Chapter 169 Hot spring bath!
Xinglong Hot Spring is a large seaside resort.

There are many types of hot spring bathing methods, complete facilities and considerate services.

By the time the three of them arrived, it was already dark, but the hall was very bright. The lights of various colors were flashing and one could clearly see the hot spring pools in the hall.

The heat is rising, clear and bright.

There are still many tourists lying in it, quietly enjoying the moment.

There is also a sign on each hot spring pool with an introduction to the various hot spring pools.

For example, traditional Chinese medicine hot springs contain some Chinese medicinal materials such as angelica and wolfberry. The hot springs penetrate into the body while soaking, which has the effect of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, and strengthening the body.

There is also a rose hot spring. After taking a bath, your whole body will be exuded with the scent of roses.

There are also aloe vera hot springs for beauty and beauty, lemon spring water for appetite promotion...etc., there is a dazzling array of varieties.

"I really didn't expect that hot springs can be so fun?"

Mai Mai looked surprised, thinking that the last time she and Zhao Fei took a hot spring bath, they were in the wild. It was just a small pit without all these bells and whistles.

But it was very comfortable to soak in, so she couldn't help but wonder at this moment: "Do these hot springs really have these effects?"

"According to traditional Chinese medicine, there is indeed medicated bath therapy. When combined with hot springs, it can dispel wind and dehumidify, relax the muscles and activate the circulation... various effects. As for what we have seen now..."

When Zhao Fei said this, he paused slightly and lowered his voice: "These are public hot spring pools, and the entrance fee is only 20 yuan, so you can imagine...

Everything in this world is worth every penny. "

"I understand." Mai Mai nodded in agreement.

"Then are we hanging out here too?" Liu Yifei couldn't accept being with others, so he asked this question.

"Of course not, come with me."

Zhao Fei strode towards the depths of the club: "Today I will show you what true low-key luxury is, with connotation.

And everyone in the live broadcast room will also give you a long experience. "

Hearing Zhao Fei say this.

Fans in the live broadcast room are also curious.

Barrages flew across.

"It doesn't matter whether you know it or not. I just want to know if Mai Mai and Liu Yifei go into the water later, will you, this bitch, turn off the broadcast?"

"Yes, I just want to watch the goddess play in the water. It doesn't matter where I am, and it doesn't matter whether I have you or not."

"Don't beg this bitch. No one can persuade him to shut down the broadcast. If he has the time, he might as well take a look at the young lady in the public hot spring pool. He just caught a glimpse.

I saw several beauties lying on the edge of the hot spring.

The mist shrouded them all, with snow-white skin and long legs... tsk tsk! "

Although fans in the live broadcast room are complaining about Zhao Fei.

But under the guidance of the club staff, the three of them walked through the cobblestone road, twists and turns, and after taking the elevator up, they soon saw a separate open-air lawn.

There is a small hot spring pool on the edge of the lawn.

The surface of the hot spring water is covered with roses, and the water mist rises, making it hazy like a fairyland.

It even reminds many people of King Zhou’s Wine Pond and Meat Forest.

Directly in front of the hot spring pool is a cliff sloping at a ninety-degree angle. Looking further into the distance is the endless sea, with waves of roaring water from time to time.

You can soak in the hot springs and watch the sea at the same time.

Behind the hot spring is a villa-like wooden hotel.

You can take a rest directly after soaking in the hot springs.

The leisure facilities here are also very comprehensive. Due to reservations, a lot of fruit desserts and various drinks have been placed around the hot springs.

This scene instantly stunned fans in the live broadcast room.

"Isn't this guy really good at enjoying himself?"

"My real name is envy. I just want to know how much it costs to play here for a night?"

"Ah ah ah, you bitch, do you dare not turn off the broadcast?"

Not only the fans in the live broadcast room, but also the two girls Mai and Mai were very happy to see this private hot spring and couldn't wait to run into the single-family wooden house hotel.

Obviously planning to change clothes quickly.

Zhao Fei waved the staff to leave and looked at the live broadcast room.

He shook his head and said: "Brothers, this kind of private hot spring place cannot be broadcast live in the first place. It is not easy for me to bring you in for a look.

I can't say too much about the details.

But if anyone wants to come, it would actually be good to experience the public hot springs outside.

Okay, at this point, you may have realized something.

I'm really sorry. I'll see you tomorrow. "

After saying this, Zhao Fei closed the live broadcast room without waiting for fans to say anything.

Then Zhao Fei no longer hesitated.

Now that there were no outsiders, Zhao Fei simply took off his clothes and jumped down.

The water in the hot spring pool splashed everywhere, and the roses on the water were spread around by circles of ripples.

When Zhao Fei emerged from the water again, there were still a few rose petals on his head.

He happened to be seen by the two girls who came hand in hand.

"Don't flap around. You've messed up the rose petals."

"That's right, please be more honest later."

The two girls looked at each other, their pretty faces slightly red under the dim moonlight.

Step slowly into the hot spring pool.

"What bad intentions can I have?"

Zhao Fei was also a little confused about the second daughter's shyness. After all, they were all a family, so there was nothing to be shy about. Moreover, the second daughter was still wrapped in a bath towel.

However, when the two girls got into the water, they untied their bath towels and put them aside.

Zhao Fei plunged into the water again, and the graceful figures of the two women underwater came into view.

In an instant, Zhao Fei's nosebleed almost came out.

At the same time, Zhao Fei's move also aroused strong protests from the two daughters.

"Oh, don't dive, come out quickly." Liu Yifei covered his upper and lower hands with his hands and shouted coquettishly.

Zhao Maimai next to him also splashed and shouted; "Zhao Fei, don't pretend, I know you can hear my voice, come out quickly...or I will be angry."

Mai Mai shrugged her little nose, pretending to be angry.

Next to him, Liu Yifei's hands were also protecting his upper and lower body, and he was carefully looking for Zhao Fei's figure.

However, there were many rose petals on the water surface, and the mist shrouded her, so she couldn't see clearly what was going on underwater.

But one could still see waves of ripples spreading towards them.

"He's not coming, is he?"

"Can't... ah."

Mai Mai was about to say it was impossible, but then she felt her ankle being grabbed and pulled down, and her whole body was instantly submerged in the hot spring pool.

Mai Mai was shocked and felt that she must have choked on her saliva.

Subconsciously closed his eyes.

But soon she felt her mouth was blocked.

Slowly opening his eyes, Zhao Fei's face came into view.

For a moment, Mai Mai was both shy and annoyed.

On the other side, Liu Yifei, who was still on the water, saw Mai Mai disappear suddenly, and became even more frightened for a moment, shouting: "Zhao Fei, Mai Mai... where are you?"
Don't scare me, didn't you say that this hot spring pool is not very deep? "

After shouting several times, Liu Yifei found that there was still no movement from the two of them.

I couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

I just want to take a step and leave here first.

Wait for the two of them on the shore.

But before she could take a step, she felt a huge force coming from under the water, and her whole body was instantly submerged in the hot spring pool.

"Uh huh, Zhao Fei..."

A minute later, the three resurfaced.

Liu Yifei gasped for air, and Mai Mai also kicked Zhao Fei, rushed forward and bit Zhao Fei's arm.

"You bastard, I'll bite you to death."

Mai Mai said harsh words, but Zhao Fei didn't feel the opponent's strength at all.

Liu Yifei, who was gasping for air, also stretched out his hand and pinched Zhao Fei's waist hard, pouting, obviously unhappy.

However, Zhao Fei did not hide or evade, he smiled.

He took the two girls with his backhand and hugged them into his arms.

"Who makes you so charming? It's not my fault." Zhao Fei wiped his mouth.

"You're still reasonable." Mai Mai glared at Zhao Fei and angrily stepped on Zhao Fei's feet. Liu Yifei next to him also turned away, unwilling to say more.

But the two of them were now held in Zhao Fei's arms, coupled with the temperature of the hot spring.

So both of them felt their faces were a little hot.

A trace of ambiguous atmosphere spread in the venue.


The next morning.

Zhao Fei got up refreshed, glanced at the two girls who were still sleeping next to him, and smiled slightly.

He leaned over and tapped their foreheads respectively.

Then he got dressed and walked out of the room.

Looking at the sun that has just half of its face in the distance, I feel beautiful.

If there was a mission system in the countdown now, then he would definitely check the target of flying together and receive the reward for completing the mission.

In the situation last night, Zhao Fei was naturally not polite.

Especially in the later stage.

Zhao Fei directly used fans to exchange the development fruits to the upper limit, then dived into the water to swallow them.

There were five growth fruits in Zhao Fei's warehouse before.

So it didn't cost Zhao Fei much to exchange it up to the upper limit.

In this way, the results are obvious.

Zhao Fei is no longer the Zhao Fei he once was, but Mai Mai and Liu Yifei are still the same Mai Mai and Liu Yifei they once were.

At this moment, Zhao Fei can be said to have a clear mind.


But after the wind blew outside for a while, Zhao Fei processed a lot of food and fruits left last night.

Squeeze a few cups of juice, wrap small steamed bun slices in egg liquid, and fry until golden...

The exquisite breakfast is completed.

Of course, Zhao Fei did not forget to add healthy spring water to the juice, and it was in a large bottle.

I believe that with this, Mai Mai and Liu Yifei can handle a lot of damage.

This can be seen from their respective performances yesterday. Mai Mai, who drank a large bottle of healthy spring water, has obviously better stress resistance than Liu Yifei.

Zhao Fei cannot favor one thing over another.

On the other side, Liu Yifei and Mai Mai slowly woke up.

The two of them looked around blankly at first, looking at the messy bedroom, their pretty faces turned red, and they instantly remembered the absurdity of last night.

However, when they discovered that Zhao Fei was not there, they both breathed a sigh of relief and threw themselves back on the bed.

"I'm so tired. I feel like I don't even have the energy to travel today."

"Me too." Mai Mai covered his little head with a quilt to block the sun and said dullly: "It's all Zhao Fei's fault if we can't get out.

Let him explain to the live broadcast room alone. "


The bedroom door was pushed open, and the two girls who were chatting fell silent for an instant.

Looking at it, Zhao Fei smiled slightly and said: "Get up, I have prepared breakfast. No matter how tired you are, you will be resurrected with full health after eating."

"Is this your Chinese medicine nourishing soup?" Mai Mai opened the quilt and asked.

"It's not a nourishing soup, it's my freshly squeezed juice, but the effect is the same as the nourishing soup. Get up and wash up quickly. I'm ready."

"Then you hold me." Mai Mai pouted and opened his hands.

"it is good!"

Zhao Fei stretched out his hand and picked up Mai Mai.

When Liu Yifei next to him saw this, he also stretched out his hands and said coquettishly, "I want it too."

"Then I'll carry you." Zhao Fei carried Liu Yifei on his back, held Mai Mai in his arms, and walked slowly towards the bathroom.

This weight is nothing to Zhao Fei.

"Okay, is it time to come down now?"

Liu Yifei slid off Zhao Fei's back, and Zhao Fei carefully placed Mai Mai on the ground.

Zhao Fei, on the other hand, returned to the bedroom and simply tidied up.

At least don't let people see the clues.

After breakfast.

The three of them left Xinglong Hot Spring.

After sitting in the RV, Zhao Fei started the live broadcast.

"Brothers, good morning everyone, today's live broadcast has officially started. The next place we are going to is Shimei Bay, a niche landscape in Wanning.

In fact, there were also bays in Wenchang and Qionghai before.

But I didn’t even mention it during the live broadcast.

The main reason is that I am afraid that you will get tired of aesthetics. After all, it will be like that after seeing too much of the bay.

But this time Shimei Bay is different. It can be said that it is the most magnificent and peculiar scenery among the countless bays in Sunshine Island.

It was once rated as the most beautiful bay in Sunny Island. "

Regarding Zhao Fei's words, many fans who had just poured into the live broadcast room were curious, but they didn't show it.

Apparently he still remembers Zhao Fei's shutdown yesterday.

Feeling resentful.

Some thoughtful people even secretly observed the faces of Liu Yifei and Mai Mai, especially Mai Mai. Did they just go to the hot spring together last night...

However, upon closer inspection, they found that Mai Mai was no different from yesterday.

As for Liu Yifei, it was impossible in their eyes.

Of course, this kind of thing is not obvious on the surface, but some fans are overconfident.

Thinking that you have seen through everything, in fact, you are nothing.

"Hmph, I see you started the live broadcast too early today. To give you face, I will stay in the live broadcast room for a while and take a look at this so-called Shimei Bay."

"Have you noticed that this dog looks better and sits taller?"

"It seems a little bit, but not obvious."

Developing fruits will stimulate your own potential, causing the body to re-develop.

So Zhao Fei's height has indeed increased a bit.

But it's not obvious.

But anyone who is familiar with Zhao Fei can still see it, especially when the two girls saw the barrage in the live broadcast room, they couldn't help but look Zhao Fei up and down.

Especially thinking about Zhao Fei's sudden outburst last night.

It also feels magical.

I secretly wondered, could this kind of thing help me grow taller?

"Zhao Fei, have you really grown a little taller?"

"It seems..." Mai Mai, who is most familiar with Zhao Fei, wanted to say what happened to Zhao Fei last night, but when he saw the live broadcast room, he immediately stopped and changed the subject.

"You seem to be more mature."

"There's nothing to be confused about."

Zhao Fei smiled, and had already thought of the reason, and said: "People still want to move up when they are thirty. I am only over 20 now. Isn't it the age to grow taller?"

As soon as these words came out, Mai Mai and Liu Yifei suddenly realized.

Yes, by all means Zhao Fei is only 21. People who develop late will indeed continue to grow taller.

Even the fans in the live broadcast room were speechless at this moment.

But this is not their fault, because Zhao Fei has always shown a side that gives people the impression of being a very mature, capable and handsome brother.

So I subconsciously ignored Zhao Fei's age.

Now being reminded by Zhao Fei, fans also realized that Zhao Fei was still a younger brother.

For a moment, I had mixed feelings in my heart.

"It makes no sense. I was still in school when I was 21, and I was thinking about how I could have ten yuan left to stay in an Internet cafe. Look at Zhao Fei...

Damn it, it’s all a dog’s life. "

"Don't mention it, I'm already running around now, and I'm still eating steamed buns and pickles..."

"Damn rich second generation, those idiots who turn off the air whenever they want. What's there to envy... none of them are good."

Overcome the subsequent effects of developing fruits.

Zhao Fei ignored the live broadcast room.

About half an hour later, the three of them approached Shimei Bay.

Look around.

The entire Shimei Bay is surrounded by mountains on three sides and the sea on one side. The surrounding forests are lush and lush, surrounding the entire Shimei Bay.

There are also some small villages near the sea in the forest.

Looking further into the distance, there is an open blue ocean, boundless.

The sea water is as clear as glass water.

Because the water is only three meters deep, you can clearly see the corals and fish on the seabed.

Moreover, the sea surface of Shimei Bay is very calm, like a gentle woman, making waves as the sea breeze hits the rocks on the shore.

At both ends of Shimei Bay, there are two long and narrow peaks.

It is covered with lush vegetation and dotted with strange stones, black and white, like chess pieces thrown by an immortal.

“Brothers, the reason I said before that Shimei Bay is relatively niche is because it has not been developed yet and cannot compare with other bays in Sunshine Island in terms of complete facilities.

But development has its benefits.

There are also advantages to not developing. Shimei Bay still retains its ancient primitiveness precisely because it has not been developed.

Also not polluted,

Have you seen the beach at Shimei Bay?

If you don't look carefully, it is a piece of white sand, like a sea of ​​salt.

But if there are too many tourists, it will be difficult for this white beach to maintain its current appearance. "

Zhao Fei said as he led the two girls towards the front.

The salty sea breeze blows in your face.

The dreamy and blurry Shimei Bay in the distance is like a secret realm hidden in a corner of the world.

When the three of them came down the mountain and walked barefoot on the beach, there was nothing but the sound of the waves in their ears, and there were no tourists except the three of them.

Even if you walk dozens of meters into the sea, the sea is only up to your knees.

The water is very shallow.

It's very relaxing to walk in it.

Especially Liu Yifei and Mai Mai, both of whom were wearing lotus dresses today, held up the hem of their skirts and were holding hands while walking slowly on the beach.

Also asked Zhao Fei to stop.

I used the photographer's skill book and took out my camera to take pictures of the two of them.

"Wow, it seems like light rain hit my feet?" Mai Mai exclaimed.

Liu Yifei also hurriedly lowered his head and looked down. Sure enough, under their feet, he could see many colorful sea fish swimming around, and from time to time they would slap their ankles with their tails.

As if to drive this strange visitor away from its territory.

"It's true. Do you think we can catch them with our hands?" Liu Yifei was eager to try.

Then the two of them bent down and approached Xiao Yu'er little by little.

After reaching a certain distance, he stretched out his hand suddenly.

However, Xiaoyu's reaction speed was much faster than theirs. No matter how much they stretched out their hands, they didn't even touch the side of Xiaoyu. Instead, they were splashed with water.

"They're so fast."

"Forget it, spare the lives of these little fishes, let's go ashore first, otherwise our clothes will get all wet."

When the two girls returned to the shore, they found Zhao Fei standing in front of a tall forest.

The bark of these big trees is blue-gray with some green patches on them. After walking in, the two women smelled a faint fragrance.

"What does it taste like?"

"It's not coming from these trees, right?"

"That's right." Zhao Fei nodded and continued.

"The forest in front of us now is called greenbark tree. It is a kind of precious wood that is not afraid of waterlogging or drought...even when the tide is high, the sea water comes up.

Greenbark trees will not rot either.

Even if there is a typhoon, except for a few fragile branches being blown off, their main trunks will be safe because their roots are very lush and their grip is quite strong.

The most important thing is that green bark wood is hard and it was the main material used by people in ancient times to build bridges, wooden boats, furniture, etc.

But greenbark trees also have a disadvantage, that is, they grow very slowly.

At most, it’s only a few centimeters per year.

Therefore, the green bark tree in front of us is no cheaper than the nugget gold we picked up before, or even worse. "

Hearing this, the two women also looked shocked.

Looking up at the green bark tree that is 20 to [-] meters high.

Liu Yifei guessed: "If you say so, these green bark trees must be at least a thousand years old, right?"

"Not only that, there are also those that are tens of thousands of years old."

Zhao Fei pointed to a green bark tree as thick as a water tank and said: "For example, this one is at least 1 years old.

Moreover, such a precious green bark forest is protected by specialized forest rangers.

Moreover, the green bark forest in front of us is also the most complete and largest green bark forest in the world.

Of course……"

Zhao Fei turned to face the live broadcast room and continued: "Don't have any bad thoughts about these green bark trees, if one is cut down secretly.

If you are caught, you will be rewarded with a bullet directly. "

If Zhao Fei hadn't said anything, the fans in the live broadcast room would have had some ideas.

After all, if this is true, then this green forest is undoubtedly a treasure.

But now that Zhao Fei reminded him, some fans immediately stopped and patted their chests and made promises.

"Hey, what are you thinking about? I am that kind of person!"

"Who knew, this bitch is a bit too contemptuous of people."

"It's just a tree, but there are so many in my backyard."

Zhao Fei smiled without revealing the hypocrisy of the fans in the live broadcast room.

It can be said that if he didn't emphasize it in the end, someone would definitely check the information and take the risk.

“When we were on the roadside, the villages we looked at were actually built by the forest rangers who have guarded this place for generations.

So even if you have an idea, you can't succeed.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are many cameras hidden here. "

Zhao Fei pointed above his head.

Liu Yifei and the other two were also busy looking up. They didn't know it unless they looked at it. They discovered a lot at this glance.

There are some smart cameras that shake their heads as they move.

“Actually, the reason why Shimei Bay has not been developed is also because of this green bark forest. After all, there are many tourists, no matter how well protected it is.

Green bark forests will also be destroyed.

Therefore, Shimei Bay has still preserved this original state. Although our Dragon Kingdom is vast and rich in resources, places like Qingpi Forest are still quite rare.

It’s worth every one of us doing our part. "

After saying this, Zhao Fei bent down and picked up an empty mineral water bottle that was blown by the wind.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei on the side also nodded after hearing this.

Look around to see what else is trash.

But it was not found.

This made Zhao Fei smile: "Okay, didn't I just say that there is a whole village of forest rangers here, so we don't need to pick up garbage.

If you encounter it, do it casually.

There is no need to actively look for it if we haven’t encountered it.

Let's go. Just now I saw you catching fish again, but you didn't catch it for a long time. I will avenge you now. "

(End of this chapter)

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