China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 172 He can actually sing, that’s amazing!

Chapter 172 He can actually sing, that’s amazing!
The coast of Clearwater Bay is long and narrow.

As soon as Zhao Fei and the others approached here, they encountered many yachts staying on the sea.

The entire Haikou is also quite prosperous. There are many high-rise buildings in the distance, and nearby there are mansions and villas, one after another, similar to the previous Riyue Bay.

This is a scenic spot on the [-]th parallel of north latitude, so it will naturally be sought after by many people.

Moreover, the entire Lingshui has a beautiful environment and fresh air. Both local and foreign tourists are very willing to come here for vacation or settlement.

The most important thing is that compared to the more famous Sanya or Haikou, the cost-effectiveness here is higher, both in terms of daily consumption and house prices.

The three of them took a speedboat and headed towards the offshore waters of Clear Water Bay.

Soon I stepped on the white sand beach.

There are layers of soft sand. When the three people stepped on it with their bare feet, they could feel the fine sand swimming underneath, and there was also a tingling feeling.

very comfortable.

Especially the surrounding scenery is dreamlike and colorful.

You can feel happy just standing here.

Even the many fans across the screen seemed to smell the cool and sweet air of Clear Water Bay.

It is indeed the Clearwater Bay on the [-]th parallel of north latitude.

However, Mai Mai and Liu Yifei were looking around as they walked, listening to what was going on around them.

They really wanted to find out what was going on in Zhao Fei's so-called singing bay.

But more than ten minutes passed, and they still didn't feel the mystery inside.

Until I discovered that something was wrong with the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Hey, did you hear that there was indeed some noise?"

"I seemed to have heard it too, but it seemed to disappear as soon as Mai Mai stopped. What's going on?"

"What's going on? I didn't hear anything. Wait, let me make the sound louder."

Watch the barrage in the live room.

Mai Mai frowned and took two tentative steps forward.

When she heard the rustling sound, her eyes suddenly widened and she lowered her head: "Is it the sound of us stepping on the sand?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Yifei took two tentative steps forward.

I found that there were really some very clear sounds coming out as they moved.


"Haha, it's true... Oh my god, if you listen carefully, it really sounds like one person is singing." Mai Mai jumped on the spot.

The cute toes are accumulated in the sand.

It immediately made a crisp sound, as sweet as a silver bell, which sounded extremely surprising.

"That's amazing, isn't it?"

Liu Yifei also tried to run around Zhao Fei twice and had a great time.

Zhao Fei smiled slightly when he saw it.

When the drone is lifted into the air, the scenery shown in the live broadcast room overlooks the entire Clear Water Bay.

White beaches, endless ocean, black rocks full of holes, villa areas on the shore, luxury yachts on the sea, emerald green coconut groves...

Wait, all kinds of scenes make people intoxicated without knowing it.

Especially Mai Mai and Liu Yifei, who were chasing and fighting with each other, made the fans in the live broadcast room full of admiration.

"so beautiful."

"The singing bay, that's what it is, yes, yes."

"I think this should be called the Singing Beach, but... your attention is all on Clearwater Bay. Didn't you see the tall Liberty Lighthouse?"



As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes followed the picture and looked towards the Free Beacon in the corner of the live broadcast room.

I saw the whole lighthouse in red and white, standing on the seaside, with the waves rolling around it, but it remained motionless.

"It is daytime now, and the lighthouse is relatively far away from us, so we are not in a hurry to go there. The most beautiful thing is to have our own lighthouse at night."

When Zhao Fei spoke, Mai and Mai naturally would not refute.

Now that they have arrived at Qingshui Bay, a lot of the depression they had felt on Boundary Island Island has been dissipated.

And Zhao Fei knows so much, just follow him.

Then, the three of them walked hand in hand on the beach of Clear Water Bay.

Stay away from crowds.

Without the noise, the sound of singing on the beach is clearer.

Seeing that it was still early and it was too late to go to the lighthouse in the evening, Zhao Fei took the two girls to a nearby go-kart club.

The three of them came here on foot, not in an RV.

Because the distance between the two is not very far, the club is near Clear Water Bay.

This club is very large and has the longest go-kart track in Sunny Isles.

Neither Mai Mai nor Liu Yifei had ever played go-kart before, so when they came here, looking at the tires piled up inside the venue and the isolated go-kart track, they couldn't help but look forward to it.

After all, as long as you can drive, who doesn't want to race legally while ensuring safety.

This process is definitely exciting.

"Let's go, let's buy tickets first and rent three racing cars."

Zhao Fei held their little hands, completed the formalities with the staff, and began to change clothes.

Because driving a kart requires a special racing suit.

Most of these racing suits are red and black.

When the three people met outside holding their helmets, the moment the three people appeared in the live broadcast gave fans a very sassy feeling.

Looks extremely capable.

This is mainly because of the aura of the three of them. Ordinary people really can't afford racing suits.

Zhao Fei won't say much, the charm fruit makes him look handsome no matter what he wears.

Liu Yifei and Mai Mai are also well-known stars in the industry. They have great temperament, otherwise they would not stand out among the actors.

"Not bad, very handsome." Zhao Fei gave a thumbs up.

"That's necessary." Mai Mai raised her head proudly, clenched her fist and touched Zhao Fei.

Although Liu Yifei still looked indifferent, the slightly raised corners of her mouth showed that she was also looking forward to the next game.

Because the venue of this club is large, it is divided into indoor and outdoor areas.

The interior is relatively smaller, but the decoration is more luxurious and the facilities are more comprehensive.

The scenery outside the city is better, especially because it is on the seaside, so you can watch the sea while playing.

The three discussed it.

In the end, I chose the outdoors, mainly because the indoors was too small and I always felt uncomfortable running.

On the contrary, there are many outdoor tracks.

The track is winding and winding, with a total length of at least 3000 meters and a width of about nine meters, with various curves.

According to the staff, the acceleration distance of this outdoor track can reach more than 400 meters.

The longest straight line is 200 meters.

It is one of the few professional tracks in Dragon Kingdom, which shows the standard here.

Of course, karts are also divided into several categories.

There is an adult entertainment version with a top speed of about [-] kilometers per hour.

There are also children's go-karts, which can run for about thirty or forty years.

The most powerful is the competitive ultra-fast kart, which can run up to [-] kilometers per hour.

Zhao Fei naturally chose the super-fast kart.

As for the two girls, for safety reasons, Zhao Fei chose the adult version for them, which has a top speed of [-] kilometers per hour, so it is easier to control.

After getting in the car, Zhao Fei introduced it to the two of them: "Actually, karting is very simple. Anyone with a driver's license can basically drive it. You have to brake with your left foot and accelerator with your right foot. Of course, you cannot press the brake and accelerator at the same time.

When there is a curve ahead, if you enter the curve from the outside, you need to cut into the fixed center point of the curve... In fact, it is similar to our normal driving.

It's just because the kart's chassis is very low and close to the track surface.

So it feels very fast to us, about two or three times the normal speed.

In fact, it's not that fast, so don't worry either of you.

Just control the accelerator and brake, and of course the steering wheel.

How are you, are you ready? "

"I'm fine." Mai Mai put on his helmet.

Liu Yifei also took a deep breath and nodded.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei no longer hesitated, pulled down the mirror of his helmet, and stepped on the accelerator... Hearing a roar, white exhaust gas spurted out from behind the car.

The originally stationary kart sped out in an instant.

There were even two black tire marks on the ground.

Apparently it was because Zhao Fei started too fast.

On the contrary, Mai Mai and Liu Yifei next to them tentatively stepped on the accelerator. Although they didn't feel slow, they were far behind Zhao Fei's speed.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was scrolling like crazy.

"Maimai, go ahead, don't hesitate, you can reach sixty as soon as possible. What are you afraid of?"

"Yes, and Yifei. If you catch up with that bitch and surpass him... everyone will disappear before you hesitate."

"As soon as I saw this posture, I knew that this bitch must have played go-kart before. The RV limits the ability of the anchor."

At this moment, none of the three people could see the barrage in the live broadcast room.

But the live broadcast room was taken into the air by a drone, and the situation of the three people could be clearly seen.

The picture is so clear that it looks like a live broadcast of the event, and the sense of immersion is super strong.

At the same time, Zhao Fei felt the speed of the kart and was very excited.

As a man, who doesn’t want to race cars?

So Zhao Fei stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, careening all the way, drifting around corners, and white exhaust gas spurted out.

During the drift, the friction sound produced by the tires and the ground was harsh and long.

The entire kart moves cleanly and beautifully, as if it were moving like clouds and flowing water, which is a joy to watch.

You must know that there are not only Zhao Fei and three people on this track.

There were many other karts in front of Zhao Fei.

But at this moment, Zhao Fei seemed to be one with the car, overtaking one after another.

Originally, most people on this track were controlling their emotions and speed, slowly and leisurely, neither too fast nor too slow.

However, the roar of Zhao Fei's kart was too loud, and the exhaust gas left after overtaking was also depressing.

No one can stand this.

One by one, they started to step on the accelerator and speed up with Zhao Fei, making the entire track instantly noisy, with continuous roars.

Each and every right foot seemed to be stuck with the accelerator.

The sense of competition soared instantly.

Not just these strangers, but also Mai Mai and Liu Yifei.

At this moment, as time goes by, I gradually get used to the speed of the kart and how hard I press the accelerator.

What's more, they both have driver's licenses, so they slow down except when cornering.

At other times, the speed gradually increased.

As time goes by.

One lap, two laps, three laps... The two girls became more and more proficient in karting and became familiar with the track. They became more relaxed and experienced the joy of drag racing.

"Drifting turns out to be like this, it feels so good." Mai Mai shouted excitedly.

Including Liu Yifei was also chasing after Zhao Fei, but the kart was different, no matter how skilled she was, she would not be able to catch up.

Of course, over time.

Some drivers on the track got a little carried away when they saw that they could not catch up with Zhao Fei, so they failed to stop the car for a while and crashed into the tire guardrail.

They look quite dangerous, but in fact most of them are not dangerous at all.

At most, it's just a scratch on the skin.

The three of them had forgotten how many laps they had run, but they saw that it was getting dark.

Although the two girls still wanted to play and were really addicted, they were finally called down by Zhao Fei.

Because the sun is going to set soon, this is the time to go to the Liberty Lighthouse to watch the sunset.

If you miss it, you have to wait until tomorrow.

So the two girls didn't refuse in the end, changed their clothes and left the club.

The three of them got into the RV and headed straight to the Liberty Lighthouse.

After all, time is running out.

Clearwater Bay is still some distance from the Liberty Lighthouse.

About 15 minutes later, the tall Liberty Lighthouse came into view.

The three of them got out of the car and walked along the stone path through the dense coconut groves on both sides.

At a glance.

There is a sunset in the sky, hanging far away on the horizon. The dim yellow sunlight spreads around, making the entire sky golden.

Many of them are like split clouds, blood red.

It looks very shocking.

Looking further down is the endless vast sea, sparkling under the setting sun.

The lake surface presented in the entire live broadcast room is like an oil painting.


At the feet of Zhao Fei and the others, there is a nearly [-]-meter-long road starting from the beach and extending into the sea.

At the end of the road is the Lighthouse of Liberty, which stands like a golden hoop.

see this scene.

Not only the two Mai Mai girls, but also the fans in the live broadcast room were shocked.

"It's so beautiful. It's hard to imagine that there is such a beautiful place in the world."

"Yes, it feels very artistic. It makes people don't want to talk and just want to enjoy it quietly."

"Not only is the sun setting in the west, don't you feel that the three people's backs are also very beautiful? Screenshot, screenshot, this can definitely be used as a background image."


"The setting sun, the burning clouds, the sea, the lighthouse...the combination of various elements seemed to let me see the comic book world of Hayao Miyazaki."

Liu Yifei sighed inwardly, even breathing a little quickly.

Zhao Maimai next to him also nodded: "I finally understand why the lighthouse at Clearwater Bay is said to be one of the most beautiful places to watch the sunset in the entire Sunshine Island.

At this moment, I feel like I should get rid of one of them. "

"Don't worry."

Zhao Fei pointed to the lighthouse in front of him: "Follow me. Standing on the seaside is the most beautiful place, and it is surrounded by the ocean, which will give people an extraordinary experience."

Zhao Fei took the lead and walked towards the sunset.

The two girls, Mai and Mai, also nodded and hurried to follow.

The sea breeze blew slowly, and the two women's long hair fluttered in the wind, and their clothes rustled.

The camera in the live broadcast room was shot from behind the three people. As the three people moved forward, the distance became farther and farther. It seemed as if there were only three people and a lighthouse left in the whole world.


There are even fewer barrages, as if the whole world has become quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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