Chapter 168 Bali Village or Bali Island?

The name Wanning comes from Wanjiakang Ning.

As a prefecture-level city in Sunshine Island, it has a history of more than 1000 years.

Compared with Sanya, Haikou and other places, Wanning is a relatively niche tourist city.

But niches also have their advantages, with fewer people and lower consumption. And it is precisely because of the small number of people that Dazhou Island near Wanning is very primitive.

The surrounding sea water is clear and clean, and the bay is as white as salt. The scenery is no worse than other places.

The RV speeds along the promenade.

Coconut trees passed by quickly outside the window.

The salty sea breeze makes people feel happy, and the blue sea stretches as far as the eye can see.

Like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky.

"Brothers, although our next stop is Wanning."

Zhao Fei introduced while driving: "But I don't plan to drive directly to Wanning. There are many scenery along the way that are worth visiting.

If you are a local in Wanning, you will definitely know that there is a Balinese village in Wanning.

That's right, it's the Bali Village with a similar name to Bali.

This is a charming town with unique charm.

Most of the people living there are returned overseas Chinese. If you don’t have money to go to Bali, you can also experience the unique exotic customs in Bali Village. "

"All the people living in Bali Village are Indonesians?" Liu Yifei asked somewhat unexpectedly.

Now that there are only three of them in the live broadcast room, she has relaxed a lot.

If you have any questions, just ask.

"more or less."

Zhao Fei nodded and continued to introduce: "As a country of thousands of islands, Bali is the most famous island among them, and our Bali Village is located near Xinglong Hot Spring.

In the last century, thousands of overseas Chinese returned from many countries including the Thousand Islands Country.

Finally they gathered in the Bali village.

Oh, at that time it was not called Bali Village, but Xinglong.

However, as time passed, these overseas Chinese settled here and formed a gathering place, which was renamed Bali Village.

Now Bali Village has also become a cultural sub-scenic area.

Although we call it a village, it is actually a very large scenic spot, covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres, with an overseas Chinese cultural corridor and the Return of the Nation Park.

Overseas plant viewing area...and so on, fully integrating the exotic styles of various countries. "

For a moment, Liu Yifei was also shocked by Zhao Fei's profound knowledge.

She has found it.

No matter where he goes, Zhao Fei can always speak clearly and clearly.

It seemed that there was nothing in this world that Zhao Fei didn't know.

Not just them.

The same goes for fans in the live broadcast room.

"This piece of shit, I have to say, is quite good."

"Hurry up and take a note and write it down. When my girlfriend and I go to Bali Village, this is the perfect outline for bragging."

"I'm jealous, I actually have a girlfriend upstairs!"


time flies.

The RV got off the highway and turned into a small forest road.

It didn't take long before we arrived at our destination.

Bali Village is a very large scenic spot. As soon as they got off the car, everyone saw patches of coconut groves around them.

There are also various tropical areas... plants that even Zhao Fei can't name, surrounding the entire scenic area.

At the entrance of the scenic spot, you can also see neatly arranged houses.

The overall architectural style is white and red. At first glance, it seems that they are not in Sunny Island, but actually in Bali, the country of a thousand islands.

The Indonesian style is too strong.

The introduction at the gate of the scenic spot is also in two languages.

The rich exotic customs come to your face.


Zhao Fei subconsciously held Mai Mai's little hand and walked inside.

But in this way, it seemed that Liu Yifei was isolated.

But Mai Mai was very good at telling things. He stretched out his hand and said to Liu Yifei, "Sister Yifei..."


Liu Yifei smiled and held Mai Mai's little hand.

In this way, Mai Mai is in the middle, and Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei score on both sides.

Zhao Fei smiled when he saw this.

The harmony between the two women gave him a sense of accomplishment.

As soon as you walk through the door.

The neatly arranged houses just now came into view.

Such an exotic building.

Whether it is the use of color, the shape, or even a brick or a tile, it is different from what we are familiar with.

The red and white colors look very distinct.

There are also some sculptures and murals in front of the house. Even though the colors are bright, they don't look dazzling and appear very harmonious.

The most obvious one is directly in front of Zhao Fei.

There is one at least 20 meters high, made of bricks, with many totems carved around it, and the overall shape is wider at the bottom and narrower at the top. It looks like a spike growing out of the ground.

Go straight to the sky and never look back.

But that's not the most amazing thing. The most breathtaking thing is that the spike seems to have been split from the middle by an axe.

As a result, there is an aisle of about two or three meters in the middle.

Seeing this spike, Mai Mai immediately took out his camera and took a photo.

Liu Yifei was also amazed.

Lift your head and observe carefully.

"This is a gate, and it is also a relatively iconic building in Bali Village. Tourists in the past have given this gate many names. You can take a guess."

Zhao Fei smiled and spoke, wanting to give the two girls a chance to show off.

However, the two women did not give Zhao Fei this face at all.

Liu Yifei rolled his eyes: "Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly."

"That's right, the fans in the live broadcast room are all waiting."


Zhao Fei's smile froze and he said helplessly: "The most common ones are the Gate to the Sky, the Gate to the Sky, the Gate of Good and Evil... Wait, the spikes on the left and right are like door gods, guarding both sides.

No evil spirits will be allowed to pass.

Suppressed the entire Bali village.

You know, some returned overseas Chinese in the previous world believed in this, so they built this door.

Of course, the function of this door is not only to ward off evil spirits and suppress evil spirits.

There are also many beautiful meanings.

Legend has it that as long as you pass through this door, everyone can wash away some of the bad things they carry with you.

Keep the good things to yourself.

Therefore, many tourists feel a lot more relaxed after passing through this gate. "

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go."

After hearing this, Mai Mai became excited instantly and pulled Zhao Fei and the two inside.

When passing under the Gate to Heaven, I was still cautious.

However, Mai Mai didn't feel as legendary as Zhao Fei said. She was still very relaxed and didn't feel like any burden had been lifted from her body!
Not just her, but also Liu Yifei.

Zhao Fei did not explain this, and said matter-of-factly: "With me by your side, how dare unclean things come forward."

"Hehe, that's right." Mai Mai smiled gently.

"That makes sense." Liu Yifei nodded lightly.

So they are not superstitious, but they are also afraid of unclean things.

If nothing else, Zhao Fei's yang energy must be quite strong, so some brats must not dare to disturb them.

Pass through the towering gate to the sky.

What comes into view is a small square. The flower bed in the middle of the square is covered with various tropical plants.

At the far end of the flower bed is a sinister stone statue with an angry face.

These stone statues seem to form a line of defense, mirroring the Tongtian Gate.

Zhao Fei explained: "These scary-looking stone statues with human faces have similar functions to the Gate to Heaven. They have the function of warding off evil spirits and suppressing ghosts."

Hearing this, Zhao Maimai and Liu Yifei looked at each other and spoke one after another.

"Forget it, it's better not to look at it, it's a bit scary."

"Let's go inside."

Watching the two girls leave first.

Zhao Fei didn't say much and quickly followed him.

Several viewing areas in the entire Bali Village are mainly centered on this square, distributed in various corners of the surrounding area, and linked by stone paths.

As they walked among them, various exotic landscapes were displayed in front of the three of them.

Especially all kinds of strange sculptures and various handicrafts.

Along the way down, the two girls bought a lot.

Soon, the three of them saw a very long corridor. At a glance, it felt like it was at least nearly a hundred meters long.

The promenade is surrounded by patches of grass and the main body is made of wood.

Walking into it, you can also see wooden signs hanging on both sides, which record the history of the entire Bali village from scratch.

Moreover, the three of them saw idioms with the word 'root' many times.

For example, fallen leaves return to their roots, take root and sprout...

It fully shows that the people of the Dragon Kingdom, no matter how far away or how long they have been away from home... they always want to come back in the end.

Afterwards, the three of them went to see the famous 'Genyi' and 'Suncity Stage' in the entire scenic area. '

Root art is a handicraft carved from tree roots, so it is called root art.

Moreover, most of these root arts in Bali villages are carved from endangered tree species and are basically invisible now.

Because the largest of these root arts is nearly ten meters high and more than two meters thick.

The small one is about the size of our adult fist.

It has various shapes and is very suitable to be placed in the office as a decoration.

Of course, the root art here is also more expensive than other places. This is a common problem in scenic spots.

As for the Sun City stage, it is full of exotic dance.

It’s quite interesting to see if you haven’t seen it before.

But it didn't appeal much to the trio.

Along the way, fans in the live broadcast room were also amazed.

Because if it weren't for Zhao Fei, they really didn't know there was such a Bali village on Sunshine Island.

Whoever goes to Sunshine Island nowadays does not go to Sanya.

But through the live broadcast room, fans also saw the great care put into creating this Bali village.

Not to mention anything else, the 20-meter-high sky-high gate alone at the entrance is worth visiting.

Depart from Bali Village.

It was almost noon, and Zhao Fei had no intention of cooking.

Because Wanning also has many specialty snacks.

Like Eastern goats, Spanish mackerel, and wandering pigs... This wandering pig does not roam in the mountains, but feeds on small seafood on the beach.

Therefore, the meat of Liuda pig is very delicious, which is very different from the pork we usually eat.

Dongshan goat is one of the four famous dishes of Sunshine Island, including the Wenchang chicken that Zhao Fei and the others had eaten before.

Dongyang goat is mainly made by boiling it in clear soup. The meat is thick and fat. It is dipped in the special orange seasoning and put into your mouth. It is refreshing and not greasy.

There is also Spanish Mackerel. If you are a local, you will have heard of it.

That is the partridge and deer in the mountains and the mackerel in the sea.

When Wanning people celebrate the holidays, mackerel is a must-have, and it has a similar status to dumplings.

Most importantly, these delicacies are hard to find elsewhere.Even if you eat it, it won't taste right.

This is equivalent to eating roast duck in Sunshine Island, which is definitely not the same as the one in the capital.

The three of us had a very happy meal.

Even fans in the live broadcast room were drooling.

"This bitch really knows how to enjoy it."

"Yeah, I feel like these three people can't finish the food. I really want to ask the host if he can pack it up and mail it to me. I really don't want to eat bread anymore."

"Plus one, I want it too!"

Then the three of them walked around Bali Village to eat... At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Fei started the RV and continued to set off.

The RV speeds down the road.

The trees on both sides brushed past, and the afternoon sun passed through the leaves, leaving colorful marks on the road.

"Where are we going now?" Mai Mai asked curiously.

Zhao Fei originally wanted to go to the ruins of Wanning Ancient City, but when Liu Yifei thought about it he said, "How about this? I'll take you to make hand-brewed coffee, because there is a coffee manor nearby.

At that time, we can make handmade coffee and small handmade works of art at the same time.

You girls seem to like this kind of ritualistic thing.

Just like boys like to play basketball and games. "

"Wow, wow."

Hearing what Zhao Fei said, Liu Yifei nodded repeatedly and became excited: "I'm very good at making coffee. Hurry up and I'll show you how to do it later."

"Then just listen to Sister Yifei." Mai Mai also spoke from behind.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei smiled slightly. He had long known that Liu Yifei could brew coffee by hand. When he mentioned this coffee manor, he just wanted Liu Yifei to show off.

After all, Liu Yifei has only been in the live broadcast room for a short time, even though she has already integrated into it.

But compared to Zhao Fei and Mai Mai, most of the fans in the live broadcast room are her old fans, and there are not many new fans.

Therefore, Liu Yifei still has great potential.

If there is a bond stuck, if Liu Yifei has one more fan, Zhao Fei will also have more fan points.

"Okay, then let's go to this coffee manor."

Zhao Fei gently stepped on the accelerator.

The coffee estate is not far from Bali Village.

Because the average temperature here is about 25 degrees Celsius above zero, with abundant sunshine and abundant rain, it is very suitable for growing coffee.

And under such favorable conditions, this coffee estate lives up to expectations.

Producing the finest organic coffee.

And it is professionally certified.

Since it is a coffee manor, it is natural that it will not simply grow coffee here.

Not only can coffee be processed inside, but there is also a dedicated leisure experience area and tourist area.

Park your RV at the gate of the estate.

You can see a sea of ​​grass surrounding the manor, which is green and full of nature.

Enter the manor.

There are pavilions and pavilions inside...and coffee flowers all over the mountains and plains.

At a glance, it looks like clusters of snowflakes falling from the sky, dotted in the sea of ​​coffee, dazzling under the soft sunlight.

You can still find it if you look carefully.

There are also staff members bending down and walking through the entire sea of ​​coffee flowers.

Picking coffee beans bit by bit.

As they breathed in, the unique and elegant fragrance of coffee flowers was refreshing, and the three of them, who were obviously a little drowsy due to the afternoon, instantly became energetic.

"so beautiful."

"Yeah, it's like I'm in a sea of ​​flowers."

Liu Yifei and Mai Mai held hands and were instantly shocked by the scenery of the manor.

In their impression, the most popular things to visit when traveling to Sunshine Island are the beach and the ocean...

I never expected to see such a sea of ​​coffee flowers.

It can be said that this place is equivalent to a secret place hidden in the world, with independent beauty. Any photo you take can be used as a mobile phone wallpaper.

As mentioned before, organic coffee is abundant here.

The so-called organic coffee means that no chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used during its growth...

It's pure natural coffee.

Even the irrigation and picking of this organic coffee are very strict.

Don’t miss a single step.

Walking along Lin Meng's path, the three of them soon saw the hand-ground coffee experience area.

It was an antique cabin.

In front of them was a large grinding plate with many coffee beans in it.

However, most people cannot push this millstone, so Zhao Fei directly asked the two women to do it together.

Even the two girls whose bodies had been transformed by the healthy spring water were a little hard to push at this moment.

"Oh my god, is this millstone so heavy?"

"Take your time, don't just use your hands, lean forward and use all your strength." Zhao Fei commanded from the side, and the two women gradually mastered the technique.

As the disc turns.

The coffee powder fell one after another, and a strong aroma of coffee instantly filled the nose.

After collecting the coffee powder, the three of them walked into the cabin.

For most people, brewing coffee by hand is too much trouble and not fun at all.

It would be great if you have the time to drink instant drinks directly.

But everything, since it exists, must have its reason.

Hand-brewed coffee is like this, with a strong sense of ritual. Watch the water flow cover the coffee powder little by little, then dissolve and release...

Especially now that Liu Yifei was doing it himself.

More aesthetically pleasing.

"I can't. Sister Yifei, just call me if you need help." Mai Mai said from the side.

"No, just wait and drink. It's all up to me."

Liu Yifei is very confident. She usually likes to drink coffee and has done some research in this area.

Especially the cabins are well equipped.

It’s smoother to do.

“The first step in brewing coffee is to boil water and then weigh the coffee beans.

Fold the filter paper, and then use the machine to grind the coffee powder just crushed by the grinder to make the coffee powder finer, otherwise it will taste grainy when you drink it.

The last step is 'stewing'"

When Liu Yifei said this, he paused and looked at Mai Mai's confused expression.

Then he smiled slightly and continued to explain: "Simmering and steaming the coffee powder is mainly to make it cooked, so it is indispensable. After that, you can pour water directly for brewing.

Note that you must not be in a hurry when pouring water.

It must be stable. "

While talking, Liu Yifei poured hot water into the sharing pot.

The hot hand-brewed coffee soon exuded a rich aroma.

Mai Mai swallowed her saliva and stepped forward to have a taste.

Including Zhao Fei.

After all, this is hand-brewed coffee made by Liu Yifei himself.

"If you want to drink, can you leave some for me? I'm nearby and will be there in 3 minutes."

"Coffee made by Sister Tianxian herself, how can this piece of shit be so virtuous..."

"How about the anchor brings some goods, just buy coffee beans."


"Wait a minute, there is one last step..." Liu Yifei said softly.

Then she picked up the sharing pot and shook it gently to distribute the coffee evenly. It took less than a minute before she stopped.

Zhao Maimai took the opportunity to take out three cups.

As the coffee from the sharing pot is poured into the cups, the entire cabin is instantly filled with a rich aroma.

Mai Mai picked it up and smelled it. Instead of drinking it directly, he smiled and said to the live broadcast room: "Brothers, this is the first cup of coffee made by Sister Yifei.

Is there anything you want to drink? "

"Mai Mai is awesome, I want it, I want it."

"I want to drink it, Mai Mai, do you really want to give it to us? I'm at the Wenchang beach now. I haven't seen the golden nugget for several days, but I have seen a lot of stray dogs.

If you really give it, I'll drive there right now.

Up to two hours. "

"No, I'm closer. I arrived just after you left Bali Village. Now I'm only ten kilometers away from you. Wait, I'll go there now."


Looking at the anxious fans in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Maimai chuckled.

Seeing that the temperature of the hand-brewed coffee in the cup had dropped, I raised my head and drank it directly.

Close your eyes and experience: "It's a little bitter, but it's very fragrant and fragrant when you drink it."

"Maimai, you're a bad learner."

"You taught me all these shitty things. It's over, it's over, my MaiMai is no longer the MaiMai she used to be."

"I'm crying...I'm already on the road, why should I be so cruel?"

Zhao Fei also tasted the coffee in the cup.

The discovery is indeed good.

Especially for her cup, Liu Yifei specially added some sugar cubes and milk to make it taste more mellow and sweet, and not so bitter.

"Maimai, stop making trouble, try this, I made it new."

Liu Yifei, who was wearing an apron, looked different at the moment. He was holding the same coffee as Zhao Fei and handed it to Mai Mai.

"Thank you, Sister Yifei."

Mai Mai smiled sweetly, walked to the live broadcast room again, raised his glass: "Brothers..."

"Ah ah ah, stop talking...I don't believe it, I don't believe it."

"Forget it, I don't deserve to drink the coffee brewed by Sister Tianxian herself. I'd better take the stray dog ​​and continue looking for gold nuggets. You can't give up halfway as a human being.

So are there any like-minded people?

Find fifty-fifty.

If you want to come, please bring some dog food. "

"I'm trying to cheat you out of dog food upstairs, brothers, be careful."


Watching the hilarious live broadcast room and Mai Mai.

Zhao Fei also smiled.

But forget it about some people’s requests to let him carry goods.

The coffee manor didn't give him any money, so he didn't bother to help, even though the organic coffee here was really good.

After drinking coffee, the three of them experienced picking coffee beans again.

Then the three of them left.

The three of them were very energetic after drinking coffee.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei did not go to Wanning City this time.

Since you are here in Xinglong, how can you not take a bath in the hot springs?

And it was getting dark soon. After soaking in the hot springs, I happened to find a hotel and slept together.

Of course, Xinglong Hot Spring is a popular hot spring.

It's the kind where a lot of people hang out together.

However, every place has its privileges, and there is also a specially separated area here, which mainly receives some... officials and celebrities.

In comparison, Zhao Fei is not bad either.

Make a reservation.

Zhao Fei took the two girls and set off.

(End of this chapter)

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