China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 155 Hey, hey, why are you still biting?

Chapter 155 Hey, hey, why are you still biting?

hear this voice.

Zhao Fei and the other two hurriedly looked up.

They saw a petite figure waving to them on the deck of the yacht.

The sea breeze ruffled her long hair, and her naturally cute round face was filled with a sweet smile, like a girl next door.

Full of youthful vitality, it has overflowed the screen.

"That's Zhang Zilan?"

Mai Mai was a little hesitant, but as he got closer, he quickly recognized the other person and waved cheerfully: "Ah... Zi Lan, when did you come?"

"I arrived last night. The program crew at the hotel asked me to go to bed early and get up early without telling me what I was going to do. Then they sent me to the yacht when I got up in the morning...

Woohoo, I haven't had breakfast yet.

You guys are here, otherwise it would be too scary to be alone on this yacht. "

"Aren't there captains and sailors on the yacht?"

This large luxury yacht cannot be operated by one person.

Therefore, even if Zhao Fei could sail a ship, he would not be able to sail.

When Zhang Zilan heard Zhao Fei's question, she felt even more aggrieved, and shouted with a cry in her voice: "I told them, but none of them paid attention to me.

It's like a mute... Woo hoo hoo, come here quickly. "

A little girl was sent to a yacht to float on the sea in the early morning, even if there were people around her.

I also know that this is the arrangement of the program team, but it is still a little scary.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Zhang Zilan to behave like this.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei and the other three looked at each other.

I feel like Zi Lan is too miserable, and Yan Min is nothing. They come here to travel and have fun, so this... is a bit too harsh.

However, in comparison, Zhao Fei felt that they were rowing over by themselves.

It’s not a big deal.

"Don't worry, we'll be there soon."

Liu Yifei also shouted loudly and slid his hand on the sea surface under the inflatable boat, hoping to help Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei's strength was also slightly stronger.

Fans in the live broadcast room were slightly surprised when they saw Zhang Zilan.

They knew there would be flying guests on the trip.

But I didn't expect it to come so soon.

And it’s the girl next door, Zhang Zilan.

As a popular little girl with both good looks and good looks, Zhang Zilan has many fans.

Especially after she joined the club, her national popularity skyrocketed.

So there are a lot of barrages in the live broadcast room at the moment.

"Haha, this is the Yamaguchi Momoe mentioned by Teacher Huang... Don't tell me, they still look a little similar."

"I didn't expect that the first flying guest in our live broadcast room would be my sister, okay, okay."

"Does this bitch want to catch all the popular little girls in the entertainment industry? Isn't it enough to have my Mai Mai?"

Zhao Fei, who was concentrating on rowing, did not pay attention to the live broadcast room.

After getting on the yacht one by one, Zhao Fei deflated the inflatable boat and took it to the yacht.

When Liu Yifei and Mai Mai saw the luxury yacht up close, they couldn't help but get a little excited, looking left and right.

Although Zhang Zilan arrived early, his emotions are contagious.

So I jumped along.

"Hey, there are a lot of bedrooms down there, enough for the four of us."

"Yes, you see... the program team also prepared a lot of ingredients for us, so we don't have to worry about being hungry even if we float on the yacht for three days.

There are so many snacks here, Zilan... Why didn't you eat just now when you were hungry? "

"Forget it."

Zhang Zilan had an aggrieved face, pointed at the captain in the cockpit, and said angrily: "She won't let me eat."


Zhao Fei glanced at the captain in the cockpit and the sailors on the other side.

Both of them are women, but they are tall and thick, and they look like they are not easy to mess with.

Zhao Fei had the impression that these two people were the security personnel sent by Sunshine Island Travel Agency this time. It seemed that one of them was the captain and knew kung fu.

"Look at the hungry children."

Zhao Fei glared at the two of them, then took out a bag of potato chips, handed it to Zhang Zilan, and said domineeringly: "Eat, let's see who dares to stop..."

Seeing this, Zhang Zilan also snorted coldly.

I felt like someone was standing up for me, so I wasn’t afraid anymore.

Tear open the package, hold the potato chips between your fingers and pop them into your mouth.

Chew it hard.

A pair of beautiful big eyes stared at the captain provocatively, as if to say: "Where was your powerful force just now? Use it again... Humph, Zhao Fei knows Tai Chi.

If you get too bad, I'll punch you to the shore. "

Of course, Zhao Fei also knew that he did not blame the captain.

Knowing that it was Yan Min, the 'old man', who arranged it, he comforted Zhang Zilan: "It's okay, if Yan Min hadn't spoken, they wouldn't have dared to do this to you.

When we get ashore, I'll give Yan Min a good beating for you. "


Zhang Zilan nodded her little head lightly, she was not unaware of the importance.

The mood eased a lot.

The female captain on the other side saw Zhao Fei speaking for him, and her ugly face gradually turned into a smile.

He nodded in gratitude to Zhao Fei.

"Okay, put away the anchor... let's set off to the Seven Continents Islands."

After Zhao Fei gave an order, the captain and sailors began to get busy.

Then Zhao Fei also walked to the deck with a few women.

Soon the yacht's engine started to sound and it picked up speed little by little.

Like a gray-white swan spreading its wings.

Gliding smoothly on the sea.

The rumbling sound of the motor startled the seagulls in the blue sky.

They spread their wings and flew across the water in groups, scattering in all directions.

At this moment, the live broadcast room was also taken off by a drone, and the pictures presented were beautiful.

Blue sky, white clouds...

The endless blue sea was split in the middle by the yacht, leaving a long glowing water mark.

The speed of the yacht is also getting faster and faster.

The raised bow of the ship made the four of them subconsciously grasp the railing on the deck.

"It's really beautiful."

"Yes, I'm envious, I'm envious... I really want to go out on a yacht!"

"Brothers upstairs, stop dreaming. Visual inspection shows that this yacht is worth at least 3000 million to 5000 million. The most important thing is not that.

When you buy a yacht, you have to have a place to park it, right?And it also requires maintenance.

So you still have to pay berthing fees, maintenance fees, including the captain's salary...etc., it costs 800 million yuan a year, so yacht maintenance is the most expensive.

Forget about us ordinary people. "

"What's there? You can rent it. There are many places to rent yachts in Sunny Island, but... the prices are not cheap."


Zhao Fei and others cannot see the live broadcast room.

But they were also very excited at the moment. Mai Mai raised her hand and waved the silk scarf.

Blown by the sea breeze, the silk scarf was floating in the air.

She let out a happy 'ooh' sound.

Zhang Zilan's big eyes also turned into two crescents when she smiled.

While stuffing potato chips into his mouth, he laughed.

Liu Yifei also faced the sea breeze, waving his hands and singing loudly: "On that distant seaside, you slowly disappeared, and your originally blurry face gradually became clear..."

Soon, several people were swaying together and making their own sounds along with the melody.

The cheerful singing also spreads farther and farther on the sea.

"If the sea can bring back the love I once had, let me wait all my life. If you no longer miss the affectionate past, let it drift away in the wind..."


"Qizhou Islands, here we come."

"Come on!"

Under the blazing sunlight, the sea water at this moment is clear and transparent, like a huge emerald.

In the distance, a small piece of foam can be seen floating in the crests and troughs of the waves.

Occasionally, a seabird stood motionless on it.

But as the yacht flew past, the seabirds screamed and took off with flapping wings.

In the distance connected to the sea, several looming gray shadows gradually came into view of the four people as time passed.

The most important thing is that as they get closer, there are more and more seabirds in the sky.

Flying up and down, the screams came one after another, and gradually became one, which looked quite spectacular.

"That's the Seven Continents Islands, right?"


Zhao Fei nodded and introduced: "The reason why we can see so many seagulls is because the Qizhou Islands are the main habitat for various birds.

The most important thing is that the Qizhou Islands also have a geological wonder that is rare in the world.

Sea Tunnel.

And every island here basically has a tunnel that is large enough to accommodate inflatable boats, some of which are invisible to us under the sea.

Some are above the sea. "

As we approached, Beishe Island, the largest island in the Seven Continents Islands, soon came into view.

I saw that Beishe Island as a whole was gradually formed by uplifts of brown rocks, with some low shrubs and grass in the middle, resembling a rectangle.

As the yacht circles the island.

It can be seen that most of the rocks on Beizhi Island are yellowish brown.

Moreover, the north side of the island is particularly steep, with a [-]-degree vertical rock wall.

The white waves below hit the top in waves, making a resounding sound that was heart-stirring.

And on this rock wall close to the sea, there is a tunnel five or six meters wide and ten meters high.

This is the sea erosion tunnel that Zhao Fei mentioned just now.

This sea tunnel runs through the entire island. It is dark inside and looks particularly mysterious.

"Can we go in and take a look?"

Zhao Fei glanced at the curious Zhang Zilan, but he didn't expect that this little girl still had an adventurous spirit, so he nodded and said: "Okay, visual inspection shows that this sea erosion tunnel is about 300 meters long.

Most of these dim places are gathering places for flying animals.

So, are you sure you really want to go in? "

Hearing what Zhao Fei said, Zhang Zilan immediately thought of bats.

The little head shakes like a rattle.

"Forget it, forget it, let's not go."


Mai Mai smiled and glared at Zhao Fei: "Don't scare my Zilan, she is timid to begin with."


Liu Yifei on the side also rolled his eyes at Zhao Fei and held the petite Zhang Zilan in his arms: "Don't be afraid, Zilan, no one dares to bully you here.

If Zhao Fei dares to scare you, hit him.

He didn't dare to fight back anyway. "

Seeing that the three women instantly became the same camp, Zhao Fei touched his nose.

Some speechless.

It seems like he didn't say anything just now. Is this the case?

"It's okay, Sister Yifei... I'm not afraid." Seeing Mai and Mai defending themselves like this, Zhang Zilan felt warm in her heart.

He smiled apologetically at Zhao Fei.

"This largest sea tunnel cannot be penetrated deep now, but other small islands also have some sea tunnels that can be seen at a glance."

After saying this, Zhao Fei said hello to the captain.

The yacht quickly sailed towards the six small islands on the other side.

Because the entire Seven Continents Islands are connected in an arc, the largest one is Beishe Island just now.

But there are six smaller ones around it.

Some are only the size of a bungalow and look like a huge boulder floating on the sea.

And there are many sea tunnels here.

Especially under the sea, there are many diving enthusiasts who like to come here to challenge themselves and cross sea tunnels under the sea.

Of course, this dive is very dangerous.

Even Zhao Fei cannot guarantee absolute safety, and diving requires a license.

"did you see that?"

As the yacht approached, Zhao Fei pointed to a sea erosion tunnel not far away that resembled a huge stone gate: "Most of these sea erosion tunnels are hit by waves.

Then the stone in the middle cracked and collapsed.

Therefore, it is very likely that thousands of years later, this kind of sea-eroded stone pillar will continue to collapse after being beaten by waves all year round.

The tunnel will also disappear.

Finally it became an ordinary island.

If you want to give it a try, I will take you across on a speedboat. "

"Me!" Zhang Zilan immediately raised his hand with interest.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei smiled. Although she also wanted to have fun, she still gave the opportunity to Mai Mai and said, "Maimai, you can go too. I'll wait for you on the yacht."

"Come on, everyone. The speedboat is a four-seater and can fit all of them."

Zhao Fei naturally saw Liu Yifei's intention, but subconsciously thought that the speedboat could only seat two or three people.

So I suppressed my thoughts.

Then, without waiting for the three women to say more, Zhao Fei said, "You didn't see the speedboat after you boarded the yacht, so it's reasonable to have your doubts.

In fact, the speedboat is right at our feet. It is a two-cab speedboat.

Come, let's all stand on the left side of the plywood and let the captain and others operate it. "

Then, everyone saw that one side of the plywood began to slowly open, and there was a four-seater speedboat underneath.

Zhao Fei asked the three women to sit on them first.

Including himself.Zhao Fei then tied the rope on the crane around the speedboat and followed the crane's force.

The speedboat was hoisted up.

After reaching a certain height, the crane's boom moves horizontally to move the speedboat out of the yacht's splint, so that the speedboat can land smoothly on the water.

"High technology!" Zhang Zilan's little mouth opened wide, obviously a little surprised, it turned out that this was possible.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei were obviously not at peace either.

The life of the rich second generation is really too luxurious.

"Sit still."

Zhao Fei untied the ropes around the speedboat and without further explanation, he stepped on the accelerator.

The speedboat rushed out like an arrow.

The three women screamed.

"Ah... the seawater splashed on my face."

"Bah, bah, bah... so salty."

"Hahaha, this is indeed a speedboat. It feels much faster than a yacht."

Under Zhang Zilan's cute and sweet face, there is obviously a heart that longs for stimulation, screaming and laughing at the same time.

Especially when Zhao Fei made a sharp turn, the three women's screams became even louder while they firmly grasped the safety handle.

"Ah, Zhao Fei...slow down."

"Oh my god, my heart almost jumped out of my chest."

Hearing this, Zhao Fei raised the corner of his mouth, slowly slowed down, and said: "Everyone, now that you are on my ship, you must obey me. No one can get off without my permission.

and so……

Hey, Mai Mai, you still dare to pinch me, you have to figure out who is in control of the situation now! "

"I just pinched you, what happened?"

"That's right." Liu Yifei stepped forward and slapped him in the face, shouting, "What's wrong?"

Seeing this, Zhang Zilan shrank his head, quietly holding a small fist behind Zhao Fei, protruding his middle finger, and lightly tapped the back of Zhao Fei's head.

Then he quickly retracted.

"Hehe...I hit him too, what's wrong?"

"Ah ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

The three women looked at each other and laughed happily, which made people happy.

Live broadcast room on drone.

It was like celebrating the New Year at this moment, with barrages flying up one after another.

"Hit, hit me hard."

"Haha, this bitch, who is in control of the situation? I think you don't understand the situation at all!'

"Beat me. If you can't be beaten to death, then beat me to death."

"You idiots, have a laugh... I want to be beaten by them too, okay?"


Good guy.

Are you a little too disrespectful?
One pinches the waist, one slaps the arm, one flicks the forehead, damn... speed up.

As soon as the accelerator was pressed, the speed of the speedboat reached its maximum speed again.

After all, there are no traffic jams on the sea, and there are no traffic lights. You can drive as you please and drive as you please.

Moreover, the speedboat is light in weight and has sufficient engine horsepower. It can reach more than 60 knots at the fastest speed.

Especially when he saw that he was getting closer and closer to the sea erosion tunnel, Zhao Fei still had no intention of slowing down. The women's eyes widened and they shouted repeatedly.

"Zhao Fei...ah, we're going to hit him, we're going to hit him."

"Slow down, slow down... I'm wrong, why don't I pinch you?"

"No, it can't be done anymore."

However, at this moment, Zhao Fei suddenly made a sharp turn.

The entire speedboat tilted at almost a [-]-degree angle, brushing against the cliffs of the island and drifting past.

Afterwards, Zhao Fei slowly slowed down the speed of the speedboat, looked back at the three women with his head held high, and coldly snorted: "Young man, I can't cure you yet.

this time……

Hey hey hey, Mai Mai, didn’t you just say you won’t pinch people?
This...Yifei, don't pull my hair!
And Zhang Zilan, why are you still biting?

Stop it quickly, or the speedboat will lose control. "


"Haha, bite... bite this bitch to death."

"To be honest, I was shocked just now. This anchor...he is so brave."

"Kill him, kill him..."

The live broadcast room was also noisy at the moment, blaming Zhao Fei.

This is also the envy in the hearts of fans.

As a man, who doesn’t want to take his girl and ride a speedboat on the sea?

"It's wrong, it's wrong... I'm wrong this time."

Seeing that the three girls were not done yet, Zhao Fei quickly surrendered. When he finally pulled off his clothes, he saw that his waist was bruised.

There were also teeth marks on his shoulder from Zhang Zilan's bite.

Good guy.

No wonder you are best friends, you both vent your anger in the same way.

"Hmph, you know what's going on." Mai Mai, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had his hands on his hips and rolled his eyes at Zhao Fei.

Liu Yifei also returned to his seat and fastened his seat belt: "Next, you can't exceed thirty knots."

"Yes, no more than thirty knots."

Zhang Zilan repeated this sentence bitterly, her face a little red.

She didn't know why she wanted to bite Zhao Fei's shoulder just now.

It seems that both Liu Yifei and Mai Mai took action.

She was too embarrassed to be idle.

In addition, there were people who were pulling out their hair and pinching their waists, so she had no place to do anything.

Then all I can do is say something.

Looking back now, I feel a little shy.

"Okay, okay...I'll listen to you next time. Whatever you say, I'll do it."

Zhao Fei nodded helplessly.

In fact, he could have crossed directly through the sea tunnel just now. The reason why he didn't was for safety's sake, because there are also rocks at the bottom of some sea tunnels.

At the speed just now, Zhao Fei was very confident that the speedboat would not roll over, it just looked scary.

No big danger will occur.

Then, Zhao Fei followed the three women's orders, and crossed the sea tunnel bit by bit without even moving at ten knots, honestly and carefully.

The blazing sunshine above everyone's heads disappeared in an instant.

"It's so cool."

"Yeah...wait a minute, look at the stone wall. Is it an abalone?"

"Let me see." Zhao Fei turned around and took a look and found that it was true.

Then he stopped the speedboat and took out a knife to pluck the abalone that was stuck on the stone wall.

"This, this, this...this and more."

"I saw one too, give me the knife and I'll get it for you too."

This sea erosion tunnel is not long, only 50 meters.

But when the four of them saw the sunshine again, there were already more than 20 abalones the size of a baby's fist on the speedboat, which looked particularly pleasing.

"Not bad, I didn't expect an unexpected gain."

Zhao Fei was also very happy at this moment and continued: "I will make braised abalone for you at noon later."

"Okay, I like to eat abalone the most." Zhang Zilan clapped his hands excitedly.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei are also looking forward to it.

After all, they have seen Zhao Fei's craftsmanship before.

"Let's go, I will take you around a few times, and then we will go to the largest Beishe Island to see."

An hour later, the four had enough.

Approaching Beishe Island.

Viewed from a close distance, Beishe Island also looks relatively majestic.

On the gentle west side of Beishe Island, you can see a simple wooden bridge over the water, like a chopstick, extending from Beishe Island to the sea.

Zhao Fei slowly slowed down the speed of the speedboat and parked it sideways next to the wooden bridge.

Then he jumped onto the wooden bridge first and tied the speedboat with a rope.

Otherwise, the speedboat will float away after a while.

Then he helped several women to the island one by one.

Landing on the island from the ups and downs of the speedboat, the down-to-earth feeling is very unreal.

Especially Zhang Zilan, whose physique had not been improved by the health spring water, almost fell down the first time he stepped on the wooden bridge.

Fortunately, Mai Mai was right next to her and saw the opportunity and helped her.

Otherwise, you will fall into the water.

"Be careful. This wooden bridge has been in disrepair for a long time. I wonder if that piece of wood may look fine on the surface, but it's actually rotten on the inside.

So I'm in front and you follow me. "

Officially set foot on Beishe Island.

The first impression you get is that of desolation and primitiveness... Except for a lighthouse standing on the top of the mountain, there are almost no traces of human activity here.

The most important thing is that the roads here are very difficult to walk.

Several people were wearing sandals and had no climbing equipment, so it was very inconvenient.

After thinking for a while, the group returned to the beaches on both sides of the wooden bridge.

Because Zhao Fei saw it when he came.

There are many small fish, shells... and even royal blue sea anemones in the shallows, which are particularly beautiful.

There are palm-sized crabs running around among some stone crevices.

In fact, if you climb further up, you can see an abandoned apron. Many people used to camp here and left a lot of garbage behind.

In addition, there was no one to manage it, so Zhao Fei did not plan to bring the three girls up.

Save your mood.

"Can you catch crabs?"

Zhao Fei looked at the crabs on the beach with their teeth and claws waving, and felt a little itchy.

This fresh ingredient requires only the simplest cooking methods to give you a great meal.

Hearing Zhao Fei's question.

The three women shook their heads almost simultaneously.

Zhao Fei was not surprised when he saw this. In order to prevent them from being caught by crabs, he went back to the speedboat to get some tools to catch the sea.

In this way, security is greatly improved.

"Come on, one set per person, it's ten and two, and the deadline is one hour.

Everyone rushes to the sea, who catches the crabs and conches in the end...

As long as it is edible, whoever has more will win.

in or out? "

After hearing Zhao Fei's proposal, the women looked at each other and felt a little competitive. Mai Mai asked, "What's the bet?"

"Whatever, you say."

"Okay." Liu Yifei answered: "The bet is whoever wins, who will choose the room on the yacht first in the evening. I just saw it and there is a master bedroom that is very large and luxurious."

"Okay." Zhao Fei nodded.

Since this bet has been proposed, with his physical fitness, it can be said that he will win.

Even though he has no experience in catching the sea, he is fast.

"Okay, it's settled, the three of us will work together, and you will work together... Let's start now."

After saying this, Liu Yifei smiled and ran towards the shallows.

The same goes for Mai Mai.

Apparently neither of them was surprised by this.

Only Zhao Fei and Zhang Zilan stood there with confused faces.

"What's going on? Aren't we all alone?" Zhang Zilan scratched his head.

Zhao Fei's face also twitched. a waste of time.

How could such a thing be played? What I meant just now was that we were all alone.

"Zi Lan, don't be stunned, come quickly."

"Oh, it's coming, it's coming." Hearing Mai Mai's call, Zhang Zilan also reacted and ran towards the shallows with a smile.

I feel like I was bullying Zhao Fei during this trip.

It's getting more and more interesting.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei shook his head helplessly.

But when I think about it, no matter who chooses the master bedroom, he can just live in it at night.

There's no need to get confused.

Of course, except Zhang Zilan.

And even if the three of them team up, Zhao Fei will not necessarily lose.

So Zhao Fei also rushed out with a bucket and began to search for all kinds of edible seafood.

Of course, when they encountered some garbage on the shoal, the four of them did not discuss it, but no matter who encountered it, they would pick it up and do their part.

Fans watching the live broadcast were also very pleased.

“Actually, I saw the picture of the top of the mountain that the drone just swept over. There were many abandoned tents and garbage. Fortunately, the anchor and others did not go up.

Otherwise it would be really disappointing. "

"Yes, people nowadays don't pay much attention to protecting the environment. They just want to take it easy, spit everywhere, and throw garbage outside the car casually.

He doesn't care where he is. "

"Although this bitch can be quite irritating at times, he did a good job picking up trash today. I give him a thumbs up."

Zhao Fei and others did not see the emotion in the live broadcast room.

In fact, picking up garbage casually was just a subconscious behavior, and neither Zhao Fei nor the four of them took it seriously.

However, let me digress.

Two years later, a certain nation that was living a good life not only dumped garbage into the ocean, it was... damned.

At that time, if you want to be like Zhao Fei and go out to sea to play... it will be a bit disappointing.

(End of this chapter)

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