China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 161 Hey, it's great to eat my grandson!

Chapter 161 Hey, give me a stick!
Although Zhao Fei turned off the live broadcast and went to sleep,
However, the impact of the nugget gold incident on the outside world is still growing.

Especially the scarves issued by the three women have aroused the envy of countless people.

This is even more true for female stars in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Maimai is a regular guest and has been with Zhao Fei all the way. They don't say anything, but Liu Yifei, why do you?
And Zhang Zilan.

A flying guest was actually given two pieces of gold for participating in a travel live broadcast.

This is also very lucky, right?

You know, that's nearly [-] million.

How could this not make them jealous?

The most important thing is Zhao Fei's travel live broadcast, which is on the hot search every now and then, and today it even ranked first in the hot search.

It would be a big loss if you don't take advantage of this.

Therefore, there are more celebrities who want to participate in the travel live broadcast.

If you have connections, contact them quickly, and if you have money, pay as soon as possible.

Everyone wants to participate in the travel live broadcast.

Don't ask for two more days, just one day.

Many people couldn't contact Zhao Fei, so they found Yan Min.

Who made him the person in charge of the travel live broadcast?

And there is a heavyweight here, which also gives Yan Min a headache.

"Director Yan Min, 300 million is not low, right? Why are you hesitating? I will take Reba there for one day, and it won't take long.

Just relying on our status, we can also bring popularity to the live broadcast room. "

"Ms. Yang, I understand. I'm very lucky that you can watch our travel live broadcast, but..."

Yan Min and Yang Xiaohu were talking on the phone.

When Zhao Fei gave him the right to choose the flying guests before, he made it clear.

Yang Xiaohu would not let him come if he could not let her come.

So Yan Min was really in a bit of a dilemma at this time.

After all, it was the boss who told me.

If Zhao Fei had not said this, Yan Min would not be happy to let Yang Xiaohu come over.

After all, Yang Xiaohu needs to be popular and well-established. Participating in a live broadcast tour is also a mutual achievement, not to mention that it also comes with a righteous Reba.

"Don't be reluctant, since you are very lucky, then I will treat it as if you agreed and hang up..."

When Yang Xiaohu faced Zhao Fei, he felt a little humble.

But she is still a strong person.

So without giving Yan Min a chance to refuse, he hung up the phone.

Then he sent a WeChat message.

"You should arrive in Qionghai tomorrow. I've already booked a flight. Remember to send someone to pick us up at Qionghai Airport."

Look at this WeChat message.

Yan Min's face turned livid and he cursed: "This bitch doesn't look like a good person!"

But after being in the entertainment industry for so many years, even if his personality is somewhat independent, he can't offend everyone.

After all, he is not Zhao Fei. If he can't survive, he can still go home and inherit his property.

He still wants to continue to make money in the entertainment industry.

Moreover, what Yang Xiaohu represents is not a star, but half a boss, and his company is not small.

So, Yan Min finally thought about it.

Looking at the time, he found that it was already past three in the morning, and Zhao Fei should have gone to sleep.

He edited a WeChat message and sent it to Zhao Fei.

"Ahem, tomorrow's guests are Yang Xiaohu and Reba, how do you feel?"

"If you don't reply, I'll take it as your consent?"

"Okay, then I'll book Yang Xiaohu and Reba."


Get up in the morning.

The yacht has arrived at Qionghai Pier.

The program team, RVs, etc. are also on standby near Qionghai Pier.

Zhao Fei took advantage of Mai Mai's deep sleep to drink a large bottle of healthy spring water for her.

Feeling the sweetness of wheat in your mouth, you opened your eyes.

Found Zhao Fei kissing her.

Without thinking too much, he hugged Zhao Fei's neck and devoted himself to it.

Last night, the two of them had a great time.

Even though Mai Mai had drank the health spring water many times, she still couldn't stand it.

But when she woke up in the morning, she didn't feel tired at all, and was in better condition than usual.

So it is inevitable to be ready to make a move.

Thinking of doing some morning exercise again.

Zhao Fei naturally would not refuse this.

So Zhang Zilan, who had not slept well next door, was woken up again. He stared blankly at the ceiling with his big eyes, shouting aggrievedly in his heart.

"Why, why isn't this over yet? It's just about not letting people sleep, right? Woohoo... I'm so angry."

"Are you woken up?" Liu Yifei noticed the movement next to him, turned his head and asked with a smile.


Zhang Zilan shyly pulled up the quilt, revealing only a pair of big eyes, and asked doubtfully: "Sister Yifei, Zhao Fei... won't he be tired?
If I remember correctly, this happened several times, right? "

"This should I put it?"

Liu Yifei wrinkled her nose. She only had one man, Zhao Fei, and didn't know what the others were like, so she said, "You'll know when you have a boyfriend."


Zhang Zilan didn't think much about it.

I just thought Liu Yifei was embarrassed to tell her.

However, this travel experience also made her curious about finding a boyfriend.

Zhao Fei has Mai Mai, so he is not in her consideration range.

But this man couldn't be worse than Zhao Fei.

"Let's go. Now that we're awake, let's go wash up. They won't be able to come out for a while and they won't be able to make breakfast in this situation, so we have to do it ourselves."


Zhang Zilan nodded lightly. Having experienced it last night, she knew very well that Liu Yifei was right.

When Zhao Fei calms down, he might as well pretend not to hear.


Although Liu Yifei and Zhang Zilan are not very good at cooking, they can still make breakfast together.

So when Zhao Fei and the two came out, they saw a table of sumptuous breakfast.

"Thank you both."

Zhao Fei sat down and said with a smile, "It feels great to be able to have breakfast when you wake up in the morning. I asked you how you were so happy when I made breakfast before.

This feeling of being taken care of is really good. "


Mai Mai also flipped her hair and said, "But from now on, it's all up to you to stop messing around in the morning, otherwise I would have gotten up long ago."

Good guy.

Who said you need morning exercise just now?

Are you still screaming so happily?
Come on, if a good man doesn't fight with a woman, he'll blame me.

Zhao Fei put away his smile and pretended he didn't hear anything. He drank a lot of milk and stopped making any sound.

Liu Yifei glanced at the two of them, smiled and said nothing more.

On the contrary, it was Zhang Zilan who secretly looked at Zhao Fei and Mai Mai.

I am in good spirits.

There were no dark circles under her eyes, and Mai Mai even seemed more beautiful and supple, and there was no trace of youthfulness or immaturity in the way she moved her hands and feet.

On the contrary, it is more charming and attractive.

This... is really unreasonable.

Why should you be so happy? The next morning, my skin will still be the same as after taking care of it. I will be tortured and have dark circles under my eyes during the day...

The most important thing is that Zhang Zilan feels even lower when he thinks that he will leave tonight.

It's not like she didn't want to stay for two more days.

I believe that if she said it, Zhao Fei would not refuse.

But now even if she wanted to play for two more days, she couldn't.

Because she has other entertainment tomorrow, and they have all been agreed upon before coming here, so it is not easy to let others go.

So at this moment, Zhang Zilan seemed to have a grudge against the bread in his hand, tearing off a piece and chewing it hard.

Mai Mai looked a little surprised and asked, "What's wrong with you? Is the bread hard?"

"No." After looking deeply at Mai Mai, Zhang Zilan didn't hide anything and explained: "I just thought that I was leaving at night, and I was a little reluctant."

"What's the matter? You can stay for two more days if you want. Anyway, Yan Min didn't notify me of the new guest."

With that said, Zhao Fei took out his cell phone and took a look.

After discovering Yan Min's text message.

The milk he just drank almost spurted out: "Damn, they all say I'm a piece of shit. I don't think this Yan Min is a good guy. How did he learn to kill first and then show off?"

"What's wrong?" Liu Yifei asked curiously.

The other two women also cast interested glances.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei shook his head helplessly and put his phone on the dining table: "Just take a look."

The three women stood up and put their heads together, looking at the WeChat messages on Zhao Fei's phone.

The next second, Liu Yifei's face turned ugly.

Zhao Maimai also frowned, secretly annoyed.

What do you mean?
Didn't we agree at the beginning that I would not offend others unless they offend me?

Why are you catching up again?
"Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, it seems I have to leave!"

What Zhao Fei said just now also made Zhang Zilan feel a little rebellious.

I thought what would happen if I made an appointment.

I'll let you off the hook and just say you'll pay a lot of money, right?

Anyway, she got two nuggets of gold yesterday, so she wouldn't lose anything.

Just when he was about to discuss it with his agent, Zhao Fei sent out a WeChat message, which didn't stop him for a moment.

He cried directly.

"Ouch, don't cry, don't cry."

Seeing Zhang Zilan's appearance, Mai Mai didn't care about anything else and quickly held her in his arms to comfort her: "It's okay. If you want to continue playing for two days, then we will go together.

If it doesn't work, come back next time. "

"Yes, yes, Zi Lan, don't be will be broadcast live in a while, don't let anyone see it."

"I, woo woo, I know."

Zhang Zilan pinched Maimai's pajamas, wiped her tears, and said, "I just feel uncomfortable, but what does your clothes smell like?
Why is it so fishy? "

This statement came out.

Zhao Fei and the other three were stunned immediately.

"Uh, this... don't wipe it. There is paper here." Liu Yifei quickly brought the paper over.


Zhang Zilan nodded and took the paper.

He didn't notice the awkward looks on the three people's faces, and pouted: "Forget it, I have a social event tomorrow, so I don't want to go back on my appointment.

Come back when I have time next time. "


Zhao Maimai calmed down and pretended that the incident had not happened, and continued to persuade: "Besides, you just left at night, and you can still play all day today.

Qionghai also has many tourist attractions, so don’t be in a hurry. "


Zhao Fei also nodded and said: "I won't mention it yesterday. Qionghai has a naturally formed narrow beach peninsula, which is unique in the Dragon Kingdom.

There are also 4A-level Guantang Hot Spring, Lehui Ancient City, Wanquan Lake Resort, Qibao Lotus Pond... and so on.

Make sure your day is worth it. "

"Well, then we have enough time in one day...?"

The crying Zhang Zilan is still very cute.

Moreover, she was more like a child than Zhao Maimai, so Zhao Fei could only agree to this question.

"Don't worry, it's enough."

"Thank you Brother Fei, Mai Mai, and Sister Yifei, I..."

Zhang Zilan just couldn't hold back for a moment and cried because she felt wronged. Thinking about it now, she felt very embarrassed and apologized again and again.

"I just couldn't control myself, it wasn't intentional."

"It's okay." Liu Yifei smiled and hugged her, feeling more passionate about licking the baby. He felt that it would be good for his daughter to do the same in the future.

Zhao Fei and Mai Mai also smiled and did not take this seriously.

As for Yang Xiaohu, he was ignored by the four people.

Now that everyone is here, if you want to drive them away now, it would be really disrespectful.

It won't be good for anyone if word gets out.

However, since hard knives are not easy to use, use soft knives.

Anyway, they have a large number of people, so they don’t need to be afraid of Yang Xiaohu.

In terms of fame, there is Liu Yifei.

In terms of status, there is Zhao Fei.

So no matter from any aspect, Yang Xiaohu and Reba have no advantage.

Since she insists on chasing after her, let her know what it means to ask for trouble.

Liu Yifei and Mai Mai looked at each other and exchanged a look of agreement, and then they made a clear decision and waited for the basic operations to be carried out after all the girls gathered together.

Zhao Fei also had a headache when he saw it.

They say three women make a show, but what about these five women getting together?
The key thing is that the two sides are not so harmonious.

What if a fight breaks out?

Is he helping to beat Yang Xiaohu, or is he helping to beat Yang Xiaohu!

Otherwise, we won’t start broadcasting today.

transfer conflict.

Do all the suffering, burdens, and depressing things happen to the fans?

No, no.

If it hadn't been broadcast, I'm afraid these women wouldn't have anything to worry about, and would actually start fighting.

If there is a live broadcast room, it can also make them restrain themselves.

So the live broadcast room still needs to be opened.

For a moment, Zhao Fei couldn't think of a good way, so he could only take one step at a time.

After eating, Zhao Fei took the lead in starting the live broadcast.

"Brothers, a new day has begun, good morning everyone."

Zhao Fei waved his hand and explained: "Maimai and the others are still putting on makeup in the room. Don't worry, they will be out in a while. We have arrived at Qionghai Pier today.

We will visit Guantang Hot Spring, Lehui Ancient City, Wanquan Lake Resort, Qibao Lotus Pond... and other famous attractions.

The most important thing is that there will still be new flying guests arriving today.

Please wait and see. "

"We have a new guest, Kuo Yi Kuo Yi."

"I know that shit won't reveal who it is in advance, so I'm going to make a guess. She's very good-looking, a star, um... brilliant!"

"You're so insightful. I guess you're a fart, right?"

"Who knows? Listening to your words is like listening to your words. Your guess is the same as no guess at all."

"Aren't you putting on makeup? Why haven't you come out after so long?"

After half an hour.

It’s not just the live broadcast room that’s anxious.

Zhao Fei also scratched his head.

It usually doesn't take this long to put on makeup, but what happened today?

Competing for beauty, right?

Gradually, Zhao Fei felt more and more uneasy.

I feel like today’s trip is a bit beyond my control.

It wasn't until an hour later that Yang Xiaohu couldn't wait any longer and asked a staff member to drive the RV directly to the dock.

Zhao Fei squinted his eyes and looked.

Yang Xiaohu and Reba got out of the car and came hand in hand.

And the three girls, Zhao Maimai, seemed to have made an agreement.

After finishing their makeup, they walked out of the cabin one by one.

The two girls, Yang Xiaohu and Yang Xiaohu, stood on the deck and on the shore, looking at each other across the sea.

For a moment, there seemed to be a thunderstorm falling from the middle, and the tense atmosphere gradually condensed in the venue.

It reminded Zhao Fei of a scene.

The Monkey King fights against the heavenly soldiers and generals.

"Hey, you bastard, you are so ignorant!"

"Hey, stop talking nonsense and give me a stick!"

(End of this chapter)

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