Chapter 170 Give you a mouthful!
The fish in the shallow waters of Shimei Bay are not big.

The largest one is about the size of a child's hand, and most of the others are small fish the size of a thumb.

After hearing Zhao Fei say that he wanted to help them take revenge, the two women also became interested.

"Okay, we can catch some and keep them in the RV."

"I thought we were going to make soup?" Mai Mai opened her mouth, but she didn't expect that Liu Yifei would immediately think of raising the small fish.

But this is okay, after all, these fish are too small.

"Let's go."

Zhao Fei took several hand-made small fishing nets from the workers and continued: "On other offshore beaches with a large number of tourists, let alone catching fish, you can't even see one.

So this is also an extraordinary experience.

Although these small fish move very fast, as long as you use a little trick, they will obediently run into the fishing net. "

Zhao Fei picked up a few meaty oysters.

He raised his hands and said, "See, let's first put this oyster on the edge of the small fishing net, and then extend it into the water little by little along the beach.

Then came the waiting. "

The three men squatted down with their heads on top.

Looking at the clear water, as the waves roll over the beach, they slowly recede.

Small fish the size of a thumb swayed among them.

It seems that food in Zhao Fei's fishing net was found.

Tentatively approaching.

"Coming, coming." Mai Mai clenched her little fists and made a sound like a mosquito or fly, for fear of disturbing these small fish.

But soon, these small fish turned around and swam away.

As if looking down on Zhao Fei's food, Mai Mai was a little disappointed: "Why are you leaving again?"

"Don't worry, this is them testing or trying to sway you. Look... there are obviously more small fish around now."

Zhao Fei pointed to the front of the hand-written small fishing net.

As far as the eye can see, swarms of small fish are swimming towards this side.

However, they were very cautious and tried a circle, especially the light white small fish net. Many small fish went up to bite it, as if they wanted to see how the fishing net would react.

"So cute." Liu Yifei covered his mouth and chuckled, also seeing the intentions of these little fishes.

"So many, so many... at least a dozen of them. Why haven't they come in yet?" Mai Mai said softly.

"Don't worry, they are definitely not as patient as us."

Just as Zhao Fei said, as soon as he finished speaking, the small fish around the fishing net swarmed up and bit into the dead oysters frantically.

"It's now."

Zhao Fei raised his hand gently, and all the small fish were caught instantly.

"Haha, you're being arrogant. Aren't you guys pretty awesome just now? You've lost your mind." Mai Mai stretched out her finger and flicked it, as cute as a child.

Liu Yifei, who was next to him, also picked up the mineral water bottle beside him, filled some sea water and put the small fish in it.

"Do you want to try it?"

Zhao Fei handed the fishing net to the two girls and continued: "You can also go inside and try it. The fish on the shore are so small that making soup is too big for your teeth. You can try it in the water that is up to your knees.

If you're lucky, you might be able to catch a palm-sized sea fish. "

"Of course I want to go." Mai Mai volunteered and raised her hand.

Liu Yifei also smiled and stepped to follow.

Apparently catching fish in the sea breeze also gave the two women a sense of accomplishment.

And this method is very simple and effortless, as long as you have a fishing net.

"This live broadcast room is so down-to-earth. When I was a kid, I often went to the river with my friends to fish and catch shrimps.

At that time, I also carried a bucket and a hand-made net and set off.

If you're lucky, you may even encounter crabs and frogs.

Sometimes when I catch too many, I take them to the market to buy them, and I get a few cents to buy a few bags of ice water to drink. "

"We don't have crabs here, but there are a lot of loaches and frogs in the rice fields. Are frogs and frogs the same thing?"

"It's no longer possible. Due to the use of pesticides in the mountains and fields, these little animals are rarely seen, except in some big mountains or places like the anchors."

Fans in the live broadcast room were also very happy to see the high spirits of Mai and Mai.

Especially after more than ten minutes, Mai and Mai caught a palm-sized, spotted sea fish, and they jumped up excitedly.

"Haha, Zhao Fei, Zhao Fei, come here quickly, let's see we caught such a big one."

"Yeah, I feel like this fish is so smart. We waited for several minutes before we took the bait."

Mai Mai held the fish and shouted at Zhao Fei as if he wanted to take credit.

Zhao Fei, who was looking far away, quickly turned around and shouted, "Be careful, don't go to the deep sea area..."


Mai Mai grabbed the sea fish with one hand and imitated Bruce Lee with the other, rubbing the tip of his nose and asking: "Tell me, was it you who hit me just now?

I tell you, you will be treated leniently if you confess, and you will be treated harshly if you resist.

Say or not?
Hey, you have a pretty tough mouth, give me a mouthful. "

The fish in Mai Mai's hand also began to struggle violently at this moment, as if in protest.

Zhao Maimai was not polite about this either.

Continuing the verbal attack: "I'll give you some face, right? If you still dare to struggle... I'll give you another slap in the face."

Be honest with me. "

"Okay, okay, I won't be tortured to death by you any longer."

Liu Yifei covered his mouth and chuckled, then handed the fishing net over and asked Mai Mai to put it into the net first.

"Okay, for the sake of my sister Yifei, I'll give you a chance."

Mai Mai glared at the big fish, and when she put it in the fishing net, she did not forget to say a few words: "Remember, my name is Zhao Maimai, please don't let me get into my hands again."

The big fish returned to the net, struggled for a while and found that it couldn't escape, so it collapsed.

But at this moment, the two girls, Mai and Mai, looked at each other and smiled.

Liu Yifei tilted the net with his hand to give the big fish a way to escape. Seeing this, it did not hesitate, swayed its tail and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Including the small fish in the mineral water bottle, Liu Yifei also poured them into the sea and released them.

"Even if I keep you in the RV, I'm afraid you won't be happy, so you'd better go home."

"Don't be complacent." Mai Mai also said from the side: "If it weren't for you being too young, we wouldn't let you go."

Afterwards, Mai and Mai walked towards Zhao Fei.

When the three of them met, Zhao Fei saw that the mineral water bottles were empty and didn't say anything.

He led the two girls towards the RV.

"Let's go, it's almost noon. Let's go to the city to have some food, and then go to Riyue Bay in the afternoon."

As mentioned before, Sunny Island has many bays.

But unlike Shimei Bay, Riyue Bay has been developed and has complete tourist facilities. It is also the surfing resort of Sunshine Island.

Because the water in Riyue Bay is clear, there are big waves of two to three meters almost every day.

Moreover, the waves are long, powerful and frequent.

It is very popular among surfing enthusiasts in the Dragon Kingdom.

And various surfing competitions are held here every year.

So there are quite a lot of people in Riyue Bay.

When Zhao Fei and the other three came here after lunch, it was clearly visible that there were many tourists on the beach.

This made the second girl's little face feel a little bitter.

Mai Mai tugged at the corner of Zhao Fei's clothes and said, "What should I do if I don't know how to surf?"

"I do not know either."


Seeing the two girls' miserable expressions, Zhao Fei spread his hands and said, "What a coincidence, I don't know how to..."

But don’t worry, although there are many people here, there are really not many people who know how to surf. "

"Why?" Mai Mai scratched his little head.

“First of all, the tuition for surfing is very expensive. One lesson costs four figures, and you may not be able to learn it yet, so it is a very expensive sport.

So not many are technically good.

If a local likes surfing, he might buy a surfboard and come to the beach every day to explore on his own.

But the same cannot be said for tourists.


Zhao Fei paused for a moment when he said this, and then continued to speak meaningfully: "Your physical fitness should be better than ordinary people, so don't worry. Give it a try, and you will have no problem mastering your balance.

Experience the feeling of racing through the water with the waves. "

After hearing what Zhao Fei said.

The two girls also breathed a sigh of relief and became slightly interested.

Then I went back to the RV bedroom to change clothes.

The fans in the live broadcast room were a little excited to see so many people in Riyue Bay.

After all, humans are social animals.

But when the two girls came out after changing their clothes, they were a little disappointed.

The two girls were actually wearing jellyfish suits that were tight enough to prevent exposure, abrasion, and sun protection, and they also had life jackets on the outside.

Can't see anything.

As for Zhao Fei, it is much simpler.

A pair of big pants, and the abdominal muscles on the upper body are clearly defined.

There were also surfboards, which were previously placed on the yacht and were brought over by the staff.

"Set off."

Zhao Fei held three surfboards and took the lead in walking towards the beach.

The second daughter followed behind.

Because they had passed through Riyue Bay many times without planning, Zhao Fei and the others first passed through the coconut grove, and then saw the clear blue sea.

On the left and right sides of the sea, there are two artificial lands connected by sea highways.

There are many high-rise buildings on it, which can be regarded as a maritime city.

From a distance, it looks like a mirage, very beautiful.

There are people sunbathing on the beach right now, and there are also people playing in the sand and playing football. Because Zhao Fei and the three of them are wearing sunglasses, they can't be recognized without looking carefully.

But the three people's bodies and temperaments are still quite outstanding.

Wherever the road is, there will always be someone taking the initiative to get out of the way in front of them.

Maybe this is the aura.

"Hey, are the people over there a surfing team? They are all wearing the same clothes?" Liu Yifei looked at the sea, a team of skilled people riding the waves.

Slightly surprised.

Because these guys look handsome.

Various actions are pleasing to the eye.

"That's right, but I'm from the national team."

Zhao Fei explained: "As I said just now, Riyue Bay is the most suitable sea area for surfing, so it is normal for the national team to train here.

Come on, let's go deep and try.

Although I have never surfed, I still know some basic knowledge.

When a wave comes, you should hold the surfboard to your side instead of in front of you, because when the wave comes, the surfboard in front of you can easily hit you. "

The deeper the three of them swam, the more they could feel the rippling water.

However, once you have a certain amount of buoyancy, you can place the surfboard directly on the water, lie down on the surfboard, slide the water with your hands, and float toward the depths of the sea.

So it doesn’t take much effort.

This time, Zhao Fei and the others did not bring a live broadcast room for surfing, but directly used drones to shoot.

In fact, surfing is a sport that looks cool when you see it, but it is also very physically demanding.

Fortunately, both Mai Mai and Liu Yifei drank health spring water.

So this bit of exercise is nothing to them.

As time went by, the three of them got farther and farther from the coast, and the waves around them became bigger and bigger.

Zhao Fei looked around, felt it carefully, then stopped, adjusted the direction of the surfboard, and faced the coast.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei next to them also imitated Zhao Fei and adjusted their postures.

"Our current location should be the wave zone."

Even if Zhao Fei didn't say it, the two women could feel it because the water here was very deep and the waves were very fast, so they were both a little nervous at the moment.

Floating on the sea, holding on to the surfboard and feeling overwhelmed.

"What shall we do next?"

"I am a little scared!"

"Don't be afraid."

Zhao Fei consoled him: "When the waves come, it will be like we were lying on the surfboard just now. Not only do we need to use our hands to stir the water, but we also need to use our feet.

Feeling that the waves behind you are getting more and more intense, when they are almost reaching your head, you stand up immediately, trying to master your balance and control the direction as much as possible.

The position of your two feet is also very important.

One is at the tail of the surfboard and the other is in the middle. Don't put all your body weight on one foot, but distribute it evenly.

After standing up, also lower your body.

In this way, the connection between the body and the surfboard will be more compact, and surfing the waves will be smoother..."

Zhao Fei said a lot.

The two women listened carefully, but were still a little confused after it was over.

And I'm very doubtful. Zhao Fei said just now that he doesn't know how to surf. Is it true?
But right now.

The two girls couldn't think about it anymore, because behind the three of them, a wave that was two to three meters high and looked very thick was rolling towards them.

"This..." Liu Yifei was very nervous and his heartbeat accelerated.

Mai Mai next to him also swallowed and took a deep breath.

Then they heard Zhao Fei's voice: "Get ready, the wave is coming..."

Hearing this, the two women quickly lay down on the surfboard, using their hands and feet together, and followed Zhao Fei's instructions just now, but when they wanted to stand up.

Liu Yifei's surfboard instantly flipped over.

On the contrary, Mai Mai had a sullen face and opened his hands to grasp the balance. Although he was shaky, he had obviously understood the key points of surfing.

Moreover, she followed Zhao Fei for a long time and drank more healthy spring water.

In comparison, the physique will be better.

At the same time, Liu Yifei was in a very bad situation at this moment, and he even had a premonition that he might be sucked into the bottom of the waves.

By then it will be impossible to say without choking on the water.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt a force coming from her waist, and then she was picked up and quickly taken out with the rolling waves.

Looking back, who else could it be if it wasn't Zhao Fei.

This made her feel relieved and at the same time feel the excitement of surfing.

The absolute man flies in front, and the soul chases behind.


Wait for the waves to calm down.

Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei returned to the sea
Mai Mai also raised her little head in front and said proudly: "It doesn't feel that difficult."

Liu Yifei looked at the other party with some envy, then went to find his surfboard, and said unconvinced: "If you come again, I will definitely learn it today."

Seeing this, Zhao Fei raised his lips.

The reason why he took his two girls to surf was to improve their physical fitness.

Zhao Fei had eaten attribute fruits before, and he would have the sequelae of being unable to control his sudden increase in strength later on.

Although it is not obvious yet on the two girls.

But even if health spring water can improve your physical fitness, you won't be able to make full use of it if you don't practice and use it.

The key thing is that Zhao Fei can't say it clearly yet, so now he can only use surfing as an opportunity.

Give your second daughter a good workout and let her unleash the potential in her body.

Gradually, Mai Mai became more and more skilled at surfing.

Liu Yifei also gained the confidence to surf alone without help.

This allowed the two girls to experience the joy of surfing.

So the three of them played until it was almost dark before stopping.

But then the three of them did not go ashore, but drove the yacht over directly. They planned to spend the night on the yacht and go to Dazhou Island tomorrow.

And the Boundary Island Island further away...and so on, many desert islands.

Once again a real desert island survival.

(End of this chapter)

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