China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 160: Monster, do you dare to fight me today? Chapter 300!

Chapter 160 Monster, do you dare to fight me for [-] rounds today!
The barrage lottery begins.

The entire screen in the live broadcast room changed. Looking around, everything was densely packed with "I want nugget gold".

A small dog's head gold is tens of thousands of dollars.

This little money is nothing to Zhao Fei, but in the eyes of most people, it is already several months' salary.

You can get it at the touch of your finger.

Only a fool would not fight for it.

So there are too many barrages at the moment.

There are more than 1 million comments almost every minute.

After all, one person can post multiple times.

If it weren't for the stable backend of Zhao Fei's live broadcast room, it would have collapsed in other live broadcast rooms.

Just 10 minutes.

A total of more than one billion barrages have been released in the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast record was refreshed again.

The people who got the draw cheered and almost jumped up with excitement.

"Haha, Golden Beanzi is coming to my house this year."

"As expected of a fellow countryman, thank you for your strength, Lord Buddha."

"Xianhu takes off."

I want to compare the winners.

Most people came along for the trip, especially the seventeen people who looked at each other with ecstasy.

Don't mention too much in my heart.

Like eggplants beaten by frost, they wilted instantly.

"Damn it, I copied and pasted it nearly a hundred times but didn't get it... Is there any justice in this?"

"Oh, I knew I didn't have this fate. Forget it, I'll just move bricks honestly."

"Damn, when I see these lottery winners, I really want to hit them."


"Don't worry, everyone, I'll give you 100 million to continue pumping for you."

Seeing the wailing in the live broadcast room, before Zhao Fei could speak, Liu Yifei stood up and said: "We will draw one hundred lucky fans, each worth ten thousand.

Just pretend that I accidentally shut down the broadcast just now and apologize to everyone.

I hope you don't mind.

Don’t just see us picking up gold nuggets and come here impulsively.

After all, fire and water have no mercy. "

As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room burst into joy again.

They all had a heavenly atmosphere.

Zhao Maimai and Zhang Zilan were also very happy to pick up the nugget gold today.

Follow up.

Zhang Zilan: "I will also contribute 100 million to celebrate."

Zhao Maimai: "Me too, as Zhao Fei said just now, pie doesn't fall from the sky. We were just lucky enough to meet each other. It was purely a coincidence.

But if you come to actively search for it, the meaning will be different.

So I still hope everyone will think about it carefully. "

One million for each of the three girls.

It adds up to 300 million.

Although there are more than 1000 million fans, only [-] people will win the prize.

But the chances of winning the bonus beans are much higher than just now.

"Okay, then I will give you the live broadcast room, and I will go to the cabin to take a look."

Zhao Fei did not stop the three women from doing anything.

It's just 100 million, no matter who they are, they can easily take it out.

What's more, Zhao Fei won't keep it to himself if he picks up the gold nugget this time. Everyone who sees it will have a share.

So in the end, no one loses.

And this time, Zhao Fei is not just trying to persuade everyone not to take risks to dig for gold.
It's more about giving benefits to fans and making some envious people feel less resentful.

Otherwise, these people might not know what to say about him later.

Of course, people are complicated.

Zhao Fei also knew that even if he did this, those who should be jealous would still be jealous.

But at least he has a clear conscience.

For some fans who are obsessed with it, just let him go.

Just wish him 'mouse tail juice'.

Back to the cabin.

Zhao Fei rinsed the stones in the bucket with clean water, and the shining gold nuggets came into view.

Zhao Fei is not short of money, and the company can't spend more than one billion yuan.

But numbers and physical objects have different impacts on people.

Countless zeros don’t leave a deep impression on people.

But this shiny gold nugget is different.

Some of them are like ginger slices, long strips, some are stalactite-shaped and triangular... most of them are round, and each one is free of any impurities.

The whole body is golden.

What Zhao Fei likes the most is that there are several gold nuggets, which are like branches, spread out in a fibrous shape, and the threads are winding.

It's not very heavy to hold, but it's quite nice.

Like a man-made work of art.

Zhao Fei also had to sigh at the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

After counting one by one, there were 32 gold nuggets in total. The big ones were the size of an adult's fist, while the small ones were the size of a longan.

According to Zhao Fei's estimation.

Just these gold nuggets, if calculated only based on the price of gold, are worth at least [-] million upwards.

The most important thing is that some weird-shaped gold nuggets are very valuable for collection.

Similar to a 'branch' shape.

The value of this gold nugget is often several times the price of gold.

Therefore, Zhao Fei's harvest this time is far more than [-] million.

After rinsing all the gold nuggets, Zhao Fei picked out the two most beautiful ones and placed them separately.

After preparation, give it to Mai Mai and Liu Yifei.

Zhao Fei threw the rest into the storage box with a bang.

It won’t break anyway.

The three women who were chatting with fans in the live broadcast room outside heard the movement in the cabin.

After a little thought, I figured out what was going on.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Let the live broadcast room see that Zhao Fei treats the nugget gold like this, and he may not be what the fans will say.

So brutal.

Meanwhile, as time goes by.

The news that Zhao Fei picked up gold nuggets in the waters near Wenchang is spreading more and more widely on the Internet.

At first some people didn't believe it.

But with the release of screenshots and videos, more and more people are paying attention online.

The number of searches for scarves shot directly to the first place.

#How good is Zhao Fei's luck? Have you ever seen nugget gold packed in a 'bucket'? #
Should we consider changing the name of the live broadcast program "The Journey of Traveling" to "Adventure Gold Rush", "Hot Searches Everyday", "I Will Submit If No One Is Accepted"... and other names? #
#@ Zhao Fei, @赵马马, @李伟飞, @张子兰, how much did you earn this time? #
The amount of attention on the Internet has skyrocketed.

Correspondingly, the tourism industry in Wenchang will be boosted, thereby promoting local economic development.

Even though Zhao Fei emphasized it repeatedly during the live broadcast.

They are just lucky and there is some danger, but there are still countless tourists coming to Wenchang.

Airports, train stations... and other land transport terminals, within a few hours, the flow of people began to increase exponentially.

Most of them go to the beach.

They didn't want to search deep under the sea, but it didn't stop these tourists from strolling on the beach.

This kind of thing... what if I really picked it up.

Therefore, the travel agency in Wenchang was sad and happy about this. They not only hoped that Zhao Fei could stay in Wenchang for a longer period of time, but also hoped that Zhao Fei would leave as soon as possible.There were really too many tourists, and they were afraid that Zhao Fei would not be able to leave if he stayed any longer.

Zhao Fei also received a notice from the travel agency.

After thinking about it, Zhao Fei decided not to go ashore yet, but directly drove the yacht to the next area, and then went ashore to start a new trip.

This way we can avoid the surge of tourists on the beach.

"I agree, this is good. Even if the sharks follow us, they can't hurt us."

As long as Zhao Fei is by his side, anything is okay for Mai Mai.

Naturally, the other two women would not have any objections either.

It is dark now.

After finishing their meal, the four people turned off the live broadcast and sat in the leisure area of ​​the cabin.

"Okay, then let's take a rest early and continue traveling tomorrow morning, but... there is one more important thing next."

Zhao Fei smiled, then stood up and took out the nugget gold from the storage box.

Placed between the four of them.

He continued: "As the saying goes, whoever sees it gets his share. There are a total of 30 yuan of nugget gold here. You can take whichever one you like. Each person chooses two pieces."

"This, isn't it?"

Zhang Zilan thinks that her relationship with Zhao Fei is not that close.

Moreover, the trip is Zhao Fei's show, and the yacht is also Zhao Fei's. She is just a guest on the flight.

What's more, she also knows the relationship between Mai Mai, Yifei and Zhao Fei.

The three of us are a family, so it doesn't matter whether we have gold or not.

On the contrary, she, an outsider, felt a little embarrassed here.

So she had decided before that she would not ask for nugget gold.

She was very happy to be able to travel for free this time.

"What's wrong with this? Just take it if I ask you to." Mai Mai waved his hand grandly, clearly knowing what Zhang Zilan was thinking.

After all, the two are best friends and understand each other very well.

Mai Mai didn't want to ruin the relationship between the two because of these windfalls.

"That's right, since Zhao Fei said it, let's each choose two pieces."

Liu Yifei also spoke at the side.

Even though her relationship with Zhang Zilan is not as good as that between Mai Mai and Zhang Zilan.

But what she considered was that those with short hands are the weakest in eating people.

Today, Zhang Zilan has to take the gold nugget even if he doesn’t want to.

In this way, even if Zhang Zilan knew about her relationship with Zhao Fei, he would not go out and talk nonsense about it.

"This..." Zhang Zilan was still a little hesitant. After all, this gold nugget was worth a lot of money.

"Stop this and that, the fact that you can come to our trip proves that we are destined to be together, not to mention that you and Mai Mai are still best friends.

So you're welcome. "

Zhao Fei pointed to the gold nugget in the middle and said: "You guys have a good pick, some are very beautiful, some are big, according to personal preference, each person picks two pieces.

Mai Mai, two come first. "

"Hehe, I want the biggest piece, it must be very valuable."

Mai Mai ran forward with a smile, picked up a gold nugget the size of an adult's fist, and put it beside him happily.

Liu Yifei also stepped forward and picked out a medium-sized piece, planning to keep it for his children in the future.

Seeing this, Zhang Zilan simply stopped being coy.

He stepped forward and picked out a piece he liked.

In her opinion, it doesn't matter whether this naughty guy has money or not. What's important is that this experience is legendary.

She was also very happy to have one as a souvenir.

So the three women each picked two pieces and looked at each other with happy smiles on their pretty faces.

"Haha, then the rest is mine."

Zhao Fei laughed happily at this moment, closed the lid of the storage box, and stuffed it into the corner cabinet.

"Okay, all beauties, after dividing the spoils, hurry up and go to bed. When we wake up tomorrow morning, we will almost be in Qionghai. Then we can go see Baishiling and Yudai Beach...

There is also the legendary Red Detachment of Women Memorial Garden, and so on! "

"What's the point of dividing the spoils? Please speak up." Liu Yifei rolled his eyes at Zhao Fei.

"Yes, it is obviously a friendly negotiation and reasonable distribution."

"Haha, thank you, Brother Zhao Fei." Zhang Zilan glanced at Zhao Fei and was very grateful that Zhao Fei could also give her two pieces of nugget gold as a souvenir.

"You're welcome. Since you're not in a hurry, I'll go to bed first."

After saying this, Zhao Fei gave Liu Yifei and Mai Mai a look respectively, and then took the lead in getting into the largest bedroom in the cabin.

The three girls looked at each other and smiled.

They all picked up gold nuggets, took pictures and gave out scarves.

Liu Yifei: "Have gained two pieces of nugget gold, Kaisen!"

Zhao Maimai: "Do you know how much my two dollars are worth?"

Zhang Zilan: "Hey, I also have two yuan. This is how fast I make money... I don't even want to leave, I'm crying!"

Had some fun.

It was too late to see.

Liu Yifei got up first and grabbed Zhang Zilan's hand: "Zi Lan, let's sleep together tonight, okay?"

"Well, I can do it."

Zhang Zilan glanced at his best friend and realized what would happen at night.

He stood up and followed Liu Yifei into another room.

Zhao Maimai and Liu Yifei had agreed at the beginning that they would have one person per day, so Zhao Maimai also knew what Liu Yifei meant.

However, at this moment, she was a little shy in front of Zhang Zilan.

He lowered his eyes and pretended to play with his mobile phone.

It was as if he didn't hear what the two of them said.

After Liu Yifei and his wife closed the door, Zhao Maimai breathed a sigh of relief, hugged two gold nuggets and put them in Zhao Fei's storage box.

At the same time, he was humming an unknown song.

For Mai Mai, what is Zhao Fei's is hers, and what is hers is also Zhao Fei's.

So it doesn’t matter if you want nugget gold or not.

Even Zhao Maimai believed that Liu Yifei thought the same way, but it was difficult to say it clearly in front of Zhang Zilan.

At the same time, Mai Mai is also looking forward to tonight.

After all, I picked up so many gold nuggets today, and the harvest was huge.

So she also wanted to indulge.

He walked to the door of the two girls and listened to the noise. After feeling that they would not come out again, he ran to the master bedroom and shouted angrily: "You monster, do you dare to fight me for three hundred rounds today?"

"Hey, you're brave, aren't you?"

Zhao Fei stepped forward and picked up Zhao Maimai, kissed him hard, took out a piece of gold nugget that he had hidden just now, and handed it to Maimai.

"Look, isn't this particularly beautiful?"

"Is this what you hid just now?" Mai Mai was a little surprised.


Zhao Fei nodded and said: "After all, Zhang Zilan is still here, so I just picked out the two most beautiful pieces and planned to give them to you and Yifei.

You silly kid, you just picked out the big ones, but you didn’t know that there are some beautiful ones with higher relative value.

Of course, some of the extraordinary weights are not worthless.

It's just that it always gives people the feeling of a nouveau riche. On the contrary, it is made of fibrous branches. It is beautiful and valuable. You can take it back and keep it. "

Hearing what Zhao Fei said, Mai Mai was moved to tears.

Nod sharply.

Then he took the initiative to wrap his arms around Zhao Fei's waist and whispered in his ear: "Hurry up, I've thought about it..."

"as you wish."

The two of them are now an old couple.

So we know each other quite well.

A well-versed person...

So after a while, Zhang Zilan next door opened his big eyes, glanced angrily at Liu Yifei, who was sleeping soundly next to him, and opened his mouth to say something.

But in the end he swallowed it.

Covering his ears with a quilt, he complained: The sound insulation of this yacht is too bad, right?
(End of this chapter)

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