China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 167: I once held a sword and dreamed of traveling to the end of the world (revised version)

Chapter 167: I once held a sword and dreamed of traveling to the end of the world (revised version)

Zhao Fei thought he would have this kind of double happiness.

But I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Looking at the two sleeping girls, Zhao Fei had no intention of waking them up.

He scraped the tip of Mai Mai's nose affectionately, hugged her tightly, and wished her a good dream.

At the same time, Mai Mai seemed to feel that the tip of her nose was itching, and she pouted her lips a little unhappy. Not to mention her cute little appearance, it made people like her so much.

On the other side, Liu Yifei slept peacefully, like the sleeping beauty in the movie.

No one wants to ruin this beautiful scenery.

Zhao Fei stretched out his hand, pushed her hair behind her ears, stood up gently and kissed her forehead.

Softly said: "Sleep."

Zhao Fei and them all have bond cards with each other.

Therefore, even if Zhao Fei's body reacted, he was unwilling to wake them up and break this warm scene.

What's more, Zhao Fei is not an animal that relies on his lower body to think.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei both relied on him and trusted him, and he had to live up to this trust.

Besides, double happiness comes with two.

Habit is second nature.

This journey has just begun, and there will be many opportunities in the future.

Eat vegetarian food together today, and you can play Super Smash Bros. tomorrow.


Early the next morning, Zhao Fei woke up first.

Seeing that the two girls were still sleeping, Zhao Fei did not wake them up.

After rubbing their little heads respectively, they gently got up and got out of bed to prepare breakfast.

At the same time, Zhao Fei's departure also caused the two women to lose their reliance. Gradually, they got together and regarded each other as Zhao Fei.

So when the two of them woke up, the first thing they saw was each other.

"You, you, why are you on my bed?"

"That's not right...this is my room, right?"

Then, the two of them lifted the quilt at the same time.

After feeling carefully to make sure nothing happened last night, they looked at each other again and shouted in unison: "Where is Zhao Fei?"

"What are you shouting for? What are you shouting for?"

Zhao Fei was wearing an apron and stirring egg liquid in his hand. He looked like a housewife and opened the bedroom door.

"Isn't it just to get up together in the morning? What's the big deal? Now that you two are awake, hurry up and wash up. Breakfast is almost ready."


Without waiting for their response, Zhao Fei closed the door again.

"Why is he so natural?" Mai Mai had a question in her head. She couldn't remember what happened last night because she drank too much.

So she couldn't figure out what was going on?

Even Liu Yifei looked at Zhao Fei blankly and then at Zhao Maimai.

Three questions naturally arise, who am I?where am I?What did we do?
"Sister Yifei, did we... last night?"


Liu Yifei knew what Mai Mai meant, and her body's reaction told her that nothing happened last night, so she was a little surprised.

Zhao Fei actually let go of such a good opportunity?
Is it because they drank too much?

The two girls looked at each other.

He nodded knowingly.

"It seems that we have misunderstood Zhao Fei. He is different from others."


Mai Mai nodded her little head. Even though Zhao Fei was not in front of her, she still looked towards the kitchen of the RV, as if her eyes had already passed through the door and saw Zhao Fei who was busy.

"My brother is still my brother. He is just so outstanding and so lovable. He never takes advantage of others, nor does he force others to do anything."


Liu Yifei was also secretly surprised.

What she heard from Liu Xiaoli back then was that men were not like this.

Zhao Fei actually took the initiative to let go of such a good opportunity yesterday.

You know, before going to bed yesterday, Liu Yifei was in a daze, thinking that Zhao Fei was going to succeed, but she had no strength at all.

He was too groggy to move.

Simply ignore it, since Zhao Fei has been identified with him for the rest of his life.

If he wants it, then give it to him.

The same goes for Zhao Maimai. By the time she realized that the three of them were in the same room, it was already too late to say anything.

Her eyelids were heavy and she just wanted to sleep.

Before going to bed, I thought, if I can't resist, I can only passively endure it.

It's good to have Liu Yifei by her side, at least she can lighten her burden.

We are all a family anyway, so let’s be together.

But they didn't expect that Zhao Fei didn't take action at all, but just let them sleep peacefully.

This touched Mai Mai so much.

The resistance has also weakened a lot at this moment.

I thought that if Zhao Fei really wanted to, it wouldn't be impossible.

"What do you think now?" Mai Mai asked pointedly.

"let it go."

Liu Yifei rolled up his hair and got out of bed: "Let's go, let's pack up and have breakfast. Don't keep Zhao Fei waiting."


Mai Mai nodded lightly.

After this incident, the two women's resistance to Zhao Fei has obviously weakened a lot.

It can be said that as long as Zhao Fei works harder, he can achieve this small goal.

Regarding this point, Zhao Fei could make a rough guess even if he didn't hear the second woman talking. The second woman understood him, and he also understood the second woman.

There is no better way to deal with the two women than to retreat.

Of course, this is not because Zhao Fei took the initiative to trick the two girls.

But he really didn't want to do anything when the two women drank too much.

They love Zhao Fei deeply.

Zhao Fei also loves them deeply.

Putting breakfast on the table, he watched the two girls get dressed and dressed.

Zhao Fei also opened a live broadcast room.

"Good morning, brothers, a new day has begun. The first thing we do when we get up every morning is to look at our mobile phones and to go to the toilet.

But for me, it’s making breakfast.

Don't underestimate breakfast. There are three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast is the most important.

You can eat less, but you can never stop eating. "

"The main thing is that it has to be delicious." Mai Mai interjected.


Liu Yifei took a sip of milk and said to the live broadcast room: "You have never tasted Zhao Fei's craftsmanship. If you can try it, you will be amazed.

Although Zhao Fei's character is not that good, his craftsmanship is really nothing to say. "

"Hey, hey, hey... Isn't it a bit immoral to start scolding the cook before I'm even full?"

The three of them knew each other well and worked very smoothly together.

Zhao Fei knew that Liu Yifei did it on purpose, so he pretended to be angry and threw his chopsticks on the table.

"Sister Yifei didn't scold you, didn't she praise you?"


Liu Yifei nodded and smiled proudly.Mai Mai also laughed out loud.

The corner of Zhao Fei's mouth twitched when he saw it, and he said bitterly: "Yes, I have discovered that since Yifei came, Mai Mai, you are no longer the Mai Mai you used to be.

Dear fans in the live broadcast room.

Are you still the good brothers I once was? "

"You bitch, be a little self-aware, okay, who is your brother?"

"That is, you need to know your position. Who is in control of the situation now? Do you know... it's my Mai Mai and my Tianxian sister.

You just have to be more honest. "

"Haha, there were only Zhao Fei and Mai Mai in the previous live broadcast room. Although it was very warm and loving, it was a bit monotonous.

Yesterday, when Yang Xiaohu Reba and the others came, the live broadcast room was a bit chaotic.

So three or four people are the best.

I hope the program team will consider it carefully and there is no need for too many flying guests. Even if it is Zhao Fei and the others, we can still watch it.

Moreover, it is quite interesting to see Sister Tianxian bickering with Zhao Fei. "

Yan Min, who was sitting in the camera cart eating steamed buns and soy milk, fell into deep thought when he saw this barrage.

I reflected on whether I had done the right thing by agreeing to Yang Xiaohu on my own initiative.

If you didn't know that Yang Xiaohu forced Zhao Fei to go to the toilet yesterday, Yan Min thought he was right, but after hearing about this incident from the staff.

Yan Min was also a little scared.

He didn't expect Yang Xiaohu to be so courageous, and Zhao Fei's charm... to be so exaggerated.

I realized that I couldn’t apply all my previous experience in filming variety shows to travel.

The first is the relationship between Zhao Fei and the three of them.

There is also the charm of Zhao Fei himself.

As well as the selection of flying guests, this needs to be carefully considered and cannot be careless.

Especially pulling someone to the toilet should never happen again.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the whole trip will be ruined if I get exposed.

It was not obvious a few days ago, but now that travel is becoming more and more popular, many gossip reporters have also followed to take photos secretly, just to get some information that cannot be obtained in the live broadcast room.

This also forced Yan Min to be more cautious.

So we temporarily decided not to accept flying guests today, and let Zhao Fei and the others play alone for a few days first.

Thinking of this, Yan Min sent this opinion to Zhao Fei via WeChat.

Zhao Fei, who was eating, heard the movement of his cell phone and picked it up to take a look.

After learning the content, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

I thought: This old boy Yan Min still understands me and knows how to create opportunities for me, so he will naturally not refuse.

"Why are you laughing?" Mai Mai asked curiously.

"Nuo, I'll let you know." Zhao Fei handed over the phone.

After reading it, Mai Mai slowly lowered his head.

He couldn't help but think of what happened last night, and then handed the phone to Liu Yifei.

After Liu Yifei read it, he also thought of the scene last night.


In front of the live broadcast room, without saying much, he asked Zhao Fei, "Where are we going today?"

Hearing this, Zhao Fei thought for a while and said: "Originally, if I had enough time last night, I wanted to take you to the hot springs, but there is no need to rush now.

We can stay in Qionghai for another day, go to the Boao Forum, then go shopping, and go to the hot springs in the evening.

Otherwise, just set off directly to the next stop, Wanning.

You can also soak in hot springs in Wanning.

Such as Xinglong Hot Spring and Jianling Hot Spring.

And when we get to Wanning, we can also go camping on Dazhou Island, go fishing in Shihaiwan, go hiking in Dongshanling... Wait, you decide? "

Liu Yifei and Mai Mai looked at each other.

Although there are still many places in Qionghai that I have not visited, traces of Yang Xiaohu still remain in this place after all.

So they still want to leave for the next stop.

After all, you can also soak in hot springs in Wanning, and there are also offshore desert islands to see.

"Go to Wanning!" Liu Yifei made the final decision

"Yes, I'm going to Wanning too." Mai Mai also raised his hand.

"Okay." Zhao Fei nodded and said, "Then we will leave for Wanning as soon as we finish our meal."

After saying that, Zhao Fei sent another WeChat message to Yan Min.

The main content is today’s itinerary planning.

In fact, even if Zhao Fei didn't say anything, Yan Min could still see it in the live broadcast room, but Zhao Fei felt it was better to say something, so that the program team would have more time to prepare.

The final variety show effect will definitely be better.

Similarly, this WeChat message also means that Zhao Fei will let bygones be bygones for Yang Xiaohu's matter.

You don’t really think that Yan Min sent Zhao Fei a WeChat message just to inform him that there are no flying guests today, right?
This notice is not a disguised admission of mistakes!

It should be noted that there are some things that you don’t need to say explicitly, and you don’t need to ask. Just know it in your heart. This is the human worldly sophistication inherited from the Dragon Kingdom.

After breakfast.

Zhao Fei started the RV and officially set off.

Qionghai is about 60 kilometers away from Wanning and can be reached in one hour at most.

This time Liu Yifei was sitting in the co-pilot, and Mai Mai was sitting behind Zhao Fei.

The view from the front will naturally be wider.

They both got up early together, so they didn't care about it, and it was Mai Mai who took the initiative to let Liu Yifei sit in the passenger seat and experience it.

"Don't tell me, the co-pilot turned into a fairy, I'm still a little used to it."

"Maimai is really becoming more and more sensible. If I weren't already married, I would definitely want a woman like Maimai to be my wife!"

"Stop dreaming upstairs, okay? Even if you're not married, you don't have a chance."

Watch the barrage in the live room.

Liu Yifei secretly thought: Yes, Mai Mai belongs to Zhao Fei now.

None of you stand a chance.

Not to mention Mai Mai, even herself.

When he thought of this, Liu Yifei glanced at Zhao Fei with a happy expression.

However, in order not to be discovered by fans in the live broadcast room, she quickly pretended to tune the song.

After a while, a familiar melody sounded in the live broadcast room.

"I once dreamed of traveling to the ends of the world with my sword and seeing the prosperity of the world. My young heart was always a little frivolous. Now I am home all over the world...

The girl who once made you feel distressed is now gone. Love always makes you long for and troubles you, and it once made you hurt all over.

Di li li li di li li den da
Di li li li di li li li da da
Di li li li di li li li da da…”


“I still remember when I was a soldier, this was my comrade’s favorite song, but three years ago he died trying to save a child.

He is good.

If it were me, I would rush forward without hesitation.

Because of the clothes on my body, I have to shoulder this responsibility. I hope you are well in heaven, salute! "

"Hearing this song made me jump from middle age to teenager. I like Xu Wei very much. He doesn't compete with others, is not sentimental, is not carefree, and is not greedy for fame and fortune.

Keep a low profile and work hard.

Not handsome, but very manly.

I went crazy, but in the end I still returned to innocence...the same as me! "

"I'm still young, and I also want to travel to the ends of the world with my sword, but now I'm still short of funds, so I have to disrupt my plan, so brothers in the live broadcast room.

Is there anyone with a mink size? Please give me some support.

There are now about three million people in the live broadcast room. Each person gives me a dime. If I can collect 30 yuan, I will also go to Wenchang to pick up gold nuggets. "

(End of this chapter)

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