China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 153 I’m proud of being a Dragon Countryer

Chapter 153 I’m proud of being a Dragon Countryer

"Hehe, this is what you said, we didn't force it."

"Yes, we don't know about the Seven Continents Islands. Since you said you should go and see them, then go and see them."

The two girls looked arrogant as if they wanted to go but didn't say anything.

Zhao Fei wanted to laugh when he saw it.

But I didn't take it seriously.

Come out to play? What stands out is happiness.

You can do whatever you want, no need to hide it.

Afterwards, Zhao Fei took out his mobile phone with a smile and sent a text message to Yan Min.

Inform him to have the yacht come over and set off to the Qizhou Islands early tomorrow morning.

"Since we have arranged it this way, let's go down the mountain and take a walk around Wenchang City."

"Wait a minute, take two photos."

Mai Mai took out her cell phone.

Let Zhao Fei stand in the middle, while she holds Zhao Fei's left hand.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei hesitated and hugged Zhao Fei's right hand.

The three of them turned their backs to the sea as the shutter clicked.

A memorable photo was recorded.

Then, after a few people went down the mountain, they were not in a hurry to go to other attractions in the city.

Now that we are in Wenchang, how can we not try Wenchang Chicken?

This is a local delicacy with more than 400 years of farming history. It would be a shame not to try it.

Of course, you need to know where to eat Wenchang Chicken.

As far as Zhao Fei knows, there are many restaurants in Wenchang that cook Wenchang Chicken, and there are even two restaurants that have been featured on CCTV programs.

However, these have a shiny appearance and seem to be restaurants with a lot of traffic.

The result is really not the most authentic Wenchang chicken.

The taste is not as good as expected.

The main reason is that as Wenchang chicken becomes more and more famous, more and more people raise it, so the quality varies.

And most of them are raised using modern intensive methods, so the upper limit of chicken quality is already determined.

No matter how good your cooking skills are, you still can't make the real taste of Wenchang chicken.

You should know that real Wenchang chickens do not eat whole grains, but are raised in the jungle. They mainly feed on banyan tree seeds, coconut snails and other insects.

This is the real original Wenchang chicken.

When the chicken grows up, it will be petite, with thin skin and tender flesh. How can it be made... tsk tsk.

As he spoke, his saliva was about to flow out.

So after the three of them went down the mountain, they did not move the RV, but drove the Continental and drove on the highway.

I came across someone selling fresh coconuts on the roadside.

Zhao Fei stopped the car.

When they left, Mai and Mai were already holding a coconut in their arms.

The coconuts on the roadside are very cheap, only two yuan each.

But if it is transported to Wenchang urban area, it will cost three yuan, and if it is transported to Haikou or Xi urban area, it will cost five yuan.


Mai Mai Bar Chi Ba Chi Zui, this kind of fresh and mature coconut juice.

It was completely different from the ones she bought in the supermarket before, without any additives.

The main thing is a fresh and natural one.

"Zhao Fei, let me give you a taste."

This time Liu Yifei was sitting in the passenger seat, and she also felt that the coconut juice was very good.

Holding the coconut in both hands, he handed another new straw to Zhao Fei's mouth.

Zhao Fei took a sip and found that it was indeed good, so he said, "Don't just drink it, check the map to see if there are any farmhouses nearby.

We are looking for an authentic Wenchang chicken to try. "

The reason for looking for this kind of farmhouse.

It is also because the flow of people in the farmhouse is not high, and the Wenchang chicken cooked in the farmhouse is also home-raised.

If they really don't have any, they can also go to the local village and purchase two to make themselves.

"There is a restaurant in front of us, almost two kilometers away."

Hearing this, Zhao Fei stepped on the accelerator, and Oulu sped away with a roar.

On the left side of the road is lush jungle.

To the right is the endless sea.

As the sports car speeds by, it passes by.

Mai Mai raised her hand excitedly, her long hair fluttering in the wind, and stretched out her middle finger and index finger: "Yeah... let's go eat Wenchang Chicken."

Liu Yifei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, also turned on the car music.

Swing to the beat.

"The speed is seventy miles, the mood is free, I hope the destination is the Aegean Sea, I run with all my strength and my dream is on the other side...

Running with the wind, freedom is the direction, chasing the power of thunder and lightning.

Put the vast ocean into my chest.

Even the smallest sails can go far. "

"When I heard this song, I remembered the sports meeting we had in high school. I remember it was very exciting at the time...

I finished No. 1000 in the 1-meter run.

I vowed at that time that I would work hard to take the college entrance examination, and after graduating from college three years later, I would trample everyone under my feet.

Now I have done it and am lucky enough to be a back massager.

So guys.

If the heart is there, the dream is there, come on! "

"Haha, there is a real strong person upstairs. It's not that you don't have tears, but you are still running with tears in your eyes..."

"Sigh... these are all memories, but now only Haiquan is running alone, so it should be 35 miles?"

There are very few live streaming cameras installed on the continent.

So Zhao Fei didn't notice the emotion in the live broadcast room.

Come to the farmhouse on the map.

Turning around and looking around, I found that the scale was not large.

It's the kind of house that is converted into a farmhouse. When someone comes, you can catch a chicken, or use the harvest from going to the beach last night as the main ingredient.

Moreover, Zhao Fei also saw his own vegetable garden not far away. "Okay, let's go...go in and have a look."

Zhao Fei parked the car at the door and pushed the door open with the two women.

The bell rang instantly.

The owner of the farmhouse also came out to welcome him.

after an hour.

The results proved that Zhao Fei's decision not to go to Wenchang City was right at all.

Although the two girls originally had expectations for Wenchang Chicken, that was all.

But when I actually tasted the authentic Wenchang Chicken, I was a little surprised.


"Yeah, this is also the first time I've eaten this kind of chicken that's not good at all."

The Wenchang chicken looks unimpressive. It is cooked in salt water, but its dipping sauce has to be mentioned.

Basically every store has a different way of making this dipping sauce.

But the dipping sauce of this small farmhouse is obviously very suitable to the taste of the two girls.

"Eat more if it's delicious."

Zhao Fei was also very satisfied with his choice. The taste was crisp and refreshing. The chicken was like a piece of elastic and slippery fat, and it tasted without any fiber.

You heard that right, it really has no fiber.

The taste is completely different from our mainland chicken, not old, not woody, not dry.

It tastes like eating tender beef, very soft, smooth, and tastes particularly tender.

"Brothers, remember this store. If you travel to Wenchang, you must try it here."


Liu Yifei pushed the plate next to him and said, "And the boss is also very nice. We only ordered three chickens, but he gave us such a large amount of seafood."

"Haha, after this piece of shit is eaten and left, this farmhouse may become popular in the future."

"It's not possible, it's certain."

"Damn, I'm so hungry just looking at it... I'm ordering takeout."

Everyone in the live broadcast room watched the three people eating and drinking.

Also the tongue produces saliva.

When leaving, Zhao Fei paid for the remaining Wenchang Chicken in the farmhouse under the confused look of the boss.

Then he sent a message to Yan Min.

Let them come and eat as soon as they have time. Treat it as the first cooperation and treat them to a meal.

In the afternoon, Zhao Fei drove to a village below Changsa Town, more than 30 miles away from Wenchang City.

These are all country roads and cannot be passed by cars.

But the three of them did not complain, because the Song family's ancestral home was in this village.

The ancestral residence of the Song family was built during the Jiaqing period. It has an obvious brick and wood structure and is a two-entry courtyard facing southwest to northeast.

You can clearly see two main houses and two side houses... typical Qiongdao rural residences.

The surrounding coconut trees and banyan trees grow luxuriantly and lushly.

It seems very inconspicuous.

As everyone knows, this has been restored. Half a century ago, this place was a remote place.

Don't be surprised, don't be surprised.

Because this is the truth.

There are many local rumors that the Song family has produced so many talents because the feng shui of their ancestral home is good.

Zhao Fei didn't understand Feng Shui, but he didn't agree with it.

But when talking about the six brothers and sisters of the Song family, they have to mention their father, Song Jiashu.

A child who was given as an adopted son by his parents because of a poor family since childhood.

It was such a child who grew up in someone else's family. At that time, he began to travel across the ocean to study. After returning to China, he settled in Shanghai and donated money and materials to...

Therefore, Song Jiashu did not live in his hometown for a long time.

It is not so much that the six brothers and sisters of the Song family participated in the turmoil during that period.

It would be better to say that Song Jiashu made his six children successful.

It is impossible to say that Soong Ching Ling and other brothers and sisters were not influenced by this father.

So on the surface, it seems that the six brothers and sisters of the Song family are very powerful.

In fact, it was their father, Song Jiashu, who was more far-sighted.

Shopping for about an hour.

For some reason, Zhao Fei and the others did not say much in the live broadcast room.

He looked at it and left.

After that, Zhao Fei and the others visited the Confucius Temple.

In fact, in ancient times, traditional thought emphasized the difference between men and women, so women were not allowed to enter the Confucius Temple, thinking this was disrespectful to Confucius.'s all about earning tickets, it's not important.

So even though the Confucius Temple was decorated very exquisitely, the two girls were not very interested.

After walking around for a while, I came out.

In order to make the two girls happy, Zhao Fei took them to see how the Dragon Kingdom took off in modern times.

That is Wenchang Space Launch Center.

Naturally, this launch center is not accessible, but there is an aerospace theme park not far away.

It is free to visit.

The theme park is only half-built so far, but you can also see many rocket launchers standing on the square.

There is also a planet tour area, a 4D dynamic theater and so on.

But most of it is not finished yet.

But even so, the three of them couldn't help but sigh while standing in front of the rocket launcher model.

Especially when you come out of the Song family's ancestral home and compare it with the theme park in front of you.

The environment is very different.

But Longguo can achieve its current status only because the ancestors who came out of the backcountry, step by step, fought and talked about development in a down-to-earth manner.

Slowly, the big family of Longguo became more beautiful and more comfortable, and gradually stood at the forefront of the world.

Therefore, the three of them could not help but murmur in their hearts at this moment.

"I'm proud of being a Dragon Countryer... Come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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