China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 151 Small sample, I can't cure you

Chapter 151 Small sample, I can't cure you
"It's started, it's started."

"The second travel live broadcast is finally about to begin."

"This shit, the live broadcast started very early today, but where is the third resident guest? And where is Mai Mai, why didn't you see it?"

The former RV has been remodeled.

Although the main body has not changed much, the appearance has changed greatly.

One side of the car has the big Douyin logo printed on it, and the other side has the artistic characters "Go and Go Travel", which looks quite festive.

The biggest change is the cockpit.

There used to be only two positions, the main driver's seat and the co-pilot's seat, but now there are four.

It became a double row of seats.

"Brothers, follow my lens."

Zhao Fei held up the live broadcast room and walked towards a curtain next to the RV and said: "The third travel guest will be announced soon. She is the goddess of countless people's dreams.

She is a very sober and capable actor.

She is a kind-hearted little fairy, full of skills but very low-key, smart, cool, noble and elegant...hehe. "

Zhao Fei paused slightly when he said this.

The look of being beaten.

It caused a lot of scolding in the live broadcast room.

"As expected of you, this bitch's character hasn't changed at all."

"You're half talking, but there's no garlic in the noodles!"

“If you half-talk your words, your lifespan will be shortened by ten thousand!”

At this moment, under the live broadcast camera, opposite Zhao Fei was a curtain that was set up.

There is a gap in the middle of the curtain through which you can put your hand.

This was an appearance ceremony designed by director Yan Min. Zhao Fei thought it was pretty good, so he used it.

"Don't worry, the resident guest you are looking forward to is right across the curtain, I will catch her now, so her life span will be reduced by [-] or something like that.

Take it back quickly, or I'll curse you with no wife in the future. "

Zhao Fei retorted, then put his hand through the gap in the middle of the curtain.

Liu Yifei among them also cooperated and held Zhao Fei's hand.

By the way, he also scratched Zhao Fei's palm.

"Hey, I found it."

Zhao Fei grabbed the opponent's wrist and pulled him to the live broadcast room.

Liu Yifei's hands were as long and straight as green onions, and everyone in the live broadcast room was very excited.

However, many people are complaining.

"Okay, okay, it should be a woman."

"The live broadcast of this trip is indeed different from the last time. The host is really good at it."

"Damn, I've already taken off my pants, just give me a hand... Okay, let's do some work, it seems okay."

Zhao Fei ignored the urging from the audience in the live broadcast room.

Holding Liu Yifei's hand, he was not anxious at all.

Obviously waiting for everyone in the live broadcast room to give in, otherwise, fans estimate that Zhao Fei can play for a whole day.

Especially Zhao Fei's thumb was still rubbing it gently.

Fans in the live broadcast room were furious.

"What the hell... anchor, what are you doing, drag me out quickly?"

"I think this shit was done on purpose."

"Who says it's not true? It makes me want to beat him."

Zhao Fei remained unmoved by these scoldings.

Fans in the live broadcast room also understood what Zhao Fei meant.

And they knew very well that there must be a popular actress on the other side of the curtain.

After all, Zhao Fei said it just now.

What about superb acting skills, beautiful people and kind hearts, high-end and elegance.

So they have regarded the beauty on the other side of the curtain as their next fantasy object after Mai Mai.

But Zhao Fei, this dog, is a real dog.

So after a few minutes, everyone could only bow their heads helplessly.

"What the hell, I'm still asking you after watching a live broadcast. I have to...give in. Why don't you give me face? Let me know who she is quickly."

"Master, you are master... I'm going to kneel down this time. I won't scold you again. Isn't it okay?"

"Damn, this piece of shit. I was wrong too, okay? It's because I will eat noodles without garlic in the future, it's because I won't have a wife in the future, it's because my life span will be shortened by ten thousand...

Please hurry up. "

Seeing this, Zhao Fei also raised a smug smile on his lips.

Little sample, it can't cure you yet.

Then Zhao Fei stopped hesitating and used a little force to pull Liu Yifei out. At the same time, he said: "Since you made such a request in a low voice, then I'll take it for granted..."

"You bastard, you can't stop touching me, right?"

To everyone's surprise.

Before Zhao Fei could make a move, Liu Yifei took the initiative to lift the curtain and walked out, withdrawing his delicate hand.

He raised his hand and patted Zhao Fei on the shoulder.

Her beautiful eyes glared at Zhao Fei angrily: "What are you dawdling about? I want to beat you up. If you delay for a while longer, your hands will break the skin."

Liu Yifei's character doesn't like getting close to boys.

So in front of the camera, I naturally show my true nature.

And she also wanted to show a different version of herself in front of Zhao Fei and give the live broadcast room audience a new impression.

"No, I..." Zhao Fei wanted to say, we are an old married couple, what's wrong with touching hands?
However, I couldn’t say this in front of the live broadcast room.

"What am I? I think you just want to take advantage of Sister Yifei."

At this time, Mai Mai behind the curtain couldn't stay any longer.

He took the initiative to walk out of it, punched Zhao Fei in the chest, and scolded: "It was a good entrance ceremony, look what you did to it?"

At this moment, Liu Yifei was like a man walking out of a mural, pure and spotless.

Especially the way he was staring at Zhao Fei coldly at this moment.

She had no sense of resistance, and instead wanted to kneel down under her pomegranate skirt.

Mai Mai, who was pouting a little annoyed, looked like a little princess at this moment.

The arrogant look is so cute that people want to hug her immediately.

The debut was a success.

It was this process that exceeded Zhao Fei's expectations.


"Oh my god, she turned out to be my fairy sister."

"Haha, Liu Yifei and Mai Mai did a good job. This bitch deserves not to have a wife in the future."

"Finally someone dared to teach this bitch a lesson. Beat him... hit me hard. I don't believe this bitch dares to fight back."

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at Zhao Fei who was confused and felt extremely happy.

It’s like celebrating the New Year one by one, and gifts are flying up.

"You guys..." Zhao Fei's head was also buzzing at this moment.

Isn't the script like this?

You should not come out of it gracefully.

Then give me a hug each?

However, Zhao Fei soon noticed something was wrong from the expressions of the two women.

I secretly thought that these two girls were together last night and reached an agreement on an offensive and defensive alliance, right?
"What are we doing?" Mai Mai grabbed her waist and stepped forward, aggressively.

"That's it, what's wrong?" Liu Yifei imitated Mai Mai's Northeastern dialect and raised his head proudly.

Good guy.

Are you parroting me here?

Okay, wait for the evening.

If I don’t let you cry for mercy, I won’t call you Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei, who secretly swore in his heart, simply took a step back and raised his hands in surrender: "Okay, blame me, everything is my fault."

"It was your fault."


The two girls were secretly proud.

Zhao Maimai even grabbed the live broadcast room and waved her hand: "Hello, brothers, you have also seen it, yes... our third resident guest. He is standing next to me, Liu Yifei.

Everyone is welcome. "

"Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome."

"It's so exciting. I really didn't expect the third guest to be an immortal. But what makes me even more happy is that someone can finally deal with this piece of shit like Zhao Fei."

"Yes, I don't know why, but today I suddenly felt itchy and wanted to set off firecrackers."

"Hello everyone, my name is Liu Yifei."

Liu Yifei also waved his hand to the live broadcast room and said: "I am very glad to join the big family of travel live broadcast. Please take care of me in the future."

Just as Zhao Fei thought.

Last night, the two girls talked all night long.

The main topic is Zhao Fei, how to prevent it, how to get along...

Most importantly, they want to make the live broadcast room more efficient.

Not to mention that they have a profit share.

The main thing is that they hope that Zhao Fei will become more and more popular and the live broadcast room will become more and more popular.

In this way, they will also benefit.

And both of them are familiar with the style of the live broadcast room.

So in the end, we came to the conclusion that as long as the two of them share the same hatred against Zhao Fei, they are equivalent to being in the same camp as the audience.

This is very pleasing.

There is conflict in the live broadcast room, which is relatively more interesting.

That's why there was that scene just now.

I haven’t seen the gifts now. They are so full that the screen can’t fit them all.

More than 60 people flying together, dozens of them in just one minute.

"Take care of me, you must take care of me."

"That's right, as long as you can criticize shit every day, I will support you every day."

"Haha, I already have a feeling that the next live broadcast of the trip will be quite interesting."

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Mai and Mai looked at each other and raised the corners of their mouths slightly, forming a beautiful arc.

It was obvious that they were going in the right direction.

Just attack Zhao Fei.

Of course, they also knew that by treating Zhao Fei like this, when the live broadcast was turned off at night, Zhao Fei would definitely retaliate against them severely.

They are not afraid of this and have ways to deal with it.

He was willing to be killed and dared to pull the emperor off his horse.

Not to mention a Zhao Fei.

Women sometimes have great advantages, let alone them being actors.

"You two young ladies, should we get in the car?" Zhao Fei, who decided to endure it for the time being, said weakly.

"Okay, let's get in the car."

"Well, give him some face."

After hearing what Zhao Fei said, the two women didn't say much.

Mai Mai still sat in her familiar co-pilot seat, while Liu Yifei sat behind Zhao Fei.

The live broadcast footage was also switched to the RV.

The trip around the island has officially begun.

Amidst the roar, the RV slowly drove out of the hotel parking lot.

"Come on!" Mai Mai clenched her small fist and waved forward skillfully.

Liu Yifei was much calmer, but with a smile on his face, he was looking forward to the next journey.

After all, there are Zhao Fei and Mai Mai beside him.

Nothing makes people happier than traveling as a family.

So she also imitated Mai Mai and said: "Chong!"

Hearing this, Zhao Fei and Mai Mai looked at each other.

Then he laughed.

In fact, when I heard Liu Yifei's voice just now, I felt like I wanted to say something but was embarrassed to say it.

Pretty cute.

"What are you two doing?" Liu Yifei blushed, looking down at his toes, quite shy.

Hearing this, Zhao Maimai quickly stopped smiling.

Thinking that the two were an offensive and defensive alliance, he slapped Zhao Fei with a straight face: "It's all up to you, apologize to Sister Yifei quickly, and still smile... drive your car honestly."


It seems like your laughter just now was louder than mine, right?
Zhao Fei's cheeks twitched and he glanced at Mai Mai speechlessly.

Yes, good men don't fight women.

Apologize, just apologize.

It is important to know that the day will eventually pass and night will fall.

We'll see.

Half an hour later, the RV drove out of Haikou and officially entered the highway.

In fact, Haikou also has many tourist attractions.

However, they will come back later, so there is no need to rush and get the RV moving first.

It also represents the official start of the trip.

Otherwise, the RV would not move and they would remain parked in Haikou, which would always give Zhao Fei the feeling that the trip has not yet begun.

After all, there is no need for an RV in Haikou.

Just driving his Continental would be enough.

This is also Yan Min's suggestion. After all, the start of the travel live broadcast is equivalent to recording the first variety show.

The RV is a very important thing that can bring a sense of familiarity to old fans.

"It's so beautiful, Sister Yifei, look out the window." Mai Mai was lying on the car window.

When Liu Yifei heard this, he turned his head and stared out the window, his beautiful eyes brightening.

It can be seen through the car window.

Outside, there are coconut trees that look like open umbrellas, and they look like soldiers guarding the roadside. They fly by as the RV moves forward.

The breeze blowing in through the car window also carries the sweet scent of coconuts, which is refreshing.

Looking up slightly, you can also see that the sky on Sunshine Island is very quiet.

It does not have an exaggerated dark blue color that makes people breathless.

It is not turbid and blurred by the cruel "modern civilization", but a very light and ethereal white-blue.

Like a layer of gauze, covering the earth dreamily.

The fluffy clouds floated and moved slowly, like an unanchored boat in the sea, swaying in the wind.

"Brothers, the first stop for our trip around the island is Wenchang, where there are Tonggu Ridge, Dongjiao Coconut Grove, Song Family's Ancestral Residence, Stone Park...

When it comes to the ancestral home of the Song family, some people may be unfamiliar with it.

But when I mention some names, everyone will understand, such as Song Ziwen, Song Qingling, Song Meiling...

Everyone should have heard of the three Song sisters.

Through marriage, these three people brought the three famous figures Sun, Jiang, and Kong who dominated the modern history of the Dragon Kingdom into the family tree, and gathered huge humanistic and political power.

The impact caused is unique in modern history.

So this ancestral home is well worth a visit. "

Listen to Zhao Fei's explanation.

The live broadcast room gradually became quiet.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei also felt like they had learned a lot.

“If everyone in the live broadcast room has time to come to Sunshine Island, you must try a self-driving tour around the island, which is the east route we are taking now.

As long as you have a car, it doesn't cost much.

Because Sunshine Island is the only province in our Dragon Kingdom that does not have toll booths on highways.

The roads around the island are also very mature, smooth and well planned.

There won't be any sparsely populated areas or getting lost.

In addition to preventing severe weather such as typhoons and rains.

Basically there is no danger and it is worth trying. "

(End of this chapter)

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