China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 178 It’s dark and you don’t want to sleep?

Chapter 178 It’s dark and you don’t want to sleep?
It’s not just Zhao Fei and the other five.

Fans in the live broadcast room also saw the corner of Nanshan Guanyin in the distance.

Everyone was amazed.

Screenshots for screenshots, screen recordings for screen recordings, gifts for gifts.

There are countless barrages.

"My God, it's already so spectacular from such a distance. What would it look like if we were standing at our feet?"

"The Guanyin on the sea is like a mirage, so awesome."

"Guanyin bless me so that my wife's second child will be a caring little cotton-padded jacket. Otherwise... I really can't afford it."

After the shock, Zhao Fei and the other five regained their composure and hurriedly walked forward.

Everyone wants to see the whole picture of Guanyin on the Sea up close.

Passing through the Fujian Gate, there is an avenue nearly 20 meters wide. The view is quite broad, but there is still a distance between them and the Guanyin on the Sea.

On both sides of the avenue are small shop stalls.

There are shops dedicated to taking photos of tourists, as well as shops selling some small handicrafts, drinks and fruits.

People come and go, so bustling.

Especially in shops that sell incense, almost every tourist passing by will burn incense and worship Buddha, inserting long incense candles on the rectangular incense burner in the center of the avenue.

The surrounding incense smell is particularly strong.

Zhao Fei and others are no exception.

After that, the five people came to the Da Zi Zai Guanyin Pavilion on the side.

The entire Guanyin Pavilion is made of purple shrubs, and the roof is covered with gilt colored tiles, which looks magnificent.

What is enshrined in the Guanyin Pavilion is the golden and jade Guanyin.

Completely different from the pure white Guanyin on the Sea.

This is also very particular. There are two Guanyin statues, one inside and one outside.

Because Bodhisattvas have many incarnations, and their attributes are different. There are those who save suffering and save all sentient beings, and there are also those who pray to Guanyin and grant blessings and peace.

Therefore, people worship different Bodhisattvas according to their different requests.

The gold sculpture of Guanyin in the Guanyin Pavilion is almost two meters high. It is mainly composed of a golden body, Buddha light, and a seated lotus.

If you look carefully, you can see many rare treasures such as red sapphires, pearls and jade on the platform of the Golden and Jade Guanyin.

Just this golden and jade Guanyin statue is worth at least [-] million.

Of course, the value of the Guanyin statue cannot be measured in terms of money, but rather the meaning of its existence.

"It's so beautiful."

Li Gengxi secretly thought in his heart, but then he didn't dare to look any further. He stepped forward and clasped his hands together, saying softly: "Blessed by the Bodhisattva, I hope that everything will be safe and smooth for us on this trip."

Including the three women next to him, they all spoke at this moment.

Wen Yongshan: "Blessed by Bodhisattva, I hope my family will always be safe, healthy and everything goes well."

Li Shun: "Bodhisattva bless me, I hope my career goes well..."

Ding Xiaoying: "..."

Afterwards, Zhao Fei took the four girls and continued walking forward.

As mentioned before, Nanshan is a Buddhist culture exhibition area, so most of the things in Nanshan are related to Buddhism.

There are countless Buddhist temples on both sides of the avenue.

For example, Guanyin Hall, Wealth Hall, Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas...etc.

The most eye-catching one is the Temple of Wealth, because the largest number of people come here to seek wealth and the flow of people is very large.

Along the way, the five people stopped and walked.

I bought a lot of small handicrafts.

It's just that the prices here are a bit expensive. Just taking a photo with Guanyin costs fifty or one hundred.

Other things can be imagined.

But none of the five people are short of money.

Don't care about that either.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the five people arrived at the last stop of Nanshan Mountain to watch Nanshan Guanyin up close.

At the same time, Zhao Fei also introduced: "Nanshan Guanyin has a wish to live in the South China Sea, so we often heard about it before.

Guanyin Bodhisattva of the South China Sea.

Moreover, throughout the history of Sunshine Island, there have been legends about Guanyin rescuing people in distress and bringing salvation to all sentient beings.

So in the 90s, Sunshine Island officially began to build Nanshan Temple, which is our current Nanshan Scenic Area, including our current Guanyin on the Sea.

According to data, the construction of Guanyin on the Sea took six years and cost one billion.

One hundred and eight meters high.

Taller than the Statue of Liberty. "

Listening to Zhao Fei's voice, the whole view of Guanyin on the Sea also came into view.

I saw a reclamation avenue on the vast sea, extending from the beach to the offshore sea.

At the end of the avenue is a circular maritime square with a diameter of several hundred meters.

Standing in the center of the square is the Guanyin on the Sea.

Avalokitesvara's face is like the full moon, and its whole body is pure white.

The most important thing is that the statues of Guanyin we usually see are all in one shape, either holding a lotus, a purification bottle, or a Buddhist bead.

The Guanyin on the Sea is three-sided, with different types from different angles.

Two of them face the sea, as if to suppress the hurricane.

On the other side, he faces all living beings with a kind smile.

The overall look is daunting.

If you count the lotus throne below carefully, you will find that it has exactly one hundred and eight petals.

It has the same effect as the overall height of [-] meters.

Of course, this lotus throne is not entirely cast. There are special passages inside, and there are also special places for offering incense and worshiping Buddha.

"It's so spectacular. Standing at your feet, you feel like you can't see beyond even if you raise your head." Wen Yongshan sighed inwardly.


Li Shun also nodded: "And this tall Guanyin on the Sea is so vivid. Just looking at her, my soul seems to be purified."

Li Gengxi: "I also have this feeling. It seems that no matter which angle I look at, Guanyin is watching me, which makes people involuntarily feel awe."

Ding Xiaoying also nodded, but she was also a little curious. She looked at the person touching Guanyin's feet not far away and asked, "What are those people doing?
Shouldn't you be in awe when you come to a place like this? Why did you get started? "

"Ha ha."

Hearing this, Zhao Fei smiled and explained: "In addition to offering incense and worshiping Buddha, those who come to Nanshan have another way of saying it.

You see those people touching Guanyin's feet.

In fact, it is just cramming.

In our Dragon Kingdom, there are countless Buddha statues standing on mountains or cliffs, but there is only this one on the sea, which has special significance.

It can be said to be a world-class building.

Now that I'm here, I naturally have to cram my feet into it. "

"That's it." Ding Xiaoying suddenly realized.

Wen Yongshan next to him had to admire that Zhao Fei knew much.

But she also remembered a proverb, that is, if you don't burn incense on a regular basis, you will only be able to do it temporarily.

"Come on, let's go hold the Buddha's feet and get close to Master Guanyin."

After saying that, Zhao Fei took the lead and stepped onto Puji Bridge.

Climb the stairs and get closer to the lotus seat.

Because most people who come to Nanshan come for Guanyin on the Sea, there are many tourists here.

Some pray for children.

There are also those who seek peace and children for themselves.

Show all kinds of life.

A few people even saw many old people and children pushing wheelchairs with pale faces and looking likely to die soon.

Maybe they didn’t believe in Buddha before, and they didn’t know if it was useful.

But it is obvious that modern medicine cannot cure the disease, so begging the Bodhisattva can give them the last hope.

This is also their last chance.

Those who were seriously ill sat at the feet of Guanyin for several hours, looking pious and praying silently with their eyes closed.Can't say it's useless.

At least I can get some comfort and let my family retain a glimmer of hope.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fei was also very touched.

But he is not Buddha. There are too many sufferings in the modern world. No one can help, let alone Zhao Fei.

Shaking his head, Zhao Fei followed the group of tourists and moved forward one by one.

The four women are behind him.

After climbing to the second floor of Puji Bridge, they came to the feet of Guanyin.

The [-]-meter-tall Guanyin stands overhead, and Guanyin's toes are already at the same level as Zhao Fei's shoulders.

For a moment I felt very small.

The tourists in front of Zhao Fei passed by the toes.

They would bend down slightly, put their hands gently on Guanyin's feet, then close their eyes and pray.

Of course, this time is very short, because there are too many tourists queuing here, and there are also dedicated staff urging tourists not to wait too long.

Made somewhat procedural and modern.

It lacks some of the Buddhist principles of fate.

But even so, Zhao Fei was still in awe.

Because many strange things happened to Nanshan Guanyin in his previous life, Zhao Fei did not dare to be careless.

For example, since Nanshan Guanyin was built, no one has drowned nearby.

In fact, this is not a big deal.

What's even bigger is that Sunshine Island is facing the threat of typhoons all year round because it is close to the sea. However, since the construction of Guanyin on the Sea, anything that can threaten Sunshine Island.

In other words, typhoons that come straight to Nanshan often take a detour in the end.

In the past 20 years, there have been almost no typhoons in Nanshan.

This is something science cannot explain.

You can call it a coincidence, but if many coincidences are put together, it is not a coincidence, but inevitable.

Even if it sounds unbelievable.

But it's true.

It seems that this Guanyin on the Sea has a mysterious power.

Therefore, the locals in Sanya firmly believe that Nanshan Guanyin has been protecting Sanya all these years.

In addition, in the sea area of ​​Guanyin on the Sea.

There were also scenes of dragons sucking water, dark clouds gathering, and green dragons wandering among them.

Of course...this cannot be tested.

Zhao Fei didn't see it with his own eyes. On the contrary, since the Nanshan Guanyin was established, there has indeed been no major typhoon in Nanshan.

Walked around the foot of Guanyin.

Zhao Fei and the other five returned to the first floor. After checking the time, it was already past five o'clock. They had been in Nanshan all afternoon, so it was time to leave now.

Get back to the RV.

After this day of fun, the four girls felt much more relaxed.

I also feel that Zhao Fei is easy to get along with.

Chatting non-stop.

Even after getting into the car, they didn't stop.

Wen Yongshan: "It feels like we haven't had much leisure today. At first I thought I might be tired, but now I don't feel it at all.

On the contrary, there are still some unfinished ideas.

Guanyin on the sea is really spectacular. "


Li Gengxi nodded and continued: "In the past, I couldn't bear to go shopping for half a day at most, but this time I lasted for a full day.

I feel like I haven’t had enough, this trip was so enjoyable. "

"Same, same." Li Shun smiled and pulled up her hair.

Ding Xiaoying, who was next to her, put her arms on her chin and asked: "Then where should we go next? We won't just rest and sleep now, will we?"

Hearing this, the four women looked at Zhao Fei in the driving position at the same time.

The big eyes blinked.

Excellent in style, each has its own merits.

But the emotion revealed in it was undoubtedly that he wanted Zhao Fei to take them to continue playing.

Originally, Zhao Fei thought that they would take a flight last night and go to bed early today.

But seeing that the four girls were still full of energy, they simply went to the next scenic spot and said: "Since you want to continue, then I will take you to the next place."

"Where?" Li Shun, the co-pilot, happily grabbed Zhao Fei's arm.

Looking at Zhao Fei's profile from this angle, he really looks more and more handsome.

Moreover, Zhao Fei was there to explain and accompany us on this trip. This feeling was really wonderful.

Especially Zhao Fei's profile made her beautiful eyes sparkle.


I wonder if tonight...

Not only Li Shun, Wen Yongshan is sitting behind Zhao Fei at the moment, and Zhao Fei's facial features can also be seen through the rearview mirror.

Plus this day of contact.

Suddenly an idea came to her mind, that is, she no longer wanted to be Xu Fengnian's sister.

As for Ding Xiaoying and Li Gengxi, even though they were very moved, they concealed their feelings very well in comparison.

After all, these two are still young and have less experience than Li Chun and Wen Yongshan.

Don't dare to be too explicit.

"Cough cough."

Feeling Li Chuan's green-white fingers gently rubbing his arm, Zhao Fei took the key and started the RV, avoiding the opponent.

He continued: "At this time, we can go to the Coconut Dream Corridor to watch the sunset. This Coconut Dream Corridor is connected to the SY urban area.

The transportation is very convenient.

And it's just on a seaside boulevard not far from us.

Coconut Dream Corridor is a landscape avenue with beautiful curves along the coastline.

And because the temperature drops in the afternoon, there are many people at night.

When the sun sets, we can take a lot of photos while walking.

Afterwards we can go to the night market for snacks.

Then back to the RV. "

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go." Li Gengxi slapped his thigh with great interest.

The other three women also urged Zhao Fei to leave quickly.

After all, the sun won't wait for them.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Fei no longer hesitated, started the RV and went straight to the Coconut Dream Corridor.

The cool sea breeze blew into the car through the half-opened window, and soft music slowly played. The four women were obviously much more relaxed at the end of the day.

Chatting twitter.

By the time Zhao Fei arrived at Coconut Dream Corridor, it was almost six o'clock.

You can see that the sun is setting in the west, and the warm sunlight is shining through the clouds and onto the earth.

The vast sea not far away sparkles under the setting sun.

The five people got off the car one by one.

The cool sea breeze blows against my face, and there are many tourists on the beach. Some of them seem to be lovers chasing each other and walking hand in hand.

Some are families, playing with their children.

There are also elderly couples, naked, walking hand in hand under the setting sun.

The surrounding coconut trees, the beach, the well as the road they were on and the high-rise buildings next to them, all the elements blended together with the soft glow of the sunset.

Like a beautiful picture.

(End of this chapter)

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