China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 162 Come, let’s have a friendly exchange!

Chapter 162 Come, let’s have a friendly exchange!
The Monkey King fights against the heavenly soldiers and generals.

With the power of one person, he can overthrow the heavens.

In an instant, the heavenly soldiers and generals were like dumplings, bleeding and falling to the ground.

cough cough...


Zhao Fei dismissed the images in his mind.

In reality, when the red and blue parties met, it was not as tense as Zhao Fei had guessed.

Instead, it was like a fellow villager meeting a fellow villager. Everyone excitedly raised their hands to say hello, as if they had not seen old friends for many years.

Show off each other's acting skills.

Yang Xiaohu: "Hi...Maimai, Yifei, Zilan, long time no see. Come down quickly."

Reba: "Sister Yifei, Mai Mai... I am Reba."

"Haha, you two are actually flying guests today, that's great."

Mai Mai also had a smile on her face at this moment, and took the lead to walk off the pier: "Little Sister Fox, you don't even know that during our last trip, you guys left, and Zhao Fei was still talking about you for a long time!"

Ever since the red and blue sides met.

Zhao Fei was very energetic and felt that he could stop talking without speaking.

And we must carefully understand the underlying meaning of the women's words.

Otherwise, you might offend someone accidentally.

For example, Mai Mai's words seemed to be polite, but in fact they were mentioning the agreement the two reached in the car when they were in Twin Lakes.

Questioned Yang Xiaohu.

What, you’re not going to keep your promise, are you?
You are a big star, can you please give me some face?
Yang Xiaohu also heard Mai Mai's sarcasm at this moment, but the smile on his face did not change at all, showing that he was a thick-skinned person.

After all, the ultimate core of the so-called high emotional intelligence is thick skin.

"I miss you too, so why don't you come over today?"

The smiling Yang Xiaohu did not admit defeat at all.

She didn't believe that Zhao Fei would talk about her, so she didn't take it seriously.

But the skill of borrowing horses from the slope has long been used with great proficiency.

After hearing this, Mai Mai gritted her teeth and wanted to slap him in the face.

At this moment, Liu Yifei spoke.

As a top actress of the same period, Liu Yifei was too lazy to coddle her.

And she has always been known for her uprightness, so she sneered: "Haha, I'm so embarrassed to say it!"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Xiaohu couldn't help himself.

The smile instantly condensed.

There was also a chill emanating from all over his body.

The roles of Zhang Zilan and Reba became highlighted at this time.

Reba tugged Yang Xiaohu's arm to smooth things over; "Haha, Brother Fei... shouldn't we get in the car?"

Zhang Zilan also whispered close to Liu Yifei's ear and whispered: "Sister Yifei, the live broadcast is still happening now."

To Zhang Zilan.

Liu Yifei didn't take it seriously.

What about live broadcast?

She plans to take a break from acting for the next year to take good care of herself and have children.

Are you still afraid of conflict with Yang Xiaohu?

Of course, Liu Yifei also knew that Zhang Zilan was doing this for her own good, and Zhao Fei was mainly responsible for the live broadcast room, so he didn't go too far.

He snorted coldly, turned his head coolly, and took the lead towards the RV.

Seeing this, Mai Mai and Zhang Zilan immediately followed.

Zhao Fei also coughed twice, greeted Reba, and then turned around and got into the car.

Looking at the backs of several people.

Yang Xiaohu stamped his feet and could only swallow this breath first.

Before coming, she had already predicted that Liu Yifei would definitely not look good on her.

After all, the two have a long-standing feud.

However, Zhao Fei is so fragrant.

It just so happens that "You Are My Glory" filmed by Reba last year will be released soon, as well as her own "The Erba Dingqi of Love".

Both shows will air on Penguin Video in the near future.

Both of them are heroines.

The most important thing is that both films have investment from Jiaxing.

As a strong woman who values ​​her career, Yang Xiaohu will not let go of this opportunity.

I have always wanted to have a relationship with Zhao Fei and take the opportunity to promote the new drama.

At the same time, fans in the live broadcast room naturally noticed what was going on.

Yang Xiaohu and Reba were no strangers to them.

Some people are happy about the arrival of the two girls, and some are indifferent.

But after the meeting, the red and blue sides started to fight, which made all the fans interested.

"Haha, when Liu Yifei and Yang Xiaohu meet, it's like sparks hitting the earth."

"Currently, it seems that Liu Yifei has the upper hand, but what I'm curious about is which side will Zhao Fei, this bitch, take?"

"Then there's no need to ask. Mai Mai will side with Liu Yifei at a glance, and Zhao Fei will naturally side with Liu Yifei."

"Not necessarily. Zhao Fei had a fight with Liu Yifei yesterday."

It's not just the fans.

Yang Xiaohu also watched the live broadcast yesterday and found that the relationship between Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei did not seem to be harmonious.

Then he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, making the decision that he had to go on a live broadcast trip.

Even if he comes, he may be ridiculed by Liu Yifei.

But being able to come to the travel live broadcast, even if it was for promotion, she also wanted to see what was going on with Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei?

If there is really a conflict, then squeeze out Liu Yifei and let her or Reba take over.

Be a resident guest.

As everyone knows, Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei go too far in private than they imagined.

It’s no wonder that fans can’t see it. First, Zhao Fei’s two-parter performed well.

The second is Liu Yifei's character attributes. After so many years, they have been finalized in the eyes of everyone.

Never had a boyfriend.

Especially for Yang Xiaohu in the entertainment industry, they all know about Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei and Zhao Fei were together, something they couldn't even imagine.

Otherwise, Zhang Zilan wouldn't be so surprised when he saw the situation.

"Qionghai, also known as Qiongdong, is a prefecture-level city in Sunshine Island. We start from Haikou, and the first stop along the east line is Wenchang, and the second stop is Qionghai."

Zhao Fei started the RV.

Although he had no intention of intervening in the dispute between the women, he had no intention of leaving the live broadcast room alone.

The journey must continue.

Just listen to his continued introduction: "In Qionghai, there are many myths and legends about the dragon girl who gave birth to a turtle, which caused the Dragon King to be furious and use his magic power to draw a beach.

Intercepting the Dragon Girl and Turtle to meet.

And this beach is the famous Yudai Beach in Qionghai.

But it was very hot in the morning, so we didn’t go to Yudai Beach for now, and we would go there in the afternoon when it gets a little cooler.

Now we go to Baishiling outside Qionghai City.

Experience the legendary glass plank road.

You can also climb high and enjoy the cool air to escape the heat. "

Zhao Fei confirmed the itinerary, and the director team quickly started moving.

Fortunately, it is not the peak tourist season for Sunny Island.

Otherwise, the entire Baishiling Scenic Area would easily be clogged due to too many people.

The RV speeds down the road.

The salty sea breeze blows in through the cracks in the car windows, bringing a slight chill to people.

Because I got on the bus early.

So Mai Mai still occupied the co-pilot position, while Liu Yifei and Zhang Zilan were in the second row of the cockpit.

Yang Xiaohu and Reba were the last to get on the bus.

Without their place in the cockpit, they could only sit in the living room of the RV.

"Sister, how about... let's find a chance and go back?" Reba asked tentatively. She could clearly see that whether it was Zhao Fei or Liu Yifei, or even Mai Mai and Zhang Zilan, these four people were very interested in her. No one is welcome.

Being with these people, Reba can deeply feel that she is out of place.

It made her very uncomfortable.

According to what she said, this travel show should not come.

However, she was just a part-time worker. Yang Xiaohu was the real boss and had no say at all.

"Wouldn't it be more embarrassing to quit now?"

Yang Xiaohu glared at Reba, feeling equally uncomfortable, but fortunately they were already in Qionghai, and it wouldn't take long to go to Baishiling.

"What's more, if we withdraw now, won't people outside say that I'm afraid of Liu Yifei?

Reba, you have to remember that only by being thick-skinned can you have enough to eat.

This is especially important in the entertainment industry.

After you get off the car, talk to Zhao Fei more.

As long as Zhao Fei accepts us, it will be useless for Liu Yifei to stop her. "

"Well, okay!"

Reba wanted to resist, but under the boss's eyes.

Still agreed.

After all, this wasn't a big deal, and she didn't explicitly want to compete with Mai Mai for Zhao Fei, she just said a few words.

The cockpit on the other side.

In front of the live broadcast room, Liu Yifei and Mai Mai didn't say anything.

But these two are natural allies, and they are indestructible, so there is no need to discuss.

Likewise, after the previous contact.

Zhang Zilan also saw that something was wrong between the red and blue sides.

I feel like this trip is really worthwhile.

Not only did they get two nuggets of gold, but they also discovered the little secrets of Zhao Fei and the others. Now they even participate in the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two entertainment industry bosses at close range.

Bagua's heart instantly ignited.

Of course, she also knew that it was best not to get involved.

Be a little ostrich and hide yourself.

Just follow Zhao Fei.

As a result, the team waiting for the RV to park in the Baishiling parking lot and live broadcast the trip was divided into three waves.

Zhao Fei and Zhang Zilan walked in the front, followed by Liu Yifei and Mai Mai in the middle, followed at the end by Reba and Yang Xiaohu.

Baishiling is most famous because it is the residence of the Tu people.

Not far from the parking lot, you can see a small village.

Most of the houses are made of straw, and some are hung from trees, which looks very strange.

The faces of the Tu people are very dark, and some even use mud to paint different stripes on their faces.

If you are lucky, you can also see these Tu people performing performances, eating fire, or walking barefoot on broken glass.

Cheers to songs that people don’t understand.

It allows people to fully experience what is truly "wild and unrestrained".

Unfortunately, today is obviously not a day for the Tu people to celebrate.

"Everyone in the live broadcast room, please don't look down on these Tu people. Their ancestors settled here more than 2000 years ago.

If you have a chance to come here, be sure to put a little mud on your face before entering the village.

This way they will treat you as one of their own.

Let’s forget it for today.

Go directly into the scenic spot and go up the mountain. "

The reason why Zhao Fei did not enter the village was because he took care of the other women.

Moreover, there is a language barrier in this village, so it is easy for problems to arise.

You can see it when you are at the bottom of the mountain.

The top of Baishi Ridge is piled with strange rocks in different shapes. It is not very high, but it is very steep.

"We're not going to climb up, are we?" Zhang Zilan raised his head. Climbing a mountain on this hot day is definitely a kind of torture.

"Of course not."

Zhao Fei had thought about it before coming. Since Baishiling is a good place to cool down and escape the heat, the local travel agency has already solved this problem.

Just listen to Zhao Fei continue: "Let's take the cable car up. The round-trip fare is not much, and we can also enjoy the scenery along the way."

In the past, Zhao Fei would climb every mountain.

Things are different now.

Zhao Fei estimated that the current temperature in Qionghai was at least [-] degrees Celsius above zero.

Climbing mountains in this high temperature is not exercising your body, but asking for trouble.

"Let's go, there should be a place to take the cable car ahead."

Baishiling is different from the previous Tongguling in Wenchang. Relatively speaking, Tongguling is more primitive, while Baishiling is a 4A-level scenic spot in Qionghai.

The tourist facilities are better, and you can see some permanent stalls buying coconuts or iced pineapples on the roadside from time to time.

Looking further into the distance, there are lush woods.

And many of them are fruit trees and coconut trees, giving people a special tropical scenery experience.

"I want to eat iced jackfruit."

At this moment, Reba caught up from behind and passed side by side with Zhao Fei. He pointed at the stall on the roadside and stopped moving.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei looked back suspiciously and found that Mai Mai and the three of them had actually walked together.

It looked like a few people were talking about something.

Zhao Fei had no intention of joining in, so he smiled at Reba, took some change from the staff, and bought a box of cut jackfruit for each of the girls.

It's still very comfortable to eat some iced jackfruit today.

"Brother A Fei, the director asked me to tell you that the cable car is right in front and is ready. If you are okay, just hurry over."

Zhao Fei looked at Galza who was running over, sweating profusely, and gave him a box of jackfruit, asking, "Why doesn't Yan Min come over by himself?"

"He said he has been a bit out of tune with the local environment in the past two days and has developed a back problem."


Zhao Fei snorted coldly. Since yesterday's inflatable boat ride, Yan Min has started to cause trouble. He refused to feed Zhang Zilan. Now he even made his own decision and let Yang Xiaohu be the guest of the flight.

The resentment in Zhao Fei's heart has accumulated and cannot be easily eliminated.

And I plan to have a good exchange with him after meeting him.

Unexpectedly, Yan Min was not stupid and had a back problem.

But if someone just wants to hide away when he has a back problem, that would be to underestimate Zhao Fei.

When Reba next to her saw Ga'er coming over, her little ears stood up.

Reba is very clear about the reasons why Yang Xiaohu came to participate in the trip.

So I can't help but feel a little scared at this moment.

I kept stuffing jackfruit with toothpicks into my mouth, and after a while the box was full.

Zhang Zilan, who was next to him, also saw the text message on Zhao Fei's phone just now, and knew the ins and outs of it.

He lowered his head and pretended to be an ostrich.

"Okay, I'll follow you there in a moment."

Zhao Fei gave the live broadcast room to Zhang Zilan and handed a few boxes of jackfruit to her; "You go to Mai Mai and the others first, and give them the jackfruit by the way.

Just go ahead and wait for me at the cable car.

I'm going to do something first. "

"Oh, I understand, Brother Zhao Fei." Zhang Zilan nodded obediently.

Zhao Fei asked Galza to lead the way to Yan Min.

It happened that he had used the Chinese medicine skill book, and Zhao Fei could cure not only the pain in the back, but also the pain in the buttocks.

"Come on, take me to Yan Min and let me see what's going on. The pain in your back needs to be treated quickly, otherwise your lumbar spondylosis will be in trouble."

Fans in the live broadcast room looked at Zhao Fei with a livid expression.

and a somber tone.

He immediately realized that Zhao Fei was going to cause trouble.

Everyone is watching the excitement without fear of big trouble.

Including Yan Min, who was on the camera truck at the moment, his heart sank. He quickly lay on the bed and ordered the staff next to him.

"Quick, quick, bring me the towel and put it on my waist, otherwise I'll be wearing it soon."

(End of this chapter)

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