China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 173 Traveling in the mountains and playing in the water

Chapter 173 Traveling in the mountains and playing in the water


Liu Yifei raised his head and looked at the lighthouse in front of him.

The entire lighthouse is more than ten meters high and is made up of red and white colors. The base of the lighthouse is built and stacked up from pieces of giant stones.

These stones look irregular, but they are perfectly combined.

There is no sense of incongruity.

The sun sets in the distance, and the dim sunlight spreads across the entire sea.

The sky and the earth were reflected in a golden color.

The top of the lighthouse is also shining with golden light, emitting a dazzling light.

Under various conditions, the scene shown in the live broadcast room at this moment is like a scene in a comic.


Although there were fewer barrages at this moment, the gifts were sent flying.

One by one, they fly together and bloom on the live broadcast screen one after another.

“Actually, there is a local legend about the lighthouse. The protagonist is a girl from the Li ethnic group who married a local Miao ethnic group.

The two groups have clashed many times over the years over resources.

But because the two protagonists met and fell in love.

It promoted the integration of the two peoples and gradually became harmonious.

After the two protagonists died, the two peoples who had merged into one large ethnic group built this lighthouse to commemorate the two heroes.

Likewise, lighthouses yearn for peace and freedom.

Its existence can dispel the darkness and guide the way home for countless sailors.

Therefore, many local people come here from time to time to pray, hoping for happy love and sweet life, or fishing harvest.'s much less now.

Because fewer and fewer people can remember this story. "

Zhao Fei's slightly emotional voice sounded in the ears of the two women.

This also touched them.

At the same time, as time passed, the sun set in the west, the sky became darker and darker, and the sun also fell below the sea level.

The surroundings of the three people gradually fell into darkness.

Only the towering lighthouse was left, still emitting a dazzling light.

Stars of different sizes also lit up in the sky.

Let people marvel at the magic of nature.

"I have to say, this guy is pretty good at picking places. I really didn't know there were so many things in Lingshui. After all, most people who travel to Sunshine Island go straight to Sanya."

"It's been three days and I haven't even seen a golden dog's hair in Wenchang. Since I'm here in Sunshine Island, I decided to follow in the footsteps of the anchor and go to Lingshui tomorrow.

You can't just go back without getting anything when you go out. "

"Same, same, but I'm in Sanya now. I've finished playing and was about to go back, but I accidentally discovered Lingshui.

The Liberty Lighthouse is beautiful and the go-karts are cool.

Worth a try. "

After leaving the Free Lighthouse, Zhao Fei and the others returned to the RV.

Zhao Fei asked: "What do you want to eat tonight?"

Mai Mai tilted her head and thought for a while. These days they were either seafood or hot pot, but they rarely ate some home-cooked dishes.

Then he tentatively asked: "How about you cook two Northeastern dishes?"

"Where's Yifei?"

"I can do either. Just listen to Maimai and cook two home-cooked dishes for a change."


Zhao Fei nodded, opened the refrigerator and took out some vegetables and beef.

Start cooking.

Zhao Fei's movements were very quick, so the meal was ready in no time.

The three of them set up tables and chairs outside and enjoyed the food while admiring the ocean at night.

Not to mention how artistic it is.

After eating, the three of them picked up the leftovers together.

After saying goodbye to the fans in the live broadcast room, he got into the RV.

Liu Yifei was the first to take a bath, while Mai Mai was changing clothes in the room. As the saying goes, hunger and cold stir up the heart, while fullness warms the mind.

He had a day off yesterday, and Zhao Fei didn't want to be idle today.

It’s a great time, so naturally you have to do something.

Zhao Fei can give an accurate answer to the philosophical question of whether one plus one equals two or is greater than two.

That is, one plus one is definitely greater than two.

After swimming through the mountains and playing in the water, as the night deepened, the three people in the room gradually fell into sleep.


The next morning.

Zhao Fei still got up early to make breakfast, but this time Zhao Fei did not take out a large bottle of healthy spring water.

Because the performance of the two girls last night was pretty good.

The health spring water is temporarily unavailable.

What's more, Zhao Fei is also afraid that this thing will cause problems if it is used too much.

After the two girls got up, washed and dressed neatly, Zhao Fei also started the live broadcast.

"Brothers, today our itinerary is around Lingshui City. Yesterday when we were on the yacht, I briefly talked about some of the scenic spots in Lingshui.

We had seen Clearwater Bay and the Liberty Lighthouse last night.

Also tried go karting.

Of course I want to go somewhere else today. "

After breakfast, Zhao Fei and the other three got into the RV.

Go straight.

The vegetation on the roadside is green at first glance.

The buildings in Lingshui are not very high, but the environment of the entire city is very clean, with greenery covering almost 30.00% of the area.

The ratio is quite high.

As mentioned before, Lingshui is a mixed city of various ethnic groups, including Han, Li, Miao... and so on.

But just looking at the development of the city of Lingshui, it is still very modern.

When crossing Lingshui, you can also see many people wearing some very ethnic costumes.

“I feel like there are not many people in Lingshui, and there are very few tourists.”

Mai Mai looked out the window and continued: "But it seems that these locals are very leisurely. Those who play chess on the roadside, those who stroll around, and all fan themselves slowly and leisurely, as if they are not in a hurry at all."


Liu Yifei on the side also nodded: "The slow pace means that the life here is very comfortable and happy, and this pace of life is undoubtedly very desirable.

It's not like in big cities now, where you have to take the bus and take the subway.

It's overwhelming. "

After hearing what the two girls said, the fans in the live broadcast room also felt the same way.

"You're absolutely right, I'm in Shanghai now, don't mention it... It takes at least three or four hours to go to work in the morning, including eating, taking the car, getting up, and sending the children to school.

We go to work at nine o'clock, so I have to get up at five o'clock.

I get off work at five o'clock in the evening, and it's eight or nine o'clock when I get home. Sometimes I have to work overtime.

After dinner and a shower, I felt that time was not used very much. It was already eleven or twelve o'clock, and I didn't even have time to write a joke, so I had to go to bed quickly.

Because I have to get up at five o'clock tomorrow morning.

It’s not a human life at all. "

"Don't talk about the Magic City, it's the same in our capital, and I'm a single mother, busier than you, and I'm almost exhausted every day.

If this wasn't my biological child, I really wanted to send this little kid to an orphanage. "

"Hearing what people above are saying, I suddenly want to take the postgraduate entrance examination. I want to stay in school for at least two more years. I feel like it's better to go to school."


The RV passed through the center of Lingshui.

Zhao Fei didn't plan to park in Lingshui, because you can see that Lingshui is very slow now, but in fact there is a town not far away that is more comfortable and has a slower pace of life.

Of course, in comparison, this town looks more backward.

The entire town is close to the sea and is called Anxiang Town. Most of the residents make a living by fishing and farming. Fishing boats can be seen near the seaside.

You can see many fishermen in the early morning, getting up early and going out to sea.

On both sides of the road, you can also see a lot of crops, which are growing green and gratifying.

"This pastoral town feels like my hometown." Mai Mai leaned against the car window and spoke.

Liu Yifei on the side also nodded: "I feel like this is a very suitable place for retirement."

Hearing this, Zhao Fei also spoke: "A long time ago, there was a legend in Anxiang Town. There was a group of evil thieves who came to Anxiang and burned, killed and looted.

The peaceful town suddenly lost its tranquility.

Local people suffered greatly.

Until a young man with great martial arts skills stood up and used his strength to drive away this group of evil thieves.So the local people are very grateful to this guy.

Especially many young girls who are in their prime.

Everyone expressed their love and wanted to marry this young man.

The young man couldn't resist, and there were too many girls, so he didn't know who to choose. Finally, he decided to draw lots and choose whoever caught the chance.

Put mung beans and red beans in the jar. According to the rule, there is only one red bean, and the rest are all mung beans. Whoever catches the red bean can marry the young man.

However, every family in the small town farms, and every family has red beans.

So when the girls draw lots, they hold a red bean in their hands.

In the end, there was no mung bean.

As a last resort...hehehe, young wives and concubines are in groups, so they simply...ahem, you all understand.

Of course, the moral of this story is mainly to say that Anxiang Town has a bumper harvest, a high grain output, a happy life for the people, and no shortage of food for every household. "

At this point, Zhao Fei stopped talking.

But both the live broadcast room and the fans understood it. The key point was not the harvest harvest, but the young people and a group of girls.

Needless to say, it was obviously the young man who married everyone in the end.

You know, this is a young girl from a village.


"Serenity, hum...not peaceful at all." Liu Yifei glared at Zhao Fei.

Mai Mai was also a little unhappy. Sitting in the passenger seat, she pinched Zhao Fei's waist and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Just concentrate on driving."

"Haha, I should... let you owe it. Although I also envy this young man, I still prefer to see this piece of shit eat up."

"It's a village, my God. I only wish I wasn't born in that era."

"According to what the anchor said, wouldn't it seem that all the people in Anxiang Town are descendants of this young man?"


"Cough cough."

Zhao Fei coughed slightly, although he also envied the young man with strong martial arts skills.

But now he's not bad either.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei are also stunningly beautiful.

So he was already very content and quickly dropped the topic.

"Okay, okay, brothers, this time our goal is Yetian Ancient Village, which is a scenic spot in Lingshui, covering a large area and also by the sea.

Across the sea from several islands in the sea, it is one of the few Miao cultural scenic spots on Sunshine Island.

Yetian Ancient Village has a summer-like climate all year round...

Especially now that it has been transformed into a scenic spot, when we go there, we can have a comprehensive view of the life of the Miao people.

The ancient culture, special customs, and mysterious "gu"... etc., many things that are rare in the Central Plains can be seen in a short time.

Even if it is a coincidence, we can also see the special song and dance performances of the Miao people. "

Zhao Fei lightly stepped on the accelerator to make the RV go faster.

Quickly travel through the small town of Anjian.

After about half an hour.

Zhao Fei parked the RV in the parking lot of Guzhai Scenic Area.

Zhao Fei got out of the car first, followed by Mai Mai and Liu Yifei, who were holding hands.

As soon as they walked to the door, the first thing the three of them saw was a wall of honors. On it were some certificates in two languages, all of which were the honors Guzhai had achieved over the years.

It was similar to the Bali Village that Zhao Fei and the others had visited before.

Walking into it, you can see that the entire scenic spot is full of green, with tall coconut trees one after another, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and some of them are almost 20 meters tall.

Like umbrella covers, covering the entire ancient village.

There are rows of ancient villages with Miao characteristics.

The main body is made of wood and the surface is painted with red paint.

In addition to these wooden villages, there are also many thatched houses, which are generally circular in shape, and the roofs are covered with thick thatch.

It looks a lot like a gray mushroom.

The most important thing is that there are not many people in the entire ancient village and it is very quiet.

And because of the lush branches of the coconut trees, it feels very cool when you walk into them.

“What a unique house.”

"It feels like an ancient village, as if it has traveled through time."

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei were also surprised when they saw the scene in front of them.

Holding hands, they crossed Zhao Fei and walked towards the ancient village first.

Zhao Fei followed immediately, holding up the live broadcast room and saying as he walked: "What we see now is the scenic area of ​​Guzhai.

The mushroom-like houses you see are not for living in, but for storing food.

Similar to what we call a grain depot.

It's called a barn here.

Which wooden stilted houses are for people to live in? "

After Zhao Fei and the others actually entered the scenic spot, they also deeply felt the simple character of the Miao people.

Every one of them is smiling when I see them.

Especially in the depths of the ancient village, there were many people gathered around. Among them were a few Miao women, each holding a large bowl of wine and dancing amidst laughter and laughter.

They dress very nicely.

The main body is a colorful gown, mainly black and red, with dense patterns on it. The hair is tied up, the head is wrapped with a beautiful scarf, and a bandana with embroidered patterns is also worn.

A strip of red satin ran down from it and hung down on the back.

As they danced, the red satin fluttered and looked very beautiful.

"What does this mean?" Mai Mai asked.

"Roadblock wine."

Zhao Fei explained: “Road wine is a way for the Miao people to welcome guests to their homes. Because they are warm and hospitable, wine is the most important thing in receiving guests.

It is very embarrassing for the Miao people if there is no drink when guests come to their home.

The road-blocking wine in this ancient village is obviously not common.

We were lucky today. "

Zhao Fei did not say it directly, but in fact this was arranged by the program team.

After all, it was just a live broadcast of some scenery, which was a bit monotonous. Yan Min also wanted to find something for Zhao Fei and the others to do.

Since Yang Xiaohu last time, this old man has obviously become more cautious.

And even though the wine bowls in the hands of these Miao girls are huge, you are not actually asked to drink them all, but they are poured into silver cups, and the alcohol content is not high.

There are few surprises.

Just as Zhao Fei said, they were stopped when they approached.

Enthusiastically pouring wine for the three of them.

Of course, because the show will only be passed in advance, these Miao girls mainly target Mai Mai and Liu Yifei.

Zhao Fei didn't need to drink, after all, he would have to drive soon.

Seeing this, Mai Mai and Liu Yifei didn't show any pretense. They smelled the wine and felt that the alcohol was not high, so they drank it down.

Both free and easy and bold.

"Is this really wine? How does it feel like a drink?" Mai Mai whispered.

Liu Yifei next to him also smacked his lips, and there was indeed no smell of alcohol.

Of course, there's more to road drinking than just drinking.

After drinking, you need to sing and dance.

This is not a problem for the second daughter.

After a lot of excitement, the three of them completed the conditions and continued walking towards the depths of the ancient village.

Especially when passing by an antique museum.

Even Zhao Fei was surprised when he saw the things inside.

For example, clothes made from tree bark.

There are also wooden masks of monsters.

The poisonous needle that seals the throat after seeing blood is made from the cylindrical rhizome of the plant. It looks ordinary, but in fact, after winning the bid, it can poison an adult in three seconds.

In addition, there are stone axes, shovels... and other tools.

"Come and see, how big is this cauldron?" Liu Yifei greeted the two of them.

Zhao Fei and others also hurried over.

Among the display cabinets, there was a silver tripod, which was two to three meters high and one meter wide.

There are many patterns and totems on the surface of the tripod, which looks very exquisite.

Even Zhao Fei was a little surprised when he saw it.

Because as far as he knew, the Miao silver was usually mined by manually hammering it with a small hammer. The huge tripod in front of him was probably also made by hand.

After all, the Miao people's silverware manufacturing and technology even surpassed that of the Central Plains at that time in some aspects.

Moreover, silverware also represents wealth in the Miao people's perception.

So most of the pictures of Miao women are from head to toe, with silverware everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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