugged each other affectionately.

They had met many times before, but they were far from familiar.

However, with the experience of drinking last time and the fact that he was also a partner of Zhao Fei, they naturally became a lot closer.

There was no jealousy between them.

Mai Mai feels that Liu Yifei is worthy of Zhao Fei, and she is also willing to give birth to a child for Zhao Fei, which shows that she really loves Zhao Fei.

Coupled with Zhao Fei's physical illness, she sometimes feels weak alone.

So it’s good to have one more Liu Yifei now.

After all, she was still young and had never thought about having children, so she just let Liu Yifei take her place.

Fully demonstrating his generosity and love for Zhao Fei.

As for Liu Yifei, there is nothing to say.

As a latecomer, even if she is more famous and has a higher status than Mai Mai, she is naturally inferior to Mai Mai at this time.

So I was the first to speak: "Maimai, I didn't expect things to turn out like this. First of all, I want to say sorry to you and thank you for what you said to me.

So I really appreciate you.

You don’t even know, and I didn’t know what happened before, but some of my photos were sent to Zhao Fei’s phone.

And at night, I often have dreams about Zhao Fei..."

"Is there still this?"

Mai Mai looked surprised, never expecting that there was such a fate between Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei.

And since Liu Yifei said it and proved that he has a clear conscience, it must be an accident.

So Mai Mai quickly waved her hands indifferently: "It's okay, Sister Yifei, you don't need to thank me, we will be a family from now on.

And you also know what that bad guy looks like.

Sometimes I really can't stand it.

Now that you share the burden, I can feel a lot more relaxed.

If you want to blame, blame the bad guy. "

"Yes, whoever made him look so handsome is all her fault...she stole our hearts, she still wants to hug us, and she probably wants to do bad things at night...

Now I guess I don’t know how to have fun outside the door. "

"What bad thing?" Mai Mai was a little curious.

"It's just... oh, come here, I'll tell you in a low voice..."

"What, how dare he..." Mai Mai stood up in disbelief, her pretty face turning red and purple.

Although I know that the two girls will not be jealous.

After all, that's how it is.

Mai Mai agreed with Liu Yifei, and Liu Yifei didn't care about Mai Mai and wanted to have a child wholeheartedly.

But Zhao Fei was still a little worried.

So he stood outside the door. Now after hearing Mai Mai's exclamation, Zhao Fei secretly felt something was wrong and turned around to leave.

However, it happened that Mai Mai opened the door at this moment.

After catching him, he couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

"Hey, Sister Yifei really got it right. You were actually eavesdropping outside."

Zhao Maimai pinched her waist, stepped forward and pinched Zhao Fei's ears, and shouted: "Do you think we don't know what you are thinking?

Huh... I'm telling you, you're overthinking this.

Sister Yifei and I will be together tonight. You can sleep wherever you like.

Put away your crooked thoughts as soon as possible.

To tell you bluntly, it’s impossible. "

"Ha ha."

Seeing Zhao Fei like this for the first time, Liu Yifei also covered his mouth and chuckled, echoing: "That's right, you didn't know just now that he drove that car, my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

So he must be rushing back and thinking about doing bad things. "

"No, I didn't say anything?"

He had indeed thought about it, but Zhao Fei made sure he didn't show it.

So he quickly pretended to be aggrieved: "Maimai, look at what you look like, and let me go quickly."

"Not loose."

Mai Mai snorted coldly and said, "I don't know you yet, so just pretend."

"No, I don't understand what you are talking about."

As the saying goes, attack the unprepared and take the enemy by surprise.The victory of this military strategist cannot be passed down.

The general meaning is that when you want to achieve a certain purpose, you must keep it secret. It will be useless if others find out.

But now Zhao Fei has been exposed before he even started.

Therefore, Zhao Fei must not admit that he has this idea.Cover it first and slowly draw it.

After all, Sun Tzu said in The Art of War that soldiers are crafty!
Where there is a will, there is a way.

There is still a long time to come, so don’t be in a hurry.

"Install, then install."

Mai Maiqiao's face was full of disbelief. She grabbed Zhao Fei's ear, pulled it up, and asked: "You dare to say that you haven't thought about it, let us two do it together... that!"

"Hey." Zhao Fei pretended to be suddenly enlightened and slapped his thigh.

Take the acting skill book to its extreme.

Zhao Fei also didn't expect that this skill book would be effective at this time.

He shook his head and said: "Maimai, what are you thinking? Even if you agree, I won't do this. Now that you can live in peace, it's not too late for me to be happy.

How could I force you to do such a thing again?

That's so disrespectful. "

"You really didn't think about it?"

Seeing Zhao Fei's vow, Mai Mai also doubted himself.

Is it really Liu Yifei who thinks too much?
Even Liu Yifei on the side also frowned and tilted his head to look at Zhao Fei: "Then why were you driving so fast just now and eavesdropping at the door?"

"Aren't I afraid that you might quarrel? What's more, I also want to come back early so that you can have a good rest. We will start the live broadcast of the trip tomorrow morning."

If there are photographers around now, take a picture of Zhao Fei's performance.

You can definitely get it from the two major film schools and use it as a teaching material.

Three points of grievance, three points of magnanimity, and three points of smoothness.

In addition, the two women have a certain amount of trust in Zhao Fei.

Full marks.

"Then, forget it."

Mai Mai let go of his hand with some embarrassment, and stepped forward to rub Zhao Fei's ears, blowing a little wind: "Does it hurt? I'll rub it for you."

"It's okay." Zhao Fei shook his head indifferently and continued.

"I heard everything just now. If you are going to be together tonight, then you should go to bed early and I will go back to my room."

After saying this, Zhao Fei turned around and walked out of the door without any hesitation.

What he showed was an openness.

Leave the space completely to the two girls.

"It's finished. Why have I become so dirty now, Sister Yifei... I feel like I'm not clean anymore."

Mai Mai felt quite shy when she thought about the misunderstanding just now.

He covered his face and threw himself into Liu Yifei's arms.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's all Zhao Fei's fault, he was the one who infected you."

Liu Yifei patted Mai Mai's back gently. Although he was comforting Mai Mai, she felt that things were not that simple.

Before coming, Liu Xiaoli could teach her a lot of experience.

Especially when the three of them were together, he told her not to be shy. They were all a family anyway, and it was no big deal to close the door.

He also said that this is a man's nature. No matter what his personality is, as long as he is in charge, it is impossible not to think about it.

That's why she suspected Zhao Fei had bad intentions today.

"However, I still have some doubts. Zhao Fei might have been acting just now, so we have to be careful about him in the future and not let his bad intentions succeed.

From now on, one, three, and five will belong to me, and two, four, and six will belong to you. "

"Ah." Mai Mai raised her head and asked cutely, "What about Sunday?"

"Uh... Sunday might as well be yours."

"I do not."

Zhao Maimai shook his head and refused: "I want to rest on Sunday."

"I want to rest too."

The two girls looked at each other.

Then they all said in unison: "Let him stay where he is."

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

Listening to the silver bell-like laughter of the two women in the room.

Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the page should be turned.

But correspondingly, the difficulty for him to achieve his goal has also increased linearly.

But Zhao Fei didn't want to admit defeat.

As a great young man with a net worth of more than one billion, how could he be defeated by a small setback?

Little did they know that one hundred and two Qin Passes would eventually belong to Chu, and three thousand Yue Jia could swallow up Wu.

The goal of my last trip was to climb Mount Everest.

So the goal of this trip is to fly together.

Li Hai, the fat man, still understands him.

Not bad.

When the trip is over, be sure to think of treating him to a meal.

 There is another chapter in the afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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