Chapter 158 Abba Ababa ah wow wow
"You, necrotic."

After a lot of tossing, Liu Yifei was sweating profusely.

The jade hand patted Zhao Fei's back, feeling a little embarrassed and a little satisfied flowing through his delicate body.

Let her love and hate Zhao Fei.

It was obvious that he was looking for trouble, but he ended up getting into trouble.

If I don't wash it off, I won't be able to go out to meet people.


Holding the delicate body in his arms, Zhao Fei smiled.

At this moment, he felt comfortable and not empty at all, especially when he saw the number of fans on his arm.

My heart was ready to move again.

Liu Yifei really gave him too much. The fan points accumulated over more than ten years, under the influence of the bond card, caused his newly consumed fan points to increase dramatically in an instant!

"Don't...get up quickly."

Liu Yifei pushed Zhao Fei away, got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, muttering: "It's sticky and uncomfortable."

Seeing this, Zhao Fei turned over and lay on his side.

Take a long breath.

[Remaining fan value: 96345200 (+1, +1, +1.)]

Who else?
Zhao Fei just wanted to ask, who else?

With a fan base of nearly [-] million, tsk tsk... Liu Yifei is so impressive.

Zhao Fei originally planned to do another round of draws while the Lucky Fountain was still available.

That's why he ran out just now and took the opportunity to use the bond card on Liu Yifei.

Now of course there is no need to hesitate anymore.

However, before the lottery, Zhao Fei planned to use the previous spiritual fruits and skill books.

With ten spiritual fruits, you don’t have to worry about headaches.

After swallowing the spiritual fruits one by one, Zhao Fei's mind became clearer and clearer. He felt that he could see things more clearly than before, and his memory improved again.

Now Zhao Fei feels that even if he doesn't have a photographic memory, it's not much different.

Quite energetic.

Then there are three skill books, screenwriting, piano, and photography.

These three skill books are all worth 1000 million fan points, and they belong to the mid- to low-end quality of the skill books.

after use.

All kinds of inspirations about the screenwriter's imagination, writing style, and ideas flooded into Zhao Fei's mind like a tide, giving him an immediate desire to create.

You can write as soon as you pick up the pen, and it will be a classic once you write it.

This feeling is amazing.

But before Zhao Fei could experience it more, various piano techniques and repertoires flooded into his mind again like an enlightenment.

The slender fingers became more flexible and powerful.

If a piano were placed in front of Zhao Fei now, he could casually play a piece of music that would shock the world.

At the same time, the profession of photographer.

There are also many professional skills, such as how to zoom, how to light, what angle to shoot from... these issues are never taken seriously by ordinary people.

But in front of professionals, this is the most important thing.

With the help of the skill book, Zhao Fei also mastered it quickly at this moment.

Looking back now, Lao Chen's craftsmanship was too rough, and the shooting of several obviously very good people was downgraded by several levels.

If this were Zhao Fei.

The effect of the shooting is no worse than some award-winning works.

Even if these photos cannot be seen in the light of day.

After using up three skill books, Zhao Fei closed his eyes and felt it for a long time.

Then he slowly exhaled.

Hearing the sound of the shower in the bathroom stop, Zhao Fei did not continue the lottery.

However, after Liu Yifei came out, he rolled his eyes at Zhao Fei, changed into new clothes, turned around and walked out of the cabin.

Obviously he didn't want to talk to Zhao Fei more.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed.

I hope there will be something useful for the two girls in the next draw.

Compensate a little.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei does not plan to use up all 9000 million fan points this time, and plans to keep 5000 million for emergencies.

After all, even if there is a lucky spring, there is no guarantee that Zhao Fei will be able to draw the director skill book.

And I don’t feel panic when I have money in my pocket.

Most people in the Dragon Kingdom will save something to deal with future accidents.

Zhao Fei is no exception.

So Zhao Fei purchased 46 million-level high-end lottery cards.

There are 5000 million fan values ​​left, so I won’t do anything for now.

The next second, the advanced lottery wheel spins again.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have gained ten years of health. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you got a bottle of lucky juice. 】

These are all things that have been obtained.

After taking a look, Zhao Fei threw the lucky juice into the warehouse, and his health points were automatically added to the countdown, so don't worry about it.

[Congratulations to the host, for obtaining the advanced mathematics skill book. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the ancient language proficiency skill book. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

Good guy.

Is this asking him to become a professor?

The key is that if the outside world knew that he was doing academic research, they would definitely question it.

Are you a serious professor? Do you have ulterior motives?
Forget it, let's not think about it for now. Anyway, as long as a skill book is released, it will not be a loss for him.

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Japanese proficiency skill book. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the English proficiency skill book. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

This is not bad.

If you have the opportunity to have friendly exchanges with foreigners, you won't be unable to understand what they are saying.

carry on.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a deep dream experience card. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the diving skill book. 】

The Dream Experience Card was used by Zhao Fei last time.

The effect can only be said to be average.

But this diving skill book is of great help to him now.

He can swim, and it's no problem to snorkel due to his physical fitness, but he is definitely a little worse than a professional.

Now there is a diving skill book.

It can be said that for Zhao Fei now, there is not much difference between being in the water and on land.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a large bottle of healthy spring water. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a large bottle of healthy spring water. 】

See this reward.

Zhao Fei's drawing action paused slightly.

Go to the exchange mall and check it out.

[Large bottle of healthy spring water: exchange for 500 million fan points (recovers fatal injuries, can be given to others, has the effect of greatly enhancing physical fitness)]

Oh My God.

This effect is a bit abnormal.

Even fatal injuries can be recovered, and the most important thing is that it can be used by others.

Obviously, this is an upgraded version of health spring water.

But compared to the previous healthy spring water, the effect is not only ten times, but probably a hundred times more.

After all, the previous health spring water was only worth [-] fan points.

This big bottle is worth 500 million.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have gained ten years of health. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a large bottle of healthy spring water. 】

Another bottle.

I took a look at the remaining high-end lottery cards, and there were not many left.

Zhao Fei continued to click.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, for obtaining the cruise driving technical skill book. 】

[Congratulations to the host, for obtaining the aircraft piloting technical skill book. 】

Zhao Fei rubbed his eyes.

Make sure you read it correctly, this is cruise driving technology, not a yacht.

Although all kinds of boat driving skills are covered, the difference between cruise ships and yachts is that they are different.

After all, the displacement of a cruise ship can easily reach tens of thousands of tons.His current yacht is just a small one in comparison.

Not too bad though.

As long as it’s a skill book, it’s not a loss.

[Congratulations to the host, you got a bottle of lucky juice. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a large bottle of healthy spring water. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

Use up all the advanced draw cards.

Zhao Fei then began to check his warehouse.

[Countdown to death: 49 years and 348 days]

This time, which means that if there are no changes later, he can live to be more than 70 years old.

Not short.

But now Zhao Fei is very curious, if the number continues to increase, will he be able to live forever?

Forget it, let's not think about this for now.

Zhao Fei looked at the skill book.

There are seven skill books in total, including advanced mathematics, ancient languages, English, Japanese, aircraft driving, cruise driving, and diving skill books.

Four large bottles of healthy spring water.

Two bottles of lucky juice.

Life time is 20 years.

A deep dream card.

One bond card.

Five fruits develop.

A hands-on experience book on directing and acting skills.

Four halos of bad luck.

Most of the newly drawn skill books are worth 1000 million fan points.

Among them, only the Deep Dream Card is the most expensive, worth 3000 million.

In total, these two things alone are already worth [-] million fans, including other things.

Zhao Fei is making a lot of money.

So at this moment, Zhao Fei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, feeling a lot more relaxed all over, especially the remaining 5000 million fan points.

Still has 50 years of life left.

However, his last trace of pressure disappeared.

Unknowingly, he hummed a song: "If the sea could..."

But right now.

Suddenly, Mai Mai's somewhat frightened shouts came from outside.

"Zhao Fei, come out quickly and see what that is?"

Hearing this, Zhao Fei was slightly startled. He didn't care about using these skill books anymore and quickly got up and ran towards the deck.

I saw that the three women had stood up at this moment and were pointing at the sea in a daze.

Zhao Fei, who came closer, followed the gazes of the women and was slightly startled.

Because it was on the sea far away from Zhao Fei and others.

There were at least a dozen of them densely packed, with fins standing upright like sickles, moving quickly across the sea.

Waves were rolling around.

A group of sharks were driving a wave in the direction of their yacht.

"Is this a shark?"

Zhao Fei had doubts.

Under normal circumstances, sharks would not cause harm to them on the yacht.

But the number of sharks is a bit too much.

The black shadows under the sea are even more frightening to see.

So for the sake of safety, Zhao Fei did not hesitate at this moment and shouted to the captain: "Turn around, turn around quickly...leave here."

Just now, in order to avoid suspicion, the captain had been listening to music on headphones in the cockpit.

Now he vaguely heard Zhao Fei's shout and took off his headphones in confusion.

He raised his head and looked outside, his eyes suddenly widened.

Don't ask what Zhao Fei shouted.

At this time, just run away.

However, the yacht needs to make a circle to turn around, and the speed of the yacht needs to be increased little by little, and it will not reach the peak all at once.

So the sharks in the distance are getting closer and closer to them.

So Zhao Fei said: "You guys go to the cabin first, it's too dangerous to stay outside."

"Yes, yes, let's stop looking. Although the shark can't come up, it will be dangerous for us if we fall."

"Yes, hurry back to the cabin."

The girls have just returned to the cabin.

Zhao Fei on the deck heard a bang.

The yacht trembled slightly.

At this moment, the entire yacht had come sideways. Zhao Fei didn't know what hit the yacht just now, but judging from the sound, the other party's weight was definitely not low.

So I turned around and looked towards the sea.

An extremely shocking scene happened right before his eyes.

One after another, the spotted seals screamed and jumped out of the sea after approaching the yacht, trying to jump onto the yacht.

But most of the seals were still in mid-air and were swallowed by the sharks that followed.

Some were not far enough and fell into the sea again and were eaten by sharks.

The originally blue water was dyed red with blood in an instant.

The cruelty of nature is vividly displayed at this moment.

Even Zhao Fei was stunned for a while.

He is good at martial arts, but facing this group of sharks, he is somewhat powerless.

Of course, there were also some seals that jumped high on the sea, happened to be at the relatively low stern of the yacht, and successfully jumped onto the yacht.

Then these seals didn't dare to stop for a moment.

One by one, they crawled crazily towards the center of the yacht, and some even followed the passage of the cabin and got into the bedroom, where they looked at each other with the frightened women.

At this moment, the yacht has made a circle and is preparing to speed away.

However, there were still countless spotted seals on the surrounding sea, struggling to jump out of the sea, making a clanging sound when the yacht hit them.

The yacht is still relatively high. Except for the stern, there is no way for seals to jump on it.

Most of them hit the hull of the yacht.

Some sharks were even more powerful, causing the entire yacht to shake.

Fortunately, the speed of the yacht has been increased now, and it is gliding quickly towards the offshore, with the sound of the engine roaring.

However, Zhao Fei and the others did not get rid of the shark group.

Because this group of sharks is hunting the seals, and the current yacht is the seals' only chance of survival.

So it became that the yacht was running in front, and the seals were trying to jump onto the yacht one by one.

Further back is a shark with its mouth wide open.

The scene was quite spectacular.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei thought for a while and asked the captain to slow down a little and save as many seals as possible.

After all, they are no longer in danger now.

Moreover, Zhao Fei wanted to ask the captain to drive the yacht offshore, but the three girls started sunbathing at noon, so the speed was very slow.

As a result, they are still a long way away from Wenchang.

As a result, there are more and more seals on the yacht.

They took over the living room and squeezed the three girls into the bedroom, and their screams were hilarious.

Gradually, the bow of the boat was also occupied by countless fat seals, and Zhao Fei didn't even have a place to put his feet.

And as time went by, except for the seals that fled in all directions.

Most of the spotted seals were already on the yacht.

So the shark that had been following them disappeared.

However, just now Zhao Fei saw that these seals were pitiful, so he slowed down, but now another problem arises, that is, how to drive these seals away?
You know, although seals have a relatively gentle personality.

But if you attack it, it will bite you without delay.

After all, seals are also carnivores. With their plump appearance, ordinary adults may not be able to defeat them.

And at this moment, not only Zhao Fei had a question mark on his forehead.

The women in the bedroom also looked at each other. Listening to the sounds of these seals, they wanted to laugh but didn't dare. After all, those long fangs were quite intimidating.

So Zhao Maimai picked up Zhao Fei's cell phone.

Aim at the seal and start the live broadcast.

"Excuse me, what should I do in this situation? Wait online, it's very urgent!"

At the same time, the live broadcast room went black for nearly two hours.

Now it lights up again.

A large number of fans poured in.

Just when they were planning to make trouble for Zhao Fei.

A chirping sound came into my ears, and when I took another look at the situation in the live broadcast room, everyone was stunned!
"Abba aba baba aaaah!"

"Aba aba babaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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