China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 164 How about I turn around and hold you?

Chapter 164 How about I turn around and hold you?
Although the via ferrata has safety protection, it still has certain dangers.

And it also requires a certain amount of physical fitness.

So after thinking about it, Zhao Fei decided to let Mai Mai lead the way. After drinking a large bottle of healthy spring water, her body host now far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Zhang Zilan is in the middle and Zhao Fei is in the rear.

In this way, if something unexpected happens, Zhao Fei can help.

The cliff is completely at a [-]-degree angle and looks quite steep.

At the beginning, not to mention Zhang Zilan, even Mai Mai was a little scared, but after climbing for a while, it was no big deal after getting used to it.

Especially when you turn around and look down at the earth, if you ignore the cliff in front of you.

It will give people the feeling of floating in the sky.

"This view is so beautiful."

Hearing Mai Mai's voice, Zhang Zilan also stopped.

Turning around to look, he was shocked for a moment, gasping for air and speechless.

Stress and grievances at work.

At this moment, they all flew into the clouds, and only the lush mountain forests and the Wanquan River that merged into the sea in the distance were left in the eyes.

It seems that the tributaries of Wanquan River are like fans.

Slowly gather into a big river.

Flow into the endless blue sea.

The people moving at the foot of Baishiling Mountain are as small as ants.

"What's the matter, Zi Lan... If you're tired, let's take a break?" Zhao Fei asked from behind.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Zhang Zilan came back to his senses and wiped the sweat from his forehead, his young face covered with determination.

Especially Mai Mai in front is very fast.

It also gave her a reluctance to admit defeat.

Climb up quickly.

By the time Zhao Fei and the others climbed to the top of the mountain, Liu Yifei and the others had been waiting here for more than ten minutes.

Especially when they were standing on the edge of the cliff just now, looking down.

Just enough to see the three of Zhao Fei.

He was also surprised for a moment, and shouted repeatedly for the three of them to be careful.

Because of the safety measures in place, no accidents occurred in the end.

Except Zhang Zilan was a little tired.

However, when she stood on the top of the mountain, she felt that everything was worth it. Everyone understands the meaning of seeing the mountains at a glance, but as long as they don't experience it personally, they can't understand Du Fu's state of mind at that time.

At this moment, everyone looked down the mountain and could see the Wanquan River and Baishi Ridge complementing each other.

The mountains are close to the water, and the water surrounds the mountains.

Dotted with reservoirs, they are like stars dotting the earth.

And Wanquan River is like a Milky Way,

The top of Baishi Ridge where they stood was guarded by stars, the center of the Milky Way.

One glance at it will make people's hearts beat.

The scenery including the peak is also very peculiar, with ever-changing mountain shapes, jagged rocks, and some mysterious and deep caves.

When everyone walked into it, they saw a sculpture made of white jade.

Judging from the appearance, she is a woman.

Seeing everyone's confused expressions, Zhao Fei smiled and explained: "This cave is called the Fairy Cave. Legend has it that there was a fairy who could not bear to be lonely and came down to earth...

On Chinese Valentine's Day, I met a farm boy.

cough cough.

Next, I believe you can guess even if I don’t tell you, there are many similar myths and legends in our Dragon Kingdom.

Immortals and mortals are separated.

After the farmer boy died, the fairy could not accept this fact, so she stood at the entrance of the cave every day, waiting for the husband to come back after a day of farming.

This wait lasted for countless years.

Gradually the fairy turned into the life-size jade statue in front of us.

Of course, it's a legend.

Don't be too serious, don't be serious, just ignore the writings engraved on the back of the statue. "

"What handwriting?"

Zhao Maimai curiously walked behind the statue and knelt down to take a look.

Soon I discovered that there was a line of words engraved on the heel of the jade statue.

"Made in 2006 by Haikou Jade Carving Factory...ahem."

Zhao Maimai read out this line accidentally, and she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at the moment.

He quickly stood up and glared at Zhao Fei.

If Zhao Fei hadn't said anything, she really wouldn't have noticed this secret place.

Maybe you are still immersed in this love story.

Now, there is no interest at all.

Noticing Mai Mai's gaze, Zhao Fei touched his nose, feeling very innocent.

I've said it all, ignore it.

If you want to see it yourself, then who can you blame?

But it was getting late now. Thinking of the afternoon game, Zhao Fei decided to go down the mountain early.

This time on the cable car, Liu Yifei took the initiative to pull Mai Mai over.

We planned to sit together, obviously we had something to discuss.

Yang Xiaohu and Reba took a cable car.

Zhao Fei can only be with Zhang Zilan.

Sitting on the cable car going down the mountain, Zhao Fei saw that Zhang Zilan's legs were shaking slightly, which was obviously the sequelae of the strenuous exercise of climbing just now.

"Are your legs sore?"

"Yeah." Zhang Zilan beat her legs. The amount of exercise just now was too much for her.

Sitting still, my legs began to shake on their own initiative.

Pouting her little mouth was helpless.

I feel so embarrassed that I didn’t see Mai Mai jumping around and nothing happened.

Zhao Fei didn't even break a sweat.

She was panting, and she looked very tired.

"Here, take the live broadcast room and I'll press it for you."

Zhao Fei grabbed Zhang Zilan's calf, picked it up and placed it on his thigh, gently pressing on the meridians to soothe the tense muscles.

In an instant, Zhang Zilan's pretty face turned red.

Especially the face-fighting at close range was clearly seen by the live broadcast room, so he quickly lowered his head shyly and covered half of his face with a visor.

"Haha, Zilan is shy."

"This bitch is so brave. Michael is right in front."

"You must have misunderstood upstairs. Isn't it just a massage on your legs? Nothing else."

Zhao Fei really didn't think much about it.

In his eyes, Zhang Zilan is just a little sister.

And in her current state, she wouldn't be able to play the Sea Dragon for a while.

If Zhang Zilan can't play Sea Dragon, it will indirectly affect him and he can only participate in the duel between red and blue. Then he will be in a dilemma.

Of course, Zhao Fei naturally hopes that Liu Yifei can win.

And believe in it.

After all, both Liu Yifei and Zhao Maimai had their bodies transformed by the health spring water.

Yang Xiaohu and Reba, in the final analysis, are just celebrities, not athletes. Even if they usually exercise, it is mostly to keep in shape.

A strenuous sport like beach volleyball is also very physically demanding.

Yang Xiaohu's chances of winning were almost non-existent.

"Well, do you feel better?"

Zhang Zilan adjusted the camera in the live broadcast room so that fans could not see her.

She also didn't expect Zhao Fei to be so bold.

But after being pressed for such a short period of time, she found that the pain in her legs had indeed eased a lot.

Especially Zhao Fei's fingers are very powerful.

The route was so comfortable that she couldn't help but make a sound sometimes.

However, if she shouted out at this time, it would really kill her, so she could only grit her teeth and nod her head.

Ten minutes later, the cable car reached the foot of the mountain, and Zhao Fei also took his hand back.

"Okay, come down and take a walk to feel it?"

Taking over the live broadcast room again, Zhao Fei helped Zhang Zilan get off the cable car.

Stepping on the ground, Zhang Zilan did feel that her legs had recovered a lot. She smiled shyly and sweetly: "Thank you, Brother Zhao Fei." "It's okay. Let's go, let's go eat."

There are many restaurants at the foot of Baishiling Mountain.

And the dishes are all local specialties.

Maimai and Zilan, who had just climbed the cliff, were very appetizing.

On the contrary, the other three women were a little worse.

But the thought of playing beach volleyball soon is a lot of exercise.

Therefore, Yang Xiaohu and the other girls did not eat less.

Then everyone went to the RV to take a shower and change clothes.

Then Zhao Feicai drove to Yudai Beach.

Zhao Fei didn't know much about the agreement between Liu Yifei and Yang Xiaohu, but looking at the fighting spirit in the eyes of the two women along the way, Zhao Fei could understand it after just a little thought.

The two must have reached an agreement.

Use this beach volleyball as a platform to compete.

Zhao Fei did not interfere with this and gave the live broadcast room to Zhang Zilan, who went to debug the equipment of Hai Fei Long.

However, the live broadcast room is looking forward to this matchup.

Especially when the four girls appear.

The clothes provided by the program team, red and blue team uniforms, are all small shorts, waist-baring vests, and a row of long legs forming a beautiful view.

It made a lot of people salivate.

"Okay, it seems everyone is ready."

Yan Min stood up as the referee. He was the one who caused this matter, so he must bear the responsibility.

Just listen to him continue: "None of the four are professional athletes, so our rules don't need to be so strict, so it doesn't matter whether it's with hands, heads, or feet.

As long as you can hit the ball back without letting it hit the ground, that's fine.

Of course, we also drew a red line to define the scope of each area.

If the ball goes out of bounds, you lose a point. If the volleyball lands in bounds, you get one point.

Moreover, there is no time limit in this game. Whoever gets [-] points first wins.

Four, do you have any questions? "


Zhao Maimai stretched, full of fighting spirit.

Liu Yifei told her just now on the cable car that she knew exactly what this competition meant.

So they can only win but not lose.

Of course, she won't lose.

Because the Zhao Maimai now is not the Zhao Maimai before.

By following Zhao Fei for such a long time, day after day, her physical fitness has already been developed.

The same goes for Liu Yifei.

"The same goes for us, we can start."

Yang Xiaohu is also not afraid, winning is the best, losing is the best.

Anyway, she already had a handle on Liu Yifei.

At that time, this will be Wang Zha.

"Okay." Yan Min nodded, blew the whistle, and the game officially started.

Fans in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, everyone cheered, and there were countless people buying gifts.

"Come on Mai Mai, Liu Yifei will win, it will be thirty to zero!"

"Although I also know that there is a high probability that Mai Mai and Liu Yifei will win, I still suppress Yang Xiaohu, not for anything else, just because she is too fierce.

Tsk tsk...this scale is worthy of having nursed a child. "

"Ahem, if you're going to say this, then I'll take a closer look."


at the same time.

Zhao Fei's side has also debugged the water flying dragon.

In fact, this equipment is very simple. Anyone can play on the sea as long as they have a speedboat or a motorboat.

Of course, this requires certain cooperation.

The speedboat must have a driver. When Zhao Fei steps on the pedal, the driver must also take the opportunity to increase the accelerator, so that there will be power to push Zhao Fei up.

The driver driving the yacht at the moment is the captain of the previous yacht.

Zhao Fei gave her a look.

The captain stepped on the accelerator lightly.

Zhao Fei also felt a push under his feet, which gradually pushed him up into the air.

Especially under the control of Zhao Fei, he moved up and down, left and right.

The water column under the pedal is like a white flying dragon, sometimes emerging from the sea and sometimes swaying, looking both thrilling and beautiful.

"Wow haha, I want to play too, I want to play too."

Zhang Zilan, who was sitting behind the yacht, had stars in his eyes, shouting and applauding.

She wanted to play with the sea dragon the most yesterday.

Naihe encountered a group of sharks.

I was a little regretful before, but I didn't expect that Zhao Fei actually remembered it and brought the speedboat over to give her a surprise.

So when he heard the news, Zhang Zilan's look at Zhao Fei changed instantly.

Especially now that the live broadcast room is over the beach volleyball side, she feels a lot more courageous.

Without waiting for Zhao Fei to come over, he jumped directly from the speedboat and swam towards Zhao Fei.

This is Yudai Beach.

The long and narrow beach is isolated from the sea water and Yuquan River.

Moreover, there is an island in the water, and there is water in the island. It is an excellent golden coast, so the sea water is not deep and there is basically no danger.

Zhao Fei, who was standing in the air, saw Zhang Zilan coming over.

Then he slowly stepped on the pedal and fell into the sea.

Zhang Zilan was wearing very little at the moment. A pink mini skirt and a camisole were all she had.

Including Zhao Fei, he only has a pair of colorful pants at the moment.

The naked upper body and eight clear abdominal muscles give people an absolutely explosive visual effect.

So Zhang Zilan, who swam next to Zhao Fei, looked a little shy in his big eyes at a close distance.

Some are at a loss.

Zhao Fei smiled when he saw it and said, "Turn your back and step on my feet, and I will take you flying."


Zhang Zilan nodded excitedly and turned around.

Especially leaning against Zhao Fei's strong chest and being held by Zhao Fei also gave her a sense of security.

But before he could think more, he heard Zhao Fei's gentle voice in his ear.


The next second, Zhang Zilan felt a push coming from under his feet, and his whole body was driven by Zhao Fei to fly directly out of the sea, then paused in mid-air, and continued to move forward.

The feeling of hanging in the air is even more exciting than the via ferrata just now.

"Ahhh...wait, wait a moment."

Without thinking too much, Zhang Zilan firmly grasped Zhao Fei's big hand, with a look of shock on his face.

But soon.

As the thrust under his feet continued to increase and decrease, Zhao Fei also moved left and right, sometimes falling into the water, and sometimes rising into the sky.

Zhang Zilan also gradually adapted.

He happily let out a small voice like a silver bell: "Wow, wow, hahaha, it's so fun."

Zhang Zilan was happy, but Zhao Fei felt a little uncomfortable at the moment.

Especially when playing this sea dragon, the two bodies must be close to each other.

Rubbing it back and forth makes people angry.

Gradually, Zhang Zilan also noticed something was wrong.

She felt something tickling her behind her.

I immediately thought of what it was.

He lowered his head, and after falling into the water again, he took the initiative and said, "How about I turn around and hug you?"

"Uh, okay."

Zhao Fei looked slightly embarrassed and turned Zhang Zilan around with one hand.

But I didn't expect that this would be even more embarrassing.

Especially when facing each other head on, coupled with the height difference, Zhang Zilan would bend his knees from time to time due to the force of the push.

As a result, the distance between the two becomes shorter and shorter.

(End of this chapter)

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