Chapter 174 Big Purchase!
No woman can refuse accessories.

The same goes for Mai Mai and Liu Yifei. When they were in Guzhai before, they saw many Miao women wearing silver jewelry, which were very distinctive.

It looks beautiful too.

Now in this museum, they have seen so many exquisite silver jewelry.

So I wanted to buy some.

Zhao Fei will naturally fulfill the wishes of the two women.

After holding their hands and leaving the museum, we specially found a rather large jewelry store.

The jewelry stores in this scenic spot are different from the jewelry stores we see on the street.

It can be customized personally, and some silver jewelry can be specially hand-made.

In addition, Zhao Fei is rich and powerful.

With a wave of his hand, the two girls were matched from head to toe.

There are all kinds of earrings, rings, bracelets, headdresses...even anklets. The most important thing is that the names of Zhao Fei and them are engraved on the back of these silver ornaments.

Liu Yifei even made some silver locks in advance for his future children, some big and some small, and they looked very beautiful.

Of course, some are inconvenient to appear in the live broadcast room.

The three of them also tried to avoid it.

"This bitch is really rich!"

"Who says it's not the case? These two sets of silver jewelry cost hundreds of thousands. After all, the items inside the scenic spot are relatively more expensive than those outside.

Not to mention handmade jewelry. "

"Having said that, don't you find it strange? It is reasonable for the anchor to give Mai Mai a set, and we are not surprised, but the anchor also gave Liu Yifei a set?
what does this mean?
Their relationship doesn't seem that close, right? "

Fans in the live broadcast room watched the three people choosing in the jewelry store.

As this barrage passed by, some people in the live broadcast room couldn't help but wonder.

His eyes were on Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei, looking back and forth.

Hope you can see something.

However, neither Zhao Fei nor the other three noticed this scene. At this moment, Zhao Fei was only focused on spending money, and Mai and Mai were also thinking about how they would look wearing these accessories.

Discussing something in a low voice.

From time to time, there was a silver bell-like laugh.

The staff of the jewelry store naturally recognized the three of Zhao Fei, not to mention that they directly spent nearly one million.

So the reception was very polite.

And immediately followed the instructions of the three people, striving to produce these silver jewelry as quickly as possible.

Although these handmade silver jewelry are beautiful, this alone is not very convenient.

It just couldn't be taken away directly. It would take nearly half a month before it could be delivered to them.

In fact, this is relatively fast.

Because this is not a mold-like handicraft, but truly hand-made with a small hammer, the quality is relatively higher.

So it makes sense to have to wait.

After visiting the jewelry store, Zhao Fei took the two girls to learn about the very mysterious local Gu.

This magical thing also made fans in the live broadcast room gradually ignore the relationship between Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei, because after guessing for a while, they couldn't guess anything.

On the contrary, I have heard Gu Chong's name for a long time, but I don't know much about it.

It can attract their attention more.

Gu is a mysterious object that is artificially applied with special methods and carefully cultivated over many years.

According to legend, they can be big or small, usually two of the animal category make up a pair.

But there are also very few that are classified as plants.

It can be used to sow seeds directly or indirectly. It is called one of the three major witchcrafts in the southeastern region along with the corpse-removing technique and the head-lowering technique in western Hunan.

There are the legendary golden silkworm Gu, stone Gu... and so on.

Among them, the Golden Silkworm Gu is a poisonous Gu.

It can cause instant poisoning, pain in the chest and abdomen, swelling like an urn, and bleeding to death in seven days.

Stone Gu is even more magical. Legend has it that stones are placed on the roadside as markers, but they cannot be known to others.

In this way, when someone passes by, the stone will jump on the person's body or stomach.

The initial symptoms include stiffness of the body and a feeling of a lump in the abdomen. Within two to three months, the person can move freely, but as time goes by, the person's stool will gradually solidify.

This leads to the inability to defecate, until finally the abdomen becomes bloated and the patient dies slowly and painfully.

Whether it's stone voodoo or golden silkworm voodoo, there are many such harmful voodoos.

Even Zhao Fei and the others saw the real thing.

But most of them are dead.

They look no different from ordinary bugs or stones on the roadside.

However, various introductions are shocking.

The two women took a look at it, then took two steps back with some disgust, walked up to Zhao Fei and asked in a low voice: "Is the introduction above true or false?"

"Yeah, it feels a bit scary. Is there really such a mysterious thing in the world?"

Hearing this, Zhao Fei thought for a while and said softly: "Gu insects must exist, and they are also poisonous to a certain extent. It sounds unbelievable.

I don't know much about it either.

But I know that there are poisonous insects in the world, and there are also poisonous insects that can save people.

And these harmful things have also developed little by little from saving people. After all, there are all kinds of people in the world.

In particular, this extraordinary power is not only possessed by the Miao people.

We also have it in the Central Plains.

For example, the most common traditional Chinese medicine we have now..."

Zhao Fei does not know much about Gu insects, but he knows a lot about Chinese medicine.

After all, I have used several skill books.

Seeing that the two women were seriously waiting for him to continue, Zhao Fei did not hesitate and continued: "For example, there is an ingredient in Chinese medicine that can be used as a medicine.

It's called floating wheat.

That is to say, if the wheat grown in our fields is sprinkled in water without shelling it, and it floats, it is called floating wheat.

From our materialistic point of view, most of this floating wheat is dry and shriveled fruit, which is of the lowest quality among wheat.

But it is such a low-quality product, but it has the effect of removing deficient heat, antiperspirant, and used for bone steaming, labor fever, spontaneous sweating and night sweats.

Of course, if you want to use it as medicine, you need to dry it and fry it.

Similarly, we also know that the main ingredient of bread is flour, and flour is wheat.

So, if we put it all together, does bread have the effect of removing deficiency heat and stopping sweating? "

Zhao Fei paused for a moment when he said this.

The two girls, Mai and Mai, fell into deep thought.

There were also a lot fewer fans in the live broadcast room, and they obviously thought about what Zhao Fei was going to say.

“Don’t think about it, apart from filling your stomach, bread does not have the effect of removing fever or stopping sweating.

So now the question becomes, why is it that the same thing produces completely different effects in the end? "

Zhao Fei pointed to the voodoos and various introductions in the display cabinet, and continued: "I think these voodoos and Chinese medicine should have the same principles.

It seems very metaphysical, but in fact it is a scientific method with certain principles.

Traditional Chinese medicine contains a lot of wisdom from our ancestors.

Including voodoo insects, what was reported in the later period was all weird, terrifying... and so on, which made people stay away from them. In fact, people who raised voodoo bugs in the past were called witch doctors.

They mainly want to save people. "

Listen to Zhao Fei's words.

The two girls nodded, feeling that they really learned a lot today.I no longer dare to look down upon these humble things.

Including the fans in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, I have to admire Zhao Fei's profound knowledge.

"You say you don't understand Gu or witchcraft, but in reality you speak clearly and honestly. As expected of you."

"Don't tell me, the anchors who watch this shit sometimes really gain some insight. At least I don't know about this floating wheat, and I never thought that the patches of wheat in my field can be used as medicine.

So I really want to ask the anchor, is this floating wheat expensive?
What does the so-called removing deficiency heat and stopping sweating mean?Does it have the effect of aphrodisiac and kidney?

I always feel a little weak recently, and I'm a little tired of eating wolfberry. "

"My family is also from a rural area. I have nothing except the thirty acres of land my father left me, three large bungalows, thirty wandering chickens, ten ducks... and one big yellow dog.

So I implore the big guys in the anchor room to help the poor.

What's more, this is a Chinese medicinal material. I sell it at wholesale price. Do you want it for ten yuan per pound? "


Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, the corner of Zhao Fei's mouth twitched.

These bunch of bitches still call them bitches. You obviously have more fun on your own, right?
Also sold at wholesale price?

I really don't want any face.

If this kind of floating wheat is really very effective and is a kind of precious traditional Chinese medicine, we can just chew flour at home every day and learn how to sell fish drops without even drinking saliva.

And they are sold in supermarkets, which is convenient.

Of course, complaints are complaints, and Zhao Fei doesn't want to have an impact on reality because of the floating wheat incident.

Save yourself any big trouble.

So I still explained: "The effects of most Chinese medicines are not as straightforward as Western medicines. For example, if you catch a cold, just buy cold medicine.

If you have a fever, buy antipyretics.

There are many classifications of traditional Chinese medicine, which focus on eradication, so you can't eat them randomly or introduce them blindly. The lesions of many diseases are not the same.

So the treatments are different.

Don't eat randomly.

As for floating wheat, it does have the effect of benefiting qi and removing heat, and it is also a Chinese herbal medicine with a cold nature, which can also astringe the heart meridian.

For example, we usually experience adverse symptoms such as bone steaming and fever, or yin deficiency and fever.

All can be treated with floating wheat.

The most common method is to use floating wheat to boil water for drinking.

As for aphrodisiac...

This is definitely not possible.

However, floating wheat can be a diuretic and reduce swelling.

For example, some fans in our live broadcast room may have trouble urinating.

To put it bluntly, it is not smooth, not clean, easy to split, and makes shoes wet.

You can also try it and use it in combination with Yizhiren, licorice and mulberry, which will definitely make you better.

At least when I go to the public restroom, I won't start a fight. "

What Zhao Fei said was serious.

With a serious look on his face, it seemed like that.

But Mai Mai and Liu Yifei wanted to laugh.

Of course, they didn't want this scene to be seen in the live broadcast room, so they held hands and walked away.

Leave Zhao Fei and the fans in the live broadcast room talking nonsense.

At the same time, fans in the live broadcast room instantly understood what Zhao Fei meant.

All the male compatriots were instantly furious.

Those who slapped the table and pointed at Zhao Fei's nose yelled.

"You bitch, what are you talking about? Who the hell has a bifurcation? Even if I am thirty now, I still pee in the wind and don't need treatment at all."

"If you want to talk about dogs, you should still be talking about anchor dogs. If you criticize people without using curse words, it sounds so irritating. The most important thing is that I don't know how to refute it.

Are you angry? "

"Ahem, stop arguing. Although I don't have the symptoms the anchor mentioned, my friend seems to have them, so... anchor, are you kidding me?
What is this ratio?
Should the floating wheat be fully cooked, or should it be soaked directly in hot water?

Or is it like frying a steak, with medium rare and medium rare?

Don't get me wrong, I'm mainly worried about my friend's health. "

"Ahem, I understand, everyone understands... Don't tell me, I also have a friend. This guy is not only bifurcated, but also pornographic... Are you angry?
Can the anchor explain it in detail? I will tell my friend later. "

"You have a lot of friends. I don't have any, but my children seem to..."


Zhao Fei looked at each barrage.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly, not taking it seriously.

Although Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, asking and understanding, it is impossible to treat people just by listening to what they say.

"Looking, hearing, asking, and being concerned" is not a way of treating a doctor, but the combination of these four words is the method of treating a doctor in traditional Chinese medicine.

Without face-to-face communication, even Zhao Fei would not dare to drug others casually.

So he smiled and said: "Okay, okay, stop joking. Didn't you see that Mai and Mai have gone away? I'm going to chase them."

There are not many people at the entrance of this ancient village, but there are still quite a lot of people inside.

It would be bad if I got lost again. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Fei made an excuse and chased in the direction of Mai and Mai.

After the three of them meet up.

Seeing that it was approaching noon, the three of them did not return to the RV.

Instead, we found a restaurant in the ancient village and tried the local specialties.

The most famous ones are three-color rice and fish in sour soup.

Among them, three-color rice is the most traditional food with ethnic characteristics. It is mainly made of glutinous rice, mulberry leaves, red blue grass, turmeric and hill palm leaves.

So it looks like there are three colors: red, yellow and black, which are very bright.

The rice balls are sweet and smooth, fragrant and delicious in the mouth, and have a faint licorice aroma, which has the effect of appetizing and eliminating internal heat.

Let the two girls like it.

Because this rice ball is both beautiful and delicious.

On the contrary, Zhao Fei is more enthusiastic about fish in sour soup.

This pickled fish is a bit similar to our common pickled fish.

It's just that the color of the fish in sour soup is red, with white fish meat floating on it.

You know, the Miao people are mainly distributed in the southeastern region. Because of the heavy humidity, they have a special liking for hot and sour food.

In particular, the sour soup of fish in sour soup is made from fermented rice, and it usually takes three or four days to make some of the most authentic sour soups.

The acidity is not at all comparable to that of our Central Plains sauerkraut.

One mouthful of soup may make people's teeth sore if they are not used to it, but those who like it are most willing to drink the sour fish soup because this soup is the essence.

Especially the explosive flavor of fish and chili, one bite will definitely give you an extraordinary experience.

Why do you say so.

It’s also because locally, there’s more than just fish in sour soup.

There are also sour soup lamb, sour soup chicken, sour soup duck...etc., any meat you can think of can be cooked in sour soup.

That’s why I say this sour soup is the key.

(End of this chapter)

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