Chapter 177 Nanshan Guanyin
"It turns out that the crew of Snow in the Snow came to promote it. No wonder four actresses came."

“I have read this novel in the snow before, and I can’t remember the specific plot, but one sentence left a deep impression on me:

A man's belly contains tens of thousands of pounds of talent, which is less than the four ounces of flesh on a woman's chest. "

"Haha, I also remember a saying: There are three million sword immortals in the sky, and they have to bow their eyebrows when they see me!"

Through some explanations from Zhao Fei and the fourth girl.

Fans in the live broadcast room obviously understood that after Zhao Fei finished filming "In the Snow", the cast and crew came to travel specifically to promote it.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be four actresses with different styles coming together.

But I have to mention that.

The four people who appeared for the first time also amazed the fans in the live broadcast room.

Looking forward to their performance during the trip.

Seeing the nervous look of the four of them, Zhao Fei also shook his head and smiled: "You don't have to be so formal, our trip is a relaxing program to relieve stress.

It’s very free, you can go wherever you want and say what you want.

Not so many boxes.

So you can relax a little bit. "

Even if Zhao Fei didn't say anything, the four girls had watched Zhao Fei's live broadcast before and knew what kind of program it was.

But as an actress, they are used to it.

Especially now that the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached 600 million, and it was only one minute before they got on the bus, the exaggeration is jaw-dropping.

Especially Wen Yongshan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, habitually refreshed the scarf search list.

I happened to see that they were the ones ranked tenth.

#雪中剧crew Si Mei appeared on the travel live broadcast program and met the male protagonist Zhao Fei in Sanya#
Upon seeing this, Wen Yongshan, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, is still tepid.

Not without his heartbeat speeding up.

Send the screenshot to the group.

"Oh my god, look, look, we've been on trending searches just one minute after getting in the car."

"Wow, the heat is too strong."

"Oh my's unbelievable, but shouldn't we play with our phones? I thought I heard Zhao Fei talking to us just now, right?"



For a moment, the four women turned to look at Zhao Fei at the same time.

At this moment, Zhao Fei was also staring at the four of them speechlessly, with several question marks appearing above his head.

Didn't you hear what I just said?

You don't have any manners at all, do you?

Come on, don't worry about this kind of thing, after all, they are all acquaintances.

Zhao Fei shook his head and continued: "Sunshine Island is the southernmost island of our Dragon Kingdom.

Speaking of this place, people's first impression is sunshine, beach, coconut grove, ocean...

Sanya in Sunshine Island is the core place with many attractions.

If everyone in the live broadcast room wants to travel here, it can be divided into several major categories.

The first is the beach, playing in the water,

The second is to explore the surrounding islands.

The third is the tropical rain forest in Sanya.

The fourth is Sanya’s cultural attractions. "

The four girls naturally noticed Zhao Fei's speechless expression just now, so they were a little embarrassed at the moment.

But as Zhao Fei continued to speak, they also understood that Zhao Fei did not take his previous disregard as one thing.

Just pretend you don't know.

After listening to Zhao Fei's words, no matter what he said, he nodded in agreement.

Wen Yongshan: "Well said."

Li Gengxi: "Yes, I have always wanted to come to Sanya a long time ago, but unfortunately I never had the chance. It just so happens that this time I can have a good time in the snow during publicity."

Li Chun: 'Plus one. "

Ding Xiaoying: "Plus one."

Zhao Fei glanced at the four robots speechlessly, shook his head and lightly stepped on the accelerator to leave the airport.

These four aspects mentioned by Zhao Fei just now include all the places where you can play in Sanya, and can point out a way for those who want to travel here in the future.

So Zhao Fei continued: "Our specific itinerary today, the first place we want to go is Sanya Bay, one of the four major bays in Sanya.

It is also the largest bay in Sanya.

Mainly because Sanya Bay is relatively close to the airport.

So we don’t waste time and choose the nearest one. "

"What is there in Sanya Bay?" Li Shun curiously picked up Zhao Fei's seat and tapped Zhao Fei's shoulder with his finger.

“Sanya Bay has the Nanshan Cultural Tourism Area and the world’s largest Guanyin on the Sea.

When the Guanyin on the Sea was first built, most of the monks and masters from the entire Dragon Kingdom came to consecrate the Guanyin on the Sea.

At that time, the entire Nanshan Mountain was almost full of people.

The most amazing thing is that there used to be some drowning incidents in Sanya Bay every year, including fishing people, tourists, and some locals.

But since the Guanyin on the Sea was erected, this has never happened again.

Therefore, Guanyin on the Sea is highly valued by the local people.

Don’t doubt it, this is true and there is data to prove it. "

Whether it's the fans in the live broadcast room or the four women in the car.

Everyone listened very carefully.

Especially when they found that Zhao Fei's tone was a bit serious, the fans put aside some of their jokes and showed a little awe.

After all, myths and stories have already penetrated into the hearts of everyone in the Dragon Kingdom.

The word Guanyin is even more important.

No one dares to blaspheme.

“It’s not just Guanyin on the Sea, Sanya Bay also has large and small caves, Coconut Dream Corridor, snack street, etc. There are so many things to do in Sanya.

Surfing, diving, skydiving…”

"Can you still skydive?" Ding Xiaoying covered her mouth in surprise.

"of course."

Zhao Fei nodded and said, "Forget about parachuting, I can fly a plane and take you for a spin."

Zhao Fei had used the airplane piloting skill book, but he didn't mention it much at the moment when he looked at the four women's surprised looks.

And Zhao Fei said it just now.

The first stop was Sanya Bay mainly because it was relatively close to the airport.

While chatting at this time, the RV has arrived at Sanya Bay.

Looking outside through the car window.

You can see a long and narrow beach stretching out, with patches of coconut palms swaying in the wind.

The endless sea surface is rolling with rough waves, and there are many speedboats galloping on it, bringing up pieces of waves.

There are countless tourists on the beach, experiencing various projects.

The atmosphere is lively.

Even the four girls were very moved when they saw it.

But Zhao Fei didn't stop because there were too many people here, and it wouldn't be too late to come back tomorrow when there are fewer people.

So Zhao Fei drove the RV a little further.

Find a place to park.

The five people got off the bus one by one.

The four girls stood next to Zhao Fei, feeling the bright sunshine and fresh air.

They were a little tired after flying for several hours last night, so they subconsciously spread their arms and stretched.

The full arcs with different heights also opened Zhao Fei's eyes.

"Cough cough."

After coughing twice, Zhao Fei shifted his gaze and continued to introduce: "Our current location is between the downtown area and the Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone.

Come on, let's go to the beach along the path. "

Both sides of the stone path are surrounded by coconut trees.

Under the sunshine, the shadows of the trees dance.

Every breath is filled with the scent of coconut.

The stone paths in the coconut grove are intricate, and there are many pavilions or small squares inside. There are many people walking their dogs, as well as people doing square dancing and doing Tai Chi.

What stands out is the leisurely contentment and quiet time.The four girls who watched also relaxed a lot, their beautiful eyes full of longing.

Even though they all dress brightly, working in the entertainment industry is very tiring, and there is no human touch at all. The steel torrent in the city is cold.

The life of the four girls was a little numb.

Especially walking to the beach.

Facing the cool sea breeze, the four girls' long hair was flying, and their slender backs were clearly visible.

They are busy with work all year round and rarely have the opportunity to travel. Now that they see the endless sea, they can't help but feel happy.

Wen Yongshan: "So beautiful."

"Yes." Li Shun took off her high heels, held them in her hands, and stepped on the soft sand with her bare feet.

Next to them, Li Gengxi and Ding Xiaoying also imitated each other's behavior.

Walking barefoot on the beach warmed by the sun, treading water and trotting from time to time, letting out laughter like silver bells.

Mainly because they are young and have fun.

On the contrary, Li Shun and Wen Yongshan still couldn't let go. They walked alone on the beach, looking a little out of place.

Zhao Fei frowned slightly.

After thinking about it, he sent Yan Min a WeChat message and asked him to rent some bicycles.

The coastline of Sanya Bay is very long, and the seaside avenue on one side is separated by a coconut grove in the middle, which is very suitable for cycling.

When he was ready, Zhao Fei shouted loudly: "Four of you, do you want to try riding a bike and watching the scenery at the same time?"

Li Gengxi: "Okay, I don't even remember the last time I rode a bike."

Ding Xiaoying: "I'm coming too, and Sister Yongshan and Sister Li Shun, let's go."

Wen Yongshan: "Coming, coming."

Zhao Fei took the lead on his bicycle and led the way.

The fourth girl was a little behind.

Looking up, the entire coastal avenue is dozens of kilometers long.

The vast sea next to them stretched as far as the eye could see, separated by sky and water from them.

The salty sea breeze blew the long hair of several people.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment.

What stands out is that he is laid-back and undisciplined.

Fans in the live broadcast room couldn't help but marvel when they saw this scene.

"Zhao Fei, this bitch, knows how to enjoy himself."

"Who says it's not true? The people are beautiful, and the surrounding scenery is even more beautiful. Look at the number of people turning around. Oh my god... one of the boys accidentally hit a tree."

"I just checked the information of the four girls. Li Gengxi is a popular little girl, and her style is similar to Maimai.

Ding Xiaoying is not famous, but her facial features are very delicate, and she looks like a woman but not a man.

As for Li Shun and Wen Yongshan.

Although these two are a little older, but... their figure, temperament, appearance... tsk tsk.

To be honest, I can play for a year. "

Zhao Fei didn't notice the barrage in the live broadcast room.

For so long, he either drove an RV or took a yacht.

In fact, he also likes to ride a bicycle and experience this feeling of freedom.

It allows you to devote yourself wholeheartedly to it.

The surrounding coconut groves, beaches, and the sea... are constantly passing by from both sides, making people feel less tired.

It was almost noon.

Zhao Fei took the four girls to a specialty restaurant in the old city.

Because there were many people, Zhao Fei chose a slightly larger and cleaner private room.

As for what to eat, you don’t have to think about it.

The local specialties are especially the four famous dishes, which are all served in one portion.

Eastern goat, Hele crab, Wenchang chicken, Jiaji duck.

In addition, Zhao Fei also ordered a lot of seafood and local fruits.

Although the taste of the four major delicacies is slightly worse than what Zhao Fei ate at the beginning, it is still quite good.

Even the four girls have weight loss plans.

But they, who hadn't eaten in the morning, couldn't help but feel excited as they devoured the food.

The most important thing is that before eating, the four girls unanimously took photos and posted them on WeChat Moments.

I took the opportunity to take a look at the trending searches for scarves.

Wen Yongshan discovered that the hot search rankings of the four of them had jumped from No. 10 to No. 4.

The speed is not bad.

The most important thing is that the four girls' circle of friends has spread to a group that has carried the gun together.

He was instantly enviable.

Zhang Tianai: "I feel a little regretful. If I had known I would have gone there even if I left my job."

Meng Ziyi: "You still regret it? Then wouldn't I be even more pitiful? I don't have a chance even if I want to go?"

Wen Yongshan: "It's nothing. It looks delicious, but in fact it's just like that."

Li Gengxi: "Yes, yes."

Zhang Tianai: "Shameless, do you two think I didn't watch the live broadcast? I don't even care about what I eat and look like, so why are you just saying what I say here?"

Seeing this, Wen Yongshan and Li Gengxi looked at each other and smiled.

I happily put down my phone.

Next to them, Li Shun and Ding Xiaoying were also content and in a beautiful mood.


After dinner.

The five of them rested for a while.

Zhao Fei took the four girls to the Nanshan Cultural Tourism Area.

The air quality and seawater quality of this tourist area rank first in Longguo, and the greening ratio is as high as 90.00%.

It is a large-scale park of the traditional Buddhist culture of the Dragon Kingdom.

There are Guanyin on the Sea, Nanshan Temple, Shifang Pagoda Forest, Fujian Dharma Gate, etc. in the park. The most famous one is the [-]-meter-high statue of Guanyin on the Sea.

It can be said that this Guanyin statue is the treasure of the island.

The first thing Zhao Fei and the others want to pass is the No-Double Method.

It was a door built with steps and in the form of an attic. It was symmetrical on the left and right, and on the door head in the middle was engraved the four words "No Two Methods".

In Buddhism, non-duality does not refer to two extremes, and the method can be regarded as an introduction to spiritual practice.

Therefore, taken together, the non-dual method represents the highest realm of Buddhist practice. As long as you walk through this door, it means you have entered the door of mind cultivation.

One can see the avenue beyond life and death.

Of course, the non-dual method also means cleansing the physical body and rebirth in nirvana.

At the same time, because passing through this door is Guanyin on the Sea, since you want to meet Guanyin, you naturally have to bathe and burn incense... This is probably the reason.

There is still a lot to pay attention to here.

It's a bit like the Gate to Heaven in Bali Village.

"Let's go, we can see Guanyin on the Sea after passing through the Non-Eternal Method Gate, but be careful when walking.

Buddhist culture is respected here, so speak softly and be respectful. "

"Understood." Li Gengxi nodded.

The three women next to him were also very serious.

Step by step, we stepped onto the steps. It wasn’t too far, but a few people walked very carefully.

Until a few people passed through the no-duality gate.

The upper body of Guanyin on the sea in the distance comes into view instantly.

On the back of the Guanyin on the Sea is the endless blue sea, with green jungles on both sides. In the center of the line of sight is the Guanyin on the Sea, which is all white and stands above the sea.

Because the distance was too far, the five of them couldn't see clearly.

But we can still vaguely see the huge Guanyin on the sea, with kind eyes and kind eyes, and a smile. The sun shines down from above, making it look like the sun is shining above Guanyin.

Glittering gold.

The willow bottle on the front is held by hands.

It gives people an extremely sacred, majestic and magnificent feeling.

For a time, the five people, including Zhao Fei, were all stunned in place, unable to calm down for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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