Chapter 157 Two bond cards?
The reason why Zhao Fei wanted to avoid it.

Mainly because Zhang Zilan is thin-skinned, so I'm sorry.

After all, she is just a little girl.

But he was just being polite, but he didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, Mai Mai took the opportunity to speak.

"Okay, even if you don't say it, I will mention it to you."

Since Zhang Zilan had spoken just now, she didn't want to embarrass her best friend.

What's more, Liu Yifei was also there.

Even if they sleep in the same bed every day, they still have to cover up when they are in the live broadcast room.

So Mai Mai is very satisfied with Zhao Fei's performance at the moment.

The eyes looking at Zhao Fei were also filled with relief.

"Yeah, four deck chairs are enough."

Seeing this, Zhao Fei shook his head helplessly, he had already spoken, and it was too late to say anything now.

Then he turned around and returned to the cabin of the yacht.

It just so happened that he had been accumulating fan points for more than two months. He was idle and it was time for a lottery draw.

Looking at Zhao Fei's back, Zhang Zilan was a little embarrassed and opened his mouth to say something, but was afraid that Mai Mai would misunderstand.

What's more, she doesn't know the relationship between Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei.

I always thought that Liu Yifei didn't want to get close to men.

So I didn't say anything to save him in the end.

For a moment, I felt a lot of guilt towards Zhao Fei. After all, this was not a big deal. Just look at it and there would be no missing piece of flesh. She was not without clothes.

At the same time, fans in the live broadcast room felt much better when they saw that even Zhao Fei had actively avoided it.

This is the principle of not worrying about scarcity but about inequality.

Everyone stopped mentioning Demacia and began to show off their own character.

"There's something to this bitch, yes... we just like to watch the sea, and in this life we ​​are incompatible with pornography, gambling and drugs."

"Women only affect the speed at which I draw my sword. Brothers, sing with me: If the sea could take away my sorrow, just like every river...

I don’t know why, but I feel like crying all of a sudden! "

"Hahaha, okay... we share the blessings and share the hardships. It's up to everyone to watch it together, otherwise no one will watch it."

Ignore the fans in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Fei returned to the cabin, sat on the sofa and took a look at the life countdown.

[Remaining fan value: 15230654 (+1, +1, +1)]

[Countdown to life: 19 years and 348 days. 】

In the past two months, he has been filming, and his fan base has not increased much.

On the contrary, it is the live broadcast in the past few days, the broadcast of the first season of the travel variety show, and the arrival of Liu Yifei and Zhang Zilan that have led to the current 500 million.

Zhao Fei also realized this slow growth trend.

His fan value has almost reached its peak in the live broadcast field. Those who like his live broadcast basically contribute their fan value, and those who don't like it will not watch it.

From his first trip to now, Zhao Fei estimates that he has gained almost 8000 to [-] million fan points.

This does not include the Zhao Maimai bond card.

In other words, Zhao Fei now has 8000 to [-] million fans in Dragon Kingdom.

This amount is not low at all.

In the future, I hope that a large number of fans will increase, that is, new guests will come to participate in the live broadcast, which will indirectly increase Zhao Fei's growth.

Or maybe waiting for his three TV series to be aired.

By then, there will be an increase in fan value of at least tens of millions.

After all, some people don't pay attention to the live broadcast at all and don't have time to watch it. Even if they know that there is a person like Zhao Fei, if they don't like it, they just don't like it.

It's useless no matter how well Zhao Fei does.

Therefore, Zhao Fei needs to get involved in more industry fields.

Three TV series have been filmed before, so there is no need to rush.

Now the second travel live broadcast has just started, and new guests will come one after another, so there is no need to worry.

The next thing Zhao Fei needs to consider is the film industry, or maybe going bigger and directly becoming a director and shooting movies.

When he thought of this, Zhao Fei looked at the exchange mall.

A director's skill book worth 5000 million fans.

There is also a screenwriting skills book worth 3000 million.

If he could get this directly in a lottery, he wouldn't have to worry about it later.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei rubbed his hands.

First I bought a piece of lucky bread and ate it, and then I spent all the 500 million fan points on fifteen high-end lottery cards.

Click on the draw.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you got a bottle of lucky juice. 】

The lucky bread is only worth 15, which is still too small to be used on a high-end lottery card with a fan value of one million.

This is equivalent to a small horse pulling a large cart, which is a bit unable to move.

There were two lucky draws out of three. Thank you for your patronage.

However, the new lucky juice also aroused Zhao Fei's curiosity.

I opened the exchange mall and took a look.

[Lucky Juice: Exchange for 500 million fan points (significantly improves the host’s luck within one day)]

Upon seeing this introduction, Zhao Fei's eyes lit up.

There are now twelve premium draw cards left.

Don't wait any longer now.

So Zhao Fei did not hesitate and took out the lucky juice and drank it.

In an instant, he felt his eyes clear, as if there was an inexplicable increase in power on him, making it seem like he had divine help no matter what he did.

Draw, keep drawing.

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained ten spiritual fruits. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained an advanced photography skills book. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have gained ten years of life (automatically added to the life countdown)]

Haha, it’s so fun, this lottery is so fun.

Zhao Fei couldn't help but laugh. Listening to the live broadcast, he thought Zhao Fei was suffering from some disease.

But now Zhao Fei can't control that much.

You must know that in the previous high-level lottery, ten years of life was considered relatively good, and only one spiritual fruit was given.

Now, ten of them came directly.

A skill book was also published, without a single thank you for your patronage.

So on the contrary, ten years of life is considered the worst.

Not caring about checking the advanced photography skills, Zhao Fei excitedly clicked on the center of the turntable and continued the lottery.

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a bond card. 】

Xianhu takes off~
Zhao Fei has been looking forward to another bond card for a long time.

After all, this is something worth 3000 million. If it is used on Liu Yifei, then Zhao Fei's gain... should be worth [-] million fans, right?

[Congratulations to the host, you have gained ten years of life (automatically added to the life countdown)]

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the advanced piano skill book. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

Here comes a new skill book.

Broad to wide.

Continue to draw.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the advanced screenwriting skill book. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a bond card. 】

It's numb, it's numb.

This reward is too good.

Zhao Fei continued to click excitedly, but unexpectedly, all the lottery cards had been consumed.

I can't help but feel a little lost.

However, looking at today's harvest, this disappointment was quickly forgotten by Zhao Fei.

Two bond cards.

Three skill books, namely screenwriting, piano, and photography.

Ten spiritual fruits.

20 years added to life.Now it has become [Countdown to life: 39 years and 348 days. 】

The most important thing is that the lucky time of lucky juice is not 5 minutes, but one day.

In addition, Zhao Fei now has a bond card, so he can use the bond card and continue to draw.

So Zhao Fei did not hesitate, got up and walked towards the deck.


Here, the three girls are sunbathing.

Listening to Zhao Fei's laughter from time to time in the cabin, the three women were a little confused.

Liu Yifei frowned slightly and asked aloud: "Why is Zhao Fei laughing? He is so happy?"

"I do not know."

Mai Mai, who was lying on the recliner, turned his head around and changed his position. He thought of a movie clip and said with a smile: "I guess you are thinking of something happy, right?"

"Happy thing?"

Liu Yifei was a little confused, touched his belly, and thought to himself.

Could it be that he had it in one day?


Not only the two of them, Zhang Zilan was also a little confused.

I can't figure out what Zhao Fei is laughing at.

However, Zhao Fei happened to come over at this moment, and the live broadcast room was placed in the cabin, so he could neither hear nor see what was going on on the deck.

Coupled with the fact that he was happy, Zhao Fei didn't take it into consideration.

Walked up to Liu Yifei, leaned down and took a sip.

Taking advantage of the situation, he slapped the bond card on her body.

"When you've had enough sun exposure, I said, I'll take you to play in a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Fei felt numbness in his left arm, which was so severe that it even caused him some pain.

This is a reaction to the sudden increase in fan base.

So he didn't stay long, turned around and walked back to the cabin.

But this scene made Zhang Zilan completely confused.

what's the situation?
Just now, was I dazzled just now?
Zhao Fei, actually, actually... Oh my god, Liu Yifei didn't resist?

Is it...

As if thinking of something, Zhang Zilan's beautiful eyes widened and she looked at Mai Mai in surprise.

At this moment, Zhao Maimai couldn't understand why Zhao Fei did this.

But she could also see that Zhao Fei was very happy.

She was so happy that she was about to jump, which made her wonder, was Liu Yifei pregnant?

So she didn't notice Zhang Zilan's gaze at all.

He asked softly, "Sister Yifei, are you going to die?"

"I do not know."

Liu Yifei was also a little confused at this time.

But I can also feel that the connection between her and Zhao Fei seems to be closer.

It was as if there was a thread connecting their lives together.

Never give up.

Even the slightest thought this morning has become more and more indifferent.

But at this moment, she couldn't think too much, shook her head, and said in surprise: "Even if we have time, we still can't get along. We only had two times last night, and we weren't together in the past two months.

Therefore, even if Zhao Fei knows Chinese medicine, it is impossible to detect it.

And he didn’t take my pulse just now.

So...this, this, this? "


Zhang Zilan screamed.

She couldn't believe what she heard.

Last night, Zhao Fei was actually with Liu Yifei.

And looking at it like this, Liu Yifei still wants to give birth to children.

The most important thing is that Mai Mai actually knows that this and this...

Zhang Zilan's three views were completely overturned at this moment.

Zhang Zilan's scream also attracted the attention of the two women, especially Zhang Zilan's eyes that widened in disbelief.

It also made Liu Yifei's second daughter a little embarrassed.

Mai Mai stepped forward and held Zhang Zilan's hand, explaining: "Well, Zilan... don't think too much, things are not what you think."

"Yes, yes, why is this guy Zhao Fei kissing me?"

Liu Yifei also pretended to be indignant and wiped his mouth fiercely: "The 'yes' I just said was something else, not what you think."

Liu Yifei and Mai Mai were also confused by Zhao Fei's sudden attack just now.

That's why Zhang Zilan was ignored.

However, even if Zhang Zilan saw it, the two of them had no intention of admitting it.

This kind of thing can naturally be kept hidden for as long as possible.

At this moment, Zhang Zilan also had a very complicated look on her face. At this moment, she wanted to say: Do you two treat me as a fool?

My ears are not deaf and my eyes are not blind.

Seen and heard.

As for Zhao Fei's possessing action just now, one can easily tell that he has done it many times.

And Sister won't forget so soon. You responded just now, right?
I've seen the threads.

Now you are telling me that nothing happened?
Of course, Zhang Zilan soon realized why Mai and Mai said this, so he suppressed the shock in his heart and lowered his head.

"I, I didn't see anything."

Seeing this, Mai Mai and Liu Yifei looked at each other, how could they not know what this girl was thinking.

But now that the matter has come to this, they can't kill Zhang Zilan and silence him.

So we can only do this first.

For a moment, Liu Yifei was a little annoyed, after all, it was Zhao Fei who did this.

Thinking about it, he planned to deal with Zhao Fei.

He stood up and walked towards the cabin.

However, not for a while.

Mai Mai and Zi Lan heard some imaginative sounds coming from the cabin.

Mai Mai spat lightly and lamented that these two people were shameless.

Don't pay attention to the impact in broad daylight.

Zhang Zilan was also blushing. Although she was young and had never experienced such a thing, she could still tell what Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei were doing.

So I am both shy and curious.

Especially the relationship between Mai and Mai.

She admitted that Zhao Fei was very good, and if Mai Mai wasn't around, she would have had the idea of ​​being with Zhao Fei.

However, Maimai is her best friend, so it would be immoral for her to get involved.

So all along, her feeling towards Zhao Fei was that of a reliable big brother, with admiration and dependence, but no love.

But what she didn't expect was that in addition to having Mai Mai, Zhao Fei was also with Liu Yifei.

What's even more unexpected is that the three of them seem to be getting along very happily.


Zhang Zilan felt that his current little brain was no longer enough.

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out at all.

On the other side, Liu Yifei really wanted to cause trouble for Zhao Fei.

But you were wearing a bikini, and Zhao Fei was happy because he had smoked a lot of good things, so the two of them walked into the bedroom without saying a word.

Plus the influence of bond cards.

Liu Yifei didn't want to refuse at all, so he kept going back and forth.

The intensity of the ups and downs of a yacht drifting on the sea seems to be greater.

As for the two sailors in the captain's room, they were watching their noses and their minds at the moment, pretending that they saw nothing and that nothing happened.

The live broadcast room, which was shut down by Zhao Fei midway, also looked confused at this moment.

"What's going on? Why was it suddenly shut down?"

"I don't know. I thought I heard Liu Yifei angrily scolding the anchor just now. They must have had a quarrel, right?"

"This bitch, it's not good to offend anyone, but you chose to offend Liu Yifei. It's over, it's over. I feel like Liu Yifei's trip is coming to an end."

(End of this chapter)

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