China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 165 Zhao Fei, you don’t want Mai Mai to know, right?

Chapter 165 Zhao Fei, you don’t want Mai Mai to know, right?

This distance is not a deep or shallow distance.

Because of the height difference between the two, and Zhao Fei's abundant capital.

So Zhang Zilan could clearly feel that there was something moving around his belly.

For a moment, Zhang Zilan finally understood why there was so much noise last night.

Too shy to move.

The same was true for Zhao Fei, so a few minutes later, he let Zhang Zilan down when he landed on the sea.

Seeing this, Zhang Zilan was too embarrassed to play with the sea dragon anymore.

He glanced at Zhao Fei with a coquettish look in his big eyes, and then swam towards the shore.

The corner of Zhao Fei's mouth twitched as he watched.

I thought to myself what does this mean?
This girl doesn’t think he did it on purpose just now, does she?
This is a bit unfair.

If I really want to bully you, I won't give you a chance to swim away.

It's already been done.

Of course, Zhang Zilan didn't think so in her heart. She just had an inexplicable feeling that she understood why Mai Mai didn't mind Liu Yifei.

Moreover, Zhao Fei's impression on her also changed.

Although he is still a reliable big brother, there are some inexplicable emotions mixed with him.

This kind of emotion makes Zhao Fei the only one among her big brothers.

This made Zhang Zilan feel a little complicated.

When I got ashore, I took a bath towel and put it on my body, and walked to the beach volleyball court.

He held his chin with his hands and his eyes wandered.

From time to time he looked at Yang Xiaohu, then looked down at himself, and the next second he pursed his lips.

But when he looked at Mai Mai, his eyes softened a lot.

Raise your hands and shout; "Come on!"

Zhao Fei packed up the equipment and took over the live broadcast room from the surrounding staff.

At a glance, I found that the number of people online at this moment reached more than 500 million.

Barrages flew up densely.

Some supported Yang Xiaohu and some supported Liu Yifei, but most of them still shouted for Zhao Maimai.

Obviously, this beach volleyball game between the red and blue teams was very popular among the fans in the live broadcast room.

Many fans of Yang Xiaohu and Reba were also attracted.

Follow the drums and cheer.

Correspondingly, Zhao Fei's fan base has also increased.

After the last draw, Zhao Fei retained 5000 million fan points, and now the remaining fan points have become more than 180 million.

It can be seen that Yang Xiaohu and Reba are quite capable.

Looking at the field again, the score was 26 to nine.

Liu Yifei and Zhao Maimai on the red side scored 26 points.

Blue side Yang Xiaohu and Reba only had nine points.

Whoever reaches thirty points first wins.

So in the current situation, there is basically no need to continue fighting.

But both sides still showed great sportsmanship.

Especially Yang Xiaohu, even though he was sweating profusely and the sweat had soaked his vest, he still stared at the opposite side.

Run-and-catch room.

A pair of grain storage bags make people dizzy.

Even if Zhao Fei saw it, he had to admit that it was no wonder that Xiao Nuomi was so fat. With such a mother, no one would be hungry.

And Reba's long legs are so slim and light that when she moves, she feels like carrying them on her shoulders.

So not just the live broadcast room, but also most of the people around.

Most of his eyes follow the ball.

The mind is quite pure.

After that, Zhao Fei didn't stay here much, and returned to the RV to take a bath. After playing in the sea water, he came out feeling sticky and uncomfortable.

After a while, Zhao Fei planned to buy vegetables and cook.

Although Zhao Fei didn't want to get close to Yang Xiaohu and Reba, they were already here after all, and as masters, they couldn't be too petty.

At least give him a good treat.

And Zhang Zilan will also be leaving tonight, so everyone can have a good breakup dinner.

At the same time, Zhao Fei felt uncomfortable here.

Zhang Zilan, who watched beach volleyball for a while, also felt uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, he walked towards the RV.

There was no one around now, so she planned to take a good rinse.

But as soon as she entered the RV, she heard the sound of the shower room 'squeaking'.

Taking another look at the clothes he was taking off, it was obvious that Zhao Fei was taking a shower inside. He quickly lowered his head and prepared to leave, planning to wait until Zhao Fei finished washing before coming back.

But just as she closed the door of the RV, she heard the bathroom door inside being opened. It was obvious that Zhao Fei was finished.

This stopped her in her tracks.

Thinking, 'Since Zhao Fei took off his clothes just now, so now...'


Out of curiosity, Zhang Zilan turned around lightly.

Lying at the door, looking through the window, he saw Zhao Fei walking carelessly in the living room.

He hummed a song while wiping his body with a towel.

Especially the dangling capital made her cover her eyes subconsciously.

I just felt like a rabbit had broken into my heart, jumping around.

But soon Zhang Zilan's little hand covering her eyes opened a gap, and the big eyes inside blinked, full of surprise.

It was as if he had discovered some wonderful sight.

But soon Zhao Fei changed into new clothes.

Judging from the posture, he is preparing to go out.

Zhang Zilan was shocked and ran away for a few steps, then forced himself to calm down, turned around and pretended to have just returned.

Walking slowly towards the RV.


The RV door was pushed open.

Zhao Fei walked out of it.

When he saw Zhang Zilan, he smiled and said, "I'm back. How was the game? Is there a winner?"

"It's almost time. I feel like Sister Yifei and the others will win."

As a young actor, Zhang Zilan would not panic in front of the camera, let alone at this time.

So it was natural to say it at this time.

But Zhao Fei still discovered something was wrong.

It's really why this girl's eyes are always looking at some inappropriate places.

Just like when a man sees a beautiful woman passing by on the street, he will always take a look.

This is the case with Zhang Zilan now.

"what happened?"

Zhao Fei lowered his head and looked at his new clothes: "Is there something wrong with me?"

"No, it's fine."

Zhang Zilan lowered his eyes, not daring to look any further, and whispered: "I want to go in and take a shower, is that okay?"

"Of course, go ahead and remember to lock the door. I'll go to the market to buy some food and cook you a big meal tonight."

"Yeah, thank you, Brother Zhao Fei."

Zhang Zilan smiled slightly and quickly passed Zhao Fei.

But as soon as he entered the RV, he quickly locked the door, patted his chest nervously, and gasped for air.

Especially when I think back to the scene just now, my face feels hot instantly.

It seemed like two flaming clouds were flying up.

"This girl."

Looking at Zhang Zilan's back, Zhao Fei shook his head.

I didn't think much of it.

Little did he know, he had already been seen naked just now.

This girl Zhang Zilan looks cute like a child, but in fact she is also quirky and very courageous.

At the same time, the beach volleyball game is gradually coming to an end.

The volleyball kicked by Mai Mai landed on the ground.

The red team took the lead and gained thirty points.

"Yeah... we won, we won."

"Thirty to twelve, haha, it's almost tripled."

Zhao Maimai and Liu Yifei hugged each other, jumping up and down, and their joy was beyond words.Reba on the other side also lowered his head in loneliness upon seeing this.

On the other hand, Yang Xiaohu looked like he didn't care about winning or losing, and gave Reba a hug: "It's okay, don't be discouraged. It's not certain who will win or lose."

"What do you mean?" Reba was a little confused when he heard this.

"Don't think too much, you will know later."

Yang Xiaohu stared at the two Liu Yifei girls opposite, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and narrowed his beautiful big eyes.

Apparently he already had a solution in mind.

Especially when they learned that Zhao Fei was not in the RV but went shopping alone.

She gave Reba a few instructions and chased out alone without taking a shower.

At this moment, Zhao Fei and Galza were walking back carrying some seafood and vegetables. When they saw Yang Xiaohu, they paused slightly.

Yang Xiaohu's eyes also narrowed.

During this period of time, she had accumulated countless resentments against Zhao Fei in her heart.

It happened that there was no one else around at this time, so I stopped pretending, walked up and grabbed the things in Zhao Fei's hand, and handed them to Garza: "You go back first, your Brother Afei and I have something to say."

Upon hearing this, Gaerzha understood deeply.

This should be her third sister-in-law soon.

So before Zhao Fei could say anything, he carried his things and walked back.

Zhao Fei's mouth twitched and he shouted, "Hey, are you my assistant or her assistant?"

"There is not much time, so I will make a long story short."

Yang Xiaohu ignored Zhao Fei's dissatisfaction. Zhao Fei was angry and she was angry, so she said directly with a straight face: "I know about Liu Yifei and Mai Mai."


Zhao Fei was slightly stunned, subconsciously thinking that Yang Xiaohu knew that Liu Yifei was with him.

So I was a little surprised for a while.

No wonder others call her little fox.

These eyes are too poisonous.

After just getting along for a while, she noticed it.

Seeing Zhao Fei's surprised expression, Yang Xiaohu raised his lips proudly: "If I guess correctly, the reason why you and Liu Yifei quarreled yesterday was probably because of this incident.

So you tried your best to hope that Liu Yifei could leave for traveling.

However, there is a Mai Mai in the middle.

Because of your feelings for Mai Mai, you had to endure Liu Yifei.

Am I right? "

"Ah, you you you..."

Hearing this, Zhao Fei also felt that something was wrong and was slightly speechless.

And even if someone finds him hugging him, he is not afraid and is ready.

But now it seems that he and Yang Xiaohu are not on the same channel.

So he couldn't help but look a little weird for a while.

"No need to explain, I understand."

Yang Xiaohu smiled proudly and continued: "As you can see, Liu Yifei and I have a lot of grievances, so I also hope that Liu Yifei can leave for travel.

You don’t want Mai Mai to be snatched away by Liu Yifei in the end.

In this way, we are naturally in the same camp and should work together. "

"You... are so outstanding!"

Zhao Fei gave a thumbs up, and he understood what the other party meant.

Thumbs up.

She saw the close relationship between Liu Yifei and Zhao Maimai just now and thought they were together.

Instead of him, Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei are together.

This ability to understand has to be said.

Zhao Fei wanted to give her a thumbs up.

So Zhao Fei's expression was extremely weird at this moment.

I want to smile, but I can't open my mouth in front of others.

"You don't need to say that."

Yang Xiaohu shook her long hair and fanned her pretty face with her jade hands.

This scene also attracted Zhao Fei's attention.

I have to say, it’s really big.

"So what do you think? Do you want to cooperate and pool the strength of the two of us? Liu Yifei has to leave even if he doesn't leave. Of course, you must agree to me a condition afterwards."

"What conditions?"

Zhao Fei didn't expose the other party, but he wanted to see what Yang Xiaohu had to say.

Yang Xiaohu looked around and found that there was no one around.

Then he stepped forward and said softly: "After that, I want Reba to travel with you and be a permanent guest."

Yang Xiaohu, who was sweating profusely, got closer and let Zhao Fei smell a scent.

Although Zhao Fei was noncommittal about Yang Xiaohu’s character.

But he also admitted that the other party was very interesting and quite attractive.

It's as ripe as a peach, and it's absolutely juicy when you take a bite.

However, Zhao Fei is very satisfied now, and he won't provoke the women outside if he can.

What's more, Liu Yifei is going to give birth to a child for him.

How could he agree to the other party?

So Zhao Fei shook his head and said: "Miss Yang, I admit that you are beautiful, but I advise you not to think too beautiful, this is impossible.

So you'd better stop thinking about it. "

After saying that, Zhao Fei turned around and left.

He was as cool as a lone warrior, cutting off the female hero who was clinging to him with one stroke.

Show no mercy.

And Yang Xiaohu was also stunned at this moment.

what's the situation?
Didn't you just say it well? How can you just fall out of love?

For a moment, the anger in his heart also rushed up, and he grabbed Zhao Fei's clothes: "Zhao Fei, are you still a man? You are almost holding the prairie on your head, but you can bear it.

No, I'd love to know.

What on earth are you thinking? "

"you misunderstood."

Zhao Fei pulled her hand aside and shook his head: "Things are not what you think. Also, whether I am a man or not has nothing to do with you."

After saying that, Zhao Fei continued to walk back.

This made Yang Xiaohu even more angry.

You know, she has been rejected by Zhao Fei countless times.

I won’t answer calls or send WeChat messages.

This made Yang Xiaohu feel resentful.

So she always thought that Zhao Fei was not interested in her, so she focused on Reba.

Now it seems that Zhao Fei is obviously not interested in either her or Reba.

Even if it was Liu Yifei who was impossible to get, and even had a hostile relationship with Zhao Fei, Zhao Fei still chose to endure it because of Mai Mai.

This dealt a considerable blow to Yang Xiaohu's self-esteem.

Eye sockets instantly turned red.

He glanced at the public toilet next to him, gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and pulled Zhao Fei into it.

"No, you're not done yet, are you? Let me go quickly."

Zhao Fei frowned. The reason he didn't resist was because he was afraid of hurting the other party.

This requires a lot of strength, and Yang Xiaohu accidentally broke his bone.

Then he is reasonable and becomes unreasonable.

"What are you going to do? You dragged me into the toilet, no... I said Yang Xiaohu, are you sick?"

Yang Xiaohu gritted his silver teeth.

He didn't respond to Zhao Fei's words and just kept walking to the public toilet.

Today she had to see if Zhao Fei was a man.

She didn't believe it, she wasn't attractive at all.

So he made up his mind not to let Zhao Fei leave.

As the door closed, Zhao Fei secretly felt something was wrong and wanted to rush out, but Yang Xiaohu blocked the door, clearly not wanting him to leave.

This made Zhao Fei feel angry.

"You must be sick. Get out of the way. What do you look like?"

Yang Xiaohu glared at Zhao Fei, his beautiful eyes watery, showing both grievance and determination.

So without further ado.

The next second he pounced towards Zhao Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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