China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 166: It's a blessing in disguise!

Chapter 166: It's a blessing in disguise!
In the hot summer, the sun is like a fire.

The sea breeze blows on Yudai Beach, bringing a little coolness to people.

Public toilets are mostly placed in places with high flow of people, and their main function is to bring convenience to people.

It is also to maintain urban sanitation.

So it's important.

Especially in some tourist cities, it is even more essential.

However, there are always some people in the world who, regardless of the occasion and severity, destroy public facilities, affect environmental sanitation, and act wantonly in public.

People who do this are immoral and irresponsible.

Zhao Fei thinks he is not a good person, but he cannot be said to be a bad person.

It can be said that he is a good citizen who is polite and law-abiding.

Naturally, such a thing would not be done.

However, some people are no longer human beings when they are crazy.

However, at the critical moment, Zhao Fei still pulled back from the brink and held the bottom line.

"Zhao Fei, you are indeed not a man!"

Outside the toilet, Yang Xiaohu stared at Zhao Fei fiercely, wiping off his spent lipstick, his beautiful eyes full of resentment.

She also didn't expect that she had acted like that just now, and the other party was still unmoved.

All her efforts were in vain, which made her feel even more at a loss.

"Whatever you say."

Zhao Fei straightened his torn clothes.

He also knew that now he had completely offended Yang Xiaohu.

But he didn't regret it.

A manly man, he does what he does and what he doesn't do. He admits that Yang Xiaohu is very charming, but it is not his cup of tea.

He already has Mai Mai and Liu Yifei, and he has to think about them.


Yang Xiaohu stamped his feet, unable to hold himself together at this moment.

Even though her heart was strong, her tears still couldn't stop flowing out at this moment.

She had no feelings for Zhao Fei, and what she did was just a temporary conflict of temper. However, being pushed away by a man in this situation would be too harmful to a woman.

Zhao Fei sighed and said nothing more.

Turn around and walk back.

When Zhao Fei approached the RV, he happened to meet Reba who had packed his luggage and was about to leave.

Obviously what happened was that no matter how strong Yang Xiaohu's heart was, she couldn't stay any longer.

Prepare to leave with Reba.

"Zhao Fei!"

Reba gave Zhao Fei a complicated look, smiled, and didn't say much.

She didn't know what happened just now, but when she received the call from Yang Xiaohu, she heard crying.

This was the first time she saw Yang Xiaohu cry.

So he felt a little resentful towards Zhao Fei, rolled his eyes, lowered his head and left.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head.

It felt like this, out of sight, out of mind, it was an accident that they came to this trip.

Since it was an accident, resolve it quickly and get things back on track.

"what have you done?"

Seeing Zhao Fei coming back, Zhao Maimai immediately came up to greet him.

When Reba answered the phone just now, they all heard it, so not only Mai Mai was curious, but Liu Yifei also looked at Zhao Fei with probing eyes.

"Yang Xiaohu just went to see you, but in the end he made you cry?"

"Uh, so be it."

Zhao Fei nodded and explained: "But I won't talk about the process. It's not very pleasant anyway."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei and Mai Mai looked at each other.

Especially Zhao Fei's torn shirt, it was obvious that he thought of what Yang Xiaohu wanted to do to Zhao Fei, but was rejected, so he couldn't hold back his heart and shed tears.

Women know women best.

What's more, no one knows how charming Zhao Fei is better than them.

So they were not surprised by this.

Of course, the two girls are now both satisfied and pleased with Zhao Fei's performance.

One left and one right rushed up to hug Zhao Fei's arm.

She raised her head and kissed the side of his face.

"Husband, you are so kind."

Liu Yifei smiled like a flower, and looked at Zhao Fei with happiness in his eyes.

Zhao Maimai's big eyes were filled with little stars of admiration: "Brother, I love you more and more."

The mulberry elm is lost, and the eastern corner is harvested.

If we lose our horses, we can't know what a blessing is.

Zhao Fei also didn't expect that his ruthless rejection would cause such a big reaction from the two girls.

Vanity was greatly satisfied.

I feel like I am getting closer to my goal for this trip.

So he took the opportunity to reach out and hug the two girls, one on the left and one on the right, making the three people's faces covered with saliva.

"I love you all too."

"Hehe... Zilan is still outside with the live broadcast room. Stop making trouble."

"Uh-huh, don't you have to cook? Okay, okay. If you have anything else, we'll talk about it tonight."

Take the live broadcast room.

Zhang Zilan, who was just outside the RV, pouted a little unhappy.

Just now she realized that something had happened, and when she saw Zhao Fei coming back, she took the initiative to come out with the live broadcast room, leaving space for the three of them.

But I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, the three of them would get tired of each other.

No regard for her feelings.

At this moment, Zhang Zilan felt a little redundant again.

He held his shoulders a little cold.

However, she was also surprised. After listening to the words of several people, it was obvious that Yang Xiaohu wanted to do something to Zhao Fei outside before, but was ruthlessly rejected by Zhao Fei.

That's why I was too embarrassed to stay any longer and left without even preparing to eat dinner.

This also made Zhang Zilan dislike Zhao Fei.

No wonder the two women were so devoted to Zhao Fei. It seemed that it was not impossible to accommodate such a man.

When he thought of this, Zhang Zilan's mind came alive.

There is already one more Liu Yifei. You won’t mind if there is one more, Mai Mai, right?
"Zi Lan, what are you doing outside? Come inside."

The door of the RV was opened and Mai Mai shouted.

Hearing the voice, Zhang Zilan immediately calmed down, dismissed the thoughts in his mind, and pretended that nothing happened: "Oh, I'm back."

"Have you noticed that there is something wrong with sister Zilan?"

"I don't know if Zi Lan is right or not. I just want to know why Yang Xiaohu and Reba are missing? Is it because they lost the beach volleyball and can't help themselves?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I felt that today's live broadcast was quite strange."

A lot of fans in the live broadcast room.

Naturally, they could see something was wrong in the live broadcast room, but they were not sure what was going on for a while.

But soon the content of the live broadcast returned to what they were familiar with.

Zhao Fei cooks, while the three girls, Mai and Mai, help.

Warm and harmonious.

An hour later, the four of them set up a table outside, covered with a white tablecloth.

Facing the sea breeze, eating seafood and drinking red wine.

Whoever sees this life is envious.

And because Zhang Zilan was about to leave, the three girls drank a lot without Zhao Fei's persuasion.

One bottle after another of red wine was opened.

As they pushed the cup and changed the cup, everyone's little face turned red.

The atmosphere is harmonious.

Zhao Fei on the side also smiled happily. He felt that tonight was an opportunity for him.

An opportunity to fulfill your travel goals.

However, Zhao Fei also felt that the scene in front of him was somewhat familiar.

It seems to have happened before.

"Sister Mai Mai, sister Yifei, cheers." Zhang Zilan swayed, her big eyes were like crescent moons, and she smiled happily. "Haha, Zi Lan, please drink less, you will be on a plane soon." Liu Yifei looked a little worried.


Zhao Maimai waved his hands grandly and said, "If that doesn't work, let Zhao Fei take him to the airport later. He didn't drink anyway."

"Yes, let Brother Zhao Fei give it to me."

Zhang Zilan was even happier when he heard this.

Originally, she just wanted to use alcohol to cover up her sadness about leaving, but she didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain.

Now I can spend some time alone with Brother Zhao Fei again.


Time passed, and the sky gradually darkened.

The three women exchanged glasses and drank several bottles of red wine. Now their little minds were a little confused.

Even Zhang Zilan couldn't control it for a moment. Before leaving, he had long forgotten to ask Zhao Fei to see him off. He was helped by his assistant and drove away.

Zhao Maimai and Liu Yifei also stood up and waved goodbye.

"Zi Lan, be careful on the road."

"As promised, Zi Lan, you must come over next time you have time."

"Do not worry."

Zhang Zilan drew a distance and continued in a daze: "I will definitely come over. Are we a family? A family...should be together, together!"

"Haha, Zi Lan really drank too much."

Zhao Fei also smiled bitterly and shook his head. Without thinking much, he said to Zhang Zilan's assistant: "Slow down on the road and call if you need anything."

"Okay, I understand, Brother Fei."

Watch the vehicle leave.

Zhao Fei withdrew his gaze and looked at the two women again.

Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were filled with drunkenness.

You can still smell a hint of the mellow aroma of red wine when you get close to her. Her movements and movements fully demonstrate the natural softness, beauty and charm of a woman.

People watching are itching.

So Zhao Fei didn't bother to pack his things.

He said to the live broadcast room: "Everyone, you have also seen that it is very late now, so we have to take a rest. See you all tomorrow."

"This bitch is in a hurry. He's not going to do anything bad, right?"

"Impossible, there are so many people on the show team, how can we let him mess around?"

"Damn it, no matter whether this bitch will mess around or not, I am more and more envious of him now. Every day, he is accompanied by beautiful women and travels around the mountains and rivers.

There is no one left in this life. "

Watch the barrage in the live room.

Zhao Fei didn't know if he was a little dirty with the words "traveling in mountains and rivers".

It always feels like it’s not that serious.

Especially think of it as a 'verb'.

"Ahem, everyone... there are many guests in today's live broadcast, so I can't take care of everyone. I hope you can forgive me.

But that's all over now.

Tomorrow is a new day and our journey will continue.

Everyone also go to bed early.

I won’t say much more to you here. We’ll see you tomorrow. "

Turn off the live broadcast.

Zhao Fei found that Mai and Mai had returned to the RV.

Zhao Fei, who originally didn't plan to clean up the leftovers, decided to do so after thinking about it.

Otherwise, if there is heavy rain or a typhoon at night, these things outside will suffer.

So I decided to tidy up the tables, chairs and benches as quickly as possible.

The staff of the program team on the side quickly came to help when they saw this.

So it didn’t take long for the outside of the RV to become clean again.

At this point, Zhao Fei no longer hesitated, returned to the RV and locked the door.

At first glance, the bathroom door was open and there was no sound.

Zhao Fei gently opened Liu Yifei's room, and it was also empty and empty.

This made Zhao Fei's lips raise involuntarily.

Rubbing his hands, he opened another Zhao Maimai's bedroom.

Although only the desk lamp was on, Zhao Fei could still see clearly that the two women, one on the left and one on the right, were lying on the bed regardless of their appearance. Their postures were inelegant but full of temptation.

At the end of the day, Zhao Fei played with Zhang Zilan again.

The anger stirred up by Yang Xiaohu again had nowhere to vent.

The two girls were really drunk at the moment. They felt someone beside them. They opened their eyes in a daze and found that it was Zhao Fei. They immediately came over with a smile.

Liu Yifei: "Husband!"

Zhao Maimai: "Brother, I want you to hold me and sleep."

"No rush, no rush."

Zhao Fei swallowed and continued; "Maimai, come... lift your arms and I will help you take off your clothes."

'OK. "

Mai Mai raised her hands obediently and pouted cutely.

Zhao Fei's heart almost turned cute.

"Yifei, it's your turn."

"No, I'll sleep like this."

Liu Yifei shook his head proudly and buried his head in Zhao Fei's chest, unwilling to let go.

"Be obedient. It's hard to sleep with clothes on."

"Well, that's fine."

The confused Liu Yifei stopped talking and allowed Zhao Fei to do whatever he wanted.

However, during this period, Zhao Fei accidentally pressed Mai Mai's hair, causing her to frown instantly. She stretched out her hand and patted it randomly: "You are pressing my hair."

"Uh, who hit me?"

Liu Yifei opened his hazy eyes and looked around, but he couldn't find anyone.

At this moment, Zhao Fei's heart was in his throat.

He quickly said: "No one, no one, I accidentally bumped into you."

"Nonsense, it's obviously me."

Zhao Maimai murmured to the side: "Sister Yifei, why did you come to my room? Didn't this let the bad guy succeed? You, you, go back quickly.

Today it's my turn. "

"Ah, Mai Mai?"

Liu Yifei scratched his head, his little brain was a little tired, and he thought for a while before retorting: "You're talking nonsense, it's my turn today, and this is my room.

You should be the one going back. "

"You're wrong, it's my turn today."

"No, it's obviously me."

"Hmph, you're lying."

"You're just lying. It's obvious that you remembered it wrong."

"Okay, okay." Zhao Fei interrupted the two girls, covered them with quilts, and whispered: "There's nothing to argue about, let's get over it together today."

"I don't want it, you bad guy." The confused Mai Mai subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But the alcohol made her sleepy.

So without saying a few words, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

On the contrary, it was Liu Yifei who pointed at Zhao Fei with drunken eyes and chuckled: "Husband, I knew you always wanted to do bad things. Before, you pretended... hum.

What my mother said was indeed correct.

There is nothing good about men. "

"Liu Xiaoli? What else did she say?"

Zhao Fei was a little curious about how Liu Xiaoli evaluated herself in front of Liu Yifei.

Logically speaking, the other party should keep praising him.

"Hmph, you want to trick me while I drink too much, right? I won't tell you, not to mention... not to mention, hiccup... not to mention I didn't drink too much at all."

"Okay, okay, you didn't drink too much."

Zhao Fei followed Liu Yifei's words and took her into his arms with his right hand, while Zhao Maimai was on his left.

one side.

Enjoy the blessings of all people.

(End of this chapter)

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