China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 152 I hope you are safe and happy, and always love her and her

Chapter 152 I hope you are safe and happy, and always love her and her

"The name Wenchang.

Listening to this, everyone should also feel a sense of prosperity in culture and martial arts.

Yes, the name Wenchang comes from the first year of the Western Han Dynasty, when it was advocated to practice martial arts and cultivate literature.

Wenchang is now a prefecture-level city, but a thousand years ago it was a place called Zibei County. It is one of the three ancient cities in Sunshine Island, alongside Sanya, Haikou.

One can imagine the cultural heritage of Wenchang City.

But now Haikou is the provincial capital and Sanya is a tourist destination. In comparison, Wenchang lags behind slightly.

However, Wenchang's cultural heritage is superior to the other two.

In particular, in addition to the ancestral residence of the Song family, Wenchang also has a Confucius Temple, which is a relatively well-preserved ancient building on Sunshine Island. "

Zhao Fei's voice slowly sounded in the live broadcast room.

Everyone in the live broadcast room also found a familiar feeling.

Fans love the live broadcast room.

Not only because of Mai Mai and Liu Yifei, these two famous actresses.

What's more, it's Zhao Fei's knowledge reserve, which allows them to learn something while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Relaxing and relaxing but no study atmosphere.

This makes people very comfortable.

Director Yan Min, looking at Zhao Fei in the live broadcast room, nodded frequently.

He had never watched Zhao Fei's live broadcast before, but he only knew that there was a person like Zhao Fei.

Since coming to be a director, Yan Min has also made up for Zhao Fei's previous live broadcasts. Now that he has seen it with his own eyes, he has to admire it.

No wonder Zhao Feihuo is so hot.

This appearance, this knowledge... are too rare in today's entertainment industry.

Of course, he did not forget his responsibilities.

He took out the walkie-talkie and said: "Are you ready as a group? The RV is almost arriving at Tongguling. It's our first time here. I don't ask you not to be exposed in the live broadcast room.

But at least the fans in the live broadcast room can't see it easily. "

"One group in place, received, received."

"Remember what we said before, we don't pursue a tracking shot with a good picture, but we should try to shoot as many things as possible without exposing ourselves."


The three tracking shooting director teams set off an hour ahead of Zhao Fei and the others.

Some are waiting on the roadside just to take a shot of the RV passing by and the scenery along the way.

Most of them are at major scenic spots, hiding their figures to wait for Zhao Fei and the others to arrive.

These staff members all have a Douyin logo on their clothes, so they can be easily recognized.

In this way, Zhao Fei's trip was no different from before.

Just ignore these staff members.

But the effects captured by professional photographers are definitely much better than the images in the live broadcast room.

Of course, the cost of such labor and effort is naturally not low.

But compared to the income from travel variety shows, it’s nothing.

As time passed, Mai and Mai could clearly smell the faint smell of the sea in the air floating in through the car window.

The sound of waves crashing against the rocks could also be heard in my ears.

The RV turned a corner.

The endless turquoise sea suddenly came into view of the two women.

Sometimes it is as soft as silk, with slight ripples.

Sometimes it is like a roaring tiger, surging and causing waves of violence.

"It should be Tongguling ahead, right?" Zhao Maimai looked at the scenery outside through the car window.


Zhao Fei nodded and continued: "Tongguling is located at the easternmost corner of Sunshine Island, surrounded by the sea on three sides.

There are freshwater mangroves, moon rocks, prayer forests, etc., and many natural landscapes.

And the weather is very nice today.

It was cloudless and the sun was shining brightly.

Very suitable for playing.

Standing on the top of the observation deck, you can overlook the part of Tongguling protruding towards the sea, a peculiar landscape known as 'dragons out to sea'. "

"Quick, quick, find a place to park."

Liu Yifei looked at the scenery outside and couldn't wait.

Zhao Fei smiled, found a parking lot, parked the RV, and introduced it while getting out of the car.

"Tongguling also has a long history. The reason why it is called Tongguling is because Ma Yuan of the Eastern Han Dynasty buried bronze drums here.

This bronze drum should now be in a museum in Haikou.

We can take a look when we return to Haikou. "

Mai and Mai put on their sun hats and sunglasses and followed Zhao Fei out of the car.

Taking a deep breath, I felt that my whole body felt much more relaxed.

"Let's go up the mountain first along the stone steps."

Zhao Fei led the way and said as he walked: "This stone step is called the Fubo Ancient Road, and Fubo is General Ma Yuan.

It is said that when General Fubo stationed troops here, it was specially built for nearby villagers to go up the mountain to obtain prey.

So it's been many years. "

"This rock is so big!" Mai Mai said in surprise.

"This stone also has a lot of history, and its characteristic is that it will sway slightly as long as the breeze blows.

Therefore, it is called wind stone. "

"Real or false." Liu Yifei didn't believe it.

After all, this stone is three to four meters high, standing like a small house.

Not to mention the breeze, even a typhoon may not be able to blow it.

Zhao Fei smiled and explained: "I won't mention whether it is true or not. Anyway, Fengdong Stone has been through countless hurricanes and heavy rains for thousands of years, and it still remains standing.

You can think of it as a spirit.

A spirit of fighting against typhoons and facing bravely. "


Mai Mai nodded and took a deep look at the oval-shaped, gray-gray wind-driven stone three to four meters high.

Already understood what Zhao Fei meant.The same goes for Liu Yifei,
Sunny Island has been a frequent site of typhoons for many years.

Not to mention ancient times, even in modern times, people seem quite powerless in the face of super typhoons.

So people need a kind of sustenance and a kind of faith.

Believe that you can survive.


Continue to go deeper.

Soon the three of them saw an iron chain wooden bridge covered with red silk and satin in the middle of the forest.

"This is the prayer forest. If you pick up those red satins and look carefully, you will understand what is going on."

The two girls heard this.

One after another, they picked up strips of red satin and inspected them.

Some hope that their children will go to college, and some hope that their husbands will recover soon... All kinds of blessings are hung on both sides of the iron cable wooden bridge.

Blowing in the wind.

The two girls, Mai and Mai, looked at each other.
I took the pen and red silk from the staff and wrote my own prayers respectively.

The two looked at each other.

What Liu Yifei wrote was: I hope that my family will be safe and happy, and that I will be pregnant with Zhao Fei’s child soon.

What Zhao Maimai wrote was: I hope Zhao Fei is safe and happy, and loves her and her all the time.

"What did you two write?" Zhao Fei wanted to take it over and take a look.

"No, please leave quickly, we will chase you later."

"Yes, you can't look at it, it won't work if you look at it."


Zhao Fei shook his head helplessly and did not force it: "Then I will wait for you two in front."

Mai and Mai did not write their names on the red prayer silk, so even if others saw it, they would not know it belonged to them.

After hanging up, the two women put their hands together.

I don't know what they muttered, then they held hands and chased Zhao Fei.

Upon seeing this, a staff member held up a camera and wanted to step forward to record it, but was stopped by the assistant director of the group: "I don't know anything, just take a panoramic shot.

If you haven’t watched Mr. Zhao, don’t let him know. This can’t be broadcast, do you understand? "


The entire Fubo Ancient Road is 899 meters long and has a total of 999 steps.

If there are people who don’t believe in evil, you can count them.

Fubo Ancient Road is winding and rugged. Although it is a hot summer day, it does not feel hot because the surrounding trees are covered with shade. From time to time, there are still a few butterflies following around, lingering around.

The chirping of insects and birds in my ears makes the ancient road seem more quiet and refreshing.

After more than half an hour, the three of them climbed to the platform at the top of the mountain.

Not to mention Zhao Fei, the two girls Mai and Mai had their physical fitness improved many times by the healthy spring water. Even if Liu Yifei drank less, the distance was nothing to her.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."


The two women held hands and walked to the edge of the platform.

Holding on to the railing and looking into the distance.

The endless sea is like a bright mirror, reflecting the blue sky, white clouds, green trees and red flowers.

The cool sea breeze blows in your face, cooling your whole body.

Waves of waves surged onto the beach from time to time, chasing each other and playing, hitting the rocks and making bursts of cheerful sounds.

It seemed to welcome Zhao Fei and the others.

There is quite a poetic state of "looking up to the sky, looking at the vast sky".

Vaguely, Mai Mai noticed the direction of the mountain at his feet, and asked Zhao Fei, "I seem to have seen it. Is this the dragon going out to sea?"

Liu Yifei followed Mai Mai's hand and counted.

I saw it at the foot of Lanyue Platform.

There is a ridge that twists and turns toward the depths of the sea. The green trees and red flowers on it seem to be the scales of a dragon.

The bare gray boulder at the end also seems to be the raised head of a dragon.

It emits bursts of dragon roars like waves crashing on the rocks.


Zhao Fei nodded and said: "Sometimes when the weather is bad, this place will be covered in fog, and you can't see the surroundings clearly even when standing on the top of the mountain.

But obviously we had good luck today.

Not only can you see dragons going out to sea.

The bays on both sides of the ridge are Moon Bay and Tai O Bay.

Looking into the distance, we can also see the Qizhou Islands in the distance.

and rocket launch towers. "

The Qizhou Islands are not far away from them. They are composed of seven small islands that are linked together and arranged in a curve. They are called fairy mountains on the sea.

The largest island, if you look closely you can see a sloping plane covered in green.

It especially arouses people's curiosity and makes them want to go to the island to find out.

Especially the two girls, at this moment, they all cast probing glances at Zhao Fei.

Obviously I wanted to go and have a closer look.

This made Zhao Fei smile and said: "If you want to go, then let's go. Mr. Song has a yacht parked in Sanya. It was originally prepared for us to use for this trip.

But even if you want to go through it, you have to wait until tomorrow.

In the afternoon, we can go see other places and stay in Wenchang in the evening! "

In fact, it's not just the two girls, Zhao Fei is also very curious and has a mentality of exploring secrets.

I want to go over and see what this deserted island looks like.

The same is true for the live broadcast room.

Bullet screens were sent out one after another.

"I have to go. If you ask me, I'll stay one night on the Qizhou Islands."

"That's right, I thought I had been to Wenchang back then, and I had walked all the places the anchor had walked. However, due to the conditions in the Qizhou Islands, I didn't have the chance to see him.

Anchor, stop hesitating and ask Mr. Song to bring the yacht over. "

"It's nothing to stay for one night. Come to a desert island to survive. Moreover, the Qizhou Islands are not far from the mainland and the danger is not high. It is not a problem to play for two or three days."

(End of this chapter)

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