China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 159 You can pick up 1 million even if you go out to play. Does Lady Luck owe you money?

Chapter 159 You can pick up [-] million even if you go out to play. Does Lady Luck owe you money?

"Holy shit, what's going on? Why are there so many spotted seals?"

"Why do I want to laugh so much when I hear this scream!"

"It's okay if the yacht is occupied by seals."

The many fans who flooded into the live broadcast room again did not care about causing trouble for Zhao Fei at this moment.

Watching a group of seals and listening to the sound of Aba Aba.

Everyone was stunned.

There are countless people who take screenshots and record screens.

This is big news. All the yachts out on the sea are occupied by spotted seals. This kind of spectacle is too rare.

Naturally, some vloggers jumped at the opportunity.

At the same time, Zhao Fei had no choice but to take action even if he wanted to. In fact, he didn't even have a place to start.

These guys look cute, but when there are too many of them, they can cause a headache.

And he had lucky juice one day, so he wouldn't encounter a shark. What's the problem now?

However, these seals also seem to be very spiritual.

Just as Zhao Fei was about to take action, a fat seal seemed to have noticed that the shark group had left. Ababa barked twice and jumped off the deck.

Returned to the sea.

Seeing this, the other seals also twisted their bodies and jumped into the sea one by one.

Splashes of water.

In less than 10 minutes, the entire yacht became much quieter.

Seeing this, the three women also walked out of the cabin one after another.

Zhao Fei saw that they had changed into clothes with relatively more fabric, so he turned on the cameras elsewhere on the yacht.

Return the entire yacht to normal.

"Huhu, you scared me to death just now." Zhao Maimai patted her chest in fear.

These seals are quite cute watching on TV.

But in reality, surrounded by a group of roaring seals, she couldn't laugh at all.

Not only Zhao Maimai, but also Liu Yifei and her two daughters were looking at the group of seals still splashing and playing on the sea,
I also have lingering fears.

After all, these seals are wild and not artificially raised in the aquarium. No one knows what they will do next second.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay now."

Zhao Fei also knew that the three women were frightened, so he comforted him: "Seals have a gentle personality, and as long as we don't attack them, they won't attack us under normal circumstances.

That is to say, when we encountered a group of sharks today, this group of seals ran towards our yacht in a panic.

Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to see him even if we wanted to.

So I don’t know whether we are lucky or unlucky today.

However, the sea dragon cannot be played for the time being, otherwise we will be in trouble if the sharks nearby appear again. "

Hearing this, the three women also nodded.

Now even if Zhao Fei wants to take them to play with flying dragons on the sea, he won't go.

They all saw the bloody scene where a group of sharks took a mouthful of a seal just now.

If it's too late to hide, how can you go to the sea to seek death?


"I don't care whether the sea is a seal or not. I just want to know, why did this bitch shut down the broadcast just now?"

"That's right, don't be afraid, Sister Tianxian. If you are wronged, just blink and we will help you stand up."

"Zhao Fei... you're a bitch, you're just talking."

Notice the situation in the live broadcast room.

Zhang Zilan lowered his head with a complicated expression, thinking secretly.

Sister Yifei is not only being bullied, you will be able to meet little Liu Yifei and little Zhao Fei soon.

Two little Feifei.

Fly, fly, my pride is indulged.

Flying and flying will not destroy my pure garden.

Let it fly, let it mess up.

It is me who is indestructible, the prospect of the end...

Mai Mai also coughed lightly at this moment, rolled his eyes at Zhao Fei, and said nothing more.

Liu Yifei did the same thing. He glared at Zhao Fei fiercely, snorted coldly, and turned away.

Fans watching in the live broadcast room nodded repeatedly.

Sure enough, what they guessed was right. Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei definitely had a quarrel just now, but I don't know if they took action?


Zhao Fei looked at his watch and found that it was already past four in the afternoon.

It was just on his whim, so he didn't care so much.

And as a man, you should also take the responsibility on yourself at this moment.

He explained sincerely: "There was a little conflict just now, so I had to turn off the live broadcast. I hope everyone can forgive me. At the same time...

I also want to apologize to Liu Yifei for this.

Sorry, just now..."

"Wait a minute, look, those seals seem to be back again?"

At this moment, Mai Mai suddenly discovered the seals playing on the sea and swimming towards the yacht.

It's just that every seal seems to be holding something similar to a stone in its mouth.

Zhao Fei's voice paused.

I took a step forward and looked at the seals, wondering if the sharks were back again?

The fans in the live broadcast room no longer cared about hearing Zhao Fei's apology at this moment. They followed the camera one by one and watched the seals approach the yacht and jump out of the sea one by one.

Draw a beautiful arc.

Jump onto the yacht from the stern.

However, this time the seals did not stop. They dropped the stones in their mouths and turned back to the sea one by one.

"What's the situation?"

"Is it because I saved them just now, so I'm coming back to repay my kindness?"

"No way, who would repay a favor with a stone?"

Fans in the live broadcast room didn't understand.

Zhao Fei was also a little confused and couldn't figure out what this group of seals meant.

But he soon noticed that these gray-brown stones were very irregular, some were covered with particles on the surface, and some were fibrous like ant nests.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei found some rocks covered with a small amount of sand and seaweed.

Under the sunlight, a golden light glows faintly.

This shocked Zhao Fei, and he suddenly had a guess in his mind. He stepped forward and picked up a stone the size of a baby's fist, wiped off the sand and seaweed on it and took a look.

Instantly exclaimed.

"Fuck...this, this, this, gold nugget?"


Hearing Zhao Fei's exclamation, the three women also stepped forward to check.

They had never seen nugget gold in reality, but Jin Zi knew it. At this moment, they all looked at the nugget gold in Zhao Fei's hand, which was the size of a baby's fist.

Everyone's eyes were widened.

Nowadays, one gram of pure gold costs more than 400, and this baby's fist-sized bag weighs at least six or seven kilograms.

So...the seemingly inconspicuous stone in Zhao Fei's hand is worth at least 200 million.

Looking again at the densely packed gray rocks on the deck, the three women swallowed subconsciously.

Especially when there was a round stone that was about to roll down into the sea, Zhao Maimai hurriedly squatted down to stop it.

hold in his arms.

I wiped it and saw that it was also shining like gold.

And it was bigger than what Zhao Fei had. Zhao Maimai felt that if it were really gold, it would be worth at least seven to eight million.

Even though she didn't value money and wasn't short of money, she couldn't restrain the joy in her heart at this moment and said in shock: "This, isn't it all gold nugget?"

Hearing Mai Mai's voice, Liu Yifei also picked up a small stone.

He wiped it clean, weighed it, and said doubtfully: "It seems to be really gold."

Zhao Fei was also a little confused, so he took a bite, and a clear tooth mark appeared on it, making Zhao Fei nodded with certainty.

"Yes, it's gold, and it's naturally formed nugget gold."

As soon as these words were spoken, the eyes of the three women shone with disbelief.

Then, four people including Zhao Fei.

Without saying anything, he quickly picked up the stone into the bucket. You must know that seals have no hands, and the yacht's plywood is very smooth.

Just a moment ago, they saw several stones falling into the sea.

It hurts to think about it.

At this moment, all the fans in the live broadcast room were completely shocked.

Some were eating instant noodles, but when they saw the nugget, they didn't care about chewing at the moment. They opened their mouths wide and let the noodles fall from their mouths.

Others were driving, and when they braked, the whole street was blocked.

Others are at work, letting their bosses get angry and curse behind them, but turn a deaf ear to them. They are as stunned as a piece of wood.

Then, the barrage in the live broadcast room.

It was like a volcano erupting, suddenly covering the screen.

"Ah ah ah, fuck, fuck...this damn bitch, gold nugget, gold nugget, go to work, and go to your mother's class, I'm going to go gold mining."

"This, this, this...the value of these gold nuggets should be over [-] million, right? So, does any brother lend me some money? I want to buy a ticket to Sunshine Island!"

"Damn, I have to say that this bitch's luck is a bit unlucky. Such good things can happen to him. Is it because we call him a bitch?

So this bitch is destined to have a golden nugget?
Do evil.

I'm a bitch too, for God's sake...please smash me to death with gold nuggets! "

Fans in the live broadcast room went completely crazy.

Even those who don’t understand gold prices still know that gold is valuable.

And there are some gold nuggets with special and beautiful shapes.

The value will double or even tenfold based on the original gold price, making it very valuable for collection.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei and the others picked it up on the sea.

Moreover, it has only been more than ten minutes since the seals returned to the sea water. This means that where Zhao Fei is now, there is a large amount of nugget gold under the sea surface.

You must know that nugget gold is not a mineral deposit, nor a cultural relic, nor a property with an owner.

So whoever picks it up gets it.

This is just like picking up rubbish. You cannot say that the rubbish you pick up also belongs to the Dragon Kingdom.

It's just that the value of nugget gold is quite high.

A piece the size of a baby's fist is worth millions, which is not much better than working part-time.

As long as you can pick up a piece, you will be at the top of your life in an instant.

What's more, now that seals pick up so many casually, even if the seals are careful, there must still be a lot left under the sea bed. How can this not make fans excited?

Even if you can't pick up anything the size of your fist, if you pick up two golden beans or something, you can still make a lot of money.

So all of a sudden, the flight to Sunshine Island was full in the blink of an eye.

Then there are trains, buses...etc., all of which have been booked by countless fans who have time.

There are also local people from Sunshine Island, those with cars will drive here.

Those who didn’t have a car set off on their bicycles.

If you don’t rush now, wait until later.

Even if I die from exhaustion and jump from the sea to drown, I will still find a piece of nugget gold.

At the same time, the travel program team includes staff including Yan Min.

It's a little restless at the moment.

The sound of swallowing saliva frequently echoed in the camera cart.

An assistant director who should be resting, but not tired at the moment, said with dark circles under his eyes: "Director, I remember we seem to have two fishing boats, right?

How about we also go out to sea for a while? "

Did you want to go out to sea?
I think you are just greedy for gold, you are despicable.

"Director, it's not just fishing boats. We also have several spare inflatable boats. The yacht is not far from us now, so we should be able to row across.

The nugget gold and so on are secondary. I mainly want to protect the safety of Mr. Zhao and the others.

After moves people's hearts. "

How about protecting people's safety?
You have to show some respect, we can't defeat Zhao Fei even if we fight together.

Don't you just want to pick up two nuggets of gold?


"Director, as Mr. Zhao's security team, we must be with him at all times, so I applied for a speedboat and set off immediately."

What are you doing?
You are from a travel agency.

Will those who eat the royal rations also suffer an end?

"Director, as Brother Afei's assistant, I apply to set off on the speedboat..."

"Director, as Sister Yifei's assistant, I should be by her side at this time..."

"Director, as the assistant of Mai Mai and Zhang Zilan, I have the right to..."

You all look serious.

Do you really think I don’t know what you are thinking?

But your individual layout is still too small.Thinking of this, Yan Min stood up, picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Call Zhao Fei, call Zhao Fei, please answer when you receive it... I think the broadcast should be turned off immediately now.

In order to prevent the matter from expanding and causing bad effects.

Don’t get me wrong, we don’t want to monopolize it, we just want everyone not to take risks.

After all, there are sharks nearby, which is too dangerous.

I will send our security team there now, under my personal command, to notify the officials... to block the local sea.

Zhao Fei, Zhao Fei, did you hear me?

Zhao Fei..."

Good guy.

Assistant, deputy director and other staff around Yan Min.

Hear this righteous voice.

Everyone couldn't help but give a thumbs up in their hearts.

As expected of you.

It’s okay to just serve it in one pot.

Zhao Fei, on his side, carried a bucket of stones and put them back into the cabin.

Yan Min's voice was also heard.

His brows furrowed slightly.

Fortunately, the three women now have a live broadcast room and are still waiting for the seals on the deck to send stones up.

Therefore, neither the fans in the live broadcast room nor the three women heard the sound of the intercom.

Otherwise, Yan Min would be a bit too cheap.

Therefore, Zhao Fei understood Yan Min's meaning very well, but he understood that even he had no idea of ​​​​going to dive into the sea to find it at the moment.

After all, the shark group was nearby just now.

No one knows if it has gone far.

So if something happens here, it will be a matter of life and death.

No one can be held responsible.

Thinking about it, Zhao Fei picked up the walkie-talkie and resumed: "Calm down, people die for money and birds die for food, don't be blinded by money.

Tell the crew that I won’t treat you badly this time.

Everyone gets a bonus at the end of the month.

But I don’t want to attend someone’s memorial service at the end of the month. "

Zhao Fei's voice was heard on the intercom.

Yan Min's eyes became much clearer, and he cursed himself secretly.

Seeing things, Zhao Fei, a young man, can't see things clearly. He has lived like a dog for 50 to [-] years.

Of course, there is still a chance of recovery.

After all, he didn't say it clearly just now.

So at this moment, he nodded seriously: "You are right, I will leave the fans in the live broadcast room to you, I will take care of it here."

"Okay, let's do this first."

Yan Min heard what Zhao Fei said just now, and the staff of the program team also heard it.

Everyone can't help but feel a little guilty at this moment.

But I can't blame them, after all, this is human nature, and the temptation of gold nuggets is too great.

This is equivalent to a family in the village digging a cellar and digging out 100 million.

Everyone looks jealous.

Then everyone in the village stopped cultivating the land, cooking, and breastfeeding their children. All they had to do was carry shovels and dig.

If he can dig it, I can dig it too.

Just so confident.

As everyone knows, the final result is often a loss of both human and financial resources.

The reason why Zhao Fei did not go diving to search for it was because of this consideration.

Because if you pick something up and if you take the initiative to look for it, the final result may be the same if you are lucky, but the meaning behind it is completely different.

There is also a special characterization of this in law.

When Zhao Fei came out of the cabin, the group of seals seemed to be able to sense that humans like those stones very much.

One by one they were playing and rolling on the sea.

Make a sound of joy and joy.

"Abba aba baba aaaah!"

"Aba aba babaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

However, it seems that the gold nuggets on the bottom of the sea have been plundered by seals.

So now there are no seals sending stones to the ship.

Think back now.

Zhao Fei felt that he had encountered a group of sharks. It was really possible that the lucky juice had played a role.

Otherwise they wouldn't have saved the seal group.

There will also be no current gains.

Lucky juice worth 500 million fans, the effect is really abnormal.

It even made Zhao Fei have the urge to rush to the shore and buy two lottery tickets to give it a try.

Of course, Zhao Fei still needs to solve the situation in the live broadcast room at this moment.

After all, life is at stake.

After thinking about it, Zhao Fei picked out some thumb-sized golden beans and walked to the live broadcast room.

"Everyone, please stop getting excited and listen to what I have to say."

As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room gradually became quiet.

Zhao Maimai and the other girls also came forward.

They are very excited now, but after thinking about it for a moment, they know that this matter has been broadcast live. If it is not controlled well, the consequences will be too bad.

Not only Zhao Fei, but also they would follow suit.

After all, life is at stake.

So they were also very curious about what Zhao Fei was going to say now.

“Gold diggers have been around since ancient times, but most of them ended badly, so I still want to advise everyone to calm down.

I know that many people have already booked flights and are preparing to fly to Sunshine Island.

I don't want to stop you from this.

Because everyone has their own autonomy, this is your right.

However, I don’t advocate that everyone come here to dig for gold. There is no overnight wealth in the world, and there will be no pie.

Those who believe in the 'dream of getting rich' will eventually be haunted by nightmares.

If you like nugget gold, I have about ten of them.

I will conduct a round of drawings in a moment, and I will mail these to you to those who are drawn. "

Looking at the gold nugget the size of Zhao Fei's thumb.

Most people could not help but fall into deep thought at this moment.


If there really were shortcuts in the world, others would have taken them long ago, and there would be no shortcuts left for them.

A person must be self-aware.

Of course, there were many people in the live broadcast room who sneered at Zhao Fei's words.

Good guy, I have made a lot of money with you, so I advise you not to come.

They even gave us golden beans in a hypocritical manner.

Is it possible for you to send gold nuggets the size of your fist?

At this moment, with the appearance of Nugget Gold in the live broadcast room, the number of people in the live broadcast room has increased to tens of millions, so many new people have also appeared.

They have no feelings for Zhao Fei.

Say what's on your mind.

As a result, the current live broadcast room is very chaotic and impetuous.

Zhao Fei sneered at this: "Of course, if some people just want to come here to pan for gold, then that's fine...

An adult should be responsible for his own actions.

Live and die.

not my business.

After all, had it not been for being chased by a group of sharks, the group of seals would not have escaped to our boat.

The seal was bitten one by one by the shark.

I believe an adult might chew it twice. "

"Brothers, I won't lie to you."

Zhao Maimai also spoke at this moment and persuaded: "We really encountered a group of sharks just now. If you look carefully, you can still see blood on the deck.

Therefore, like Zhao Fei, I do not advocate that everyone come here to dig for gold.

Being down-to-earth and living well is better than anything else. "


Liu Yifei nodded, and then said: "If you really like gold, then everyone will try in the lottery, and you will naturally get what you deserve.

It’s useless for you to force things that you shouldn’t have. "

"It's very dangerous here, so I also advise everyone to think carefully before making a decision. Don't act impulsively and do something you will regret later."

Zhang Zilan also took the opportunity to speak.

After some persuasion.

Most people in the live broadcast room also gave up the idea of ​​coming here to pan for gold.

After all, money is nothing compared to life.

"I have already booked the flight. Looking back now, I was a bit impulsive...but thinking about it, I have been busy for a year and haven't had much rest.

Now that the air tickets have been booked, it’s good to go to Sunshine Island for a tour and have a rest. "

"I'm a company boss who can earn 800 million in a minute. It's just a piece of gold. I really don't take it seriously."

"I still want to try my luck. Since there are sharks in the sea, I will stroll along the coast in case I pick one up. This way, there will be no danger and there will be a certain chance.

What do brothers think of my idea? "

"It's okay upstairs. I'll go for a walk too, just like catching up on the sea."

Looking at the many barrages.

Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it was him who caused this incident, if someone really died here.

Even if it has nothing to do with him directly.

But I didn’t kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

So he will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Of course, there are also some people who sneer at Zhao Fei's words. They simply don't believe in evil and think that if you can do it, I can do it.

In preparation for the battle, he sharpened his skills and began to learn to swim, preparing to go to the bottom of the sea to have a look.

For this kind of person.

Zhao Fei just wanted to say that good words can't persuade a damn ghost.

There was nothing he could do about it.

"Okay, I've said what I need to say. Let's draw a lottery. There are seventeen golden beans in total. There are now more than 300 million people in the live broadcast room.

The winning rate is...

Forget it, too lazy to forget it.

Lottery for fan viewing time.

As long as you have stayed in the live broadcast room for twenty hours, you can participate in the lottery.

The barrage is: I want nugget gold.

Start now. "

Zhao Fei never advocates giving gifts to others, so naturally he doesn't draw gifts.

He didn't want the newcomers to take advantage of him.

So I gave this opportunity to the old fans in the live broadcast room.

Because Zhao Fei took a look backstage just now and found that 1000% of the more than [-] million people in the live broadcast room watched for more than [-] hours.

The most is nearly a thousand hours.

And there are many such people.

It can be said that the old fans are a bit musty, as long as they are the kind who came in as soon as Zhao Fei started airing.

So Zhao Fei raised the winning rate for these games with longer durations.

When comparing newcomers with old fans, Zhao Fei is naturally on the side of the old fans.

Even if the old fans cannot provide fan points to Zhao Fei.

"Okay, okay, anchor, hurry up and start."

"Twenty I qualify for the lottery?"

"This thumb-sized golden bean costs at least tens of thousands of dollars each."

"Namo Amitabha, I am an ordinary person. I have nothing else to seek in this life. The only thing I love is the word 'money'. I hope you, old man, will see that I also live in the West.

For the sake of us all being fellow villagers, let me win! "

(End of this chapter)

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