China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 176 Five people meet up and Sanya’s journey begins

Chapter 176 Five people meet up and the trip to Sanya begins

The reason for the name Abnormal Human Research Center.

It's not that the four women are crazy, it's mainly because of the dream experience they had on the set in the snow, which was so magical.

They felt like no one would believe them even if they told them.

But this happened.

After finishing the work in the snow, they also investigated the dreaming thing.

No matter whether they looked up information on the Internet or consulted professionals, they never got a perfect explanation in the end.

I couldn't even find an example similar to them.

After all, this is not a dream for one person alone, but for all the actors in the entire crew.

This made them think, does this have anything to do with Zhao Fei?

The reason for this idea is because the final beneficiary is Zhao Fei, and the plot in the dream also revolves around Zhao Fei.

Even if it has nothing to do with Zhao Fei, as the absolute protagonist, Zhao Fei must know more than them.

So this is a two-day and two-night trip to Sanya.

They also wanted to make some insinuations and ask Zhao Fei.


At the same time, Zhao Fei looked at the skill books in his warehouse.

I don’t plan to keep it now.

It will be used sooner or later anyway, so if you give it to someone else, they won’t be able to use it.

I just took advantage of the time now to take pictures of myself.

The first higher mathematics.

To be honest, Zhao Fei was not a good student in his previous life, let alone a second-generation demolition player in this life.

What about advanced mathematics?

It is enough to understand multiplication and division within one hundred.

I feel like the others are of little use in life. After all, Zhao Fei doesn’t want to be a researcher.

But at this moment, the advanced mathematics skills book was slapped on my body.

Zhao Fei found that his thinking was much more rigorous, and his memory of various mathematical equations and algorithms had improved to a certain extent.

Especially knowledge about mathematics.

With the current Zhao Fei, he is no worse than the old professors in some universities.

The second one is about ancient languages, as well as English and Japanese.

In his previous life, as a tour guide, Zhao Fei had a certain understanding of English and Japanese, but he was not proficient in them.

Now if it weren't for Zhao Fei's handsome face, it would be an oriental face.

Speaking authentic American English will definitely make people think that Zhao Fei is not an Oriental, but a Westerner.

The same goes for Japanese.

After finishing studying, Zhao Fei said a few words and couldn't help but feel a little disgusted with himself.

It can only be said that if you hate a nation, you will hate everything about it.

The ancient language skills book mainly contains some texts from the ancient Dragon Kingdom. If Zhao Fei were an archaeologist, it would be of great help.

But now I can only say it is better than nothing.

Then there are airplane piloting skills and cruise ship piloting skills.

Zhao Fei had already used the diving skill book when he was taking a hot spring bath with his two girls.

These two driving skills are still somewhat useful to the current Zhao Fei.

Even though Zhao Fei's mental power had increased a lot before, after using up seven skill books in a row, Zhao Fei felt that his brain was a little bloated.

It wasn't painful, but it wasn't comfortable either.

It was messy, like the aftereffects of waking up the next morning after a hangover.

After resting for a while, Zhao Fei simply took a bite of food.

Then he slept alone.

Tomorrow he will get up early to pick someone up at Sanya Airport.

Although they didn’t know who was coming, Zhao Fei and Yan Min had said before that there could not be more than four people at most.

So Zhao Fei is not worried.

Especially when he was on the Snow Crew, Zhao Fei used the Dream Experience Card. He was the most impressive as the first male lead, so as long as he was on the Snow Crew.

No matter who it is, Zhao Fei knows everything.

Don't be afraid anymore.


The next morning.

Zhao Fei got up before it was completely bright.

The moment you open the window of the RV, the gentle sea breeze pours into the car. The thin sunlight from the horizon slants down from the sea, reflecting the sky and the earth in a golden color.

The sound of rough waves, one after another.

Zhao Fei was the only one in the RV, so Zhao Fei opened the live broadcast room directly.

Because it was shut down early yesterday, and Zhao Fei also said that Mai Mai and Liu Yifei would take two days off to deal with personal matters, and promised to start broadcasting early today.

So the moment the live broadcast room starts.

A lot of people poured in.

And it’s increasing rapidly.

Twenty thousand!

fifty thousand!

One hundred thousand!

In less than 1 minute, the number of people in the live broadcast room gradually slowed down.

Apparently most people haven't gotten up yet.

"Brothers, good morning everyone."

Zhao Fei greeted the live broadcast room and said with a smile: "The person who can enter the live broadcast room so early must be an old fan who has been waiting in front of the live broadcast room.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei are not here today, so I will send a wave of benefits to everyone.

100 million, cash draw.

One hundred people win the lottery, one person is worth ten thousand, and now there are 10 people in the live broadcast room. The one percent chance is still very high. "

While saying this, Zhao Fei also sent out the barrage lottery.

A mere 100 million is nothing to him.

And although he likes Mai Mai and Liu Yifei, as a man... after a long time, he will feel a sense of restraint.

It feels like it's in hand, and it doesn't seem so precious anymore.

So Zhao Fei was a little happy about the departure of Mai Mai and Liu Yifei.

After all, he is not a saint.

So at this moment, Zhao Fei gave some benefits to the fans in the live broadcast room.

Have fun together.

"Okay, okay. Fortunately, I woke up early in the morning and squatted in the live broadcast room to guard it, and came in as soon as possible. Otherwise, I really wouldn't have encountered such a good thing."

"Good morning, shit. I originally planned to follow the live broadcast room to see Sanya today, but I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise so early in the morning, haha."

"I don't care if I draw a lottery or not. I just want to know if Mai Mai and Yifei are gone. Are there any other guests today?"

After setting up the lottery, Zhao Fei simply brewed a bowl of breakfast porridge.

Simply deal with one bite.

After seeing the comments in the live broadcast room, he didn't hide anything and said: "Yes, there is indeed a new guest traveling with us in Sanya today, and it's not just one person.

If I guessed correctly, there were at least four people.

So we have to go to the airport to pick someone up later.

As for today’s travel itinerary, I won’t talk about it for now and will talk about it after the guests arrive. "

After breakfast, Zhao Fei left Lingshui in his RV.

Speeding towards Sanya.

The distance between the two is about sixty or seventy kilometers and can be reached in about an hour.

Especially because the four celebrities all departed from the capital on the same flight, and Yan Min also told him the landing time of the flight, so there was no need to rush.

Even if Zhao Fei arrived quickly, he still had to wait for them.

Simply pinch it slowly and leisurely, don't rush.Moreover, it is early in the morning, the salty sea breeze is gentle, and the weather today is also very good, the sun is shining brightly.

RV driving on the coastal road.

On the left is the vast sea, on the right is the lush coconut grove.

Lively music sounded in the carriage.

Zhao Fei drove the car and looked at the scenery, slowly and leisurely, as if time had slowed down a bit, extremely leisurely.

This is the biggest difference between Zhao Fei and other live broadcast rooms.

Nowadays, the live broadcast rooms on the market are buzzing as soon as you enter, and they are all filled with all kinds of deliberate and embarrassing performances.

Otherwise, they are just carrying goods, and this one is good and that one is good.

If everything is fine, why don't you buy them all and take them home?

As for Zhao Fei's live broadcast room, it only has beautiful scenery, comfort, relaxation... without too much introduction.

In particular, many fans also know that Zhao Fei is traveling in Sanya today. This travel destination is still very famous, so as time goes by, more and more people are online in the live broadcast room.

They also want to see what tricks Zhao Fei can do when he comes to Sanya?
We are also looking forward to the arrival of new guests.

after an hour.

Zhao Fei arrived in Sanya.

At a glance, there are many high-rise buildings on both sides of the road, and modern facilities are very complete.

There are many people on the street.

It can be said that tourists from all over the world, as long as they come to Sunshine Island, most of them gather in Sanya.

And everyone is dressed very coolly.

Floral shirt, big shorts...

“Sanya is a city in Sunshine Island second only to the provincial capital Haikou. To the south is the South China Sea, surrounded by dozens of large and small islands and famous bays that can be counted on both hands.

For example, Sanya Bay, Haitang Bay, Yalong Bay, etc.

Many people call Sanya the Hawaii of the East. The tourism industry is extremely developed. It is conceivable that there are more tourist attractions here. "

While saying this, Zhao Fei stepped on the accelerator lightly.

Speed ​​up and run to the airport.

In fact, due to the live broadcast during this period, too many people know what his RV looks like, plus there are so many people in Sanya.

Just when I was waiting at a red light, a taxi driver got out of the car and knocked on the window.

If we stopped on the side of the road, we might as well see how many people gathered around us.

So it’s better to leave the city as soon as possible.

08: 30.

Zhao Fei drove to the pick-up gate of Sanya Airport.

You can see many tour groups waiting here at the airport pick-up port, holding small colorful flags.

There are also some tourists pouring out of the pick-up gate.

It can be described as a sea of ​​people.

Soon, Zhao Fei, who was sitting in the RV, saw four people protected by airport security personnel walking out of the exit.

Take a closer look.

Zhao Fei didn't feel surprised to find out that it was these four people.

After all, these four people are either relatively famous or play important roles in the snow.

Among them, Wen Yongshan is tall and has an excellent temperament. Her peach blossom eyes are full of charm, and her every smile is charming.

Including Li Shun, who is wearing a light blue tube top, revealing a waist that can be held with one hand, and a pretty face with light makeup, which is particularly eye-catching.

The two of them are similar in type, and both are quite attractive.

What Zhao Fei didn't expect was that the young actor Ding Xiaoying who played the blue bird on the other side also wore very bold clothes.

In the snow drama, she is holding a spear, which makes Zhao Fei feel very sassy.

Although he was not very skilled at the beginning, as he got more and more contact with Zhao Fei, he became more and more skillful with the spear.

But now Qingniao is wearing a fiery red suspender skirt, and her skin is as good as snow.

The collarbone is thin and fair.

Under her slender white calves, she stepped on a pair of black high heels.

Outstanding temperament.

In addition, Li Gengxi, who is the first heroine in Snow, wears slightly conservative clothes.

Apparently because she is the youngest here.

Moreover, she gives the impression to the public that she is a good girl, so it is not easy to dress too maturely.

It is also reasonable.

As the four people walked out, they also attracted the attention of many people around them.

Especially at this moment, Zhao Fei also got out of the car with the live broadcast room and said hello to the four people: "Here, here... everyone get on the bus first, we will talk after we get on the bus."

"Fuck, this, isn't this my Yingzi? Why is she here?"

"Stop talking, Yingzi...I'm daddy, open the door."

"It's not just Li Gengxi, haven't you noticed the three people next to you? Except for one of them you don't recognize, Li Chun and Wen Yongshan are both veteran actors.

Oh my god, this look, this figure... I want it. "

"The other one is Ding Xiaoying. I have watched her Douluo, and she is not a new actress."

"Damn, this damn bitch, a king with four deuces, no one can play cards like him."


Not just fans in the studio.

At this moment, many tourists at the exit of the station gradually came to their senses after being stunned at first.

Pointing at Zhao Fei's RV, they discussed.

"I'll go. The one who passed by just now must be a celebrity, right?"

"It seems so, but I didn't see it clearly, but I recognize this RV. It seems to be used for live broadcast travel."

"Don't worry about so much, hurry up and take a look, and ask for an autograph or something."

Zhao Fei had long expected this situation.

So after the four women got into the car with their luggage, they drove away without saying a word.

However, Zhao Fei did not expect that the four girls would dress up to attend, as if they were walking on a red carpet. Is there a dressing room on the plane?
Especially the smell inside the carriage, Zhao Fei was not used to it after the four girls came up.

So delicious.

The smell of several perfumes mixed together was so strong that it made Zhao Fei sneeze several times.

Quickly open the car window.

At the same time, the four women who got into the RV looked at each other and sat in their respective seats.

There is a folding seat in the middle of the second row. It folds up when not in use and can be used as a aisle and can be opened when in use.

It's just a little uncomfortable to sit on.

The person sitting in the passenger seat at the moment is Wen Yongshan, Li Shun is behind Zhao Fei, Li Gengxi is behind Wen Yongshan, and in the middle is Ding Xiaoying, who has the lowest status and least reputation among the four.

To be honest, they were very nervous after getting in the car.

Especially when I see that the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached more than 500 million.

Therefore, everyone is sitting in a very upright posture, as if they are attending an award ceremony. They dare not show any expression casually, otherwise they will be over-interpreted the next day.

This is what's going on in their hearts at this moment.

But out of courtesy, they still said hello to the live broadcast room and Zhao Fei.

"Hello, everyone, I am Wen Yongshan. I play Xu Weixiong in Snow. I am Zhao Fei's sister."

"I'm Li Gengxi, and I play Zhao Fei's childhood sweetheart in Snow. Hello everyone."

"I'm Ding Xiaoying..."

"I am Li Chun..."

"I'm Zhao Fei."

Zhao Fei continued what the four girls said: "I will play Xu Fengnian in the snow. This is my first time meeting you. Please... Haha, forget it, I can't go on.

That’s right, the guests this time are all guests from the Snow crew.

It has now been finalized and production has begun. I will be able to meet you in a while.

I am here to assure you that this is definitely a high-quality costume drama, and it will not affect whether you are a fan of Xue Zhong or someone who has never read the novel.

So please give me your support. "

(End of this chapter)

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