Chapter 171 The Singing Bay
Chapter 170

Moon stars are rare.

The three of them got on the yacht and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although surfing is exciting, floating on the sea for a long time always feels unsteady.

Although the large yacht was also floating, it obviously made the two women feel more at ease.

No need to be nervous all the time, worrying that you will fall into the sea.

In particular, the two of them fully grasped the effect of a large bottle of healthy spring water on increasing their physical fitness in one afternoon.

At the same time, there was also some physical exhaustion.

Now I just want to have a good meal and then go to bed early.

Zhao Fei also noticed this, so he suggested: "I've been a little tired of eating seafood in the past two days, how about we eat hot pot? It feels like we haven't eaten for a long time.

And eating hot pot on a yacht seems to be a different experience. "


"I'm fine."

Seeing the two girls nodding, Zhao Fei no longer hesitated.

Get ready.

Hot pot is relatively simple, so it took less than half an hour for the three of us to have it on the table.

At this moment, the three of them had also changed their clothes and washed themselves again.

While eating, Zhao Fei was not idle. Together with the two girls and the fans in the live broadcast room, he introduced the islands around tomorrow.

"First of all, Dazhou Island is very close to the coast. We can go there directly even without a yacht. I will mainly talk about Boundary Island.

Boundary Island is a 5a-level tourist area in our Dragon Kingdom.

Island scenery, sea scenery, and underwater scenery... can be said to be the trinity. It is a large island with multiple angles that can be enjoyed for a long time.

Especially because of the special geographical location around the island and frequent climate changes.

So Boundary Island also has many names.

Such as Beauty Island, Water Lotus Island, etc..."

On the yacht, the salty sea breeze blew.

The three of them were eating hot pot and listening to songs, and Zhao Fei's voice slowly sounded in the live broadcast room: "As I said just now, the climate on Boundary Island is changeable.

So there are all kinds of wonders all over the island.

Sometimes it rains heavily and the sun shines brightly at the same time. If you are lucky, you can even see the changes of the four seasons on an island within a few days. "

"Listening to what you said, why do I feel like the weather is different even though there are four seasons in a year?"

Liu Yifei took a sip of his drink and looked at Zhao Fei curiously.

"That's right, your understanding is very accurate. Just because there is a hillside barrier, the weather on both sides will be different, and there may be heavy snowfall on one side.

On the other side, it was sunny and windy. "

"Then we must go and have a look." Mai Mai chewed the beef in his mouth and agreed.

"Of course, we will set off directly to Boundary Island tomorrow. There is no need to worry. I will finish my meal today and have a good night's rest."

Hearing this, Mai Mai and Liu Yifei looked at each other.

At the same time, he looked at Zhao Fei.

Obviously he wanted to ask, did Zhao Fei say this specifically to be polite in the live broadcast room, or did he really intend to do so?
The two of them played together all afternoon and were really tired.

Feeling the eyes of the two women, Zhao Fei smiled and gave them a chopstick of green vegetables.

He signaled to the two girls not to worry.

Seeing this, the two girls were also a little surprised.

Although they are two people and Zhao Fei is one person, logically speaking, he can overwhelm Zhao Fei, but Zhao Fei cannot judge by common sense.

Now I see Zhao Fei telling the truth.

While they were surprised, they also felt Zhao Fei's deep love.

Happy smiles appeared on the corners of the mouth.

All the fans in the live broadcast room couldn't help but shake their heads.

"It's over, it's over. I feel like my fairy sister is about to follow in the footsteps of Mai Mai. This attitude... makes me so angry."

"What's there to be angry about? I'm even more looking forward to tomorrow's trip to Boundary Island. I won't mention the 5a level scenic spot. Just the fact that there are different days in ten miles and four seasons in a year makes me very curious.

I really hope tomorrow comes early. "

"Watching the hot pot in the live broadcast room, I'm a little greedy. It's impossible to lose weight in this lifetime."


Silent all night.

There are four rooms on the yacht, so any three people can sleep there.

When the three of them woke up in their respective rooms the next day, the captain and sailors had already slowly sailed towards Boundary Island.

So when the three of them came to the deck, the first thing they saw was the Boundary Island not far away.

Although Boundary Island is not far from Riyue Bay.

But the beach here is very calm and the waves are not big at all.

The sand on the beach was just like the Shimei Bay that Zhao Fei and the others had visited before. It was as white as flawless, without a trace of soil or impurities.

Obviously, even though it is a 5a scenic spot, it still protects the environment very well.

Overall, the entire Boundary Continent Island looks like a giant beast lying on the sea, a bit like a horse body with its limbs and head cut off.

Even if they were standing on the yacht, they could see many buildings among the coconut groves on the island.

The most important thing is that there are not many tourists here, and the calm weather is very suitable for vacation.

Taking a speedboat to the island, the three of them first saw a large number of manta rays circled on the coast.

This name may be unfamiliar to most people.

Mainly because this fish looks like a blanket and a bit like flying bats, so it was named manta ray.

In fact, when viewed up close, this pure black fish looks like an alien fish. It swims gracefully and has a gentle personality. It only eats some floating creatures or small fish and shrimps.

It will not attack humans unless threatened.

So calling it a devil fish is really unfair.

Especially even though the manta ray is a creature in the sea, it can actually fly.

Even the moment they fly out of the sea, they will flip and drift, exposing their white navels, and can reach a maximum height of four or five meters.

"How big is this stingray?" Mai Mai asked in surprise.

"Will he bite?" Liu Yifei asked from the side.

"will not."

Zhao Fei shook his head, bought some fish food, and said: "These manta rays are specially raised here by the staff on the island, and they mainly eat fish food.

You can also interact with it and touch its fins. "

"Let me try."

Mai Mai took some fish food from Zhao Fei and sprinkled it at his feet.

In an instant, the surrounding manta rays surrounded him, and their swaying fins were like undulating black carpets, moving very fast.

However, the manta rays do not compete violently for food.

There is a feeling of eating when you can and not eating when you can't get it.

There was no splash.

Seeing this, Mai Mai also breathed a sigh of relief, then squatted down and gently stroked the manta ray's back.

"Slippery, it doesn't even run away?" Mai Mai said in surprise.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei also came over to give it a try.

I found that these manta rays are indeed very honest and will come to you as soon as you have food.

In fact, this is also because these manta rays are all raised in captivity. If they are encountered in the wild, they are not so easy to approach.

Scatter all the fish food in your hands.

The three of them strolled along the beach. The sea breeze was surging, and from time to time they could see many colorful corals on the beach.

There are many swings in the coconut groves on the coast for people to play.After that, the three of them went to the aquarium.

The entire aquarium is divided into three floors, one above ground and two underground.

The ground floor is mainly a marine theater with special performances by animal trainers.

There are diver performances on the two underground floors.

There were mermaids and professional animal trainers, and they almost had fun with the manta rays they saw just now. They swung the manta rays around and used them as Indian flying pancakes.

There are also underwater creatures. Colorful and various marine creatures can be seen everywhere.

There are carefree little fishes.

There are also large sea turtles and white sharks.

But because the second girl was a little resistant to the behavior of some animal trainers, the three of them didn't stay long and came out around noon.

"No profit leads to no extinction."

“It’s not about killing, but it’s quite cool to see those trainers crushing the stingrays into a ball and throwing them out.

But it can't help but make people feel a little uncomfortable. After all, I just saw a carefree manta ray playing happily on the beach. It was quite cute. "

"There is no right or wrong about this kind of thing. You can say that the staff of Bianjiezhou Island use these marine creatures to make profits, but they live in the aquarium accordingly.

The risk of each of these marine creatures encountering danger will also be minimized.

So just treat it with a normal mind. "


Not just fans in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Fei also saw that something was wrong with the two women's emotions.

He simply returned to the yacht. Originally, Zhao Fei planned to stay one night on Boundary Island and then go to Dazhou Island to watch the sunset and sunrise.

After all, this is the southernmost part of the Dragon Kingdom, and the scenery of sunrise and sunset is quite good.

But coming out to play is just for fun.

If you feel uncomfortable, just change to the next one.

"Captain, let's go to the next place."

Zhao Fei gave instructions, but did not say that Boundary Island was not good. After all, there were too many people in the travel live broadcast room and their influence was too great. The travel agency on Sunshine Island was very helpful to Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei couldn't take the initiative to care about anything.

Everyone can see it anyway.

Not only Zhao Fei, but Liu Yifei and his two daughters were also like this. Even if they didn't look at them, they were unhappy, and they didn't say anything about Boundary Island.

So now Zhao Fei said to leave.

They were just happy in their hearts, but they didn't show it on their faces at all.

"Our next stop is Lingshui... This is a multi-ethnic city with a small area. As the eastern city of Sunshine Island, it also has many tourist attractions.

For example, Tropical National Forest Park and Nanwan Monkey Island.

There are also Clearwater Bay and so on.

The most important thing is that after passing Lingshui, you will find Sanya as we know it. "

Zhao Fei didn't plan to go back to Wanning, otherwise he would have to drive the yacht back and drive the RV to Lingshui.

After all this fuss, today is a waste.

Simply drive the yacht directly from the sea to Lingshui.

It's convenient and fast.

After all, Boundary Island is within Lingshui.

On a calm and sunny sea, the yacht splits the waves and speeds on the sea.

The three of them were sitting in the living room. Mai Mai looked out the window and asked, "Where should we go first in the afternoon? What are our plans for tomorrow?"

Hearing this, Zhao Fei thought for a while.

I took my phone and checked the map and various introductions.

After all, he is not omnipotent, he just has a certain impression of Lingshui, and he doesn't know the details.

After 10 minutes, Zhao Fei slowly spoke.

“Because we went there by yacht, if we went to the pier, we would have to go ashore in Lingshui and transfer to an RV... So I felt that we should go directly to Qingshui Bay in Lingshui first.

Take a speed boat ashore.

This Clearwater Bay is not simple, half is reef and half is beach.

It can be said that it combines the two landscapes of Sunshine Island, the east line and the west line.

The most important thing is that Clear Water Bay is also the only bay in Long Country that can sing.

Especially because of the Liberty Lighthouse, Clearwater Bay is also the place with the most beautiful sunsets in the entire Sunny Island.

It happened that we didn’t watch the sunset on Boundary Island, nor did we watch the sunset at Liberty Lighthouse.

Tomorrow, we can go to the motorcycle club, play go-karts, experience the rich customs and customs of Yetian Ancient Village, or have a bowl of Hou'an noodles..."

"Wait a minute, what does the singing bay mean?" Liu Yifei asked with some confusion.

"It's a long story. You'll know it in a moment, but now I can introduce Qingshui Bay in detail." Zhao Fei smiled and continued.

"Qingshui Bay is located in the southeast of Lingshui, not far from the east-line expressway. If calculated using longitude and latitude lines, Qingshui Bay is exactly at the [-]th degree north latitude."

"What does this mean?" Mai Mai was also a little confused.

On the contrary, the fans in the live broadcast room couldn't sit still.

They all opened their mouths.

"These two people really don't read. They don't even know the eighteenth degree of north latitude? Isn't it just the latitude and longitude line? But I don't understand why this bitch would mention this."

“I don’t know the northern latitude, but I know the east longitude!”

"I'm convinced. The [-]th degree north latitude is known as the most beautiful latitude line in the world. I didn't even know that, tsk has to be me."



Zhao Fei saw the barrage and nodded: "The eighteenth degree north latitude is the most beautiful latitude line in the world. You can find it if you look at the map carefully.

This line connects Hawaii, Mexico City, Miami, Bali, etc., places that can make people imagine just by hearing their names.

Clearwater Bay is among them.

Therefore, this bay is also a shining pearl on the [-]th degree north latitude.

In particular, the sea water in Clear Water Bay is quite clear, even reaching the internationally recognized special-grade water quality standard, and the visibility is quite high.

It can be said that if you stand on the sea, you can clearly see things 30 to [-] meters under the sea.

There are only three in the world with the same level as Clearwater Bay.

One is Hawaii and the other is the legendary Gold Coast. "

Hearing Zhao Fei say this.

The two girls also became interested, and they also felt like they had learned a lot.

This kind of reputation as the best in the world is really desirable.

So they wanted to ask more questions, especially why does Clear Water Bay sing?

Is it the sound of waves?
Or is there some local legend?
But whether it’s a fan in the live broadcast room or the two girls.

No matter how they asked, Zhao Fei remained silent and said he would know after a while.

This made the two girls a little angry.

They all glared at Zhao Fei and whispered in his ear: "Are you going to sleep on the sofa tonight?"

"Me too, don't look for me, or else don't blame me for kicking you out."

"What do you mean?"

The corner of Zhao Fei's mouth twitched, thinking: "Isn't it just that I didn't say it directly? As for targeting me like this, you all had a day off yesterday, do you still need to rest?
And Yifei... why don't you want children anymore?

The great cause has not been successful yet, we still need to work hard. "

However, it was too late for Zhao Fei to say it at this time, because they were already approaching Qingshui Bay.

The mystery that Clearwater Bay can sing will also be solved.

(End of this chapter)

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