Chapter 156 Let’s sunbathe together!
The time limit for the four-person bet is one hour.

But within 10 minutes, the buckets in the hands of the four people were full.

If you look closely, you will see that there are not many seafood inside, but instead there are plastic bags, packaging boxes and other kinds of garbage, which are filled to the brim.

The four of them got together again.Looking at each other, they smiled slightly.

"Everyone came away with full praise, yes, yes, good harvest, haha."

As Zhao Fei spoke, the other three women also nodded.

Without saying any more, they carried the buckets and returned to the speedboat one after another, preparing to return to the yacht to prepare lunch.

After half a day, the four of them were also hungry.

Even though the final harvest was not much, with the abalone from before and many ingredients on the yacht, the four of them could not go hungry.

And with Zhao Fei's skills, he can make several delicious dishes no matter what ingredients are given to him.

During this period, Zhang Zilan was looking forward to it.

She heard Mai Mai say more than once that Zhao Fei's craftsmanship was great.

But I have never eaten it.

Now that I can taste it myself, there is nothing better.

at the same time.

The news that Zhao Fei and the others originally planned to go to the sea to pick up some crabs, but in the end each of them harvested a bucket of garbage, also jumped to the hot search list of scarves at an extremely fast speed.

caused a lot of discussion.

#张子兰 appeared in the travel live broadcast room and was suspected of being abused by the program crew#
#In today's society, is a bucket of seafood or a bucket of garbage more expensive? This is a question worth pondering#
# Zhao Fei and Three Girls Crazy Rush#
Although the rankings of these three scarves are not high, they firmly occupy the middle position in the hot search list.

And with each comment, the ranking is also improving.

"A new guest on the travel live broadcast was Liu Yifei. I was already very happy. Now my sister is also there. Okay, okay."

"Is this Kuangbiao...the Kuangbiao I understand?"

"It is everyone's responsibility to love the environment, support! @赵飞@ ZhaoMaimai@LiuYifei@张子兰."

The last comment is from environmental protection...

Obviously he agreed with what Zhao Fei and the others were doing, so he stood up to support them.

And whether a bucket of seafood is more expensive, a bucket of garbage is more expensive.

It was a comment made by our old friend Ye Zhuanjia.

This comment received many likes and generated the most discussions.

Ye Zhuanjia is a loyal leader of Zhao Fei.

Since Zhao Fei started his second trip, he has been paying attention to Zhao Fei's live broadcast room all the time, hoping that Zhao Fei can do something so that he can have something to say.

When I saw the situation on Beishe Island today, I immediately felt that this was an opportunity.

So soon a soft article was edited.

But after not showing up for a few months, the popularity of Ye Zhuan's family has weakened a lot, so he commented on Zhao Fei's scarf, hoping to attract traffic to his post.

Title: Zhao Fei seems to be a dreamer, but in fact he is an environmentalist.

Text: I remember that when I was taking exams in elementary school, a very interesting question would come up: who is heavier, a pound of cotton or a pound of iron?
Everyone knows that cotton is very light and iron is very heavy.

So the answer is they weigh the same.

Even if their masses and densities are different, are they still one pound?

Today I saw Zhao Fei and the others on Beishe Island. They wanted to rush to the sea to pick up some seafood, but in the end they got a bucket of garbage.

So I couldn't help but have a question.

That is, in our eyes, is a bucket of seafood worth more, or a bucket of garbage?
Have to say, this is a problem.

From a superficial perspective, there is no doubt that seafood is of higher value.

But from a deeper perspective, if the time span is extended, will Zhao Fei and the others improve the local harsh environment if they pick up the garbage?

I want to say that this is inevitable.

You may not see any changes in the short term, but protecting the environment is never achieved overnight.

Rather, we need to change bit by bit and do it in a real sense.

Therefore, Zhao Fei picked up a bucket of garbage. In the future, as the environment near Beishe Island improves, more marine animals will be born.

In other words, the longer the time, the more seafood we will get.

So in my opinion, Zhao Fei's harvest this time is far greater than actually picking up a bucket of seafood.

Going further, if the environment is better, the air will be better, people will be healthier... and the environment we live in will be more comfortable.

So at this point I also hope that netizens will see this post.

Can learn from Zhao Fei.

Really take care of our big home.

Don't litter, don't...


Professor Ye’s article is soft.

The routine is the same as before. First, praise Zhao Fei, who has many fans, and then stand on the commanding heights and explain what he means.

However, in comparison, this post has relatively more positive energy.

The focus is also on the big issue of the environment.

So it received a lot of praise.

Indirectly, it also made Zhao Fei's popularity rise to the next level.

After all, the core point is Zhao Fei, and it was Zhao Fei who did this.

Zhao Fei and the four people who were eating did not know about this.

Because the ingredients were sufficient, Zhao Fei cooked a large portion of each dish, and specially served two portions to the captain and sailors.

It can be regarded as repaying evil with kindness.

After all, these two had offended Zhang Zilan a lot before.

But when Zhao Fei thought that they would live on the boat tonight, it was more appropriate to have a better relationship with these two people. After all, it was just a matter of convenience.

Otherwise, if people really have bad intentions.

It's quite dangerous in this vast sea.

Of course, the chance of this happening is very low, but is it possible to nip it in the bud?

Great men have said that you should make few enemies and many friends.

Then the whole world will be your supporter.

Whatever you do will naturally go smoothly, and everything will go smoothly.

This is also the way Zhao Fei has always conducted himself.

"How's it going? Not bad, right?" Mai Mai looked at Zhang Zilan and ate one chopstick after another, ignoring the grease stains on his mouth.

There was also a trace of complacency on his face.

After all, it was her man who cooked the food, which was equivalent to her cooking.

Best friend likes it.

She also has a face
"Good times, very good times."

Zhang Zilan nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice. After swallowing a mouthful, he leaned close to Mai Mai's ear and whispered: "It's much more delicious than Teacher Huang's.

You don’t even know, he…”

"Don't say it, don't say it."

Mai Mai interrupted the other party. Even if their voices were low, it would not be good for this kind of thing to spread.

"What are you two muttering about?" Liu Yifei pushed the braised abalone in front of the two of them: "If you like it, you two can eat more."

"Yes, there is not enough kitchen left."

Zhao Fei also echoed, this time he did a lot.

Enough to fill the bellies of four people.

Then he continued: "After eating later, if you want to sunbathe, then take a short break. If you still have the strength, I can also take you to play with the flying dragon on the sea.

Or little yellow duck, etc., some entertainment items. "

"I know that the sea dragon can fly on the sea by stepping on something, but what is the little yellow duck?"

"Little Flower Duck is just a way of saying it. It is an inflatable vehicle. When the time comes, you will sit on it and I will drag you away in a speedboat.

There are not only little yellow ducks on the yacht, but also inflatable sharks.

You can experience the multi-person sofa and so on. "

"I want to play with the sea dragon."

Zhang Zilan raised his hand again.She had seen other people playing this game many times before, flying around in mid-air, and she had been envious of it for a long time.

But if she played by herself, she would still be afraid of falling. Now that Zhao Fei is taking her with her, the risk has obviously been reduced a lot.

"I want to fly too." Not only Zhang Zilan, but Mai Mai was also very interested at the moment. Following Zhang Zilan's example, she raised her hands like a primary school student: "But I also want to sunbathe."

Liu Yifei, on the other hand, was not very interested. She wanted to sunbathe more and have a good rest. After thinking about it, she said: "Then let's take a sunbath at noon.

Wait until it gets a little cooler in the afternoon and then you can play. "


Zhao Fei nodded, and immediately ordered the captain to drive the yacht offshore after finishing his meal.

In this way, safety is guaranteed to a certain extent when playing such water sports.

After all, there are many carnivorous fish in the sea.

The Sea Flying Dragon event is actually very simple. As long as you can master the balance and strength, you can do it with ease. With Zhao Fei's physical fitness, it is not a big problem.

Moreover, the main power of the Sea Flying Dragon is to use the displacement and recoil of the motorboat.

Lifting people from the sea to fly.

The power of a four-person speedboat is much greater than that of a motorboat, so even if two people stand on it, it can be lifted.

After eating, the four of them moved out the deck chairs and opened them up on the deck.

Then the girls went back to the bedroom to change clothes.

Zhao Fei also adjusted the camera on the yacht.

The close-up shots are all closed. After all, you don’t need many clothes for sunbathing, so it would be bad if you were exposed.

Of course, it is not invisible in the live broadcast room.

Instead, he held the mobile phone live broadcast room in his hand, so that fans would only see Zhao Fei and not the three women, and they would also hear the sound.

As for what the fans in the live broadcast room will think next.

That has nothing to do with Zhao Fei.

Some pictures can only be seen by himself, others... I'm sorry.


"Maimai, do you think my clothes are a little too short?"


Zhao Maimai waved his hand nonchalantly, helped Zhang Zilan pull up his clothes, and said: "Zhao Fei just said that it will not be filmed directly in the live broadcast room.

At most, let Zhao Fei see it.

If you are really shy, I will drive him away immediately and let him take the live broadcast room to pick up garbage on Beishe Island, and we will bask in the sun on the yacht.

By then, all the yachts will be women. "

"Isn't this not good?" Zhang Zilan was a little surprised. She didn't expect it to be like this.

Isn't Zhao Fei the leader of the live broadcast room?

It should be the highest status.

Looking at it now, it seems that Zhao Fei has the lowest status in the live broadcast room.

"It's okay, I'll tell him later."

"Have you changed it yet?" Liu Yifei knocked on the door outside.

"Okay, okay, come right away."


Zhao Fei is looking forward to the appearance of the three girls.

Fans in the live broadcast room were more excited than Zhao Fei, especially knowing that the three girls would be sunbathing soon.

My little heart started to get anxious instantly.

"Can you do it? It takes so long to change clothes. Hurry up."

"I've prepared toilet paper... Life goes on, the fight goes on, and the glory of Demacia will shine on the entire world."

"Expectation, expectation...wait a minute, is this bitch adjusting the camera? What does he want to do?"

Noticed Zhao Fei's movements.

Some old fans instantly realized something was wrong.

After all, Zhao Fei had such a criminal record before. This was the case last time he and Mai Mai went to a hot spring.

They waited all day and saw nothing.

Are we going to repeat the same mistakes this time?

"No, anchor."

"Master, you are master...give me a chance and don't remove the camera. What's the point of looking at the sea?"

"No wonder everyone calls you a dog, you look like a real dog."

A sneeze!

Zhao Fei rubbed his nose and felt like someone was scolding him.

He glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Sure enough.

Immediately, a wicked smile appeared on Zhao Fei's lips, and he squinted his eyes and said: "What, what are you talking about? I don't want to watch the sunbathing, I just want to watch the sea...

Okay, okay, I'll satisfy you.

Originally I planned to let you feast your eyes on it.

I didn't expect your request to be so special. Forget it, I made the wrong payment after all. "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Fei shook his head lonely.

That pitiful look.

Everyone wanted to beat him to death.

"Oh my piece of shit, you really deserve to die."

"Who the hell said you don't want to watch it? You obviously really want to watch it. I think you did it on purpose."

Zhao Fei adjusted the live broadcast room to his mobile phone and filmed himself.

It’s as if I haven’t seen the resistance to the numerous barrages.

"Everyone, please stop scolding... We are a positive live broadcast room, so some things cannot be broadcast. I also know what you think. Don't worry, I will be satisfied.

Don't you just want to see the sea?

Okay, okay...then it's up to me. "

at the same time.

The three women who had changed their clothes also walked out one after another at this moment.

After Zhao Fei saw it, his eyes lit up instantly.

I saw that Liu Yifei was wearing a light purple bikini, with slender straps going around the back and tied around the neck, and a big blue bow right in front of the waist.

It just blocks the most critical place.

Jet black wavy hair draped naturally on both shoulders.

A pair of slender and straight beautiful legs, full of fairy spirit in every step.

And Mai Mai and Zhang Zilan.

The two are slightly slimmer in stature, but their pleated short skirts and playful little swimsuits on their chests also make them look full of energy, and their youthful atmosphere is almost overflowing the screen.

Zhang Zilan was obviously a little shy. She hugged herself, her fair and flawless skin was tinged with a hint of pink, and she lowered her head, not daring to look at Zhao Fei.

Mai Mai was much more generous. After all, they knew each other well. When he came over, he gave Zhao Fei a provocative look.

Except for Zhang Zilan, this was not the first time for Zhao Fei to meet the other two girls.

But this time three people can stand together.

This impact is not comparable to ordinary ones.

So Zhao Fei's heartbeat couldn't help but be a little fast at this moment, and he really wanted to ask: "Have you put on sunscreen? Do you want help?"

Of course, if Zhang Zilan is not here.

This has been said.

But now that there are outsiders, Zhao Fei shouldn't go too far, he looked away and said: "The live broadcast room is in my hands, don't worry... I can't take pictures of you.

So you can do whatever you want.

Of course, if I need to avoid it, that's no problem. "

(End of this chapter)

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