China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 175 In the Snow: Abnormal Human Research Center

Chapter 175 In the Snow: Abnormal Human Research Center
After lunch, the three of them took a rest and then returned to the RV.

Although there was still time in the afternoon, the three of them did not plan to go out to play.

The trip has lasted for many days and they have seen countless sights, but the three of them also have some personal matters to deal with.

After all, all three of them are stars now.

Including Zhao Fei.

You can’t just focus on traveling like you did when you climbed Mount Everest.

The same goes for Liu Yifei and Mai Mai.

The TV series had already been produced, and the male and female protagonists needed to promote it. Zhao Fei was traveling and unable to leave, so he had no choice but to go.

Including Meng Hualu, Liu Yifei also had to take two days off.

So the three of them could only be separated temporarily for a few days.

Zhao Fei also called Mr. Song. The previous travel program was launched and the company made more than one billion. The two of them never thought of how to spend it.

I thought some filmmakers would approach them for investment.

It was indeed available during this period, but the quality of the script is really unflattering. Even Mr. Song couldn't stand it, let alone Zhao Fei.

This also made Zhao Fei realize.

A good script does not require investment from them, but an investment in a bad script will result in a loss.

Zhao Fei simply doesn't plan to invest in other people's movies.

Just shoot it yourself.

Of course, Zhao Fei was traveling now and couldn't leave, so he gave Song Shao the task of preparing the crew, recruiting talents, and purchasing equipment.

Wait, these things don’t cost much.

Zhao Fei and Zhao discussed the remaining money and planned to build an office building.

That's right, if you have money but no place to spend it, just build a house.

Although the current real estate market has shown a downward trend, the capital and other first- and second-tier cities are still showing an upward trend.

One billion, including land, buildings, etc... is enough to build a headquarters building.

Even if Zhao Fei and the others can't use it now.

But in the future, as the company grows larger and larger, it will definitely be able to use it. Even if there is free space, it can be rented out to make money.

As a second-generation demolisher, I am the landlord of several houses in school districts.

Zhao Fei is still very good at renting a house.

At the same time, although Mai Mai and Liu Yifei have left, the travel live broadcast will still continue.

The main reason is that Zhao Fei also has to cooperate with the Xuezhong crew to do a certain amount of publicity and inform the public that Xuezhong has been completed, but Zhao Fei can't leave, and finally after communication and negotiation.

In the end, Zhao Fei simply decided to let some of the actors in Xue Zhong come directly to the travel program team to promote them, and the program team decided on the candidates.

With the popularity of travel, this promotion works even better.

In this way, Zhao Fei's trip can continue, and the TV series Snow in the Snow can also be promoted, which can be said to be the best of both worlds.

And the next stop of Zhao Fei's trip is the metropolis of Sanya.

It attracts more attention and more viewers.

After taking care of Mr. Song and the crew in the snow, Zhao Fei also turned off the live broadcast, lying on the bed alone, looking at the countdown to his own death.

in stock:

There are seven skill books in total, including advanced mathematics, ancient languages, English, Japanese, aircraft driving, cruise driving, and diving skill books.

Two large bottles of healthy spring water (previously there were four bottles, and two bottles were given to Mai Mai and Liu Yifei.)
Two bottles of lucky juice.

A deep dream card.

One bond card.

A hands-on experience book on directing and acting skills.

[Remaining fan value: 52348222 (+1.+1.+1)]

[Countdown to death: 61 years and 15 days. 】

After the last draw, Zhao Fei left 5000 million fans, and the number of live broadcasts increased by 200 million in the past few days.

This is still due to the increase in the bond cards of Liu Yifei and Mai Mai.

The growth rate can be said to be very slow.

After all, the 200 million doesn't just belong to Zhao Fei alone, but to the sum of three people.

It can be seen that the growth rate of Zhao Fei's fan base has now reached a bottleneck.

Most of the people who like him have provided fan points. If you don't like him, it's useless no matter how good you are.

Not only Zhao Fei, but also Mai Mai and Liu Yifei. In terms of travel live broadcasts, it has become increasingly difficult for the three of them to gain new fans.

After all, the population base is only so large, and the proportion is slightly smaller.

Therefore, if you want to increase your fan base, you need to find another way out.

Zhao Fei believes that when his three TV series are aired, they will have certain effects.

There is another way to go, movies.

This is why Zhao Fei took into account the fan value, so he asked Young Master Song to start preparations now.

When this trip to Sunshine Island is over, it will be a seamless transition.

He, Zhao Fei, also crossed over from a host to become an actor and later a director...

And this was accomplished in less than half a year.

This speed is unmatched.

Equally enjoyable is the countdown to death.

The time of death that has been chasing Zhao Fei has now become more than 60 years, which means that he can live to at least 82 years old now.

Don't worry at all.

There will be plenty of time to play in the future.


at the same time.

On the other side, the actors in the snow crew were also ready at this moment.

As people in the entertainment industry, they are well aware of the popularity of travel programs, so many people want to come.

However, the number of places is limited and is determined by Director Song Xiaofei.

Finally, four people were selected and informed separately that they would fly directly to Sanya tomorrow, and Zhao Fei would greet them at the airport.

At this moment, there is a WeChat group in Xuezhong titled "Carrying the Gun Together".

We are also talking about this matter.

Zhang Tianai: "Oh, what a pity. If I hadn't been able to leave, I would have gone to the traveling crew to renew our relationship with my Xu Fengnian."

Meng Ziyi: "Pull him down, Zhao Fei is not a man. When the filming was finalized last time, I wanted to add him on WeChat, but he was unwilling.

Humph, this bitch acted recklessly in his dream, but in reality he turned into a young master Qian Qian. "

Meng Ziyi plays Sweet Potato in Snow.

She was Xu Fengnian's first woman in the snow, so Meng Ziyi was deeply impressed when she fell asleep.

Especially when filming was being completed in the snow, Meng Ziyi also hinted to Zhao Fei that the two of them could try to have contact in reality, but Zhao Fei ruthlessly refused.

So even after so much time, she was still brooding over it.

Zhang Tianai: "Then just scold him when you see him tomorrow, or sneak into bed at night. I don't believe any man can bear it."

Meng Ziyi: "It's okay if I don't say this, but I got even more angry when I said this. The director didn't give me this opportunity at all, saying that my role was too small.

In addition, travel programs don’t require too many people, so I was not selected for the flight to Sanya this time. "

When I heard the other party say this, I didn’t know why.

Zhang Tianai, who was busy, suddenly felt a little happy, feeling that what I couldn't get, no one else could get.However, Zhang Tianai still pretended to be a pity: "You are not among them, so who else is there?"

Meng Ziyi: "I don't know. These people in the group are all pretending to be stupid. Come out quickly. They have all shouldered guns together, so there is nothing to be ashamed of."

Zhang Tianai: "That's right... But now I'm very curious, why is Wen Yongshan also in this group? Isn't the Xu Weixiong she plays Xu Fengnian's sister?
Could it be? "

Meng Ziyi: "Although we are sisters, there seems to be no blood relationship in the novel, but I don't know what happened specifically. Wasn't Teacher Xu Yongshan brought in by Princess Xichu?

You should ask her.

Jiang Ni...Li Gengxi, come out and tell us what's going on?

Is there a spot for you in this travel program? "

On the other side, Li Gengxi and Wen Yongshan were sitting together eating. They noticed the movement in the group just now.

Just keep diving.

Now facing this situation, I have to show up.

After all, they are all comrades who have shouldered guns together. Don’t look at the monk’s face and the Buddha’s face.

Li Gengxi: "Ahem, I have a spot this time. As for Teacher Wen can ask her?"

After typing, Li Gengxi looked at Wen Yongshan opposite.

In fact, this was also when we were eating just now. Wen Yongshan noticed that Li Gengxi had been playing with his mobile phone. After questioning, he discovered that this group had carried a gun.

Only then did she become interested and asked Li Gengxi to pull her in.

Checking the previous chat records, Wen Yongshan was already aware of the problem.

Although Wen Yongshan had made speculations when she was on the set, but now that it was confirmed, she couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Especially when I think of dreaming, Xu Fengnian was a child.

As the second sister, the eldest sister is not in good health, so facing Xu Fengnian, she, the second sister, can also be regarded as the eldest sister.

Haven't you heard that an eldest sister is like a mother?

Therefore, some small games were also played with Xu Fengnian.

What's more, she is also among the quota for this trip, so she can't help but feel a little embarrassed at the moment.

However, things have come to this point, and it’s not okay not to show up.

Can only speak.

Wen Yongshan: "I am also one of the places in this travel show. As for why I am in this group... I just want to say that it was an accident."

Zhang Tianai: "What's the accident? You are Xu Fengnian's sister. Please tell me carefully."

Meng Ziyi: "Yes, tell me carefully, what did you two do?"

Not only these two, Li Gengxi also looked at Wen Yongshan curiously, his heart burning with gossip.

Blue Bird: "I want to know too?"

Yu Youwei: "And me."

Pei Nanwei: "Add one."

Li Shun: "Ahem, what are you talking about? You are also in this group. Wen Yongshan, you are Xu Fengnian's sister. Tsk tsk... I want to know too.

Tell me quickly, what did you do to Xu Fengnian? "

As soon as Wen Yongshan, who plays Xu Weixiong, spoke, almost everyone in the group exploded.

All the curious eyes, all the gossipy hearts.

Wen Yongshan's pretty face turned red instantly.

I regret a little. If I had known it earlier, I wouldn’t have been so curious about joining the group. What’s the matter?

Can she say that she actually did nothing?
After all, Xu Fengnian was only eight or nine years old when she was young, so she couldn't do anything even if she wanted to.

However, she knew very well that even if she said this, no one in the group would believe it.

Li Shun: "Don't think about it, we are all comrades in arms, there is nothing we can't say."

Zhang Tianai: "That's right, if you don't have anything, then... I feel like our group is not suitable for you."

Pei Nanwei: "Yes, otherwise you can withdraw from the group yourself."

These three people all have certain status in the entertainment industry, so they don't care about Wen Yongshan's face.

On the contrary, some other young people said nothing.

Although Wen Yongshan here regrets joining the group, she would really be unwilling to leave in such a dejected manner. After all, they are all women here.

You can also see a lot of gossip.

The most important thing is that the four members of the Snowy crew will go to Sanya for a trip tomorrow.

The program team planned two days and two nights, but they also said that they would mainly watch Zhao Fei, and they could stay for a few more days. If Zhao Fei was not satisfied, they might leave early.

After all, this travel program belongs entirely to Zhao Fei.

If she leaves the group, she will definitely be isolated by the other three when she joins the trip tomorrow.

Originally, she was not an actress from the Mainland, so her relationship with Zhang Tianai and others was naturally separated by a layer of distance. If she was so willful, she would not be able to join in.

So after thinking about it, Wen Yongshan sighed and said, "There's nothing I can't say. You should have heard of 'A sister is like a mother'."

So when Xu Fengnian was a child, ahem...that's it, so it doesn't matter. "

Li Shun: "Good guy, it's okay. I'm also in the quota for the travel show. Teacher Yongshan, we have to have a good chat after we meet tomorrow."

Fei Nanwei: "Tsk tsk... This Zhao Fei really took advantage of him. Now if I count carefully, it seems that there are not many actresses left in our Snow Crew."

Zhang Tianai: "No, the most important thing is that this bitch still doesn't care, he doesn't recognize anyone when he puts up his pants.

Of course, we also knew it was a dream, but the impression was so profound that I was not in the mood to film for a while. "

Jade Bird: "Dear sisters, I am surprised that I am also in the quota for this travel show, but things in dreams are things in dreams, and I feel it is better not to affect reality.

So I feel that Zhao Fei did the right thing and just treat it as a dream. "

After finishing speaking, Qingniao picked up another mobile phone and scrolled through short videos about Zhao Fei, with a smile on his face that was not concealed at all.

Zhang Tianai: "I know what you mean, we do this too, I'm just a little unwilling to do so. I looked at the fact that there are already three people participating in the travel show.

Didn’t the director say there were four people in one?Isn't the last one in the group? "

Li Shun: "The last one is me."

Meng Ziyi: "I envy you so much. I want to go too."

Zhang Tianai: "All four of us are in the group, and they are all comrades... That's interesting. I will definitely watch your live broadcast when I have free time tomorrow.

Be careful, don't show any signs of weakness. "

Hearing this, the four people who were preparing to participate in the travel program group also nodded.

These four people are:
Li Gengxi who plays Jiang Ni.

Ding Xiaoying who plays Blue Bird.

Wen Yongshan who plays Xu Weixiong.

Li Shun who plays Xuanyuan Qingfeng.

"Sister, do you think the four of us should form a new group?" Li Gengxi, who was eating, asked Wen Yongshan.

Wen Yongshan thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, we just happen to be traveling, so we can take care of each other."

"What's that name?"

"Don't worry, let's form the group first. The four of us will discuss it then."


Soon, a small group of four was formed.

The four of them discussed it for a long time and even had a quarrel.

Finally the name of the group was decided.

【Abnormal Human Research Center】

(End of this chapter)

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